Benefits of oxygen concentrator machine for hospital:- The nature of this artifact and how essential it becomes in the lives of those who suffer from respiratory diseases, this product has a great impact due to the benefits it provides in the life of each patient, such as-

Refills: Thanks to the technology they use by taking oxygen from the environment, you don’t need to worry about refills since the oxygen does not run out.

Weight: Most converters are not usually heavy so they can easily be transported from one place to another.

Uses: Although they are generally used for patients with respiratory problems, they can be used by other audiences, such as athletes.

Health: Your well-being will be significantly improved thanks to the oxygen therapy that this type of device continuously provides.

Types: In the market there are quantities of models and specific brands from which you can choose according to what you need, adapting to what you require.

How oxygen concentrator work

These devices use sieve technology to filter the surrounding air and extract its oxygen. This oxygen, already concentrated, is supplied to the user through a rubber tube connected to a nasal cannula. Oxygen generators can reach figures of up to 95% oxygen purity, and provide the user with oxygen that is purer than the air we all breathe.

The oxygen concentrator, therefore, becomes the main workhorse for treating patients with pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. And now, thanks to the advances in this technology, in addition to the traditional domestic oxygen concentrators, we can already buy portable oxygen concentrators of small size and great autonomy, which can be easily carried from one place to another, and which will allow patients to lead perfectly normal active lives.

Types of oxygen concentrators

This medical equipment encompasses two large types of products, which are suitable for each patient depending on their needs and demands. Among these, we can find

Stationary oxygen concentrators: These types of concentrators are usually larger and therefore heavier, despite this they provide an adequate flow of oxygen to the needs of the subject, supplying continuously without having to worry about refilling it.

Portable oxygen concentrators: These are very convenient as an oxygen supplement since they not only have a high range of units but also because of how practical they are due to their size and easy way of transporting them.

Canned oxygen concentrators: Their oxygen supply is usually lower, however, they can be useful as long as it is used at specific and highly necessary times since their duration is not long.

Traveling of oxygen concentrator

Patients who require constant oxygen therapy treatments should consider taking their oxygen concentrator with them when they travel to continue with their routine therapy. If the trip is in a personal capacity (that is, by our means), we will not have problems.

However, if we are going to travel using public transport, we must inform ourselves in advance about the different policies that transport companies have regarding the use of oxygen concentrators on board planes, trains, buses, ships, etc.

In addition to informing us, we will have to notify our travel company that we need to take the oxygen generator with us, and, likely, we will also have to carry a medical certificate that proves that, indeed, it is essential that we do not separate ourselves from said device. Consulting with our doctor is equally important so that he can advise us on the use of oxygen therapy during trips (duration of sessions, intensity, etc.)

And, of course, we will also have to make sure of some factors related to logistics, such as having sufficient autonomy (and spare batteries) so that we can use our oxygen concentrator during the entire journey or while we do not have one. access to a power outlet.

Benefits of oxygen converters

The nature of this artifact and how essential it becomes in the lives of those who suffer from respiratory diseases, this product has a great impact due to the benefits it provides in the life of each patient, such as

Refills: Thanks to the technology they use by taking oxygen from the environment, you don’t need to worry about refills since the oxygen does not run out.

Weight: Most converters are not usually heavy so they can easily be transported from one place to another.

Uses: Although they are generally used for patients with respiratory problems, they can be used by other audiences, such as athletes.

Health benefits: Your well-being will be significantly improved thanks to the oxygen therapy that this type of device continuously provides.

Types of converters: In the market there are quantities of models and specific brands from which you can choose according to what you need, adapting to what you require.

Best brands of oxygen concentrators

Choosing the best oxygen concentrator is decisive for the quality of treatment and patient performance, which is why we have compiled a list of the most recognized on the market:

Philips oxygen concentrators: The brand provides comfort and versatility in various areas, its use occurs in hospitals and homes, so it helps to continue correctly with the treatment at home and with fewer hospital visits.

Devilbiss oxygen concentrators: It is an international leader in terms of respiratory medical devices for patients with these difficulties, so they are specialized to provide professional treatment with their products.

Everflo oxygen concentrators: In addition to being comfortable, their models are silent and have great performance due to their capacity in terms of oxygen flow and are also easy to use.

Yuwell oxygen concentrators: This first-hand company provides health artifacts, which is why they focus on good health management for their clients, providing professional performance products.

Operation Room Used Emergency Equipment Oxygen

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