Dental Health

Everything about the gum disease receding gums treatment

This article: Everything such as gum disease receding gums treatment, without surgery,  causes, natural remedies, FAQ, and more information.

The gums play a fundamental role since they are responsible for keeping the teeth in position so that they remain stable and prevent them from moving. Furthermore, the gums intervene when the crown of the tooth meets the root. Thanks to this strategic situation, they manage to more effectively protect the lower part of the teeth from food debris and possible bacteria that accumulate due to not being removed properly.

Receding gums can cause many health and aesthetic complications. In the first stage of gingival recession, there is a separation of the margins of the teeth. If it is not treated properly and from the beginning, over time the gum will weaken and there will be a greater chance of bleeding. and bone loss.

If we do not carry out adequate dental hygiene every day, we will not be able to properly eliminate the bacteria that accumulate after each brushing. The remains of food that remain between the teeth and these bacteria cause a film called bacterial plaque to form that tends to harden. This is where tartar appears, much harder and difficult to remove.

Tartar accumulates on the margins of the gum and little by little it separates from the teeth. As there is more space between the tooth and the gum, the appearance of more tartar is enhanced, which progressively affects oral health. This tartar, made up of bacteria, will create dental calculus that can only be completely removed by a specialist through professional dental cleaning. That is why you must go for periodic check-ups and have at least one dental cleaning a year. This way we will be able to eliminate tartar and prevent it from accumulating, causing different complications.

What are receding gums?

The gum disease receding gums are the soft, firm, pink tissue that surrounds the neck of your teeth and covers their root area. Its function is to seal this sector and thus protect the bone and other deep tissues that hold your teeth in place.

We talk about receding gums when the gingival tissue surrounding your tooth moves apically, exposing part of the tooth root. This causes the effect of perceiving the dental crown as being longer than the other elements of the mouth, that is, the tooth appears longer.

In addition to this aesthetic defect, receding gums expose the roots of your teeth to the oral environment, to bacterial plaque, and to the sensory stimuli generated when you eat or brush your teeth.

The root surface is covered by a tissue called cementum, which is not prepared to be in contact with the outside. So, your teeth with their roots exposed are more at risk of suffering from cavities, tooth sensitivity, and pain.

Likewise, if you have gum loss, brushing your teeth may become difficult due to sensitivity. This favors the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of tartar, situations that irritate your gingival tissue and increase retraction. This creates a vicious circle that we must stop with timely treatment.

Gingival recession, gum recession, and gum loss are other names by which this condition is known. Although this is a fairly common condition, many people do not realize that their gum tissue is receding. This is how they come to our consultation when the problem is very evident and is very advanced.

Even if the problem of receding gums is severe, we will find a solution to resolve it. In any case, results are more successful and treatments are more comfortable, simpler, and cheaper when the condition is detected and treated early.

What are the symptoms of receding gums?

Receding gums can affect your dental and aesthetic health, learn to identify the signs. These are the main symptoms of gingival recession that will allow you to check if there is any problem with your gums that may become complicated over time. To avoid this, you should go to your trusted clinic when you detect any of them and follow the recommendations of the professionals in charge of your oral health.

*The longer teeth are noticeable: although it seems difficult to detect, it is possible to notice a longer length of the pieces compared to some time ago. Look at your teeth and the position of the gums. Do you notice that the separation has increased?

*Different color on the gum line: if you are a little observant you can detect different shades between the exposed root and the crown of the tooth. If you get into the habit of looking at your teeth every time you do your cleaning routine, you will be more aware of the state of your teeth and gums and you will be able to check if any changes or problems arise.

*Gum inflammation: If you notice that your gums are swollen and red, especially at the margins, retraction could be beginning. This situation is more easily verifiable and can be a determining factor in starting to treat this situation in time and avoiding complications.

*Blood in the gums: it usually appears during brushing or when biting into slightly harder foods, such as apples, for example. If you notice that your gums bleed when you brush, it may be that you are brushing too hard or aggressively. It is best that you go for a check-up so they can advise you and check how your gums are. They will also give you advice on how to brush properly and not damage your gums.

*Excessive sensitivity to food: intense pain occurs when you eat a very cold or hot, acidic or sweet food or drink. Have you noticed increased sensitivity in your teeth when you eat ice cream or drink drinks with a lot of ice?

*Tooth mobility: you might notice how some teeth move slightly, in this case, you should not leave it any longer. Go to your dental clinic and you will avoid problems or even tooth loss.

Causes of gum disease receding gums

Three out of four adults have some form of periodontal disease. Most of the time, it is a silent health problem.

Periodontal disease begins with plaque buildup. The more plaque, the more bacteria. These bacteria produce toxins, which damage the gums. They irritate and inflame them.

At this point, we are talking about gingivitis, a problem that we can treat with a thorough cleaning of the mouth.

If the plaque hardens, we are already talking about tartar. And with tartar, the damage to the gums is greater (periodontitis). This is when this tissue can begin to lose ground and retract from the teeth. And not only does this happen, but some bone is also lost.

When periodontitis is more severe, the tissues can suffer such deterioration that the teeth lose support and may be lost.

Several reasons can cause your gums to recede; in some cases, it is even the combination of several situations that causes the loss of gingival tissue. We explain the most frequent causes:


Gingivitis is the gum’s inflammation. It is a condition characterized by gingival tissue swelling, turning bright red, uncomfortable, and bleeding easily.

Most of the time it is associated with inadequate oral hygiene, which causes the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of tartar. Bacteria and tartar deposits irritate your gums and trigger the inflammatory process.

Gingivitis can also be linked to other factors such as smoking, hormonal changes, some diseases, or nutritional deficiencies. 

If you have tartar in your mouth you should go to our offices as soon as possible. Brushing your teeth cannot eliminate these deposits, so we will have to perform a professional cleaning or dental prophylaxis.

Additionally, if you notice that your gums are swollen or bleeding when you brush your teeth, you should also visit us promptly. These are signs that something is not right in your mouth and you should not ignore them. If we address your gum problem immediately, we prevent the disease from progressing and the condition from getting worse.


Periodontitis, also known as periodontal disease or pyorrhea, arises as a result of untreated gingivitis. Bacterial plaque and tartar accumulate between the gum and the tooth, forming what we call periodontal pockets.

The presence of bacteria in these deep areas causes an infectious and inflammatory process that progressively destroys the tissues that support your teeth. If the condition is not treated in time, the periodontal fibers and the bone that houses your teeth are lost. With this, your teeth will begin to move and, in the most severe cases, they can even come out and leave you without teeth.

As the bone is destroyed, the gums accompany the loss and, therefore, recede. A characteristic of gingival retraction due to periodontitis is that it affects a large sector or the entire mouth.

Improper brushing:

In this case, receding gums appear in people with good plaque control, contrary to the previous causes. It is excessive and traumatic hygiene that causes damage to the gingival tissue.

If you are one of those who brush your teeth very vigorously or with very hard brushes, you should know that this practice can damage your gums and cause them to recede. Cleaning with too much pressure and very energetic and aggressive movements on the gingival tissue causes its destruction and migration to areas further away from the traumatic site.

It is common that, if the brushing technique is inadequate, we only observe the receding gum on one or two teeth. In these cases, it is common for the condition to develop in the area of ​​the canine on the opposite side of the hand with which you brush; If you brush your teeth with your right hand, the gum on your left canine will most likely recede. However, the front teeth can also be affected.

Receding gums due to orthodontic problems:

Orthodontic treatments allow us to mobilize the teeth to achieve an adequate relationship between the upper teeth and the lower ones. These dental movements must be carried out in a precise, progressive, and controlled manner. Otherwise, they can increase the risk of problems in the supporting tissues and gingival retraction.

Orthodontic tooth movement alone does not cause gum loss. In any case, many times the teeth are relocated outside the bone table. This predisposes to gingival retraction in the future; Because there is no bone, and there will be no gum.


Tobacco is a harmful habit that alters oral health in many ways. The heat and toxic substances in cigarettes affect the irrigation and defenses of the gingival tissue.

For this reason, if you smoke, your gums may look pale, thick, and receding. Additionally, you should keep in mind that smoking accelerates the progression of periodontal disease and tooth loss is a common consequence.

If you have a habit of smoking, our biggest advice is to try to quit the habit. Not only to prevent your gums from receding or staining your teeth but to prevent more serious conditions such as oral cancer.

Trauma to the mouth:

Suffering a blow to the mouth is another cause that can cause gum loss. Trauma not only causes broken teeth but also damages the tissues that support them. If you lose your bone due to trauma, your gum will also recede.

Receding gums due to bruxism:

In dentistry, we call bruxism the unconscious clenching and grinding of the teeth. If you have this habit, your teeth may wear out, your head or neck may hurt, and your gums may recede.

The excessive pressure caused by the forces of repetitive and frequent clenching damages the health of your periodontal tissues. The gums migrate and expose the roots of your teeth.

Main causes of  gum disease receding gums

Receding gums can be caused by a large number of factors. The main causes of gum loss are the following:

*Gum disease: gingivitis and periodontal disease.

*Aggressive tooth brushing over time.

*Plaque accumulation: tartar.

*Smoking habit.

*History of gum disease in the patient’s family.

*Trauma to the mouth.

*Damage to the gums from poor orthodontics.



*Hormonal changes in women.

Gum disease receding gums treatment

Gingival tissue does not regenerate itself nor are there home remedies to treat receding gums. Although you can modify your habits and take care of your oral health, there is no natural or homemade solution to cure your receding gums. To recover the lost tissue you must make an appointment with our periodontics service.

The possibility of recovering your receding gums will depend on several factors, above all, the causes that caused the loss and the moment in which we address the problem:

*If the origin is aggressive brushing, a piercing, or the consequence of orthodontic treatment, receding gums have a solution. The procedures are simpler if we address the problem as soon as it begins.

*On the other hand, if gingival retraction is accompanied by serious periodontal damage, as in periodontitis, the approach is more complicated. The bone loss typical of this disease means that we have to resort to more complex methods.

So, the first thing we must do to cure your receding gums is to find the cause that caused the problem. Once we determine the origin, we can address it so that it stops damaging the gingival tissue.

First step: control the causes of gum disease receding gums:

As we mentioned, the first moment of treatment consists of modifying some habits and behaviors:

*We will teach you how to clean your mouth and brush your teeth correctly and carefully. We will recommend a soft brush and the most appropriate toothpaste for your problem.

*If you have piercings, it will be necessary to remove them so that they stop traumatizing your gums.

*We will advise you on your diet. You should avoid very acidic and sweet foods and drinks, as well as very hard textures.

*If you have bruxism, we will look for the origin of the habit to treat it and we will make you a discharge plate to reduce the damage.

*If the cause of gum loss is gingivitis or periodontitis, we will treat the disease through professional cleaning, scaling, and root planing.

By eliminating the causes of receding gums, we try to return the gingival tissue to its natural position. It will be very important that you maintain care and that we monitor the evolution of the process.

Other measures to solve receding gums:

In addition to acting on the origin of the problem, many times, some therapeutic procedures will be necessary to recover your gums, reduce symptoms, or achieve a more harmonious and beautiful smile. We can divide treatments into surgical and non-surgical techniques. Let’s look at it in more detail.

How to fix receding gums without surgery

Non-surgical treatments for receding gums:

If your problem with receding gums is mild, we can improve the situation without surgery. These are some measures that we can apply:

*Desensitizing agents and varnishes: we will use these products on exposed roots. They are useful if receding gums have started to cause sensitivity or discomfort with cold and heat.

*Fillings for receding gums: we can place composite resins or composites of the same color as your teeth to cover the root surface and prevent sensitivity.

Surgeries for gum disease receding gums treatment

If your gums cannot reposition themselves, we resort to some surgical procedures that help us solve the problem. Depending on your needs, we can choose between the following alternatives:

*Mucogingival plastic surgery or gum graft: with this technique we take a fragment of mucosa from your palate and place it over the site where you have lost gum, covering the exposed tooth roots. With this, we seek to regenerate the missing tissue. It is a simple, quick surgery with a mild postoperative period. It is not a convenient technique if there is periodontitis, since we cannot place gum where there is no bone.

*Gum stretching: this technique, also called “coronally mobilized flap,” can be performed if you have preserved your interdental papillae, which are the triangular portion of gum between teeth. In this case, we detach your gum and replace it in place, covering the root of your tooth.

*Periodontal surgeries: we apply them in cases of severe and advanced periodontitis. Depending on your needs, we will consider the placement of some filling material and grafts that allow us to increase the level of lost bone and thus have a solid base that supports your teeth and gums.

How to prevent gum loss?

To prevent gum recession, and also to prevent the progression of this problem, you must follow these tips.

Stop smoking: Tobacco can increase the presence of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Quitting smoking is good for preventing cavities, gum recession, and many other health problems.

Maintain good oral hygiene: If you take care of your teeth and brush them after every meal (at least the first and last meal of the day), you have done a lot to avoid receding gums.

Eat healthy: Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Not only fruits and vegetables help reduce plaque. In general, the vitamins and nutrients in healthy foods can prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Keeping bacteria at bay is very important because they can trigger gum problems, tartar formation, and gingival retraction. Above all, avoid foods rich in sugar.

Go to the dentist: Examinations in the clinic allow plaque accumulations to be detected, to eliminate them. Additionally, the dentist will evaluate the health of your gums.
Treats dental problems: There are mouth problems that increase the risk of gum recession. The most obvious is gum disease. However, a crooked tooth, an incorrect bite (malocclusion), or bruxism (teeth clenching) are factors that can increase the risk of periodontal disease and gum recession.

How to reverse receding gums at home

Top 10 natural remedies for gum disease receding gums treatment:

Gum recession, also called gingival recession, is a disease that occurs progressively from childhood and reaches its greatest degree after the age of 40 when even the roots of the teeth can be exposed. There are different home remedies for receding gums that can help you avoid this problem. We are going to tell you what are the different causes that can cause this situation, such as periodontal diseases.

We want to explain to you the importance of carrying out adequate oral hygiene that will help you avoid complications that could harm your dental health and that of your gums. We are going to know the origin of this oral condition and give you some advice so that you can keep your gums healthy and without problems.

1. Green tea for gum disease receding gums treatment

Green tea, also known as the elixir of health, is rich in antioxidants and can be used to both treat and prevent a large number of diseases. In this case, drinking green tea will help us reduce the damage caused to the teeth as a result of receding gums.

Green tea also reduces inflammation and helps destroy bacteria in the mouth (which can cause periodontal problems).

Drinking a cup of green tea in the morning will help us keep our gums and teeth healthy and strong.

2. Sesame oil

Sesame oil can be used in the same way that we would use a mouthwash, to eliminate possible toxic substances and plaque accumulations on the gums.

For sesame oil, we can take 1/4 glass of sesame oil and rinse our mouth vigorously. Heating the oil a little can help in the absorption of the oil and the subsequent elimination of toxins and plaque.

Sesame oil will also give our gums and teeth a kind of protective layer to prevent deterioration.

3. Yarrow

Its leaves have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-coagulant effects, so it can help reduce gum recession in any of its phases. It is best to chew the leaves or crush them until you obtain a paste with which to massage your gums. For receding gums, another natural solution is to gargle with a yarrow infusion.

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil will provide our teeth with the necessary protection against diseases that cause the appearance of bacteria and germs. It also helps prevent food particles and other germs from accumulating between teeth, causing them to deteriorate.

Coconut oil can be used daily as a preventative method for receding gums, and for good oral hygiene in general.

5. Lemon oil for gum disease receding gums treatment

Lemon has excellent antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Despite these properties, its daily use is not recommended as it can corrode the enamel.

Lemon oil can be made at home by infusing olive oil with lemon for several weeks.

This oil can be used to rinse your mouth first thing in the morning. Lemon oil will help eliminate all bacteria and help prevent gum recession, thus preventing tooth decay.

Lemon oil also stimulates tissue formation and can help heal already damaged areas.

6. Eucalyptus essential oil

This essential oil helps eliminate all germs from the mouth and prevents tooth decay and gum disease. It is also anti-inflammatory by nature and helps reduce possible oral inflammation.

Dilute eucalyptus essential oil with water and massage your gums for several minutes every day (then rinse with water). This will stimulate the formation of new tissues and reduce retraction thanks to its antibacterial nature.

7. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can be diluted in water and used as a mouthwash to prevent gum recession. The oil is very powerful and should not be used without first being diluted with water.

Tea tree oil is a powerful anti-fungal and anti-microbial that can destroy bacteria and plaque buildup on teeth and gums.

8. Sage leaves

Sage leaves act as a gum tonic and are an excellent treatment for the mucous membrane. They can be rubbed directly onto the gums and teeth for immediate protection against receding and deterioration of the gums and teeth.

We can also use the leaves to prepare an infusion and use the mixture to rinse the mouth. To prepare the infusion, add sage leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 10 minutes before using it to rinse.

9. Aloe vera for gum disease receding gums treatment

Aloe vera is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Take the fresh gel from the aloe plant, and use it to brush our teeth. You can also use aloe vera gel as a mouthwash in the morning and after meals to protect teeth and gums.

Aloe vera will help both in the healing of gums and in the prevention of infections caused by bacteria.

10. Vitamin C supplement

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C for gum disease receding gums treatment, especially kiwis, tomatoes, citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, etc. If they can be eaten raw, much better to avoid the loss of vitamins in cooking.

With these natural remedies for receding gums, we are sure that you will be able to control and alleviate the problems derived from this situation. But don’t forget that, to maintain good dental health, it is important that you go for a check-up with your trusted dentist and that you let yourself be advised by professionals who know how to help you.

FAQ for Gum disease receding gums treatment:

How can I know if I have gum disease receding gums?

Some signs may indicate that you have gingival problems or receding gums. It occurs when the gums shrink, leaving the root exposed and the first thing you may feel is increased tooth sensitivity. You may also notice that your teeth appear longer or see a mark where the gum meets the tooth.

Although you may see these signs, it is not always easy to tell if you have receding gums. It is best to go to the dentist for regular checkups because a professional can identify and treat gum problems. This is especially important in the case of receding gums because starting treatment as soon as possible is the best way to prevent them from getting worse.

How can I help prevent gum disease receding gums?

First of all, and logically, do not do any treatment without having eliminated the cause.

If there is aggressive brushing, you have to change habits and learn oral hygiene instructions and even brush, always better soft.

If the cause is periodontal, periodontal disease must be treated.

In the case of bruxism, control it, with discharge plates and in many cases with physiotherapy. And in the case of occlusal traumas, they must be eliminated.

As we have previously mentioned, it is best to go to the dentist for regular check-ups because a professional can identify and treat problems.

Can gum disease receding gums grow back?

The simple answer is no. If your gums are damaged by, for example, periodontitis, the most serious form of gum disease, receding gums cannot grow back. However, although receding gums cannot be solved, some treatments can help prevent the problem from getting worse.

What is the gum recession due to periodontal diseases

Another common cause of receding gums is gum diseases such as periodontitis.

Periodontitis causes you to lose bone. Consequently, you lose gums. Consequently, your gums recede.

A characteristic of gum recession due to periodontitis is that it affects the entire mouth, unlike other causes such as orthodontics or aggressive brushing that affects only a few teeth. In these cases, it is not always possible to recover the gum that has been lost.

Why do gum disease receding gums treatment?

Receding gums can have various origins. We can summarize the most notable ones in the following list:

*Periodontal disease: mainly caused by the presence of bacterial plaque due to poor oral hygiene and the presence of bacteria related to said disease. It is also closely related to other factors, such as family inheritance, genetic patterns, systemic factors, and the presence of bad habits, such as smoking, which aggravate the disease.

*Brushing your teeth with excessive force or an improper brushing technique can cause gum recession and subsequent wear of the enamel on the neck of the tooth. 

*Traumatic habits in the teeth such as constant nail biting, injury with instruments, or piercing. Others, such as dental malposition and bruxism, are also related to the appearance of gingival recessions. 

Unfortunately, once the gums have receded, they no longer return to their original state. Fortunately, your periodontist has the appropriate treatments to recover the lost tissue and return the tooth to periodontal health. We describe them below.

What receding gums due to orthodontics

There may also be gum recession due to orthodontics. That is, patients who have had orthodontics and have had their teeth moved outwards to open space to correct the position of the teeth.

Many times, that space is difficult to gain and by moving the teeth outward, the tooth is pulled out of the bone, and in the end, the gum recedes, because where there is no bone, there is no gum.

In some cases (when necessary) we perform treatment for gum recession before even placing orthodontics on the patient. We do this in specific cases when we assess that the patient could suffer retraction after orthodontics, either because he has very thin gums or for any other reason that forces us to take a preventive measure to guarantee a successful result.

It is usually common between the incisors and fangs, although more frequently on the lower teeth.


Gums cannot recover on their own, so in most cases, it is necessary to see a periodontist.

There are no home remedies or techniques that can cure receding gums, but we can prevent them and improve our oral habits.

Therefore, the cause of receding gum must be addressed before starting any treatment.

This may be modifying diet, improving hygiene habits, brushing softer, etc.

With this, the treatment to cure gum disease receding gums will be simpler, easier to carry out, and less painful.

Read more: What is pyorrhea disease, type, symptoms, causes, treatment

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