Health Conditions

How to get rid of pimples overnight | Acne natural solution

Let’s see, now, the home remedies for how to get rid of pimples overnight, natural and effective treatments that we know and that have proven effectiveness. Acne natural solution such as:


Calendula is a herbaceous plant that is characterized by being branchy and reaching a height of no more than 40 centimeters, with sessile, opposite, toothed, light green, and slightly hairy leaves, as well as large yellow flowers.

it has been effective in addressing skin problems, as it softens, tones, and moisturizes. Among the discomforts it relieves are burns, acne, irritations, dryness and even healing.

Aloe Vera Mask

Aloe vera is famous for its soothing and healing properties. Apply fresh aloe vera gel to your face and let it sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off. Regular application can help reduce inflammation and improve skin healing.

Baking soda paste

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant that can help remove dead skin cells and clear clogged pores. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a small amount of water to make a paste and apply it to the affected areas. Massage gently and then rinse with warm water.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has astringent and antibacterial properties that can help balance the skin’s pH and reduce the proliferation of acne-causing bacteria. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, and use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected areas. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse with water.

Aspirin paste

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, an ingredient commonly used in acne products. Crush a few aspirin tablets and mix the powder with a little water to form a paste. Apply the paste on the acne and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Brew a cup of green tea and let it cool. Then, use a cotton ball to apply the tea to your face or affected areas. There is no need to rinse it off as it will be absorbed into your skin.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with water and apply the mixture to the individual grains with a cotton swab. Avoid applying it to large areas of skin as it may irritate.


Thyme is a medicinal herb that has many uses, from culinary to medicinal, as well as for repellents and cosmetics. The use of this medicinal plant as a treatment for acne is based above all on its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. For this, you can use tea or an infusion of this plant. Without a doubt, one of the most powerful home remedies for acne for external use.


Chamomile is another popular herb in the world of beauty since its properties make it one of the best natural remedies.

Also called chamomile, it is a plant capable of reducing excess acne on the face thanks to its antiseptic properties; It relieves irritation and discomfort that pimples can cause and is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory due to its flavonoids.

Acne natural solution with Mint

You can fight acne using a mint mask. Take gain of the herbal anti-inflammatory and analgesic advantages of this plant. Evidence supports its benefits over placebo or no treatment.

The process is very simple. You require 250 milliliters of water and 15 grams of mint leaves. The leaves are macerated in warm water until they soften. They are crushed in a mortar until they form a paste. You apply to the affected area directly and leave it for 15 minutes. Then you rinse the skin.

Omega 3

In addition to the benefits related to cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health in general, omega-3 fatty acids affect chronic inflammation factors, which would help reduce acne. They can be obtained by consuming fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies), as well as dried fruits (walnuts) and chia or flax seeds.


Zinc has been studied for at least half a century for its clinical use to treat acne. For this purpose, it can be used orally both in the form of sulfate and citrate and in the form of gluconate.

This is in capsules or pills since the properties of zinc help improve the health of the skin because this nutrient is the engine of enzymes and hormones that participate in metabolic activities. Therefore, it helps to improve not only the health of the skin but also the health of bones and hair.

B vitamins are very powerful for skin health, along with zinc. Therefore, this food helps in the absorption of other nutrients and cell regeneration, for the health of the skin, hair, and bones.


We have already seen home remedies for pimples or acne for external use, so now it is our turn for internal use. Without a doubt, echinacea is one of the most powerful.

This plant is a strengthener of the immune system and health in general. But it is also a powerful healing agent (internal and external). For internal use, it can be taken both as an infusion and as a tincture in drops and capsules.

For external use, also in infusion or drops, it is used to treat wounds, burns, eczema, psoriasis, herpes, bites, and clear acne or boils.

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What foods to avoid for how to get rid of pimples overnight

At the same time that we delve into the knowledge and use of home remedies for how to get rid of pimples overnight, it is also important to avoid some foods such as:

  • Dairy (mainly fatty cheeses)
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Butter
  • Pizzas
  • Sausages
  • Industrial bakeries
  • Industrial pastries
  • French fries and other fried snacks

Classification of pimples or acne

Depending on the type of predominant lesion, its extent, and the presence of scars, the classification of pimples: is mild, moderate, or severe.

1. Mild acne: characterized by the main presence of non-inflammatory lesions or comedones. Papules and pustules may appear, but they will always be small and in very small numbers.

2. Moderate acne: manifested by the presence of a greater number of comedones, papules, and inflammatory pustules.

3. Severe acne: in addition to abundant inflammatory papules and pustules, nodules and cysts develop. Within this type of acne are nodulocystic acne and acne conglobata.

Acne natural solution

If you have acne and meticulously follow your dermatologist’s advice and acne natural solution, you probably don’t understand why you keep breaking out. Many times, in our daily lives, we use products or perform practices that may be one of the reasons why our acne does not improve. At Farmacia Gamo, we are going to give you  6 Tips to avoid pimples overnight to improve your acne:

6 Tips to Avoid Pimples Overnight

1. Change your pillowcase regularly

Just like towels, your pillowcase is a source of dirt that can make your acne worse. Keep in mind that we normally do our facial care routine before going to sleep so residue may remain on the pillow. This residue in contact with the skin can dirty our skin, leading to an acne breakout.

2. Lather your body and face after using masks or hair conditioners.

Surely you have ever asked yourself the following question: What should be washed first, your hair or your body? It’s actually a question that makes all the sense in the world and that we don’t always know how to answer.

When you rinse hair products, they run down your back and many of the ingredients in these products, especially conditioners and masks, are comedogenic and can lead to acne breakouts on the back and neck.

That is why it is always recommended to soap your body and face after applying your hair masks to prevent pores from clogging and acne breakouts from appearing.

3. Avoid excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods and dairy products.

What we eat affects the state of our skin. It has been seen that excessive intake of dairy products and ultra-processed foods rich in trans fats causes increased sebum production and skin inflammation, which can worsen acne on our skin. 

4. Disinfect your mobile phone.

You would be surprised at the amount of bacteria that live on your phone. Think of it as an object that is in continuous contact with our hands and that also sometimes comes into contact with our faces when talking on the phone. The bacteria present on your phone could be making your acne worse, so we recommend disinfecting it from time to time.

5. Clean and disinfect your makeup accessories.

How long has it been since you disinfected your makeup brushes? Great makeup artists advise washing your brushes after using them to prevent dirt and bacteria from accumulating that could cause an acne breakout.

6. Use a clean towel to dry your face.

You probably use the same towel to dry your hands and face. This is a big mistake since dirt, dust, and moisture accumulate on towels, which is a breeding ground for acne.

Essential tips on how to get rid of pimples overnight

This information on home remedies for pimples is intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of your doctor or health care professional and is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects.

Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider because of something you have read on ecocosas. You should always talk to a healthcare professional before starting, stopping, or changing tips on how to get rid of pimples overnight or any type of treatment.


The relationship between diet and acne continues to be debated. A diet with a low glycemic load is recommended, avoiding processed foods, flour, and refined sugars.


Another topic on which it is considered that more research is needed is the influence of exercise on acne. However, there is no doubt that physical activity affects blood circulation and hormonal regulation, as well as fat metabolism.

How to get rid of pimples overnight with stress management

Although there is not a total consensus among researchers, some studies suggest that stress, although it is not the cause, can make acne worse. Hormones released during stressful situations would increase sebum production and the inflammatory response.

Therefore, among the home remedies to combat acne, we must consider everything we can do to reduce stress. This includes regular rest, participating in leisure activities, exercising, and applying meditation and relaxation techniques.

In conjunction with all of the above, you should keep in mind that direct and prolonged exposure to UV rays and the use of powder, concealer, or foundation to cover pimples can worsen acne. The latter can be very tempting, both in men and women, but avoid acquiring it as a habit.

How to remove pimples naturally and permanently

In addition to the aforementioned home remedies for acne and foods to avoid, other habits must be taken into account that will help improve the health of the skin. Without necessarily being remedies for this condition, these habits can be complementary to improve skin health.

It is important to wash your face twice a day with warm water and sulfur soap, clay, or any other soap that is especially useful for acne. This will help clean the pores and prevent infections.

If you use any type of makeup, it is important to always remove it before going to sleep, to prevent the pores from becoming more clogged than usual.

Try to avoid touching your pimples with dirty hands, as this could cause them to become even more infected.

And, very importantly, you should never pop your pimples. It’s an unavoidable temptation, I know, but this could cause a lot of damage to the skin and make the problem even more serious, including larger wounds and permanent scars.

Finally, avoid stressful situations and do sports or some similar activity (yoga, pilates, cycling, etc.), which will help you eliminate toxins and improve skin health.

Top 12 FAQs on how to get rid of pimples overnight

Technically, how to get rid of pimples overnight. it is a disease in which the hair follicle and oil glands in the skin become inflamed. Our skin has hair, which grows from a follicle, the hair follicle. This structure is in close contact with a sebum-producing gland. Together, they form the pilosebaceous follicle. This is what is inflamed in acne.

What is it that we see? This inflammatory process, together with the obstruction of the hair follicles, results in imperfections in our skin. The basic and defining lesion of acne is the comedone or blackhead. It is the result of pore clogging. When inflamed, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts appear.

Why do pimples appear?

The etiology of acne is multifactorial. That is, there is not a single cause that causes it, but it appears as the result of several factors. To begin with, in acne there is an excess of keratin that clogs the hair follicles, generating comedones. In addition, there is an excessive production of fat by the sebaceous glands.

To all this is added the growth of a bacterium, propionibacterium acnes, which participates in the inflammation described. All in all, the pores in our skin become clogged and inflamed. First, we will see comedones, which are clogged follicles. Later, they can be raised to form papules and even have pus, called pustules.

In the most severe forms, these lesions will become larger and deeper, generating nodules and cysts. All these alterations can leave scars when healing on our skin. Acne tends to appear in the oiliest areas of our body. 

What causes pimples

Before moving how to get rid of pimples overnight, it is necessary to know that this condition is caused and appears on the skin when the skin porosities become blocked with oil or body fat (also called sebum), dead skin, or bacteria. The pores of the skin are those openings where the follicles emerge, formed by hair and a sebaceous gland.

When they become clogged, they cause inflammation, and they can become infected by bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes that appear in these pores covered by body fat.

Another common cause of acne, which mainly affects pre-teen children and adolescents, is age-related changes in hormonal balance.

Who can pimples affect?

Pimples most frequently affect adolescents and young adults, with the average age being 24 years. This is due to both hormonal factors and increased sebum production at these ages. However, up to a third of acne patients are over the age of 25. Therefore, it can appear at other ages, older and younger.

Acne is more common in African-American and Hispanic people, as well as being generally more severe. There are many people affected by acne, which is one of the most seen pathologies in dermatology. It is important to keep in mind that acne does not only affect the skin. It also has a great psychological impact.

What types of pimples are there?

In general, pimples are classified according to their severity. Following this criterion, we distinguish between mild, moderate, and severe acne. Mild acne is characterized solely by comedones and papules. That is, there are no lesions with pus or deep cysts. In moderate acne, papules, nodules, and cysts are included, as more severe lesions.

The types mentioned above are the most frequent among the population. It is usually mild-moderate forms that respond well to the treatments that we will discuss. However, there are two serious forms of acne, known as acne conglobata and acne fulminans. In these cases, the treatment must be medical.

What anti-pimple treatments are there?

Currently, the strategies to combat acne are multiple and incorporate very varied treatments. In general terms, pimple treatment is based on hygienic measures, topical treatments, and oral treatments. The choice of one or the other will depend on each particular case, taking into account the severity of the condition.

Since oral treatments are prescribed by a doctor, we will not discuss them in this article. They include antibiotics, retinoids, and hormonal treatments.

We will focus on hygiene measures and topical treatments, within everyone’s reach and easy to apply. In addition, they can be used for any type of acne.

What hygiene measures are useful for pimples?

As we have commented, in acne there is a growth of bacteria in the skin and an excess of fat. Therefore, one of the pillars of its treatment consists of good facial hygiene. But, be careful! Make no mistake: this does not mean that the more we wash our faces, the better. Washing our face will not cure acne, quite the opposite.

By extremely reducing skin fat, they stimulate the skin to produce more, exacerbating the problem. Therefore, measures must be applied sparingly. As in everything, neither excesses nor deficiencies are good.

So what is recommended? Cleansers with antiseptic and antibacterial action have been shown to improve mild-moderate acne. Also, acidic cleaning products have been found to give better results than alkaline ones. This is the case with facial soap. Incorporating such products into your beauty routine will prove helpful.

Do I have to follow a special diet if I have pimples?

The role of diet in acne is controversial in the scientific community. It has been seen that several factors can hurt the development of acne. For example, a diet rich in saturated fat and cholesterol. Paradoxically, too-restrictive diets are also harmful.

Therefore, the best dietary option to combat acne is to eat a balanced and healthy diet. There are no specific foods that improve acne, just as there are no specific foods that aggravate it. The important thing is to eat the right calories and the corresponding nutrients, without excesses or excessive restrictions.

What adverse effects can pimple treatment have?

Topical pimple treatments tend to be very safe. However, there are certain adverse effects derived from its use. Normally, these are self-limited reactions of a mild nature, without compromising the person’s health. The most frequent are minor irritations and reddening of the treated skin.

In exceptional cases in which very high concentrations of the product are used, distant organs may be affected. This does not usually happen with a responsible use of it. Finally, the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the treatment or any of its components must be taken into account.

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Finally: Acne natural solution

Acne or pimples affects millions of people around the world. It is much more than a skin pathology, given its impact on people’s quality of life. Fortunately, today there are several alternatives to deal with acne. At the cosmetic level, we can combine facial hygiene strategies and topical anti-acne treatments.

Does acne condition your day to day? If you want to put an end to this, how to get rid of pimples overnight problem, here are multiple solutions. Try the treatments that we propose and say goodbye to annoying pimples and blackheads. Let your skin feel soft and smooth again, and enjoy it. And you, do you already know which treatment you are going to choose for your acne?

If you liked our article on acne and its treatment, share it on social networks or leave us a comment.

It is important to keep in mind that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not be equally effective for another. If acne is persistent or severe, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Also, remember to maintain good facial hygiene and avoid touching or squeezing pimples, as this can worsen the skin condition. With patience and perseverance, you will be able to see significant improvements in your skin using these natural home remedies.

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Recommended Product Link

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1) AcneFree Oil-Free Acne Cleanser for Oily Skin

2) ELEMIS Dynamic Resurfacing Facial Wash

3) PCA SKIN 5% Benzoyl Peroxide Face Wash

4) PCA SKIN Gentle Foaming Face Wash

5) Murad Acne Control Supplement Bundle

6) Best Acne Clearing Combination

7) AcneFree Facial Cleansing Brush

8) iS CLINICAL Cleansing Complex

9) CeraVe Acne Skin Care Set

10) IMAGE Skincare: VITAL C Hydrating Intense Moisturizer, Face Lotion…

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