Homeopathy Chelidonium q for fatty liver, Jaundice, kidney, gallbladder Etc. drainage is conventionally a previous treatment to improve the action of homeopathic medicines that will follow in the therapeutic strategy.
Mental symptoms of chelidonium q, 30, 200 & others
Mental or conscience, It seems as if guilty of a crime. She despairs obtaining the religious salvation of his soul. He is easily offended. He Forgets what he is going to do or what he has just done. He thinks he is going to go crazy, he is afraid of losing his mind. The Symptoms of Aversion to mental And physical work, it’s especially after lunch.
Everything is slow: the spirit, the march, the word. He has a horror of movement. Aversion to the conversation. Premonitions of death. He thinks it has ruined his health. Sad, melancholic. Tendency to cry. Quiet delirium, worse at night. Feels persecuted by a nauseating, fecaloid odor, as if all the objects around him were dirty with fecal matter (Sulphur).
Desires and dislikes of Chelidonium q
I Want milk, especially hot; hot drinks and food, almost boiling; vinegar, wine, beer, coffee, and acids. Sleep: He is sleepy and cannot sleep. He falls asleep talking. He dreams of business, corpses, and funerals or does not remember them. Chills at 3:00 p.m. Sweat from the slightest effort. Sweats sleeping, better when waking up.
Stool Symptoms
Alternate constipation and diarrhea. white stools, white as putty, hard white, pasty, light yellow, that float in the water. Constipation, with hard pieces or balls like sheep. Efforts to defecate, without result. Constriction in the anus defecating, or preventing you from defecating; alternates with itching. Hemorrhoids that sometimes bleed, sting, prick, burn, and swarm.
General symptoms of homeopathy chelidonium q
Conditions and symptoms predominate on the right side. Blonde, thin, irritable people, prone to liver, gastric, or abdominal disorders; any age, sex, and temperament. In bilious patients with a tendency to hepatic affections, with a fecaloid odor and a grayish-yellow face.
Worst: due to movement, by touch, due to weather changes, at 4 or 4 p.m.; very early in the morning; lying on the right side.
Better noon, after lunch; by hot milk; after eating, especially hot food or drinks; by rest; by pressure; leaning back; by heat (except headaches). Aversion to cheese and coffee; to the meat 16, You want strange things during pregnancy. Symptoms of the sore spine:- when leaning backward or forward, tearing pains as if the vertebrae were broken. Violent pain in the lower angle of the left shoulder blade.
Drawing pain in the testicles and spermatic cords. Eczema in the bags and anus. Painful swelling of the right testicle. Burning in the vagina every day at the same time. Decreased milk during lactation. Profuse and prolonged menses. Pain in the right ovary. The yellow flux stains clothes.
Glottic spasms on expiration. Pain in the larynx from coughing. Pressing pain in the larynx, worse swallowing; as if no air passed. Dyspnea after frightening dreams, better lying down and outdoors. Asthma is worse at night and due to weather changes. Chest tightness is worse by clothing. Retrosternal pressure. Spasms of the diaphragm.
Stitches in the lower right side of the chest, worse from coughing, movement, or inspiration, extended to the belly. Pain in the right side of the chest, worse when inhaling, by movement, and by coughing; better sitting.
Pneumonia: it is one of the main remedies for this condition, especially of the upper right and lower left lobes, with transfixing pains up to the lower angle of the right shoulder blade, worse from movement and contact. Pneumonia with liver complications. catarrhal bronchitis.
Whooping cough. Short, spasmodic cough, with a feeling of having dust in the airways. Expectoration veined red, flying from the mouth. Cough at 4:00 p.m. Capillary bronchitis with hepatic symptoms.
Particular symptoms homeopathy chelidonium q
Vertigo with bilious vomiting, worse when closing your eyes or getting up and sitting in bed (Cocculus). Pain over the right eye (supraorbital neuralgia), with excessive tearing, preceded by liver pain, worse in the evening reading, at night, and by heat; better by cold water and vomiting bile.
Headache is worse in the morning when waking up, at 2:00 p.m., outdoors, blowing your nose, coughing, bending over; better eating or closing your eyes. Cold in the occipital region, as if cold air came out of the neck. Occipital heaviness, worse at night, as if he could not lift his head from the pillow. Itching in the neck.
Head tremor. The sensation of the band on the forehead and temples, better closing the eyes. The skull feels very small. Hair falls on the nape. Tendency to fall forward. Tearing pain in the left eye, worse when looking up, in the evening, extended to the teeth and malar bone. Opacities and staphyloma of the cornea. Desire to close your eyes. Pupils dilated contracted, or insensitive.
Eyelashes fall. lacrimal fistula You see sparks during the headache. See dazzling spots. The letters run or come together when writing or reading.
Amaurosis. Diplopia. Stitches between the eyebrows. The edges of the eyelids are red, as is the conjunctiva.
Dirty yellow sclera. Clonic spasms of the eyelids. Blurred vision of the right eye in the morning on waking. Waterfalls.
Sound or sensation of wind or air escaping from the ears. She has one cold ear and one hot ear. Her ears are covered when she coughs, with hearing loss. A prolonged stitch in the right ear.
Trembling sensation at the tip of the nose – it is swollen and red. Itching at the tip of the nose. Nasal flaring in respiratory affections (Lycopodium). Feel foul odors, worse when bending over.
Face Symptoms: Greyish dirty, yellowish, pale, sallow, red on one side. Anxious, suffering, sick expression. Bone pain kills the right, tearing. Right facial neuralgia, worse lying down, from touching and talking. The jaw drops. The sensation of swelling in the right malar bone. facial itching Herpes on the chin. Swollen, dry, cracked, crusty lips. Bitter taste. Tongue with the mark of the teeth, flaccid. pointed tongue; dry; Brown; pale; white; yellowish; with red borders.
Yellowish palate. Mucus in the mouth, which escapes when coughing.
Bad breath. The gums bleed. Toothache with facial neuralgia, worse from heat and at night in bed; better for cold water.
Gastralgia that improves after lunch, eating, belching, lying on the left side, with legs drawn up, and drinking hot milk; and is aggravated by pressure and movement.
The stomach does not tolerate anything except boiling liquids.
Bilious vomiting with headaches. Nausea with heat in the stomach, or cold. Cutting gastralgia when yawning, after eating. Constriction and distress in the epigastric hollow.
Homeopathy chelidonium q for liver
The main center of action of homeopathy chelidonium q is the liver. Stitches in the liver extended to the back, especially to the lower and inner angles of the right shoulder blade. Pain in the liver spread to the back or down, better after eating. Hepatic colic due to gallstones.
Hypertrophy (perpendicular) and hepatic congestion, with a sensation of fullness and sensitivity to touch. Swollen, hard, painful liver. Acute and chronic hepatitis. Pain in the navel spreads transversely through the abdomen; constriction as by a thread. Navel retraction.
Ascites. Groin ulcers. Stitches in the spleen. portal plethora; distension; abdominal sounds. grayish-yellow color of the skin.
Pruritus. Old, putrid, spreading ulcers, with liver or tuberculous antecedents. Pimples and pustules. Eczema. hives Wrinkled skin.
Chelidonium for jaundice symptoms
The key defining symptom of Chelidonium is a fixed pain under the right shoulder blade, at its lower and inner angle and at its inner edge, worse in the morning or on waking at 4, breathing, moving the right arm, extending to the sternum or shoulder.
Stitches in and below the right shoulder blade as you inhale. These pains generally represent a reflection of liver disease. Neck stiffness and cracking, worse when moving the head. Pain in the right shoulder. Drawing pain in the lower limbs, especially the right; paralytic. Pain in my right knee, worse on motion (Bry.) and on walking. Pain in the limbs when touched.
Intolerable heel pain. Jerks and tremors in the limbs: convulsions in the fingers and toes. Cold at the tips of the fingers. The right foot is cold and the other normal or hot. hot hands, yellow palms, Stiffness in the wrist; ankles, and knees. Ideas standing; and ankles; rheumatic. Heaviness in the lower limbs. Itching on the soles of the feet, more to the right; in lower limbs. Your toes feel dead. Rheumatic and neuralgic pain.
The Jaundice will also be cured by biochemic remedies. Chelidonium symptoms of kidney chelidonium q used for pain in the right kidney, worse from 16 to 21 hours, and lying on his back.
Stabbing pain in the bladder. foamy urine; dark yellow; Brown; reddish brown, dark, greenish, white, cloudy on leaving or after standing. Urine stains clothing dark yellow. Burning or cutting pains in the urethra, frequency, Diabetes. Precautions for Chelidonium use Keep homeopathic medicines away from light, heat, and moisture.
Side effects of homeopathy chelidonium q
Homeopathic medicines do not have Chelidonium chemical compound toxicity or against indication or interaction with other medicines or adverse reactions related to the number of products. Pregnant women can be treated without known risk to themselves and their future children, but it is best to ask for Doctors’ tips.
Dosage of Chelidonium :- Chelidonium 30 uses (3+3+3) Chelidonium q ( mixed with water 10+10+10)
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