What is inflammatory bowel disease?
Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are part of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBS Medical Condition.
They are illnesses of unknown cause, autoimmune, chronic, and do not tend to cure.
They cause intestinal involvement with recurrent inflammation, that is, people go through moments of normality (inactive phase) and moments of symptomatology (active phase). The duration of the phases is variable between different people and even in the same person.
It mainly affects young people, being diagnosed between 15 and 40 years of age, and occurs more or less equally in men and women. Several studies have associated the disease with a gene on a chromosome.
Why does ibs occur
For years, multiple hypotheses have been put forward about the origin of irritable bowel syndrome.
Human beings are exposed daily to substances and bacteria that threaten the balance between health and disease. Our digestive tube represents the largest surface in contact with the outside of our body, specifically, it has an approximate area of 250m2. Our intestine must develop a defense mechanism against this external threat, and in turn, guarantee us a correct supply of nutrients.
Under normal conditions, nutrients are absorbed through cells, preventing the passage of allergens or bacteria. When this protective barrier is altered, the intestine is said to be permeable and substances harmful to our body can enter. When these substances enter between the cells of the intestine, low-level inflammation occurs.
The most recent studies have shown that IBS patients with diarrhea have increased intestinal permeability, which favors the passage of substances and bacteria into the internal environment. Under normal conditions, these substances would be excluded and eliminated through the feces, but in IBS the intestinal barrier is broken, causing inflammatory changes in response to the penetration of these harmful substances and bacteria.
Both stress and a local infection can produce alterations in the intestinal barrier that compromise health. Alteration of the intestinal barrier has been associated with the development of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract (irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease).
What to eat with ibs attack
Irritable bowel can affect each person in different ways, so it is advisable to know what my situation is to know how to solve ibs medical condition.
Best Home Remedies to Cure IBS:-
Main plants to try to reduce colon inflammation:
There are certain herbs and medicinal infusions, like the ones we present below, that are especially effective in treating the colon when it is inflamed.
Kuzu for irritable bowel:
Pueraria Lobata also known as Kuzu, is one of the 50 fundamental plants in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a great intestinal regulator because it contains isoflavones such as puerarin and daidzein with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It works on both constipation and diarrhea and also regenerates the intestinal flora.
One of the most common ways to take this product is in any of your broths or even soups, try the thickening Kuzu and enjoy all its properties.
Mint and chamomile infusions:
Taking infusions made from mint and chamomile twice a day is another of our recommendations since the properties of these plants help reduce inflammation and considerably relieve pain.
Probiotics for irritable bowel:
We understand that, yes or yes, it is one of the things that if you suffer from this pathology, you should not stop taking, since it has very good results in helping to reduce the symptoms. Some strains have been shown to have beneficial effects such as Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. rhammosus, L. lactis, and B. longum.
Carrot juice:
It is one of the most suitable home remedies for colon and colitis. This is because the orange vegetable offers great anti-inflammatory action. Never stop having this food in your kitchen, because it will also help you strengthen your immune system.
The plantain or plantago major has multiple medicinal properties. It is beneficial as a diuretic, expectorant, healing agent, and for digestive discomfort. Thanks to its richness in astringents, it is very suitable for stopping diarrhea.
It began to be used as a medicinal plant at the beginning of European civilization when the wonderful health benefits it had were discovered. Like the previous one, it also provides an astringent effect and can be used to treat colds, coughs, hoarseness, and fever….
Aloe vera:
Consuming it for 10 days in a row will relieve inflammation and irritation of the colon because it is one of the few foods that does not transform into gas when it comes into contact with the intestine. Its anti-inflammatory and healing properties are activated, it softens and tones, it prevents contractions that cause pain, and it regulates the correct passage of feces, avoiding both constipation and diarrhea… Thanks to aloe vera, harmful bacteria are eliminated, those that always end up making us sick.
One of the active ingredients in mint, menthol, is what allows us, for example, to reduce muscle contraction, relaxing the walls of the intestine. This reduces pain, cramps, constipation, and diarrhea. Peppermint stands out as a very effective therapy that helps against the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
In this way, using aloe vera we will reduce intestinal inflammation, while with mint, we will relieve discomfort and pain.
We are going to prepare the dose that you will need for one day (2x 250ml), since you will have to take a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and another after dinner.
Boil half a liter of water, when it comes to a boil add 50 g of aloe vera juice and stir to mix the juice with the water.
Add a tablespoon of peppermint to the plant.
Mix it well and when it comes to a boil again, turn it off, cover it, and let it rest for 10 minutes.
Drinking this healthy drink will help you gradually purify the colon and strengthen the digestive system.
In addition to taking care of your diet, don’t forget to control stress, anxiety, as well as all kinds of negative emotions, which can also irritate your intestines. You can visit our online herbal shop and find many of the products that will solve this problem naturally and effectively.
What are the worst foods for ibs?
It is important to know that each case of irritable bowel syndrome is different and that even as time progresses it can vary, but here we leave you some foods and drinks that usually cause problems in many people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
The top worst foods for IBS medical condition:-
Alcoholic beverages:
Alcohol is a gastrointestinal irritant, it is best not to consume it, but if you do, do not mix it with other foods not recommended for the irritable colon.
Spicy foods:
These foods cause great reactions in our intestines, which is why they are not highly recommended. Furthermore, the fact that they usually accompany high-fat foods that are also not at all beneficial makes them even more of a prohibited product.
Certain vegetables:
Some vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, onion, or celery, can make your digestive system feel bad because they are flatulent foods that tend to cause you to accumulate gases in your body.
Natural treatment for irritable bowel syndrome: Aloe Vera digestive tonic with mint.
Below, we detail a tonic that is very easy to make and that we are sure will help you deal with the problem if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Caffeine is a stimulant for going to the bathroom and coffee also irritates the intestine, so its composition is very harmful for people with irritable colon.
Chocolate contains high levels of caffeine in its composition, which is why it is very harmful for people with irritable bowel syndrome. It can cause constipation in some people and diarrhea in others.
What are the symptoms of ibs irritable bowel syndrome?
The most common symptom of IBS medical condition is abdominal pain in association with changes in bowel habits (diarrhea and/or constipation). Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with IBS.
Abdominal pain: typically in the form of cramp or colic and varies in location or intensity. Some people find that emotional stress and food make the pain worse and that defecation and wind relieve it.
Changes in intestinal habit: the change in intestinal habit is the second fundamental symptom of IBS. This may include diarrhea, constipation, or alternating diarrhea and constipation. Depending on the predominance of one or the other, we will classify the different types of IBS.
Diarrhea: usually occurs during the day, generally after meals, semi-liquid or liquid, and often accompanied by an urgent need to defecate. It is not associated with fever, nor is it usually accompanied by the presence of blood or mucus in the stool.
Constipation: usually consists of hard stools that are eliminated with effort, and are not accompanied by blood. You may not feel empty after a bowel movement. Normally women tend to have a more constipated habit than men.
Another symptom that can accompany IBS is abdominal swelling (distension) which can sometimes be very striking in these patients. It is also common for them to have a burning sensation or flatulence.
The most common symptoms of IBS medical condition
The main symptom of irritable bowel syndrome is severe pain in the belly, abdominal distension, and altered stools. Therefore, if you have any of these symptoms, you need to visit a doctor. In this way, you can begin to treat this disorder, preventing it from becoming a chronic disease. Now, to better explain the signs of irritable bowel, here is a list:
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General Symptoms for IBS Medical Condition
The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, sometimes related to a change in bowel movements, and depending on the type of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you may have diarrhea, constipation, or both. It can also cause swelling, mucus in stool, or the feeling that you have not finished defecating.
In women, more symptoms may occur during menstruation.
You should know that it is a chronic disorder (it can last for years) and symptoms can appear and disappear.
Why irritable bowel occurs
Today, the specific cause (if it exists) of why one has to live with irritable bowel syndrome is not known. But we can say that there are 2 fundamental reasons:
Intestinal dysbiosis. That is, the composition of the bacteria in your intestine (your microbiota ) is altered. This inevitably affects digestive health. In addition, the microbiota is also related to the immune system.
Anomalies of the nervous system such as those caused by stress.
Did you know that the intestine is also known as the “ second brain ”? It has more neurons than the spinal column and works autonomously. This relationship between the intestine and the brain is very important for health.
Causes of IBS Medical Condition
Currently IBS Medical Condition, the cause is not very well known, it is believed that it could be a combination of factors. The intestine-brain interactions are known, and it is thought that problems in the interaction of both can cause irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is considered that certain problems such as stressful events, difficult childhood, mental problems, bacterial proliferation and infection, alterations in the intestinal microbiota, food intolerances, and allergies… may be factors in the development of irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is not easy, since there are no markers or specific tests. To diagnose it, doctors review the symptoms, and the medical history, a physical examination is performed and sometimes tests are ordered, even to rule out other types of diseases.
In clinical research to define the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the Rome IV criteria and the subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (mentioned above) are used.
The Rome IV criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) consist of recurrent abdominal discomfort or pain (at least 1 day per week in the last 3 months) along with 2 or more of the following criteria:
Change in stool frequency
Improvement with defecation
Alteration in the shape/appearance of stool.
These criteria must be met during the last 3 months and with onset of symptoms 6 months before (at least) diagnosis.
Possible causes of irritable bowel syndrome
The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are not entirely clear, since to date it is not known exactly what factor causes chronic and relapsing disorders. However, some studies have revealed that alterations in digestive sensitivity are linked to psychological factors. Therefore, irritable bowel syndrome is caused by stress and other pathologies.
How is this possible? This is because the nervous system directly influences the intestine, affecting its proper functioning. Not only that, they also manage to influence other factors of the intestinal flora such as hypersensitivity to pain, poor regulation of intestinal movements, gastroenteritis, hormonal alterations, food intolerances, and genetic factors.
Treatment for IBS medical condition
Treatments are often specific to the symptoms or IBS Medical Condition. The most common current approaches include:
Education and peace of mind
Lifestyle and diet
Medications with peripheral action (targeted at motility) and central action (targeted at intestinal hypersensitivity and pain). Always under medical prescription.
Psychological interventions (to reduce stress and anxiety)
As there is currently no treatment available to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), changes in lifestyle and diet are recommended.
Changes in diet and lifestyle:
Generally speaking, some of the lifestyle tips include:
Reduce stressful situations.
Get enough sleep.
Perform physical activity (appropriate to the physical condition of each person).
Avoid the consumption of harmful substances (such as alcohol and tobacco)
It is important to take time to defecate, not repress the desire, and go to the bathroom calmly.
Making changes to your diet can help reduce symptoms.
Diet for irritable bowel:
The diet for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) must be completely personalized. But certain general tips can be highlighted :
Alcohol consumption should be avoided.
Each person must identify which foods feel better or worse for them (and in this case eliminate them). Attention should be paid to the ingestion of wheat, dairy products, coffee, fruits, certain vegetables, juices, soft drinks, and chewing gum. That is, foods with caffeine, lactose, fructose, and sorbitol (among others) should be limited.
Ultra-processed foods, foods rich in sugar and trans fats should be avoided.
Copious meals with excess fat may be poorly tolerated.
The role of gluten remains controversial since gluten restriction in some patients could help reduce symptoms but not in other patients.
It is advisable to stay well hydrated. Place greater emphasis on cases of diarrhea.
It is advisable to divide meals and take enough time to eat them.
Follow a regular meal pattern.
As for fiber, there must be a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber. The consumption of one or the other should be moderated or increased depending on whether you suffer from constipation or diarrhea.
Additionally, “ gas-producing foods ” should be taken into account, as many patients benefit from excluding them.
Remember that it is very important to control stress.
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and FODMAP diet:
The term FODMAP was given by a group of researchers at Monash University (Australia). FODMAP stands for “ F fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols, ” that is, fermentable short-chain carbohydrates.
Oligosaccharides: fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS).
Disaccharides: lactose.
Monosaccharides: fructose.
Polyols: such as sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol and xylitol.
All of them are present in foods such as:
Fructans in vegetables (Pe: artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts…), cereals (wheat and rye), and fiber such as inulin.
GOS in legumes such as chickpeas, soybeans, and lentils and some vegetables such as broccoli.
Lactose in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese…
Fructose in fruits, honey, and products that indicate fructose content.
Polyols in fruits such as apples, and cherries… vegetables such as cauliflower, and sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and maltitol…
Relationship between irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and FODMAP diet:
Additionally, there is research indicating that a low-FODMAP diet may be an effective treatment to reduce symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Because oligosaccharides, disaccharides, fermentable monosaccharides, and polyols are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, and pass to the large intestine where they are quickly fermented by bacteria and give rise to gas, pain, and diarrhea… in sensitive people. That is, the symptoms previously described for irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
In contrast and despite all the research, currently, health professionals and researchers question the effectiveness of the low FODMAP diet for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The fact that it is questioned is due to the lack of evidence, studies with “limitations”, the fact of the need for monitoring by experts, and difficulty in balancing adequate nutrient intake…Therefore, when it comes to continuing This type of “diet” always contact health professionals.
The best treatment for IBS
If you have symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, it is time to visit your doctor to diagnose the disorder and rule out other similar illnesses. For example, sometimes people associate IBS with colon cancer, but these are different pathologies and neither leads to the other. Typically, this disorder is identified if recurring pain occurs for at least 3 months.
To begin treatment, start with lifestyle changes. Now you must follow a special diet for irritable bowel syndrome, avoid stress, exercise, and drink plenty of water and laxatives. In addition, you should take the time to identify which food triggers the pain to avoid its consumption or reduce the amount per serving.
Additionally, combine your new lifestyle with probiotic supplements and medications prescribed by your doctor, this will reduce discomfort. Also, foods such as caffeine, alcohol, sugary drinks, and digestive stimulants should be avoided. If you do not want to take medications, you can find many natural alternatives that help treat irritable bowel syndrome.
Recommendations and advice for IBS medical condition
Avoid refined foods such as white bread, pasta, and sugar.
Eat less red meat and more lean meats or alternative protein sources such as cold-water fish, tofu, or beans.
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Living with IBS Medical Condition: what it is and what symptoms it has
A very brief review that will help you differentiate irritable bowel syndrome from diarrhea or another intestinal condition. This disorder, also called irritable bowel syndrome, is a chronic functional disorder that affects the large intestine. That is, it does not work as it should even though its cells do not present any abnormalities.
What happens is this. Colon contractions (which move stool into the rectum) do not have the normal strength or rhythm. They may be stronger and longer, causing diarrhea, or slower and milder, causing constipation.
How to know if you have IBS medical condition:
It is usually more common in women (especially during the menstruation period) and usually appears before the age of 50.
These are the most common signs and symptoms
Stomach pain (colic) and sometimes cramps: They disappear or are greatly reduced if you go to the bathroom.
Bloating and gas: They can cause you real discomfort.
Changes in the frequency of bowel movements: diarrhea, constipation, or both.
Variations in the appearance of the stools, as if they had mucus.
There is no medical test to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. If the symptoms are not clear, the specialist could order tests to rule out other diseases such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease.
When should you go to the doctor for IBS medical condition?
In general, irritable bowel syndrome does not cause serious problems in the short or long term. Then we tell you how to reduce the symptoms so that they do not limit your life. Now be careful, you should go to the doctor if:
You have seen blood in the stool.
You have lost weight involuntarily.
Intestinal discomfort started after the age of 50.
Follow these 4 tips to calm IBS Medical Condition:
As we told you at the beginning, it is a chronic alteration. Therefore, it is better that you learn all the tricks to live with irritable bowel syndrome in the best way possible.
Reduces stress. Your “second brain” will thank you:
Stress is not good in general and even less so if you have to live with irritable bowel syndrome. It directly affects intestinal function and even alters its microbiota. How to lower your stress level?
There are many options, the important thing is to get started.
You can do meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, or yoga.
Use natural products that help you reduce nervousness.
Or seek professional support. They will give you the necessary tools.
Take probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome:
Sometimes slight alterations in the intestinal flora are enough to cause discomfort such as gas, bloating, and pain. You can take specific probiotics like these to prevent and calm symptoms. They help you maintain the health of the intestine and promote its proper functioning.
Pay attention to what you eat:
There is no single diet for everyone who suffers from irritable bowel, but diet undoubtedly influences the symptoms. Guidelines that will help you:
Eat small amounts several times a day.
Avoid caffeine and very spicy foods. They irritate the intestine.
Limit the consumption of fat and flatulent foods. They tend to cause greater intestinal discomfort.
Follow a low FODMAP diet. Sugars tend to cause inflammation and other discomforts.
Reduces lactose and gluten. Although they are two food intolerances in themselves, it has been seen that a large percentage of people with irritable bowel digest them poorly.
Watch what you eat. Chances are you are more sensitive to certain foods (this varies from person to person). Identify them to exclude them from your diet.
Live a healthy lifestyle:
This seems very general and obvious, but it has its explanation.
Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol consumption. They are irritating substances for the intestine.
Try to sleep well. Poor rest affects stress and alters your microbiota.
Drink about 2 liters of water a day, whether you have diarrhea or constipation, to maintain the correct level of hydration.
Do 30 – 60 minutes of exercise a day. Reduces stress and improves intestinal motility.
Diet for the irritable colon: keys to proper nutrition
The approach to this disease is threefold: pharmacological, psychotherapeutic, and hygienic-dietary measures.
With regard to the latter, “a healthy and balanced diet is recommended, encouraging the consumption of foods that feel good to the person and that should include fruits and vegetables, whole grains if tolerated well, legumes, quality fats . “, Be Well hydrated and at the same time, avoid copious meals, processed foods, alcohol…”, explains Ureta, with a diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Navarra and a PGD in Diabetes from the University of Roehampton (United Kingdom).
It is important to chew your food well, especially raw food, as well as if necessary, soak the cereals before consuming or cook the legumes very well, even eating them in cream.
Sometimes it may be advisable to eliminate lactose, gluten, or certain specific foods.
“The enhancement in these instances is major already in the first weeks,” he adds. This dietary guiding principle needs to be complemented with
a healthful life-style “in which the character receives ample rest, avoids a sedentary lifestyle, immoderate consumption of espresso or different stimulants, tobacco, and effectively manages stress,” advises the expert.
Pharmacological treatment and complementary therapies for IBS medical condition:
The doctor will decide if the prescription of drugs is necessary and, if applicable, the most appropriate type. There are different types of treatment: “laxatives, antidiarrheals, spasmolytics, visceral sensitivity modulators, antibiotics, fiber supplements, probiotics, and prebiotics, and antidepressants can be prescribed for their action at the intestinal level,” he lists.
As for other complementary treatments or supplementation, Ureta points out that there are certain supplements that can improve the patient’s condition, once the symptoms have improved and their diet has normalized. “These supplements seek to maintain intestinal function. In this group, we find xyloglucans, a type of fiber beneficial for these cases, probiotics (live microorganisms), or some enzymes that at specific times the patient can take for preventive purposes. But the idea is that you live free of symptoms and eat normally without the help of supplementation.
The role of fiber in the management of IBS medical condition:
Fiber plays a prominent role in a diet focused on the treatment of irritable bowel. “Reducing their consumption, especially that of highly fermentable ones, is a strategy that is used temporarily during the initial part of the nutritional treatment,” says the expert. To know these highly fermentable ones, you should go to a dietician-nutritionist specialized in digestion.
Proof of this is that “many humans experience a worsening of signs and symptoms when they eat any kind of fiber, particularly soluble fiber.
Tips to prevent irritable bowel syndrome
The best way to prevent irritable bowel syndrome is to follow a good diet since healthy foods help avoid digestive disorders. What is recommended is that they be low-fat foods with high amounts of protein and fiber. The Mediterranean diet is recommended for people who have this pathology. In addition, each food should be well-researched before consuming it.
Some vegetables can affect the colon, such as cabbage, legumes, nuts, etc. Since they usually cause a high amount of gas, not only foods should be avoided. It is recommended to eliminate tobacco, fried foods, excessive foods, and alcohol consumption. However, the best way to prevent this disorder is by following a personalized prescription.
On the other hand, psychological factors also influence, feeling a lot of stress or anxiety causes intestinal irritation. Therefore, try to lead a calm life, eat well, and exercise and you will see that irritated bowel syndrome is avoided. In addition, drinking plenty of water helps reduce irritation; it is recommended to drink one and a half to two liters per day.
Colon inflammation and IBS medical condition
Colitis, says Rodríguez Monroy, is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine or colon. Its symptoms are violent and painful contractions of the rectum, abdominal pain and distension, and stomach upset.
Many patients can live with these symptoms without medical care; However, poorly managed colitis can worsen and cause bloody diarrhea and weight loss, and even lead to death.
Its exact etiology is unknown, although – points out the FES Iztacala researcher – a correlation has been observed between colitis and diets high in sugar and fat, as well as with the excessive use of medications. The abuse “left and right” of anti-inflammatories can predispose one to suffer from it. Other risk factors of modern life are high levels of stress and a sedentary lifestyle.
In the past, it was thought that women suffered the most from colitis, but “more strict statistics” indicate that there are no differences: it affects both genders equally.
Some medications reduce inflammation and abdominal distension, but they do not cure colitis. As the treatment is long and expensive (medicines are not part of the basic framework of the public health system), the patient abandons it. Other ailments are then generated: nausea, vomiting, headache, and flatulence.
Currently, says Rodríguez Monroy, colitis is also treated with biological drugs or immunotherapy, which suppresses the immune system so that there is not as much inflammation, but predisposes it to other infections and diseases.
Poorly controlled or chronic colitis can predispose you to colon cancer.
“ Although not all instances of colitis lead to colon cancer, all colon cancers are preceded by means of extreme colitis.”
Why does inflammatory bowel disease occur?
There are several theories and research on the causes of the disease. It is thought that there is an unknown initial causal agent (viral, dietary, environmental…) that produces changes in the intestine of some people, due to genetic and immunological causes.
What symptoms does it produce?
In Crohn’s disease, any part of the digestive tract is affected, with the final part of the small intestine (ileum) and the beginning of the large intestine (cecum) being more common. It is a disease that affects the entire wall of the intestine, not just the mucosa.
The most frequent symptoms are:
abdominal pain and
other general symptoms such as weakness, weight loss, or lack of appetite.
Stenosis of the intestinal wall (strictures), inflammation of the intestinal wall, ulcers, fissures, fistulas (communications between the intestine and other organs), and abscesses (bags of pus) can also occur. The type of disease will determine the symptoms. People who suffer from it have inflammatory symptoms and usually have pain and diarrhea, while those who have symptoms of stenosis or stricture have more pain and even intestinal obstruction.
Crohn’s disease can affect the anus, producing fistula, abscess, or ulcer-type lesions, with their corresponding discomfort.
In each patient, other symptoms can be added, such as those dependent on anemia (weakness, paleness), extraintestinal manifestations (joint pain, bone pain, skin lesions, eyes, liver), or many other digestive symptoms (vomiting, for example). ). Children with Crohn’s disease may experience delays in school performance, sexual development, and growth.
In Ulcerative Colitis the involvement occurs exclusively in the large intestine.
The symptoms may resemble gastroenteritis that does not heal, including bleeding. The affected person has progressive diarrhea with a large number of small stools, day and night, with incontinence in many cases, tenesmus (feeling of having to keep defecating), rectal bleeding (blood in stool), mucus and pus in feces and general symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, lack of appetite, damage to bones and joints, eyes and skin. Sometimes there is constipation. There is no involvement in the anus. As in Crohn’s, there are also active periods of the disease and inactive periods.
How to IBS diagnosed?
To make a correct diagnosis, it is important to take a thorough patient history, review the patient’s family history, study the analyses, perform endoscopies and biopsies, radiological diagnoses, scintigraphy, etc.
How is IBS treated?
Two situations must be differentiated: in the reactivation phase and preventive treatment in inactive periods to avoid outbreaks.
In the outbreak phases, salicylates, antibiotics, or corticosteroids are usually used, if the outbreaks are intense. Sometimes immunosuppressants are used, and in cases with greater involvement, it may be necessary to admit the patient to apply intravenous treatments with intestinal rest. Antidiarrheals are also used.
Sometimes surgery has to be used to eliminate the area with the most injuries.
Nutrition in these people is very important, and they must use diets that avoid vitamin or mineral deficiencies or foods that cause discomfort to the patient. In certain cases, diets low in complex carbohydrates are recommended, and when stenosis exists, diets low in fiber are recommended.
In many cases, psychological support is important.
The life prognosis of these patients is not very different from other people, although it will depend on each case. They are diseases for which, at present, the definitive cure is not known, but we must try to keep them under control. The quality of life of affected people is closely related to the number of outbreaks they present.
The lines of research into these diseases involve better knowledge of them, their causes, the discovery of new treatments, the improvement in the effectiveness of existing ones, and the control of side effects; These lines aim to improve the quality of life of the affected people.
IBS Medical Condition is a chronic condition of the digestive tract that is fundamentally characterized by the presence of abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits (constipation and/or diarrhea).
It is estimated that 11% of the general population may present symptoms of IBS, but many affected people do not seek medical help.
The chronic nature of irritable bowel syndrome and the challenge of managing its symptoms can be frustrating for sufferers.
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