Bunion correctors with symptoms, causes, treatment, risks, tips, and more information.

Summary of diagnosis and treatment of bunions corrector: Once your doctor analyzes your symptoms and clinical history, he or she will perform a detailed physical examination of the foot and the affected area, and will also request an x-ray of the foot to define the severity.

Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms of pain and inflammation and preserving mobility, as well as the condition of the bunion, including:

Painkillers and anti-inflammatories, as well as injected cortisone.

Cryotherapy so that the cold relieves inflammation.

Orthopedic insoles protect the affected areas and facilitate foot movement.

Comfortable and spacious shoes.

In extreme cases, you may require surgical intervention in order to:

Adjust the bones to correct the angle of the joint.

Remove part of the bone to repair the physiology of the big toe.

Remove the inflamed tissue surrounding the joint.

Link the bones of the joint.

It is vital that you comply with your doctor’s hints to keep away from the subsequent look of any other bunion.

You can stop the formation of bunions by means of sporting wide, satisfied footwear that provides sufficient house to the toes; no sneakers must press or squeeze the feet.

At the Orthopedics and Traumatology Center we are trying to find to enhance the lives of sufferers restrained or immobilized by means of musculoskeletal issues or injuries.

We specialize in the care of the musculoskeletal system by integrating the latest medical, biological, and technological advances, in strict adherence to the highest international standards of patient care.

They are a mass or protruding bony lump that develops on the inside of the foot, in the joint of the big toe, causing the tip of that toe to rotate towards the little toes, making the joint stand out. Bunions can also occur in the joints of the little toes.

Although the cause of the formation of bunions, also known as hallux valgus, is unknown, there are various factors that can contribute to their appearance, including:

  • Foot injuries.
  • Hereditary foot problems.
  • Genetic abnormalities.
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes.
  • Tight footwear.
  • Arthritis.

Table of Contents

Bunion Correctors Styles

*Finger correctors:

These keep the toe in the correct position, and they also reduce the bunion. You can wear them all day with your shoes, they also work after surgery as a recovery treatment. This type is recommended for mild and moderate bunions.

In these models, selecting the appropriate size is very important to avoid discomfort and pressure while wearing the footwear.

*Night bunion correctors:

The Velcro night splint is one of the most used and powerful, its effectiveness lies in the fact that you can wear it for long hours at night or during the day.

In reality, it is not compatible with the use of the shoe, but being able to wear it for a long time favors the correct position of the foot; Furthermore, it is efficient at any stage of the bunion.

*Finger separator corrector:

It is an elongated piece with holes where the fingers are inserted to keep it in a straight, but natural position. They are best for when the lump is just starting and a timely correction is desired.


It is a soft and thin coating, although effective enough to cushion the prominence and avoid friction that could cause discomfort.

The piece does not actually correct, however, it makes the condition bearable during recovery.

*Concealer sets:

It is the best choice when you want to receive continuous treatment since you can mix several types of concealers so that you use the appropriate one at all times. This also works if you are unsure which one is most appropriate for you.

What is a bunion?

The bunion is the inflammation, which is a deviation of the first metatarsal of the big toe. This deviation causes pressure on the tissue on the edge of the big toe, which is susceptible to inflammation, causing what we commonly call a bunion.

In addition to being an aesthetic problem, bunions are also a health problem that mainly affects the female gender due, mainly, to the use of inappropriate shoes.

Another cause of bunions is hereditary. Bunions are not inherited, but rather the way you walk.

Although there are methods to prevent bunions, the most effective method for their complete elimination is surgery, which will prevent their recurrence.

Why do bunions appear?

These are the most common causes and risk factors for bunions:

In the development of bunions, there may be a genetic predisposition, that is, there may be a history of people in the family who have suffered from them, which increases the chances of suffering from them.

Age also influences. A person may have worn footwear incorrectly for a long time or may have adopted bad walking habits that may have an impact on the appearance of this condition over time, but to all this, we must add the progressive wear of bones and joints that causes the fingers can deviate.

Another common cause of bunions is the use of high-heeled shoes and, above all, those that have a very marked toe. It is a shoe that squeezes the toes, creating deformity in them if used regularly.

When a person steps incorrectly, for example, due to having flat feet, the weight is not distributed evenly, overloading certain areas, which can lead to joint problems such as bunions.

What problems can a bunion cause?

Bunion can cause several problems, such as:

Pain: A bunion can be painful, especially when wearing shoes that squeeze the foot.

Inflammation: A bunion can cause swelling and redness in the affected area.

Difficulty walking: Pain and inflammation can make it difficult to walk or do physical activities.

Foot deformity: A bunion can cause the big toe to deviate toward the other toes, which can affect the alignment of the toes and the shape of the foot.

Calluses: The bunion can cause calluses in the affected area due to friction with the shoes.

How to use a bunion corrector

Although using a bunion corrector is not complicated at all, it is very important to take into account some aspects to avoid developing other types of problems. To guide you in this process we have prepared this step-by-step guide.

1. Wash your feet very well

Before using your new concealer, shower, wash, and dry your feet very well. It is essential that you pay special attention to the area between your fingers since if you don’t you will run the risk of suffering from fungus in a short time due to the accumulation of moisture that will occur after using the concealer.

2. Swipe the concealer

This step can vary a lot since each type of concealer has specific instructions for use. Therefore, we mainly recommend that you read the manual of the product you have chosen. But in general, putting on a concealer is very simple. In most models, you will only have to slide the pad until your big toe fits into the corresponding space, which is a process similar to putting on a sock.

3. Clean your concealer

After using your concealer at night, we advise you to clean the concealer with a cloth or a damp wipe to avoid the accumulation of any type of dirt caused by sweat. Good hygiene is very important to avoid bad odors or even reduce the chances of other problems appearing.

4. Be constant and look for alternatives

To really obtain better results, the ideal is to use the product every day without fail, consistency is the key to free yourself from some discomfort more quickly. But if you suffer from very strong pain, you can always complement the treatment with some physiotherapy massages or using corrective insoles. Also, remember that if the problem is very serious you should consult with a trusted doctor about whether an operation is necessary.

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What types of bunion correctors exist?

Today, technological advances offer us many types of bunion correctors.

Adjustable correctors: These devices are used during the early phases of the problem. Work by accommodating the position of the finger towards its ideal shape.

Night correctors: These devices simultaneously work on the deformation and the problem that causes it. Its use is indicated during night rest hours

 since it works on advanced bunions, which is why they require prolonged use.

Toe separators: They are used in the early stages of bunions. These devices seek to prevent the second finger from putting pressure on the first, which prevents the finger from deforming outwards.

Correctors with gel pads: Although they are less effective when making severe corrections, these devices are designed for carrying out daily activities. They are excellent complements to night concealers.

The different types of bunions:

*Congenital hallux valgus: occurs at an early age.

*Metatarsal head: originates when there is an increase in it.

*Interphalangeal bunion: the interphalangeal joint suffers a deviation.

*Triangular forefoot: this type of deviation affects the second toe, since there is a very severe hallux valgus.

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How to choose the best bunion correctors

In addition to the complexity of the bunion and your type of activity, it is necessary to take the following into account:


Although it may seem incredible, a concealer with poor hygiene could trigger anything from unpleasant odors to infections, so to avoid this, it is best that the one you choose, regardless of the material, should be easy to wash and quick to dry.


The affected toe should feel comfortable with the corrector on, otherwise, it could cause the bunion to worsen and cause more pain.


Depending on the lump, you will want a concealer to use either daily or on occasional occasions.

It is important to know your frequency of use to choose the appropriate one. In the case of little use, the night splint type with velcro is recommended, but if it is to be worn daily, a finger protector, a sleeve, or a patch type will be better.


If you are one of those who walks a lot, plays sports, runs, or other demanding activities, it is better that you invest in versatile models that you can use at all times. The varied sets are flattering for these cases.


You may find the fabric comfortable and that is an important factor considering that you will be wearing it for long hours, but it is also important that it is thick enough to really cushion the bunion and reduce friction.

The slim ones tend to be cheap, but they’re not really that efficient, so even with the low price it may have, it would be money wasted.

*Bunion severity or size:

There are such acute cases that they involve a total misalignment of the feet, so if this is your case we recommend investing in patches or sleeves that also include the separators, although if your case is not so serious the compliment would be unnecessary.


Some do not care that the concealer is visible, it is entirely for health reasons, however, among so many models on the market it is possible to find a good concealer that is also discreet, so it can be used with any pair of shoes and they will look good.

What causes bunions

Bunions are a deformity of the big toe that can be caused by several factors:

Genetic factors: There is a genetic predisposition to developing bunions, so if a family member has them, they are more likely to occur.

Inappropriate footwear: Wearing narrow, high-heeled shoes can put pressure on the toes and promote the appearance of bunions.

Foot abnormalities: Some people are born with a bone structure in the foot that facilitates the formation of bunions.

Osteoarthritis: This disease can cause deformity in the joints of the foot and contribute to the appearance of bunions.

*Injuries and trauma: Repetitive blows to the foot, as well as sprains, can trigger the development of bunions.

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The main causes of bunions:

We are going to list some causes of its appearance:

Use of inappropriate footwear: footwear that puts pressure on and limits the movement of the toes (such as a narrow-toed shoe) or excessive use of high heels increases the likelihood of its appearance. The reason why women are more predisposed than men to suffer from this condition is due to the use of inappropriate footwear.

Foot shape: having flat, cavus, or Egyptian feet (the big toe is longer than the rest of the toes) can be a trigger for the appearance of bunions.

Hereditary factor: genetics plays a very important role in this case since defects in the mechanical structure of the foot can be inherited.

Bone and/or joint diseases: diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis often cause deformities in the feet.

*Muscular imbalances:  whether they are the result of poor training of the foot muscles or as a result of other diseases such as a stroke, cerebral palsy, or myelomeningocele.

Symptoms of bunions

The main symptom of bunions is the bony protuberance at the base of the big toe. This lump may be painful and tender to the touch. There may also be redness, swelling, and warmth in the affected area.

Additionally, bunions can cause pain when walking or wearing tight shoes. The big toe joint may become stiff and limited in its movement. In some cases, a deformity may develop in the other toes, which can cause additional problems.

Likewise, bunions produce the following symptoms, which you must identify:

*Redness, inflammation, and swelling.

*Difficulty moving the big toe, especially if the bunion is in an advanced stage.

*Calluses and calluses on the sole of the foot, just below the big toe.

*Burning or hot sensation in the bunion area.

*Change in the shape of the foot, which can affect posture and gait.

*The skin in the bunion area thickens.

*Formation of blisters in the affected area, due to friction with footwear.

Diagnosis and treatment of bunions

An easy commentary through an expert is adequate to diagnose a case of hallux valgus. Although it is a circumstance that does not typically purpose complications, the health practitioner may additionally request an x-ray of the affected foot to rule out the viable onset of arthritis or different underlying problems.

The sole absolute therapy for hallux valgus is bunion surgery.

However, it is an option that is recommended only when the patient presents symptoms of chronic pain and difficulty finding appropriate footwear or that hinders the ability to walk normally.

There are different types of surgeries to operate on the bunion: open surgery and a more modern option, which is laser surgery.

Treatment for bunions

While there is no cure for bunions, there are treatments available to relieve pain and prevent the deformity from worsening. Treatment for bunions depends on the severity of the problem and the amount of pain the patient experiences.

First of all, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes with enough room for your toes. Shoes that are narrow in the toe can worsen bunions and cause pain. In some cases, insoles or foot pads may be used to provide additional cushioning and support.

Ice can be helpful in reducing swelling and pain in the foot. It is recommended to apply ice to the affected area for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, can also be used to reduce pain and inflammation.

In severe cases, surgery may be considered to correct the deformity. The surgery involves cutting the bone to realign the big toe and may require several weeks of recovery. It is important to note that surgery is only recommended in extreme cases where pain and limitation of mobility are severe. In general, bunions can be treated effectively with changes in footwear and other non-surgical treatments.

Some treatment options may also include the following:

*Exercises and physical therapy to improve foot mobility and reduce tension in the toes.

*Anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain.

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Bunion surgical treatment

When the pain and symptoms caused by the bunion are very pronounced and begin to limit the patient’s life, a surgical solution is the only effective treatment for the bunion.

The correction of hallux valgus does not only consist of removing the protuberance; Correcting hallux valgus means reshaping the foot to restore its correct function and thus eliminate pain.”

Currently, there are more than 100 techniques described to correct the deformity of the big toe or first toe, but the secret bridge technique has been shown to have the highest success rate and fewer complications.

It is a percutaneous surgical technique (with small perforations), which is performed under local anesthesia, which allows the bunion to be treated by slightly moving it into the correct position, so that it can regain its correct shape and function, without scars, without osteotomies. and without sutures, achieving the best result and degree of patient satisfaction.

When is the bunion surgery needed?

If non-surgical treatments to relieve bunion pain fail and the pain affects daily activities, it is time to consider whether any of the surgical options are right for you.

There are a variety of surgical procedures available to treat bunions. The procedures are designed to remove exostoses, correct changes in the bone structure of the foot, and correct soft tissue changes. The goal of surgery is pain reduction.

Benefits of bunion surgery

  • *Percutaneous procedure (no scars greater than 2 mm)
  • *Natural and anatomical correction.
  • *The correction is performed without cutting the metatarsal bone, except in severe cases.
  • *Outpatient procedure (without hospitalization)
  • *Minimal postoperative pain, since neither bones nor skin are cut.
  • *The patient can walk after bunion surgery.
  • *Own shoes after just one week after surgery.
  • *Rapid recovery, so the patient will be able to return to daily activities in a very short time.
  • *Lower risk of infection, DVT, Pseudoarthrosis (non-union of the cut bone) and keloids.

Bunion surgery with osteotomy

This technique consists of realigning the metatarsal that had been deviated. The goal is for the foot to be aligned and the toes in an extended position, as they were before the bunion appeared.

This technique consists of, administering local anesthesia, making an incision in the foot that is going to be operated on and, once reaching the bone, the surgeon cuts the excess piece of bone, that is, the deviation.

The tissues that were under pressure as a result of the bunion will therefore be released from the tension and the bunion will disappear.

Once the bone has been cut with the necessary surgical tools, the surgeon places a material that encourages bone growth and also places a series of surgical screws with which the bone will be kept in its correct position.

What does bunion surgery consist of?

To correct the hallux valgus deformity, there are different types of surgery, which depend on the degree of deformity.

It ranges from minimally invasive surgery (MIS), also known as percutaneous surgery with 3-5mm incisions; to traditional open surgery for the treatment of bunions.

There is no technique that is better than another, but rather the most appropriate for each patient. 

When the stage or deformity of Hallux valgus is advanced and causes intense pain, limiting the use of footwear, activities of daily living such as walking, etc., it will be time to consider surgical treatment of the bunion, since the conservative treatment will not be effective.

When is a bunion operated on?

My recommendation is that hallux valgus or bunion should be operated on only when there is pain, never for aesthetic reasons; I don’t know that the patient suffers from a psychological disorder due to the appearance of his feet. Then surgery will also be indicated.

Will I have pain after surgery?

Normally,  recovery from hallux valgus or bunion surgery is not painful, but each patient is different and the surgeon must manage pain medications in a correct and personalized way.

Everyone’s pain threshold is different, but it is generally not a painful surgery.

Conventional analgesics, such as Nolotil and paracetamol, are sufficient.

Recovery from Hallux valgus surgery

Recovery from bunion surgery will be quick but will be highly determined by the type of deformity and type of surgery. 

With minimally invasive bunion surgery, the patient receives immediate support and the patient walks out of the consultation.

After 15 days, the stitches are removed and postoperative care will be minimal because the skin is practically not opened to perform the operation.

Total recovery will depend on the degree of bunion deformity, but recovery will be optimal in approximately 45 days.

Normally,  recovery from hallux valgus or bunion surgery is not painful, but each patient is different.

The surgeon must manage analgesics in a correct and personalized way for each patient.

Everyone’s pain threshold is different, but it is generally not a painful surgery.

Conventional analgesics, such as Nolotil and paracetamol, are sufficient.

The sick leave due to bunion surgery will be highly dependent on the type of work the patient performs.

What is entrapment neuritis in bunion surgery?

In hallux valgus or bunion surgery, appropriate procedures are performed on the bone and soft tissues, such as tendons and capsules, to correct the deformity. These surgical gestures are of vital importance for a good correction of the deformity, but equally important is the closure of the soft tissues that were opened to reach the bone and perform the correction, such as that of the joint capsule and the skin.

I refer to a case that I saw on one of my visits to the US with Dr. Barret. The surgery that another surgeon performed on this patient a few years ago to correct the bunion was correct for the hallux valgus deformity but, at the end of the surgery and suturing the joint capsule with non-absorbable suture, the surgeon did not take the precaution of separating the nerve capsule, suturing the nerve and capsule together, producing compression and irritation of the nerve for years.

All the surgeons who examined her during the years after her surgery told her that it was a pain from her own intervention, that it was infrequent but that in her case it had affected her.

When Dr. Barret opened he found that the surgeon had sutured the nerve to the capsule causing the significant pain that the patient had for years.

After removing the stitch, the patient improved immediately. The solution was to remove the stitch. The patient could not believe that her pain for years was due to this.

Can bunion correctors be used after surgery?

Regarding this topic, experts not only indicate that it is possible but also recommend it. After surgery, a bunion corrector will help you recover without suffering so much discomfort, especially if you have flat feet or are pronating a lot when walking. However, if you are interested in its use after having undergone surgery, the doctor will be able to tell you exactly which is the best alternative for your foot type.

Risks of bunion surgery

Like any surgery, bunion surgical operation entails positive dangers that, no count how minimal, have to be taken into account. Surely the professional will inform his affected person in element of the viable dangers of the surgery, which we element below:

  • Risks due to anesthesia.
  • Infection in the ligaments or bone.
  • Adverse outcomes of medicinal drugs used in the course of and after surgery.
  • Nerve damage: decreased sensitivity and numbness of the finger.
  • Chronic ache and swelling.
  • Joint stiffness.

Bunions treatment without surgery

Sometimes simply observing bunions is all that is needed. To reduce the risk of damage, periodic evaluations and radiological studies are recommended.

In many other cases, however, some type of treatment is necessary. The first treatments are aimed at relieving bunion pain, but will not reverse the deformity. These include:

*Use of appropriate footwear. Wearing appropriate shoes is very important. Choose shoes with a last that respects the width of your feet and avoid narrow-toe boxes or high-heeled shoes as they can aggravate the deformity and cause pain.

*Pads. Felts, gels, silicones… placed over the bunion area can help minimize pain.

*Changes in your activities:  Avoiding certain activities helps prevent discomfort. Prolonged standing can cause pain.

*Medications: Oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory capsules (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may additionally be advocated to minimize aches and inflammation.

*Local cold: Applying an ice pack several times a day helps reduce inflammation and pain.

*Infiltrations: Although rarely used in the treatment of bunions, corticosteroid injections may be useful in the treatment of an inflamed bursa (fluid-filled sac located around a joint), sometimes associated with bunions.

*Functional templates: In some cases, functional insoles can improve joint dynamics and may be prescribed by your podiatrist.

Bunion surgery without osteotomy

As for this surgery, the solution sought is the same: realign the metatarsal and eliminate the bunion completely.

Unlike the previous technique, this is minimally invasive, since it consists of making three incisions in the foot that is going to be operated on. Through these incisions, the surgeon introduces the surgical tools necessary to perform the intervention. These tools allow the surgeon to see on a screen in the operating room how he is operating on the patient.

Using this technique, the surgeon replaces the deviated bone and, after the operation, places the patient with a special bunion splint that the patient must wear for a period of time which will eliminate the bunion deformity.

Both interventions, both with osteotomy and without osteotomy, last approximately 30 to 90 minutes, always depending on the severity of the bunion. The operation, however, is simple and its success rate is very high.

Having bunion surgery as soon as possible is the best decision a patient could make since this will eliminate the possibility of the bunion getting worse, becoming infected, and causing more serious foot problems.

How to prevent bunions

It is difficult to prevent this malformation when the patient has hereditary components or malformations or diseases in the foot at birth.

However, there are positive measures that can assist in extending and/or mitigating the boom of bunions. To gain this, it is really helpful to pick bendy sneakers except for plenty of heels or with a slim toe. On the other hand, as soon as the bunion has begun to appear, you can soak your feet in heated water and a little salt for about 15 or 20 minutes.

This home remedy helps reduce foot inflammation.

Recommendations to prevent bunions

To avoid the appearance or worsening of bunions, it is important that you follow a series of recommendations:

Select footwear carefully: avoid narrow and high-heeled shoes, as they can put pressure on the big toe and encourage the formation of bunions.

Opt for comfortable and appropriate footwear: choose shoes that provide roominess and allow mobility of the toes. It is recommended that they have good cushioning and support for the arch of the foot.

Take frequent breaks: If you must stand for a long time, try to take breaks to relieve pressure on your feet and promote blood circulation.

Maintain correct foot hygiene: wash and dry your feet properly, paying special attention to the spaces between the toes. This will help prevent infections and maintain skin health.

Exercise your feet regularly: Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles in your feet and improve flexibility. Toe stretches and circular movements with the ankles are examples of recommended exercises.

Control body weight: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the pressure on your feet and prevent the appearance of bunions.

Exercises for bunion

Some exercises that can be done to strengthen the muscles in the foot and improve flexibility, can help prevent or reduce bunion symptoms.

Big Toe Raise Exercise: Sitting with your feet flat on the floor, slowly raise your big toe while keeping the rest of your foot flat on the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower your big toe. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times on each foot.

Big Toe Stretch: Sitting with your legs straight, hold your big toe with your fingers and gently stretch it upward. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds and then release.

You already be aware that some workout routines are high quality in stopping bunions, however, we think it critical to inform you a little extra about them:

Toe stretches: Sitting in a chair, lengthen your toes as much as possible and keep the function for a few seconds. Then, loosen up your fingers and repeat the workout a number of times.

Toe Raises: Sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, raise your toes as excessively as you can and maintain for a few seconds. Then, lower your fingers and repeat the exercise several times

Toe flexion: Sitting in a chair, place a small object (such as a towel) on the floor and try to pick it up with your toes. He repeats the exercise several times with both feet.

Ankle Rotation: Sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, rotate your ankles in a circle in one direction for a few seconds and then change direction. Repeat the exercise several times with both feet.

Strengthening the arch of the foot: Place a towel on the floor and place your foot on it, holding the towel with your toes. Raise the arch of your foot as high as possible and hold the position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise several times with both feet.

Read more: Best commercial gym equipment list for bunion correctors

How to fix bunions in 5 steps

Treatment for a bunion will depend on the degree of deformity and the symptoms the patient presents. Some bunions corrector or treatment options include:

Change of footwear: Wear comfortable, appropriately sized shoes that do not compress the toes.

Pads or separators: Use pads or toe separators to protect and reduce pressure on the affected area.

Medications: Take pain relievers or anti-inflammatories to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Physical therapy: Perform exercises and physical therapy to strengthen the muscles of the foot and improve flexibility.

Surgery: In severe cases or when treatment does not relieve symptoms, surgery may be necessary to correct the deformity.

It is important to consult with a podiatric doctor or orthopedist to determine the best treatment for your bunion.

How to shrink bunions naturally

Bunions are a very popular condition characterized by deformation of the big toe joint.

It affects women more regularly than men and its development is related to genetic conditions, wearing inappropriate shoes, and accumulation of toxins.

They can appear after the age of 30, almost always on both feet, and with symptoms that include: redness in the area, pain when making movements, and a hardness in the surrounding skin.

Although they are considered a cosmetic problem, the importance of their treatment lies in the fact that they can become a more serious condition.

Fortunately, there are home supplements that can support medical treatment to reduce inflammation and relieve much of your discomfort.

Below we want to share the 5 best so that you do not hesitate to use them if you notice the appearance of this problem.

1. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is a relaxing product that can reduce pain and inflammation caused by bunions.

Although you can get it prepared in herbal stores, a good option is to make it with organic ingredients at home.


* 6 tablespoons dried lavender flowers

* 8 ounces olive oil

What should you do?

*Put the lavender flowers in a pot with olive oil and heat it in a water bath.

*Let it rest for a few minutes and strain to remove the flowers.

*Pour the liquid into an airtight jar and proceed to use it.

*Take the necessary amount and massage the bunions for 5 or 10 minutes daily.

2. Epsom salts

Epsom salts are one of the traditional remedies to cure conditions that affect the aesthetics and health of the feet.

Its anti-inflammatory and relaxing action soothes pain and redness in the big toe. In addition, it reduces the size of the bump to improve the appearance of the feet.


*2 tablespoons Epsom salts

*2 liters of water

What should you do?

*Bring the two liters of water to a boil and add the Epsom salts.

*Soak your feet for 20 minutes and repeat use every night.

3. Bath with rue

The application of baths with rue not only calms the symptoms related to bunions but is also useful for calming the inflammation of rheumatic conditions such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.


  • 3 tablespoons of rue
  • 2 liters of water

What should you do?

*Bring the water to a boil, add the rue, and let it sit until it is at a bearable temperature.

*Soak your feet for 15 minutes and repeat the treatment every two days.

4. Treatment with iodine

A combination of iodine with aspirin is very helpful in reducing the size of bunions and stopping deformation.


  • 1 tablespoon iodine
  • 1 aspirin.
  • 1 bandage

What should you do?

*Crush an aspirin and mix it with iodine until you get a paste.

*Apply the preparation to the affected area and cover it with a bandage so that it acts while you rest.

*Repeat its use every night.

5. Lily lotion

Lily lotion is a natural remedy to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints.


  • 4 tablespoons of lily leaves.
  • 100 ml brandy

What should you do?

*Cover the lily leaves with the brandy and let it macerate for two days.

*After this time, spray it on the affected areas and massage for five minutes.

*Repeat its application every night.

5 Tips for buying a top bunion separator

To make this selection we have taken into account some characteristics that the top bunion separators on the market share. So before you buy, keep these recommendations in mind to choose the best of the best.

Materials: In these products, we try to look for products that stand out for the durability of their materials. For us, the ideal alternative is separators made of flexible silicone or neoprene.

Size: Although there are many bunion correctors that come in different sizes, to save you the hassle of searching for the right size, it is best to choose one-size-fits-all separators that have some type of flexible closure.

Non-slip property: This is a fundamental aspect of the comfort and support of this product on your foot. So always buy dividers with non-slip surfaces and straps.

Type of use: In stores, you will find dividers specially designed for use during the day or at night. But to have greater versatility, we recommend purchasing those products designed for both day and night.

Breathable: Part of the comfort that a bunion corrector can offer you is in this section since it will reduce the amount of sweat produced, so get those that have a good level of breathability.

How to ensure that the bunion corrector fits the shoe?

To begin with, it is necessary to know that correctors must have a special shape and texture, which is hardly compatible with shoes that are too narrow.

However, if the shoe is not so thin, a good bunion or Hallux valgus corrector will work perfectly in there, where the toes can fit well.

The main thing to take into account is not the shoe or its comfort, but rather that the corrector does its job and if necessary, buy shoes that adapt to it.

It should be noted that the patches may play slightly against it if it is about balance or weight distribution, while the sleeves, since they are light, will not correct the deviation in the finger, however, they prevent it from getting worse, as well as the wound from becoming worse. friction with footwear.

Why should you use bunion corrector?

As we already mentioned before, the main objective of the corrector is not to treat the bunion, only to offer better toe posture and to ensure that the protuberance does not worsen, in addition to what has been mentioned, it also offers the following benefits:

*Alleviate the pain:

As it aligns the affected finger, it reduces friction and therefore pain, since most include a pad that covers the injury.

*Improves foot health:

Basically, a foot with good posture, and tidy toes, which are also covered with a soft fabric that protects it, improves the general health of the limb, reducing the appearance of calluses, swelling, bone deviations, and other problems.

*You can wear normal shoes:

With a serious bunion, it is difficult for you to wear those shoes that you like so much, in fact, the condition would be complicated, but with a corrector of good quality and functioning it will make it easier for the foot to fit back into almost any boot.

Bunion corrector. As they are? How many types are there?

One of the first steps to take in the treatment of bunions is the use of correctors. There are many other specialized treatments that your doctor should recommend, such as rehabilitation with a physiotherapist, specific shoes and insoles, and surgery for the most severe cases…

Bunions go through a reducible phase, in which it is possible to reduce them without undergoing surgery or, at least, stop their progression. This phase is when bunion correctors are most recommended.

Within bunion correctors, are different types. The most common is the posture corrector. It can be made of different materials (silicone, elastic fabric…) and some of them incorporate an aluminum rod in the outer area of ​​the thumb to press the joint into its correct posture. Thus, it slows down the progression of the deviation.

Silicone ones usually adapt to the foot through an anchoring ring to the first toe; while those made of elastic fabric adapt to the foot very comfortably and are perfectly compatible with closed footwear.

There are also interdigital separators, which are placed between the fingers. Within these separators, the half-moon and reel types help us reduce bunions. They are made of extra soft medical silicone that adapts perfectly to the foot.

Among its effects is aligning the toe or reducing the pressure between the toes. This type of separator is indicated for more advanced bunions as they provide a great separation of space and greater comfort, reducing ailments.

Bunion due to inappropriate footwear

It is a fact that bunions appear with prolonged use of narrow-toed and high-heeled shoes. This became evident after the First World War when an increase in the incidence of bunions was observed in the Chinese population due to the use of shoes with narrow toes. Furthermore, this is one of the reasons why 90% of bunions are suffered by the female population. Therefore, shoe therapy will serve both as a treatment to relieve the symptoms of the bunion and to prevent its appearance.

Bunion due to the way you step:

As we have said before, in many cases what is inherited is not the bunion, but the way of stepping. There are different biomechanical alterations that can cause any footfall that has a tendency to valgus and/or with hyperpronation, increasing the load on the big toe joint, and favoring the appearance of a bunion. This is why it is essential to carry out a Footprint Study to prevent or avoid the progression of the bunion. If the main cause is footprint and we do not correct it after surgery, the bunion is likely to reappear over time. ( Pronation and supination in the step )

Bunion due to the morphology of the foot:

The shape of the foot can also be a cause of a bunion. Both short and flat feet can promote the appearance of a bunion. Furthermore, a shortness of the first metatarsal can favor its inward deviation.

Bunion due to muscle weakness:

 It has been shown that people who suffer from a bunion have hypotonia of the intrinsic muscles of the foot, especially the abductor muscle of the first toe.

Top 20 best bunion correctors

Or what is the best bunion corrector?

  1. Ariella bunion separator:
    Made with breathable material, this model of bunion corrector stands out for using aluminum support that remains fixed and with constant pressure to guarantee a better result.
    This design greatly helps to alleviate the problems caused by bunions, crooked hammertoes, tailor’s bunion (5th toe), etc. by reducing the pressure and inflammation produced by this foot problem, thus relieving, to a large extent, the pain.
    As I said before, it can be used both day and night, although due to its construction and material, I recommend it more in daytime mode since it can be somewhat uncomfortable when we move while we sleep. This is a matter of getting used to, but I’m telling you so you know.
    Its adaptability is perfect, that is, it doesn’t matter what size foot you have since it has velcro to adapt to any size. In addition, it is made of non-slip material (not silicone) of high-quality fabric that prevents the happy balls from escaping.
    Finally, we would like to emphasize another of its features, which is none other than that this bunion corrector can be used in diabetic people. In this sense, it does not matter whether you are an elderly person or not so advanced. It is also perfect as a postoperative bunion corrector.

The positive: Perfect fit and very fast relief are its main positive points but not the only ones.

The negative: Although it says that it can be used at night, the truth is that it is not as comfortable as can be expected when we sleep.

  1. Farmalastic bunion correctors:
    The following bunion corrector is popularly known and I don’t think I’ll tell you anything new about it. However, if you are not familiar with this device, I will give you a brief analysis of what it is.
    First of all, it is a toe corrector that not only relieves the pain caused by bunions but also positions the bone, reducing its visual impact. It is not one of those with the most features since it is quite simple but it does fulfill its function.
    It is available in 3 different sizes that we will have to know how to choose to achieve the greatest efficiency. These being small (36 to 38), medium (39 to 41), and large (42 to 45), as you can see, they can adapt to most feet, although if yours is smaller than a 36, ​​this model will not fit you.
    Its use is exclusively diurnal (daytime), it is not suitable for use while we sleep. So if you are looking for a night corrector for bunions you should opt for one of the models that I have analyzed previously or those that I will analyze after this one.

The positive: In addition to relieving pain, it relocates the bone, thus reducing the discomfort caused by bunions.

The negative: It is only suitable for daytime use.

  1. Sports Laboratory day and night bunion corrector:
    The following bunion corrector is very similar to the model analyzed above but much cheaper and in addition to being an interdigital separator for hallux valgus like the previous one, it allows us greater comfort when using it at night than the one analyzed.
    The first thing I will highlight is that it is a kit consisting of 2 splints and 2 high-quality silicone correctors. Of course, its use is focused on foot sizes that are between size 35 and size 47.
    Its design guarantees improvement and relief for problems similar to bunions, grass toes, crooked toes, etc. In addition, it adjusts very easily and remains in that position by exerting the necessary pressure.
    To summarize a little, I will tell you that it is a pharmaceutical product at a much lower price than what we could pay in a high-quality and better-functioning pharmacy.

The positive: Among the devices for bunions, this is the one that has the best quality-price ratio, for me.

The negative: Confuse it with a bunion reducer when it is a corrector that relieves pressure.

Best bunion corrector reviews

  1. YogaMedic Hallux hallux valgus corrector:
    The cheapest option I have found is the one created by YogaMedic. The good thing is that there are 6 bunion correctors united in a pack for half the price. It is a good product but don’t expect miracles.
    Among their main characteristics, I am going to say that they are very comfortable and that they can be worn with heels, shoes, socks, or barefoot. In my case, I recommend the latter because the truth is that with shoes it usually bothers unless they are larger, like house slippers.
    Ease of cleaning is another of its strong points since it is created with BPA-free silicone gel. However, it must be said that they are not breathable so after a few hours we will not sweat and we will have to remove them and clean them.
    My recommendation is that it be used for mild problems such as bunions, hammer toes, bumps/bruises, irritation, corns, claw toes, etc. For more serious problems I do not recommend it since they are, so to speak, very basic.

The positive: Without a doubt, its price.

The negative: It doesn’t work miracles and I see it more as a form of relief than a solution.

  1. Sports Laboratory Set Concealer:
    A long-lasting concealer that quickly relieves pain.
    Size: Universal.
    Material: Neoprene.
    Units: 2 correctors, 2 splints.
    Closure type: Adjustable strap.
    Non-slip: Yes.
    Use: Day and night.
    Resistance level: Adjustable.
    Accessories: Exercise guide.
    The Sports Laboratory Corrector Set is a very light, thin, and easy-to-adjust product that adapts without problems to any type of foot. This is very good for athletes since it is compatible with any type of footwear, so it will not only relieve your discomfort but will not hinder you when walking.
    A very positive point about this model is that it allows you to adjust the resistance, which is very useful to remove or add the pressure you need on your finger and thus obtain the best results. In addition, you will not have to worry about its support when walking since its non-slip straps do not move or separate easily.
    However something not so positive is that the metal bar is a little rigid, so sometimes it can be slightly uncomfortable depending on the bunion. But leaving this aside, this is a very comfortable and adaptable kit made with very robust materials that will not break easily.

Easy to adjust.
They fit perfectly to the foot.
The concealers are pleasant to the touch.

During the summer they are a bit hot.

  1. Aircommodity Bunion Protector:
    Size: Universal.
    Material: Silicone, extendable gel.
    Units: 2.
    Breathable: Yes.
    Use: Day and night.
    Non-slip: Yes.
    Washable: Yes.
    If you’ve been looking for a simpler bunion corrector product, the Aircommodity Bunion Protector is a really comfortable option that adjusts perfectly to the shape of your foot; In addition, it has a completely invisible design that will allow you to wear very open shoes. No one will know you have one on.
    A surprising detail is its manufacturing since it is made with a very good quality extendable gel that will not break easily. This is not to mention that its antibacterial materials prevent the appearance of fungi and other unwanted factors that can be caused by the use of other types of concealers.
    Cleaning these pieces is very simple since you can wash them with just soap and water, but without a doubt, the best thing is that this is a product that does not go unnoticed due to all the versatility it offers. The only drawback is that it does not include a sock or other fastening methods, but what little it offers is of very good quality.


  • Product certified by European standards.
  • Suitable for use throughout the day.
  • Its texture is very soft and pleasant.

Includes a few accessories.

Best toe correctors for bunions

  1. CZZSiug Corrector Kit:
    A kit is suitable for the most painful bunions.
    Size: Universal.
    Material: Silicone.
    Breathable: Yes.
    Closure type: Laces.
    Use: Day and night.
    Non-slip: Yes.
    Resistance level: Adaptable.
    Washable: Yes.
    The CZZSiug Kit Corrector Kit is a product that includes everything necessary to relieve any type of discomfort related to bunions. In fact, it comes with up to 9 pieces to relieve every pain and free you from the complications caused by this problem. This is a model designed for the simplest and most complicated bunions.
    It should be noted that this is a model that does not disappoint in how well it fits any foot; No matter your type of injury or the size of your foot, it adapts correctly to your needs. In addition, its medical-grade materials are highly resistant and very easy to wash.
    To add a drawback, some accessories are a little robust, so it is not the best alternative for those people who are looking for a lighter and more discreet product. But this is undoubtedly offset by its great effectiveness in relieving all types of pain, so in terms of practicality, this is a great option for you.

Its effectiveness is remarkable.
It is very easy to adjust.
Includes many useful accessories.

They can cause discomfort in some types of footwear.

  1. Bunion Sleeve Daytime Bunion Corrector:
    For treatment without surgery:
    There are people with slight deviations of the big toe for whom correction is possible, without the need for surgical intervention. If you are one of those people, this bunion cover will suit you very well.
    The design of this product is special for mild to moderate deformity, which can be treated with a little pressure. The advantage is that the use of this model relieves pain and releases the tension accumulated between the fingers.
    It is one of the best bunion correctors. Its material is so thin that it can be used without problems with shoes, so that during the day you can correct that annoying protuberance, without even noticing it.
    Those who have sweaty feet won’t have to worry because it is also made of breathable, flexible material that is resistant to bacteria and bad odors.
    Hallux Valgus – Bandage for toes
  1. Bunion Corrector – Magichome 10-Piece Set:
    The most recommended
    It is a kit prepared to meet almost any need to relieve bunion pain. You can wear them inside your shoes, with or without socks and it won’t take long for you to feel improvement in your feet.
    The pad is super comfortable, and resistant and will ensure that your thumb is straight and does not complicate the protuberance, in addition to protecting it from friction, irritation, or pain, they are also easy to wash, and you can put talcum powder on them and use them every day.
    The factory, sure of the quality of the pieces, will refund your money if you are not 100% satisfied, which is why it is one of the correctors with the best reputation on the market.
    Magichome Bunion Correctors
  1. Economical silicone bunion corrector:
    This is a cheap but very effective pair of basic day-use toe separators, made of soft gel and firm enough to keep your toes in the right place.
    It is indicated for mild bunions; Thanks to the gel, its layout and size allow it to adapt to different foot sizes and when you have them on you will hardly notice it, so they are perfect to use at home or while doing sports.
    The investment is guaranteed and the factory offers good after-sales service. It is the cheapest among our suggestions and is irresistible.
    Toe separator gel Silicone.
  1. RianGor Hallux Valgus:
    Main advantage:
    This complete kit has all the elements to help correct your bunions, also adding protective relief sleeves, which make this process more pleasant and less painful.

Main disadvantage:
Although it is a simple product to use, the truth is that, if you are not used to using this type of kit, you will need some practice to place it correctly and adjust it to your specific needs.

Verdict: 9.7/10
A complete corrector, made with very soft materials that will help you reduce the discomfort of bunions and hammer toes on your feet.

Main layout:
In order to give you sustained and pleasant support on your foot when correcting your bunions, this product has a comfortable and quality structure. In this design, we have a main piece made of SEBS, which is the one that is placed between the big toe and the rest, in order to achieve the proper position of the finger.
This main piece is fastened on itself, using a piece of Velcro that runs across the entire width of the foot, thus allowing you to adjust the tension of the piece to your preferences and the degree of fit that you want to maintain on your foot. So you have the additional advantage of having a design that is adjustable to what you need at all times.

Noticeable improvements:
This design has two main advantages. On the one hand, the structure just mentioned keeps the big toe in the correct position with respect to the rest of the fingers, in order to progressively reduce the curvature of the bunion. Something that, in the long term, will correct the position of the finger and thus reduce conventional discomfort.
On the other hand, this design also has pleasant flexibility and comfort, including an additional gel fit pad, which sits over the finger. This improves the overall comfort of the product and helps everything stay in place, without the usual problems of other models with a more annoying and painful design.

Other aspects of interest:
This model can be used both when you are barefoot at home and when you are wearing all types of footwear, even allowing its use when you work or play sports, thus avoiding risky situations for your feet. On the other hand, this material is not only of high quality, but it is also easy to clean, in order to avoid problems with fungus, humidity, and other problems derived from use on the feet.
In addition to what is stated, the product also incorporates separators for the rest of the fingers, which add extra comfort to them and prevent them from being more stressed than normal due to the use of the corrector. Ideal therefore so that everything stays in its place.

Best foot bunion correctors

The presentation of this daytime bunion corrector is in a set that includes two splints to relieve the discomfort caused by these protuberances, two specific separators, and six toe separators. All these pieces are accompanied by a practical travel bag so you can take your kit wherever you see fit.
If you are wondering which is the best bunion corrector on the market, this is one of the most recommended options. Each and every piece of the set has been made of a high-quality gel that is characterized by being flexible and providing the comfort that any user would need.
It’s one size fits all, so you won’t have to worry about it not fitting you. In addition, it allows easy washing, only with soap and water. This model is not only suitable for bunions but also for crooked toes, as it aligns them.
With its variety of splints, Compressx is for many users the best brand of bunion correctors, and this model is one of the best sellers, so we present its positive and negative aspects in summary.

Product Pros:
This set includes 10 pieces in total with which you can correct the deformation of your feet with separators, splints, and spacers.
The high-quality gel with which this corrector has been manufactured allows it to have greater flexibility to adapt to your anatomy.
To maintain the hygiene of these concealers, you can wash them with soap and water, without affecting their structure or elasticity.

Product Cons:
This product comes in one size and some users believe that it is counterproductive, since sometimes it can be very tight, depending on the thickness and size of the foot.
Other users miss the hard splint to wear at night, so if you need it you should consult with your orthopedist and purchase it separately.

  1. Compress Pro Bunion Corrector (2 Pieces):
    The next proposal on the list is this Compressx model that really provides comfort and customization to the foot. It wraps the toes ergonomically, it even has a stabilizer bar that will re-adjust it to help keep the big toe straight, allowing for practical pain relief. The integrated splint also has a padded system that allows you to achieve the maximum possible comfort. The only thing you will have to do is adjust the straps in the best possible way so that they stay in place (composed of 4x straps).
    This product has been designed in a hygienic and breathable material that can be easily washed (although, you will have to make sure that it is always washed at a low temperature, since this way we will prevent it from deteriorating in any way).
    It comes with a special bag that allows you to store them clean and safe after use.
    It is a one-size-fits-all model: the fact that it has velcro makes it adapt to any type of foot. This way they manage to be comfortable for any user
    Easy to clean: You just have to wash them at low temperatures.
    Cheap: The price is very low.
    There are complaints that the Velcro is of poor quality.
  1. (10 Pcs) 5 Pairs Bunion Big Toe Corrector Foot:
    This bunion corrector is part of a complete set that includes the following:
    2 x bunion relief splints.
    2 x bunion space separator.
    6 x toe separators.
    The kit comes in a free travel bag, making it a good option for storage.
    All the items included in the kit have been designed with high-quality material: it is a very flexible and very comfortable gel, one size fits all, and can be washed easily (we will only need a little water and soap so that it is in the best condition as if it were new).
    The brand recommends it as a practical solution to relieve bunions and hallux valgus. It is also an interesting resource that helps with crooked fingers and aligns them.
    So that we know how it works, it includes a PDF of instructions that will allow us to get the most out of the item.
    It is considered the best-selling number in terms of bunion corrector items, and well well-valued by the public.

Quality: Designed with high-quality gel, flexible and comfortable.
Adaptation: Relieves bunions and hallux valgus, among other problems.

We cannot put any major objection to it.

  1. Hallux Valgus Bunion Correctors:
    There are many silicone toe separators for bunions but very few are as effective as this one. It is not a reputable brand but that does not mean it is bad, quite the opposite. Plus, it’s half as cheap as if you buy it at the pharmacy.
    The first thing to note is that it has a concealer and separator to achieve a greater result, you can see this in the image. It is true that it may seem quite cumbersome but its use is tremendously simple.
    It is made of silicone with non-woven fabric to prevent the sewing from hurting us. This fabric has the peculiarity that it is breathable, although, after a long time of use, it is noticeable that sweat takes its toll. It should be noted that I recommend it for slightly pronounced bunions since it is not as effective as the one purchased in orthopedics.

The positive: Well, pretty and cheap are, for me, the words that define this device.

The negative: It is a basic model more focused on alleviating and correcting bunions with little deviation.

  1. DOACT Bunion Corrector:
    Size: Universal.
    Material: Silicone, elastic fabric.
    Units: 4.
    Breathable: Yes.
    Use: Day and night.
    Closure type: Non-slip strap.
    Washable: Yes.
    We loved the DOACT Bunion Corrector mainly for its discreet design and the comfort it offers with any footwear. In fact, with this product, you can walk and run without any major inconvenience. This is thanks to the fact that it has a protective layer that gives it extra support that comes in handy.
    Regarding the design of its belt closure, it is completely non-slip, so you can do all types of movements without any type of limitation. But the best thing is in its effectiveness, this bunion corrector relieves pain very well and is suitable for use in any situation of the day or night.
    When talking about their materials, we would like to highlight that these are orthopedic socks with a high level of breathability that are also reusable and very easy to wash. However, one detail to keep in mind is that for more advanced bunions their resistance may be a little soft.

Includes replacement sock and concealer.
It offers great freshness for the summer.
Soft but resistant materials.

They are a little soft and light for some people.

  1. Lezed Separators:
    Size: Universal.
    Material: Silicone.
    Units: 5 pairs.
    Breathable: Yes.
    Properties: Hypoallergenic.
    Use: Day and night.
    Washable: Yes.
    For those who need a very simple concealer that does not require any adjustment, Lezed Separators offer the highest level of simplicity that could be expected from a product of this type. These 20 strong and flexible silicone pieces adapt to the shape of your foot and do not slip.
    If you don’t really like support socks or more complex correctors, this is a simple alternative that you just have to place between your toes. But despite its simplicity, it is not far behind in its effectiveness. In fact, its design is designed to correctly align your finger without much effort, and it achieves this very well.
    As for their materials, these pieces are very light and breathable, so the feeling of use does not disappoint in the slightest. Although it may not be the best alternative for more advanced bunions, it does not offer the level of adjustment that other more complex products have.

Includes many pieces.
It is stain and odor-repellent.
It does not cause discomfort.

The resistance level cannot be adjusted.

The best night bunion correctors

  1. Compress Night Bunion Corrector:
    The best for the night:
    If you are looking for an extended treatment that corrects the bunion or hallux valgus for a long time, this nighttime bunion corrector is the best option for you.
    Your affected thumb will be immobile, you can use them to sleep and remove any discomfort from your feet, in fact, it is an appropriate model for postoperative treatment.
    They are pieces with a padded covering that also fit perfectly thanks to the Velcro straps. You can also wash them in the machine and they dry quickly.
    Continuous use will promote long-term improvement, and not just while you have it on. On the other hand, it is a complementary nighttime treatment for moderate bunion symptoms.
  1. BunionPal Bunion Corrector – 10-Piece Kit:
    5 different pairs (10 pieces) of bunion splints (bunion splints are devices to improve the health of your toes), designed to cover all your activities in shoes and barefoot. One size. Toe separators, bunion relief, Hallux Valgus.
    This set for comprehensive bunion relief obtains the best pain relief results and thus avoids surgical treatment.
    At the top of our ranking, we place this bunion corrector that provides comprehensive relief.
    It consists of an orthopedic device that relieves pain and treats the bunion, as well as its resulting discomfort, to try to reduce it without undergoing surgery. It can be used with all types of footwear during the day (sneakers, boots…) without moving because it is attached to the toe and sole of the foot; and of course, we can use it while we sleep.
    In addition to the treatment of the bunion and the affected area itself, it offers a series of additional elements to separate the toes and protect them through various straighteners and separators that can be placed on different toes, not just the first one.
    It also includes a foot pad that can be used together with the corrector for days of more physical activity. All pieces are made with high-quality and easily adaptable medical gel. It can be cleaned with soap and water. Due to the wide versatility of this product, the complete kit it presents, and the satisfaction of its users, we place it at number 1 in our ranking.
    Bunions: their causes
    Genetic origin, which causes alterations in the tendons, influences the possibility of suffering from bunions, but this condition is aggravated by incorrect posture, irregular body load, or poor support of the foot when walking.
    The use of inappropriate footwear, especially high and narrow-heeled shoes, can also be decisive in its appearance; as well as obesity or some rheumatic, inflammatory, and even neurological processes.
    Bunions cause pain, discomfort, problems walking, inability to wear normal shoes, and serious aesthetic problems. Often with painful calluses, they prevent the use of normal footwear.
    Bunions are easily distinguished by producing a bulge with red, shiny, thinned, and sometimes ulcerated skin, other times it even has calluses. Calluses that are usually painful.
    It can even hurt up to the front sole of the foot with the appearance of the plantar arch falling. If these problems appear, you should consult a specialist doctor to determine the best treatment to follow. For now, we give you some solutions in orthopedic treatments.

Orthopedic bunion correctors

  1. CareUToo Orthopedics:
    The CareUToo Orthopedics model is a professional cutting solution with which to reduce your bunions and give better positioning to the toe in relation to the foot. We are talking about an orthopedic product, so the quality of the equipment and its efficiency are above other models of lower quality.
    Its operation is simple since all you have to do is place the splint on the outside of the foot and fasten the Velcro strap that holds it to the toe. Next, simply place the other tape, which runs along the instep and keeps the splint in place, thus beginning the process of relocating the toe with respect to the foot.
    A simple system to use that is neither annoying nor painful, as you slowly “pull” the finger to where it should be placed. It is finished with padding in the splint area, to give you a more pleasant fit on the outside of the foot.
    Return comfort to your feet with this efficient bunion corrector reducer, from orthopedics and with a very interesting integral design.

This Product Pros:
Orthopedic quality:
The product has an orthopedic quality so it is more efficient when it comes to keeping your fingers in place.
Easy to place:
The product is very easy to put on thanks to the two Velcro straps included in both the toe and instep areas.
Gel finish:
The gel finish adds extra comfort and freshness while using the product.

This Product Cons:
Compared to other models, this product can only be used at home, since it cannot be used with shod feet.
Because each foot is different, the toe recovery process can have different efficiency times.

FAQs for bunions corrector

Everything we need to know about the bunion correctors
Everything we need to know about the bunion correctors

Night corrector for bunions: How to use them?

There is also the nighttime bunion corrector that has the ability to help you reduce pain and prevent a bunion from occurring while you are sleeping. That is when we are not wearing any shoes.

Below, we are going to list some of the steps you have to follow to use these devices correctly.

Hygiene: First, we will have to wash our feet properly and dry them to avoid the proliferation of moisture.

We slide the correction pad between the big toe and the one next to it, holding it with the wide strip that the corrector will have.

We pass the other tape around the sole of the foot and fix it.

When we get up the next day, the first thing we have to do is take off the runner and clean the area with a damp wipe to prevent the accumulation of dirt or traces of sweat.

If the problem persists and the proliferation of bunions is a fact, then we should contact the professional immediately.

What are bunion separators?

These products have been designed to keep the big toe aligned, which is very useful for relieving the pressure caused on the joints as a result of this problem and significantly reducing the pain they cause. Contrary to what many may believe, bunions are a fairly common problem, so the existence of these separators is not surprising.

But an important point to keep in mind on this topic is that bunion protectors will not cure this problem, so our recommendation is that you consult with a professional to know exactly what the best treatment is for your case. In fact, in the most serious situations, it will be necessary to perform a surgical operation. If you want to learn more about this topic, we recommend this link where you will find everything you need.

What is a bunion corrector?

The bunion corrector is an element that reduces inflammation and relaxes the tendons, thus avoiding pressure on the base of the big toe joint. Thus reducing the size or preventing the bunion from appearing.

What is a bunion corrector for?

A bunion corrector is used to reduce the pain and inflammation of this deformation that occurs in the big toe. It not only relieves when we already have the bunion created but also prevents its appearance.

How to use bunion correctors?

Below I show you the steps to follow to correctly use and put on a bunion corrector. After these steps, I will show you other clarifications to put them to good use.

*The first step is to soak your feet in warm salt water to reduce swelling.

*Now dry very well, removing moisture to avoid fungus.

*Next, apply the corrector starting from the bunion area.

*Finish its placement by placing the rest of the fingers.

*Adjust the concealer without tightening it too much but making sure it fits snugly.

*Now you just have to leave it on for 30 minutes or 4 hours.

When to use a bunion corrector?

*In phase 1, when we still do not have a deviation of the finger, but sometimes we do feel a little pain in the area. This will help us delay the deformity process.

*In phases 3 and 4, in which there is already a pronounced deviation and persistent pain, we will try to reduce the deviation a little to relieve the pain, although we must know that at the beginning of placing the orthosis, it is normal for it to cause discomfort.

Can bunion correctors be used at night?

No problem, there are even concealers for exclusive night use. Like, for example, Valgus Control Hallux Valgus Night Corrector.

How long should I wear the bunion corrector?

How long you should use the bunion corrector to achieve the expected results depends on each person. However, the longer you have it, the better results you will achieve. So much so that night concealers can be used for more than 8 uninterrupted hours.

Are bunion correctors effective?

The most effective solution and the one that works the most, when it comes to removing bunions, is surgical. However, bunion correctors manage to reduce inflammation and relax the tendons, thus avoiding having to undergo surgery.

If you are looking for a definitive solution, there is nothing better than the use of surgery, which, as is normal, has its risks and inconveniences that, although few, can put more than one person back. Therefore, if you are looking for a method that relieves your symptoms to avoid having to undergo surgery, these splints are a good solution.

Where to buy bunion correctors

Where can we buy bunion correctors? Although I have shown you that there are very cheap prices on Amazon of great quality, you can also buy them at any local pharmacy, orthopedic center, or supermarket such as Lidl, Carrefour, El Mercadona, etc.

Is it possible to walk with the bunion corrector on?

Of course, daytime correctors are made for dynamic use, meaning they can be worn in daily life and while walking. It is even very important to use them when walking, since their action on deviation increases.

Is there any way to prevent bunions?

*Avoid wearing shoes with high heels, as this increases the overload in the metatarsal area (under the toes).

*Do not use narrow tips, because they cause the first finger to deform inwards.

*Shoes should fit the shape of your feet without squeezing or putting pressure on any part of your foot.

Who should use a bunion corrector and when should I start using it?

For this problem and its use, there is no specific rule, whether you are suffering from mild or serious discomfort, it is possible that the bunion corrector will relieve you. Although using this product will not reverse the bunion itself, it is a very good temporary solution to make the treatment and your daily life more bearable.

Regarding its use, people with more flexible joints usually find greater benefits since they will not suffer greater discomfort when trying to correct the bunion. Therefore, its use depends strictly on the comfort of the person using it. In general, there is no time to start using it or a specific type of situation.

What recommendations to avoid bunions

If this is an issue of great concern to you, the good news is that there are many alternatives to avoid this problem. In fact, the main cause of bunions is excessive pressure in the area, so the solution lies mainly in the type of footwear we wear and the way we walk.

So to avoid the appearance of bunions or delay their progression once they have been detected, we recommend avoiding shoes with narrow toes and high heels. Narrow toes accelerate deformation because they push the big toe toward the center of the foot. Furthermore, in case you are not supporting your foot correctly, it will be good for you to purchase corrective insoles that will help you improve your way of walking as soon as possible.

How long should I wear the bunion protector?

If you have been using your protector before surgery, or if you plan to use it for this purpose, you can use it for as long as you consider necessary. However, for post-surgery treatment, experts suggest using it for only two or three weeks. But an important aspect to keep in mind is that if the protector causes you more pain, it is best to stop using it immediately.

Is there a natural way to cure bunions?

Unfortunately, there is no natural way to cure bunions, but there are treatments that will help you relieve the pain and discomfort. The only definitive cure for this problem is surgery, but you can try applying ice and essential oils to relieve some tension. In addition, it will also help you to exercise the area daily and do foot baths with hot water.

Are bunions hereditary?

Although the cause of bunions is not only related to genetics, the truth is that people with abnormal bone alignment can suffer from bunions more easily. Therefore, if you have noticed that this problem usually exists in your family, it is best to take all kinds of precautions throughout your life to prevent this from getting worse quickly.

What are the advantages of a bunion corrector?

Below we present a list of all the virtues that a bunion corrector provides.

Helps reduce pain and discomfort caused by bunions.

In cases detected in time, it corrects the posture of the hallux or big toe.

Its prolonged implementation can avoid future surgical interventions.

It also reduces pressure on your fingers, which can help prevent further damage from occurring.

Conclusion of bunions correctors

Bunions are bone deformations that occur in the toes due to multiple factors, our way of walking being one of the main reasons for their appearance. Furthermore, bunions are characterized by causing severe discomfort in the foot area, which can often prevent us from carrying out our daily tasks normally or even walking.

Read more: Foot athlete’s treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention tips

How to relieve bunion pain?

Do you have bunions that prevent you from walking comfortably and putting on your favorite shoes? Do you want to know how to relieve bunion pain?

Bunions, also known as Hallux Valgus, are one of the most common foot pain problems in the population, especially in women. It is a deformation in the natural curvature of the first toe, that is, the big toe. Little by little, an irregular growth of the bone in that foot occurs, preventing us from moving easily due to pain. And bunions can make our lives miserable!

This deformation causes pain, redness, and other more serious problems such as the big toe hanging over the next one. Bunions are painful and greatly limit our movements in our daily lives. In this   Bunions Corrector Mediitem article, you have some of the best expert advice to relieve bunion pain.

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