Top 8 best foods to eat while pregnant: During pregnancy, there will not only be restrictions. There are many healthy foods that we recommend promoting at this stage:

1. Calcium: dairy, fortified vegetable drinks, or toasted sesame.

2. Fiber: fiber helps prevent constipation that can occur during this stage. Fiber is very present in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

3. Good protein intake: protein intake should not be neglected, whether of vegetable origin, introducing legumes, or animal origin, in the case of eggs, fish, meat, or dairy products.

4. Maintain good hydration: minimum 2L per day, approximately 8 glasses.

5. Folic Acid: Folic acid is mainly important in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is present in green leafy vegetables, legumes, fruits, and nuts.

The fruits must be washed very well before being eaten raw.

6. Iodine: present in iodized salt, fish and shellfish, and dairy products.

7. Healthy fats: fats present in olive oil, nuts, salmon, sardines, etc.

8. Iron: we find this nutrient in foods such as legumes, fish, shellfish, eggs, or red meat.

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Tips for best foods to eat while pregnant

Some simple guidelines to achieve a healthy and safe diet during pregnancy are: 

*The pleasant drink to drink is water. Drink between two and 2.5 liters of water a day.

*Moderate salt intake. They should not exceed 5 g. per day, counting the salt added during cooking and the salt included in the food. 

*Consume at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, always peeled, washed, or cooked, to cover the needs of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 

*Choose healthy food preparations (cooked, steamed, grilled…), with virgin olive oil. 

*Consume, whenever possible, fresh, local, and seasonal plant foods, whole grains, legumes, fish, nuts, and olive oil … reducing the consumption of red and processed meats and products with high salt, fat, and added sugar content. 

*Eat fish 3 or 4 times a week, mainly oily fish as it provides omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients for the proper development of the fetus. 

*Distribute meals throughout the day regularly, although the total number of meals will depend on your needs.

Eat breakfast, a light lunch, a light snack, and an early dinner. You can add a piece of fruit or dairy before going to bed.

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More best foods to eat while pregnant

Diet for pregnant women:

Basic nutrition guidelines during pregnancy to begin with, you should follow these simple guidelines for eating during pregnancy.

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables:

During pregnancy, your body will have a greater need for vitamins and minerals. It is important to contribute to your contribution through diet for pregnant women.

Eat 4 to 5 meals a day:

Start the day with a full breakfast, made up of dairy, fruit, and cereals, providing the highest caloric potential of the day. At noon, eat a not very abundant meal. In the afternoon a light snack, and early dinner at night. You can take a piece of fruit or a dairy before going to bed. And avoid snacking between meals.

Eat fish 3-4 times a week:

Mainly in pregnancy, it is recommended to eat oily fish, due to its greater contribution of omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients, which will be necessary for the proper development of your baby.

Consume unadvised foods and salt intake in moderation:

In the following section, we will mention the foods that you should avoid during pregnancy and in the diet of pregnant women. But in this section, we refer to foods that are not recommended, which would be: fried, as well as foods rich in fat and sugar. And don’t forget to moderate your salt intake.

Drink at least 2.3 liters of water a day:

Proper hydration is very important, so drink at least 2 or 3 liters of water, which would be equivalent to 8 or 10 glasses. It seems like obvious nonsense, but many times we forget to drink.

Read more: Tips for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery

How to cook food in the fridge for pregnant women

*Refrigerate or freeze perishable foods, organized foods, and leftovers within two hours of consuming or getting ready for them. Follow the 2-hour rule: Throw out food that sits out of the refrigerator at room temperature for more than 2 hours. When the temperature is higher than 32°C, throw away the food after 1 hour has elapsed.

*Your fridge should read 4°C or below, and your freezer should read -18°C. Place an appliance thermometer in the fridge and check the temperature periodically. 

*Use ready-to-eat perishable foods, such as dairy, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, and produce, as soon as possible. Remember that Listeria monocytogenes grow at refrigerator temperatures, so the longer food is in the refrigerator, the more bacteria it will contain.

*Make sure your fridge maintains the correct temperature (4ºC or less).

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