Health Conditions

Plantar fasciitis disease: signs, causes, treatment and faqs

Plantar fasciitis disease can be caused by a variety of factors, including excess weight, wearing inappropriate footwear, lack of flexibility in the calf muscles, improper gait or biomechanics, and repetitive overloading of the foot (such as running or standing for long periods of time).

Symptoms include pain in the bottom of the foot, especially in the heel, stiffness in the morning, and a burning or stinging sensation. Sometimes, the pain suffered by the person suffering from this injury can extend to the fingers, or go up the leg towards the knee.

Likewise, the treatment of plantar fasciitis will be based on a combination of factors such as relative rest, and the application of local cold and anti-inflammatory methods.

It is also important to evaluate this injury with physiotherapy to diagnose and treat any alterations that the fascia may present. If the patient presents a biomechanical alteration or an unequal distribution of loads on the feet, the podiatrist must review the patient’s gait, distribution of loads, and biomechanics to determine if it is necessary to start treatment with insoles to solve the problem.

In some cases, we will need treatment with infiltrations or even surgical techniques to resolve plantar fasciitis.

Table of Contents

What is plantar fasciitis?

When we talk about treatment for plantar fasciitis disease we are referring to one of the most common pathologies or injuries currently among athletes, normally among the youngest or those over 45 years of age. But it is also an injury suffered by the elderly population.

On some occasions, it is a very annoying and painful pathology, which does not allow us to lead a normal life, work, or play sports.

Many other times, one of the main culprits of this injury is the footwear itself, changing it and repetitively hitting the sole of the foot due to different activities.

Sometimes, it is very common to confuse the pain, the area, and the symptoms with a possible heel spur. If this is really the injury you are suffering from, take a look at how to remove a heel spur.

In this sense, it is very important in the diagnosis not to confuse it with pathologies such as heel spurs or tarsal tunnel syndrome. Although if it were the second injury, we leave you a series of tarsal tunnel exercises to relieve pain and heal it.

Why is plantar fasciitis disease?

*Overuse or intense physical activity that puts extra pressure on the plantar fascia, such as running, jumping, or walking long distances.

*Improper use of footwear that does not provide good support or cushioning.

*Abnormalities in the structure of the foot, such as flat feet or high arches, can affect weight distribution and place additional stress on the plantar fasciitis disease.

*Sudden increase in physical activity or change in training surface.

*Overweight or obese, which increases pressure on the sole of the foot.

*Biomechanical factors, such as abnormal gait or muscle imbalance in the leg and foot muscles.

Read more: Foot athlete’s treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention tips

What do we feel with plantar fasciitis disease?

*Pain in the heel or bottom of the foot, which can range from a burning or stinging sensation to severe pain.

*Stiffness and discomfort when getting up in the morning or after sitting for a long time.

*Pain that worsens when standing, walking, or exercising, and decreases with rest.

*Sensation of sensitivity or inflammation in the sole of the foot.

*Possible development of a heel spur, a bony protuberance in the heel that may accompany fasciitis.

Why do I have plantar fasciitis disease?

There are several reasons why plantar fasciitis appears. This pathology appears most frequently in the case of athletes who usually run on uneven surfaces or with shoes without adequate support, but it also usually appears in people who suffer from flat feet and also in those who suffer from pes cavus. Furthermore, it occurs with a greater incidence in patients over 45 years of age and in those who are overweight, since the higher the muscle mass index, the more weight the feet must support.

What is the difference between plantar fasciitis disease and heel spurs?

Plantar fasciitis is sometimes confused with heel spurs. We can speak of a spur when we observe calcification of the posteromedial tubercle of the calcaneus in radiological tests.

In this x-ray, a “pointed protrusion” is observed from the heel towards the inside of the foot, indicating heel spur pathology. If this calcification does not appear in the tests, then it is plantar fasciitis disease.

The symptoms and treatment will be very similar in both cases. The spur appears due to maintaining continuous traction of the fascia against the calcaneus. This tension appears in the initial phase of plantar fasciitis, and if it continues over time, it will possibly generate a heel spur. The goal of treatment is to “loosen” the fascia so that inflammation and pain decrease.

It is very important to make the diagnosis as soon as possible to obtain better results in the short and medium term.

What symptoms and signs of plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is often linked to the level of stress placed on the foot, manifesting itself gradually. In the mornings when you wake up, it is common to feel an “initial pain” in the heel, which often subsides after walking briefly. Initially, in sporting activities or tense moments of daily life, some patients may have no symptoms.

However, at the end of a workout or workday, the pain tends to resurface with greater intensity. As the degeneration progresses, the pain can spread from the heel to the entire sole of the foot and even the calf. If not properly addressed, the inflammation can evolve into a chronic condition, causing constant pain when walking in rare cases. And in the long term, this can lead to the development of other conditions. In summary, the signs and symptoms indicative of the presence of this condition are:

*The unexpected appearance of pain in the heel and sole of the foot, which progressively worsens.

*Initially, heel pain upon standing is attenuated by movement in the early stages of degeneration.

*Subsequently, the pain is mainly triggered under stress, such as during sports activity or walking.

*Pain may be experienced in the heel that extends towards the sole of the foot.

*Demanding activities for the foot, such as jumping or prolonged standing, amplify the intensity of the pain.

*Palpating the heel and the middle of the sole of the foot is painful to the touch.

*Dorsiflexion of the foot or lifting the ball of the foot with the heel in contact with the ground can cause pain in this condition.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis disease

The most common complaint of disease of plantar fasciitis is a burning sensation, or stabbing pain in the heel of the foot. Most patients will feel this in the morning, because the fascial ligament contracts during the night while we sleep; causing pain when stretching it again when we get up since when we get out of bed and pressure is exerted on the ligament, it becomes tense and the pain is very acute.

The pain usually decreases as the tissue warms, but can easily return again after long periods of standing, physical activity, or after standing up from a long period of sitting.

The pain is strong and can become unbearable, it is felt when supporting weight or during the dorsiflexion movement of the foot, that is, bringing the toes up and stretching the fascia. The pain is located in the heel region, but in severe cases, it can go to the toes.

In the first phase: at the beginning of the pain, the symptoms tend to decrease a few minutes after athletes start training. Adults or older people report that the worst moments are when they wake up or after having been sitting for a long time. Over time after starting to walk, the pain decreases until it disappears.

In the second phase: the pain increases in intensity and takes longer to go down, it takes half an hour to go away when you get out of bed or at the beginning of training, so starting to walk and play sports becomes increasingly difficult. It is often difficult to go downstairs as the foot dorsiflexes, thus extending the plantar fascia.

In a sitting or lying position, you do not feel the symptoms. There is edema formation in the calcaneus. The pain leads to an unbalanced foot support posture which can cause back or neck pain.

More symptoms of plantar fasciitis disease

In addition to acute pain in the sole of the foot, there are other symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis. These include:

*Pain in the heel or arch of the foot, which may extend to the back of the foot.

*Swelling and tenderness at the bottom of the heel.

*Difficulty walking or standing for long periods due to pain.

*Stiffness in the sole of the foot, especially after periods of inactivity.

Acute pain in the sole of the foot:

Acute pain in the sole of the foot is one of the most characteristic symptoms of plantar fasciitis disease. It is mainly experienced when waking up in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest.

This discomfort usually decreases as the foot warms and moves but may intensify with prolonged standing or activities such as running or walking long distances.

What symptoms can make us suspect that we suffer from plantar fasciitis disease?

The main symptom is a sharp pain in the inner area of ​​the heel  (the insertion area of ​​the plantar fascia). This pain is usually more intense in the first steps we take when we get up. With night rest the fascia shortens. When taking the first steps, pull harder. Once we have walked a little, the fascia stretches and the discomfort usually decreases.

In the case of athletes, in the initial phases of fasciitis, the pain will only appear in the morning and after playing sports. When the first symptoms appear, we must begin to take measures because there are possibilities that the fasciitis will worsen and become limiting for sporting life and even for normal life.

On the other hand, for women who have been wearing high-heeled shoes for many years, the advice will be to try to reduce the height very progressively but never go from a high heel to a flat one. The increase in tension that will occur in the Achilles tendon, calves, etc., will exponentially increase the chances of suffering from plantar fasciitis disease, Achilles tendonitis, lower back pain, etc.

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Heel pain is the main symptom of plantar fasciitis disease

Plantar fasciitis is characterized by the presence of various symptoms, which can vary in intensity from one person to another. The most common symptoms associated with this condition are described below:

Heel pain: The most prominent symptom of plantar fasciitis disease is heel pain. Typically, a stabbing or sharp pain is experienced at the bottom of the heel, near the insertion point into the calcaneal bone. This pain may be more intense in the mornings when taking the first steps after getting out of bed and reproducible on palpation with the tip of a finger.

Pain when starting activity after a prolonged period of rest, such as sitting or being inactive for a while. This initial pain may subside after a few minutes of movement but may return after a prolonged time of activity.

Pain during or after exercise: Repetitive impact can aggravate inflammation, leading to increased discomfort.

Stiffness in all the structures of the plantar arch and ankle, especially in the morning or after long periods of inactivity.

Referred pain and stiffness in the Achilles tendon area

It is important to note that the symptoms of plantar fasciitis can vary in their intensity and duration. Some people may experience constant, debilitating pain that seriously affects functionality and daily life. However, others may have intermittent episodes of discomfort. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Diagnosis of plantar fasciitis disease

The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis disease is based on the symptoms described by the patient and the clinical evaluation carried out by a health professional. During the evaluation, a physical examination of the foot may be performed, looking for inflammation, tenderness, and pain when pressing on the plantar fascia.

Additionally, additional tests such as X-rays or ultrasound may be ordered to rule out the presence of other similar conditions, such as heel spurs or tendon injuries.

It is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis to determine the best treatment and effectively relieve plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Tests and exams for plantar fasciitis disease

The healthcare provider will perform a physical exam. This can show:

*Pain in the bottom of the foot.

*Pain along the sole of the foot.

*Flat feet or high arches.

*Mild swelling or redness in the foot.

*Stiffness or tension in the arch of the bottom of the foot.

*Stiffness or tension in the Achilles tendon.

X-rays may be taken to rule out other problems.

Causes of plantar fasciitis disease

The causes that cause plantar fasciitis disease are very varied, some of the most common are the following:

  • Age
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Decreased ankle dorsiflexion
  • Triceps surae shortening
  • Systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylopoietic spondylitis, diabetes…)
  • Excess pronation
  • Flat or cavus feet
  • Weak foot muscles
  • Use of inappropriate footwear for sports practice
  • Inadequate sports technique
  • Overuse

Common causes of plantar fasciitis disease

Plantar fasciitis can be caused by various factors. Among the most common are:

*Incorrect way of stepping: An incorrect step can put excessive pressure on the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation.

*Playing sports on hard surfaces: Running or jumping repeatedly on hard surfaces can trigger the onset of plantar fasciitis disease.

*Wearing inappropriate footwear: Wearing shoes without adequate support or with poor cushioning can contribute to the development of this condition.

*Having flat or overly bridged feet: Lack of arch or an excessively high arch in the foot can increase stress on the plantar fascia.

*Obesity: Excess weight puts additional stress on the feet, which can trigger inflammation of the plantar fascia.

How to treat plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis what is known as the inflammation of the fascia of the sole of the foot is a common pathology in people who practice impact sports, as well as in those who do not step correctly and force the muscles and joints in the area when walking or running. As it is a very annoying inflammation that forces us to reduce daily activity, due to the pain generated when stepping, it is advisable to know how to treat plantar fasciitis, as well as when to go to the doctor.

If you want to know what are the best ways to cure plantar fasciitis, keep reading this Scholl article in which we explain everything.

What is the usual treatment for plantar fasciitis?

The most common treatment consists of a combination of anti-inflammatory medication and different physiotherapy treatments aimed at reducing inflammation in the acute phase.

In the second phase, which should be started as soon as possible, a correct biomechanical study of the step should be carried out to assess whether the cause of the fasciitis is related to the patient’s way of stepping. If so it is necessary to design and manufacture personalized insoles for plantar fasciitis that allow the fascia to be “relaxed.” When the acute phase is over, the patient will be able to restart activity with much less chance of relapse.

Once the acute phase has passed, it is very important that the patient adopts correct stretching habits and the correct use of footwear for both normal life and sports activity.

There is a wide range of “biomechanical gait studies”, but not all of them are the same. For example, the study carried out in a sports store is exclusively aimed at advising us on the type of shoe most suitable for us, but at no time does it have clinical validity nor is it aimed at relating our way of stepping with a present or future injury.

At the same time, the orthopedic technician of orthopedics is qualified, neither technically nor legally, to issue any type of diagnosis or prescribe the use of insoles. His mission is to manufacture a treatment following the precise instructions of the prescription issued by a traumatologist, podiatrist, rehabilitation doctor, etc.

Just as a well-indicated, designed, and manufactured insole can greatly improve our quality of life, it is important to know that an inappropriate insole can aggravate the pathology.

For this reason, at the Podoactiva clinics, we provide the patient with the means and qualified professionals to be able to issue a correct diagnosis about their way of stepping and the possible treatment.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis disease

Basically and after the conditions mentioned above, we could describe an appropriate treatment to know how to cure Plantar Fasciitis or how to remove pain from Plantar Fasciitis following this series of treatments or indications: In summary:

  • Physiotherapist
  • Splints
  • Templates
  • Shock waves
  • Surgery
  • Exercises for the disease of plantar fasciitis.

Read more: Exercise with the vibration machine

More disease of plantar fasciitis treatment options available:

In addition to Voltadol Forte, there are different cure choices to relieve the signs of plantar fasciitis. Some of these picks include:

*Other ache relievers and anti-inflammatories: Different medicines are reachable in special forms, such as drugs or gels, that can assist in limiting the ache and irritation related to plantar fasciitis. It is advocated to seek advice from a medical doctor or pharmacist to decide which is most terrific in every case.

*Shock wave therapy: This remedy makes use of acoustic waves to stimulate recovery of the plantar fascia.

 It can be an effective option for those cases in which other treatments have not worked.

*Acupuncture: It has been shown that acupuncture can help reduce pain and inflammation related to plantar fasciitis. This technique relies on inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing.

*Functional Bandages: Functional bandages can help provide support and stability to the plantar fascia, reducing pain and facilitating recovery. These bandages must be applied by a health professional to ensure correct application.

It is important to keep in mind that each person may respond differently to treatments, so it is advisable to consult a specialized doctor to evaluate the case individually and determine the best treatment option.

Treatments to relieve plantar fasciitis pain

The pain and discomfort caused by the disease of plantar fasciitis can be treated using different approaches. Below are several effective methods to relieve symptoms:

Rest and limitation of physical activity:

Rest and reduced physical activity are crucial to allowing the plantar fascia to recover.

Avoiding high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, helps reduce pressure and tension in the affected area. It is important to allow enough time for the foot to rest and recover.

Ice application and physical therapy techniques:

Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

It is recommended to apply ice for 15-20 minutes several times a day. Additionally, physical therapy techniques, such as gentle massage and targeted stretches for the plantar fascia, can improve flexibility and promote healing.

Use of orthopedic insoles and appropriate footwear:

The use of orthotic insoles or arch supports can provide better support and stabilization of the foot, thereby reducing pressure on the plantar fascia.

Additionally, it is essential to wear appropriate footwear that provides adequate cushioning and support for the arch.

Pain relief medications:

In some cases, medications may be recommended to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may be effective in reducing pain and inflammation related to plantar fasciitis.

However, it is important to consult a health professional before starting any drug treatment.

Medical therapies and invasive procedures:

Plantar fasciitis may require medical therapies and invasive procedures if conservative treatments are not effective.

These alternatives may additionally consist of steroid injections, shockwave therapy, and surgical procedures as a closing resort.

Steroid injections:

Steroid injections can also be advocated by the physician to relieve aches and infection in plantar fasciitis.

These injections are made without delay into the affected location and include a corticosteroid that helps decrease inflammation.

Although they may additionally furnish transient relief, it is necessary to notice that some humans may additionally ride aspect results such as weakening of the tissues or an elevated hazard of rupture of the plantar fascia.

Shock wave therapy:

Shockwave remedy is another alternative that may additionally be viewed in instances of continual plantar fasciitis.

This process makes use of high-energy acoustic waves to stimulate recovery in the plantar fascia. It is utilized externally to the affected location and helps decrease aches and promote the regeneration of broken tissues.

However, it is vital to notice that shockwave remedy might also require a couple of classes and some sufferers can also ride soreness all through treatment.

Surgery as a last resort:

In severe and persistent cases of plantar fasciitis, surgery may be considered as a last resort. This option is usually reserved for cases in which other treatments have not been effective.

Surgery may involve releasing the plantar fascia, removing bone spurs, or repairing damaged tissues.

However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications, so careful consideration should be given before opting for this option.

Read more: Physiotherapy Equipment & instrument

How to prevent plantar fasciitis disease?

To prevent the onset or relapse of plantar fasciitis, it is necessary to make lifestyle changes and pay attention to the warning signs. With these measures, we reduce the risk of suffering from plantar fasciitis disease: 

  • Check that your ankle, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles are flexible. 
  • Perform stretching exercises, which include the sole of your foot, before doing any physical activity or when you get up in the morning. 
  • Avoid overloading the sole of the foot with excessive sports activities.  
  • Try to lose weight, since obesity and overweight increase the overload on the sole of the foot.  
  • Wear shoes with adequate support. 
  • Alternate high-heeled footwear with flat shoes. 
  • If you are a runner, change your sports shoes before they stop supporting and cushioning your feet. 
  • Avoid spending long periods of time standing or walking. 
  • If you already suffer from plantar fasciitis, it would be ideal to change walking or running for low-impact foot exercises, such as swimming or cycling.
  • If you have any suspicions, go to the doctor as soon as possible.

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Disease of plantar fasciitis prevention

Preventing the disease of plantar fasciitis is essential to avoid the appearance of this painful foot injury.

Below are some steps you can take to limit your chance of creating plantar fasciitis.

Stretching and strengthening exercises:

Performing normal stretching and strengthening workouts can assist in preserving flexibility and power in the muscular tissues and tendons of your foot. Some advocated workouts include:

*Calf Stretch: Stand in front of a wall and relax your fingers on it. Bend one leg forward, retaining the different straight and with the heel on the ground. Hold the role for 30 seconds and repeat with the different leg.

*Toe curling: Sit in a chair and region a towel on the ground in front of you. Grab the towel with your toes and carry it towards you, curling your toes. Hold the function for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat quite a few times.

*Arch Raise: Sit in a chair with your toes flat on the floor. Raise the arch of your foot as an awful lot as you can barring leaving the heel off the ground. Hold the function for 5 seconds and decrease yourself slowly. Repeat numerous times.

Care in selecting footwear:

Proper sneakers perform an integral position in stopping the disease of plantar fasciitis. Make sure you put on footwear that grants precise arch support, cushioning, and sufficient toe room.

When selecting your shoes, hold the following in mind:

*Choose footwear with bendy soles however with sufficient cushioning to minimize the impact on on your feet.

*Look for footwear that is healthy and does not cause friction or undue stress on any phase of the foot.

*Consider the use of orthotics or arch helps if you have flat toes or fallen arches.

keep a healthful weight:

Maintaining weight inside healthful degrees is quintessential to stopping a variety of injuries, which includes plantar fasciitis.

Excess weight can expand strain on your toes and irritate plantar fasciitis symptoms. Here are some recommendations for retaining a healthful weight:

*Maintain a balanced weight-reduction plan rich in nutritious ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

*Avoid immoderate consumption of processed foods, sugars, and saturated fats.

*Incorporate ordinary bodily exercise into your day-by-day routine, such as walking, swimming, or enjoying minimal-impact sports.

By following these recommendations, you will be taking necessary preventive measures to decrease the chance of creating plantar fasciitis and keep your feet healthful and pain-free.

How to solve the disease of plantar fasciitis?

Often, to resolve the disease of plantar fasciitis we focus more on the symptoms than the causes. Inflammation, which is the cause of pain, can be treated in many ways, but the important thing is to try to reduce the tension generated in the plantar fascia.

In many cases, the increased tension generated in the plantar fascia is due to the shape of the foot, the way of stepping, or both aspects together. If we only treat the acute phase of fasciitis, reducing the inflammation of the fascia insertion, the patient will only improve until he or she returns to his or her usual physical activity.

Discover three exercises for plantar fasciitis (myofascial release, stretching, and strengthening) to relieve symptoms without leaving home.

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What professional treats for plantar fasciitis disease?

The medical treatment prescribed is symptomatic, with anti-inflammatories and analgesics, but it is very important to treat the cause and the factors that perpetuate the injury.

If the cause is weight gain, dietary guidelines and a physical exercise program adapted by a professional should be adopted.

We should also go to a podiatrist if the cause is a bad footprint or alterations in the morphology of the foot. This professional will study the footprint and prescribe the use of insoles to correct these alterations.

Physiotherapy has a fundamental role in the treatment of plantar fasciitis since it not only relieves the symptoms but also treats those causes that favor its reappearance in the medium or long term.

Keys to treating plantar fasciitis disease

The pain caused by plantar fasciitis can be very uncomfortable and can even make you unable to function on a daily basis. Here we show you some keys to treat it.

It is vitally important to rest for 3 to 7 days as much as possible to prevent the pain from getting worse.

The choice of footwear and the use of insoles is essential in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. The footwear must be comfortable and fit properly to the foot, with respect to the insoles, they will help reduce the impact on the fascia, facilitating recovery.

The application of hot and cold is a very effective method during the first days. It is advisable to apply ice to the area 3 to 4 times a day for 10 minutes and then apply heat for another few minutes.

Massages and stretching exercises help relieve tension and reduce swelling.

Splints can be another alternative to treat plantar fasciitis. It is possible to use them during the night or day and their objective is to keep the fascia stretched.

Supplements and minerals for plantar fasciitis disease

Personally, I like to talk more about supplements than it since we are not providing a balanced diet, we are complementing the consumption of many vitamins and minerals that are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and grains, which can improve plantar fasciitis disease, but that they are present in very low doses, so you would have to eat a huge amount of them to get obvious benefits. To achieve the best results, we recommend the consumption of the following foods:

*Turmeric: This species is used throughout the world to treat inflammation of all types, and Plantar Fasciitis is no exception. Some studies have shown that this species has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties as effective as commercial medications.

*Bromelain: This mineral is found naturally in pineapple (although in very small doses). It reduces inflammation and its analgesic action is considered as effective as Ibuprofen.

*Calcium: A daily intake of calcium can help prevent the development of heel spurs. The recommended daily intake can be obtained through a healthy diet, through foods rich in Calcium, such as almonds, sesame seeds, collard greens, turnips, white beans, and oranges that will help you meet your nutritional needs.

*Magnesium: the body requires this mineral to absorb Calcium adequately. In fact, calcium deficiencies can develop, even if the recommended daily amounts are taken, if it is not accompanied by magnesium. You can take a calcium-magnesium supplement, or include foods rich in magnesium in your menu, such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, white beans, chickpeas, lentils, avocado, bananas, millet, and figs.

*Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): MSM is a sulfuric compound found in fruits, vegetables, milk, fish, and grains. The industrial processes that food undergoes can destroy MSM, so consuming fresh, unprocessed products is beneficial for reducing inflammation. There are also MSM gels to apply topically to the foot and heel to reduce pain and inflammation.

*Vitamin C: it is a powerful antioxidant that humans cannot synthesize, and in conjunction with other anti-inflammatories it increases its action.

The following foods have powerful anti-inflammatory properties:

*Spinach: high in Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and MSM.

*Oranges: calcium, MSM, and vitamin C.

*Pumpkin Seeds: calcium and Vitamin C

*White beans: Calcium and Magnesium

Top 7 healthy habits to prevent plantar fasciitis disease

The old saying prevention is better than cure is actually true and acceptable when it comes to the disease of plantar fasciitis. Fortunately, with the healthy habits to prevent plantar fasciitis disease that we are going to see in this article, it is possible to stay active and pain-free.

1. Maintain a healthy weight:

Gaining weight is one of the biggest triggers for developing Plantar Fasciitis. Carrying extra weight puts a lot of extra pressure on your heels, the ball of your foot, and the plantar fascia ligament (the area between the heel and the ball of your foot, also called the plantar arch), and can cause inflammation, pain and in the last case, Plantar Fasciitis. Eating in a healthy way, and with foods that have a high amount of certain nutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties, can provide protection against plantar fasciitis.

2. Always warm up before exercising:

Discard the idea that warming up before exercising “is fine but not totally necessary.” The previous warm-up and stretching have a high impact on how your muscles and tendons prepare to respond to physical effort. Tight or “cold” muscles are not able to stretch easily, are more prone to injury, and are less able to perform and support other muscles and tendons (including those in your feet). Learn how to warm up your muscles before exercising.

3. Wear the right footwear:

Wearing shoes that support your arch and heel is one of the best things you can do regarding the prevention of plantar Fasciitis. Shoes in the right size, with a thick sole to protect the heel and not allow it to shift are crucial (and not just when you exercise). Don’t make the mistake of wearing shoes that put pressure on your arches during the day and then switching to cushioned sneakers for exercise. All the shoes you wear throughout the day have a significant impact on the health of your feet.

4. Strengthen your footwear:

Many people have the misconception that wearing orthotics is only for people who have advanced foot diseases, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Wearing plantar orthotics in your favorite pair of shoes is a cheap and effective way to prevent Plantar Fasciitis and a great alternative to purchasing expensive orthopedic shoes.

5. Run on soft surfaces:

You’ll keep the disease of plantar fasciitis at bay by getting into the habit of running on flat, soft surfaces whenever possible. Choose paths next to sidewalks and run on grass instead of asphalt when possible. Running on soft surfaces minimizes the impact your feet absorb when hitting the ground, which means less inflammation and stress for your heels and plantar fascia.

6. Don’t force:

One of the best habits you can develop, not only to prevent Plantar Fasciitis but also a large number of diseases, is to listen to your body and know your limits. Focus on the signs of pain and fatigue as much as you focus on achieving your goals, and you will be able to avoid overloading your muscles and tendons.

Increase the duration and intensity of training gradually to help avoid exhaustion, and do not make sudden increases in your physical activity.

7. Stay active:

Last but not least, exercise regularly to keep the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of your feet flexible and able to support your weight and free of Plantar Fasciitis. Don’t think that it has to be a strenuous activity, or even dress in sports clothes. A walk followed by 10 minutes of stretching is enough.

Establishing these healthy habits to prevent plantar fasciitis will also help you stay active and enjoy life to the fullest by not suffering from pain. Your feet take you where you want to go, take care of them, and pamper them; Keeping them in good shape is one of the best things you can do to live an active and healthy life.

Shoes to wear with plantar fasciitis disease

Footwear for winter or summer: In summer, it is important to avoid wearing flip-flops as daily footwear and use them only when bathing, since they do not support the foot well.

You should also avoid wearing shoes with thin soles, such as sandals with a thickness of less than 2 cm.

The ideal is to opt for footwear that supports the heel well and prevents the foot from sliding when walking.

If you practice outdoor sports such as tennis or paddle tennis, it is important to choose shoes with a good sole that cushions impacts against the ground and supports the foot well.

In winter, it is important to avoid wearing shoes with thin soles that offer poor support.

Women should avoid excessive use of high-heeled shoes since they have narrow lasts and thin soles that do not absorb impacts against the ground.

This type of footwear can also contribute to developing metatarsalgia and shortening the calves and hamstring muscles.

Within the appropriate footwear for plantar fasciitis, if you want to wear high-heeled shoes, it is preferable to choose shoes with low and wide heels.

Physiotherapy treatment for plantar fasciitis

Physical therapy treatment for plantar fasciitis can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the individual needs of the patient. However, there are some common techniques and methods that physical therapists often use to treat plantar fasciitis:

One of the most common techniques is manual therapy, which involves gentle manipulation of the muscles, tendons, and soft tissues of the foot to relieve pain and inflammation. Massage therapy can also be effective, as it involves applying pressure and friction to the muscles of the foot to relieve pain and improve circulation.

Stretching can also be helpful in relieving pain and tension in the foot. Physiotherapists teach patients different stretching exercises to do at home or in the clinic.

Additionally, physical therapists can use physical therapy, such as infrared light or heat, to help relieve pain and inflammation. It is also possible to use electrotherapy, which involves applying mild electrical currents to the muscles of the foot to stimulate circulation and relieve pain.

Physiotherapy tips for the treatment of plantar fasciitis

1. Apply local cold for pain and inflammation frequently.

2. Passive ankle mobilizations (especially dorsiflexion) and all those small joints of the foot to improve flexibility.

3. Massage and Cyriax (deep transverse massage) To treat the retraction of the plantar fascia, the calf muscles, and the Achilles tendon. Cyriax applied to the painful area helps eliminate possible adhesions in the area and activates local circulation, promoting the resolution of inflammation.

4. Strengthening and stretching exercises. Resisted exercises are applied by the physiotherapist himself to strengthen the calves, tibialis anterior, and the intrinsic muscles of the foot.

5. Exercise guide for the home supporting the treatment carried out by the physiotherapist.

How does electrotherapy for plantar fasciitis work?

Electrotherapy is a treatment that uses electrical currents to stimulate the muscles and soft tissues of the body to relieve pain and improve function. In the case of plantar fasciitis, electrotherapy can be used to relieve pain and inflammation in the plantar fascia and to improve blood circulation in the affected area.

There are different types of electrotherapy that can be used to treat plantar fasciitis, such as interferential current therapy, TENS (transcutaneous nerve stimulation) current therapy, and low-frequency current therapy.

Each type of electrotherapy is used differently and can produce different results depending on the patient. It is important that you speak with your physical therapist to determine which type of electrotherapy is most appropriate for your case.

Stretching for plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia has an important function when walking because, together with other structures of the foot, it is responsible for maintaining the plantar arch, so it activates the mechanism that we use when we step when walking, running, jumping, or doing any other activity.

You should know that due to the type of structure that the plantar fascia and its mechanism of operation, plantar fasciitis is a quite common problem. In people who do not practice sports, it does not usually appear until the age of 45, but it may be more common in young athletes. In fact, it is likely that 10% of the population may suffer from it at some point in their lives.

To avoid injuries to the sole of the foot and avoid the discomfort of plantar fasciitis, there are some basic exercises that can be practiced at home that will help you exercise and strengthen the muscles in the area.

These are simple exercises that you can practice at home, with the help of a mat and a towel.

Doing these types of exercises will help you improve the functioning mechanism of the plantar fascia, correcting the problem of plantar fasciitis. If the problem does not decrease or gets worse, it is best to consult a specialist to guide you according to your case.

Plantar fasciitis exercises

Plantar fasciitis exercises
Plantar fasciitis exercises

1. Cold and massage:

We place a cylindrical bottle of frozen water on the ground transversely to the foot (covered with a cloth to protect the skin) and slide it back and forth with some pressure toward the ground. This way we make the fascia more flexible, reduce inflammation, and mobilize the ankle. Perform for 10 minutes.

It is also possible to massage the fascia with a tennis ball. You can do circles, forward, and lateral movements.

2. Strengthening:

*Standing: raise toes and heels, 20 repetitions.

*Sitting: putting your bare foot on a towel or sheet on the floor and trying to grab it with your fingers. This exercise strengthens the intrinsic muscles of the foot.

3. Stretching:

*Standing: supported on a stable surface, place the ball of the foot on a step and let the heel fall downward, descending under your own weight. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

*Sitting: straighten your knee and flex your foot pointing towards your face. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Exercise for plantar fasciitis

The treatment of inflammation: Exercises for the treatment of plantar fasciitis disease seek to stretch and lengthen the plantar fascia as well. such as the Achilles tendon so that the Achilles-calcaneus-plantar system works much better.

With repeated stretching in the exercises for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, a repair and collagen generation response is generated in the plantar fascia.

By performing these exercises for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, a very important % is achieved in curing the pain of fasciitis.

It is important to perform the exercises for the treatment of plantar fasciitis continuously several times a day.

 I advise if you can do it 2 or 3 times a day, 7 days a week. 

Along with the exercise treatment for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, it is advisable to perform other treatments such as silicone insoles, changing shoes, and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs if the pain is intense. These treatments can greatly help relieve pain.

For plantar fasciitis exercise

Massages can also be performed for a good treatment:

In summary, plantar fasciitis is a very common injury and an important cause of pain in the foot. It is caused by an imbalance in the mechanics of gait that generates inflammation in the plantar fascia area.

Other specific treatments for inflammation of the plantar fascia are recommended in the event that an improvement is found with the exercises explained.

Specific insoles can be used to improve fascia function.

Specific infiltrations in the fascia have shown very good short and long-term results in improving pain.

Another recommended treatment to improve pain is the use of shock waves, it is a non-aggressive treatment that improves inflammation of the fascia.

All of these are second-line treatments that can improve heel pain.

It is recommended to carry out treatment in progressive phases from less to more.

Exercises for the treatment of fasciitis are key to achieving improvement in pain.

Consistency in performing this exercise regimen to treat this heel problem.

Risk factors for plantar fasciitis disease

Plantar fasciitis usually develops without apparent cause. However, these risk factors for plantar fasciitis disease increase your chances of developing:

*Jobs that are done standing, such as factory work or teaching

*Having tight calf muscles, making it difficult to flex your foot and bring your toes toward your shin

*Having tight Achilles tendons

*Wearing unsupportive shoes

*Change the type of shoes you wear

*Running or other sports that cause repetitive impact

*Increase distance when walking or running

*Start a new sport or physical activity

*Having poor running form

*Being overweight or obese

*Have very high arches or flat feet

*Be an active person between 40 and 70 years old

More risk factors disease of plantar fasciitis

Although plantar fasciitis usually appears without a clear trigger, there are risk factors that can help it develop. Specifically, there are five:

Prolonged exercises: If you usually go running long distances or practice sports or activities that put a lot of pressure on the heel, you may be contributing to the appearance of plantar pain. Dance or running are clear examples of exercises that usually cause it.

Age. Plantar fasciitis can appear at any age, but it is true that the numbers skyrocket if you have already reached your forties.

Previous pathologies: If you suffer from flat feet or do not have a good stride when walking or running, you may be distributing weight incorrectly and overloading some areas of the foot which end up causing plantar fasciitis.

Overweight: Obesity and excess weight are risk factors for almost any known disease, but even more so for plantar fasciitis, since you force your feet to sustain pressure for which they are not designed.

“Uncomfortable” jobs: Anyone who carries out their professional activity standing, such as teachers, supermarket cashiers, or security guards, can develop plantar fasciitis. The ideal would be to go to a specialist to advise you on the best footwear or insoles suitable for your footprint.

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Top 35 related questions and answers for plantar fasciitis disease

Can I still go walking with plantar fasciitis?

In fact, walking can further inflame the plantar fascia, leading to an extension of your treatment. While it’s not walking alone that could further inflame the ligament, if you don’t wear the right shoes or overexert yourself, plantar fasciitis can flare up.

What is the best anti-inflammatory to treat plantar fasciitis?

The cure of plantar fasciitis can differ depending on the wishes of every individual, so there is no single anti-inflammatory regarded the nice for all cases.

However, there are different effective options that can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

It is advisable to consult a specialist, such as a podiatrist or doctor, who will evaluate your individual situation and prescribe the most appropriate anti-inflammatory for your specific case. Some of the commonly used medications include ibuprofen, naproxen, and diclofenac, which can be administered in the form of tablets, gels, or topical creams.

How do you sleep with plantar fasciitis?

Consider night splints. Most people sleep with their feet pointing downward, which relaxes the plantar fascia during the night and causes pain early in the morning when you suddenly get up and stretch it. Night splints work by stretching the arches of your feet and calves while you sleep.

What causes plantar fasciitis?

Causes. Inflammation occurs when the thick band of tissue on the bottom of the foot (fascia) becomes overstretched or overstretched. This can be painful and make walking more difficult.

How to walk with plantar fasciitis?

The gait that we must do if we suffer from plantar fasciitis must be controlled, avoiding walking excessively fast or walking for a very long period of time.

What type of exercise can I do if I have plantar fasciitis?

Any type of rowing is a great way to exercise when you have plantar fasciitis. Most gyms have rowing machines. Rowing a kayak or boat is also a great exercise that is not invasive for your feet.

How do I prevent pain in the sole of the foot?

There are several guidelines when it comes to preventing plantar fasciitis but the most important has to do with footwear. It is important to highlight that choosing shoes when playing sports is not a trivial matter. In fact, not only is it essential to choose well when exercising, but opting for quality footwear is a great idea both for daily life and for carrying out work activities.

If we do not want to develop plantar pain, we must restrict the use of high-heeled footwear and opt for anatomical shoes that provide the feet with stable and comfortable support according to their morphological needs.

If the problem is related to the anatomy of the feet, it is best to consult a podiatrist who studies the footprint and takes advantage of those measurements to make personalized insoles.

Is there any way to relieve pain in the sole of the foot?

As a general rule, it is recommended that the patient do frequent stretches in the plantar area as this will relieve tension and promote relaxation of the foot.

If the problem is related to a structural problem of the foot, it is advisable to see a specialist. The podiatry service at Hospital Ochoa has many years of experience in caring for plantar pain and will know how to identify the problem and design the best treatment supported by the latest cutting-edge techniques.

What makes plantar fasciitis worse?

Plantar fasciitis is aggravated by tight muscles in your feet and calves. Stretching your calves and plantar fascia is the most effective way to relieve the pain caused by this condition.

How long should I tape my foot for plantar fasciitis?

Do not stretch the tape excessively. Once you’re ready, place it near your heel. The tape should not remain on for more than 24 hours since it loses part of its elasticity after this time. To provide maximum skin stimulation, you should replace and apply new tape every day.

What foods should you avoid if you have plantar fasciitis?

Inflammation can cause foot pain:

Plantar fasciitis can actually worsen when certain foods are consumed in excess, including Animal protein sources with too much-saturated fat, such as red meat. Foods prepared with refined grains, sugar, and trans fats. White flour that you find in pasta, snacks, and desserts.

Why does plantar fasciitis last so long?

One of the main reasons why plantar fasciitis takes so long to heal is that the plantar fascia is subject to a lot of stress and strain on a daily basis. The feet support the weight of the entire body and are subject to many impacts, especially when we perform activities such as walking, running, or jumping.

Why isn’t my plantar fasciitis getting better?

If your heel pain doesn’t go away after a few weeks, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. Your orthopedist will examine your foot to make sure something else is not causing pain. Your doctor may use X-rays and other tests to rule out a foot fracture or other causes of heel pain.

When is plantar fasciitis serious?

The pain and discomfort associated with plantar fasciitis can interfere with daily activities and make it difficult to exercise or walk for long periods of time. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen over time.

What happens if plantar fasciitis is not cured?

Ignoring plantar fasciitis can lead to chronic heel pain that makes everyday activities difficult. You’ll likely change the way you walk to avoid the pain of plantar fasciitis, which can lead to foot, knee, hip, or back problems.

Are there side effects when using anti-inflammatories?

The use of anti-inflammatories can have side effects in some people. It is important to follow the specialist’s instructions and not exceed the recommended dose to avoid possible complications. Some common side effects may include gastrointestinal problems, such as stomach pain, heartburn, or irritation, as well as dizziness, drowsiness, or allergic reactions.

If you experience any side effects, it is important to inform your doctor so that he or she can evaluate your situation and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment.

What other therapies and treatments may be helpful in treating plantar fasciitis?

In addition to anti-inflammatories, there are other treatments and therapies that may be useful to treat plantar fasciitis:

*Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles and tendons in the sole of the foot, as well as reduce inflammation and improve mobility. 

A specialized physiotherapist can plan a precise exercise application for your case.

*Exercises and stretches: Performing unique workout routines and stretches for the plantar fascia can assist in relieving anxiety and beefing up the muscle mass in the affected area.

*Using splints or supports: Night splints and arch help can assist in holding the plantar fascia stretched at some point of the night, which can relieve morning pain.

*Ultrasound Therapy: Ultrasound remedy can assist in minimizing infection and promote restoration of the plantar fascia via making use of high-frequency sound waves to the affected area.

It is essential to bear in mind that every case of plantar fasciitis is unique, so it is really helpful to seek advice from a fitness expert to decide which treatments and remedies will be most superb for you.

Is it necessary to see a doctor to treat plantar fasciitis?

If you experience persistent pain in the bottom of your foot and suspect that you may have plantar fasciitis, it is advisable to consult a doctor specializing in podiatry or a general practitioner. These professionals will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

A specialist can perform a detailed evaluation of your condition, perform additional tests if necessary, and offer you personalized treatment options to help relieve pain and improve your quality of life.

What are the diagnoses of plantar fasciitis

The professional who handles the case would collect the patient’s history, look for symptoms, press the area with his finger, and evaluate the movement, sensitivity, and length of the triceps surae (calf) muscle. Next, you need to check for any anatomical abnormalities such as flat feet, pronation, or varus.

Tests performed include x-rays to rule out fractures, tests for diseases such as rheumatic gout, and electromyogram, which highlights possible nerve entrapment. However, the tests cannot replace the clinical examination by the doctor.

What kind of pain does plantar fasciitis cause?

When you rest your foot on a surface, you can feel pain of a very diverse nature. The most common are pinching, stinging, pinching, and even burning or compression. On other occasions, the patient may feel as if he or she had just hit that area and caused a bruise.

It is important when it comes to getting an accurate diagnosis to know how to identify the specific area of ​​the foot that is painful. In the case of plantar fasciitis, the pain appears as a sting in the sole of the foot.

Why does plantar pain appear?

The plantar fascia runs from the heel to the metatarsals. This band shapes the feet and causes their curvature, but if it is short the arch is too pronounced, and if it is long it causes the so-called flat feet.

Aging causes the plantar fascia to lose its elasticity and the heel does not cushion the footprint as effectively as during youth, so physical activity and long periods of standing produce a greater impact on the heel and, consequently, the appearance of plantar pain.

What vitamins are good for plantar fasciitis?

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C coincide with its immunostimulating properties. The fewer free radicals, the less chance of inflammation. As a supplement for plantar fasciitis, vitamin C can reduce inflammation of the plantar fascia.

How long to take ibuprofen for plantar fasciitis?

A 10- to 14-day course of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory inhibitors, such as naproxen or ibuprofen, may also help reduce inflammation and pain. Reducing the amount of time you spend standing can also help the plantar fascia recover.

What types of fasciitis are there?

There are various forms of presentation: Necrotizing fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis.

Can Arnica help plantar fasciitis?

They also use it on ligaments and tendons for things like plantar fasciitis, foot and ankle sprains, and Achilles tendonitis. “Arnica helps heal and limit inflammation, relieves ache and discomfort, and helps decrease bruising,” she says.

Can a night splint cure plantar fasciitis?

Night splints are drug-free and non-invasive, making them one of the most effective conservative treatments for plantar fasciitis. Depending on your condition, Dr. Glover may prescribe night splints along with other treatments to help your plantar fascia heal.

Does heat help plantar fasciitis?

Is heat also good for plantar fasciitis? Heat therapy helps increase circulation and blood flow, which can reduce cramps and stiffness. Heat can also loosen the plantar fascia ligament, which can make stretching and massage more effective. But heat does not numb the pain and can cause more swelling.

What shoes should you not wear with plantar fasciitis?

Shoes that often make plantar fasciitis worse are flat or high-heeled shoes. Ugg boots are also very bad. Flip-flops are bad, but they are still a popular footwear choice for many people, particularly those who live in warmer climates.

What is better for cold or hot plantar fasciitis?

Cold is a fantastic way to reduce the pain of Plantar Fasciitis and heel spurs. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to be drippy or dirty.

Where does plantar fasciitis hurt?

The most frequent signs and symptoms of plantar fasciitis encompass Pain on the backside of the foot close to the heel. Pain with the first steps after getting out of bed in the morning or after a long period of rest, such as after a long car ride.

What risk factors for plantar fasciitis

There are factors that make the appearance of plantar fasciitis more likely in patients:

•*This condition is more common in people between 40 and 60 years old.

*Having problems with the arch of the foot, that is, having both flat feet and a high arch.

*Play sports or do high-impact physical activities, such as long-distance running.

*Being overweight or obese.

*Having a tight Achilles tendon.

*Wear shoes with poor arch support or soft soles.

What is the best cream for plantar fasciitis?

Voltadol Forte is one of the best anti-inflammatory creams for plantar fasciitis as it acts as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory to reduce pain. It is advisable to massage the area twice a day with Voltadol Forte to reduce inflammation and associated pain.

How do doctors diagnose plantar fasciitis?

During a physical exam, we will ask you about your foot pain, including when it started and what you think caused it. We’ll also do some simple tests to check where it hurts and study how your foot moves.

Sometimes our doctors use X-rays to diagnose plantar fasciitis. X-rays show the bones of the foot and can indicate if there is a bone fracture. X-rays may also show heel spurs: bony growths on the heel bone that do not cause plantar fasciitis, but often occur along with it.

MRIs are usually not ordered unless heel pain does not improve after treatment. They can help rule out another cause of the pain, such as a pinched or compressed nerve.

How do I know if my plantar fasciitis is getting better?

As this condition heals, you should have less and less pain in the morning. Pain decreases over time: Plantar fasciitis pain can take a long time to go away, but it should steadily decrease over time. If your pain has steadily decreased, your plantar fasciitis is likely healing.

How to completely eliminate plantar fasciitis?

What is the best treatment for plantar fasciitis?

Cryotherapy: For the first few days, ice can be applied to the painful area, 3 or 4 times a day, for 10 to 15 minutes.

Treatment with NSAIDs and pain relievers: taking ibuprofen, paracetamol, or another similar medication can help combat pain.


Plantar fasciitis disease is one of the tendinopathies, although it is not a tendon that is affected, but rather a special tissue, the fascia. It is caused by multiple situations that the patient suffers: people who are overweight, who carry out excessive sports or occupational activity (such as standing for a long time), due to an alteration in the foot (patients with a dropped foot or a greatly increased arch)”, exposes the referent.

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And he adds: “Many times we see that these patients have a very important component of retraction in what is known as the posterior chain, muscles that go behind the body and the plantar fascia continues with what is the tissue of the Achilles tendon and is interconnected with the posterior calf muscles. All of this forms a chain that when retracted produces a lot of tension in that tissue and that generates pain.”

It is a characteristic pain in the heel when the patient gets up in the morning and feels a stitch in the area that increases as the individual moves.

Therefore, it is important to consult with a trauma doctor. Treatment is usually pharmacological and then referred to a kinesiologist.

“Within the tools that we use since rehabilitation, we first advance with some type of physical agent. We have devices that try to reduce pain and reduce the inflammatory process in the area. Then we support ourselves a lot with bandages, some external support such as an insole to improve the condition, and then therapeutic exercise that helps relax all those tissues, elongate the fascia, and restore mobility to the foot,” he comments.

He continues: “As the foot is still due to the pain and those tissues are retracted, it does not have normal mobility, so what it does is ask another area of ​​the body to respond to it. The heel will ask the forefoot, the latter will also begin to suffer and thus will begin a process of establishing the pathology that ends in a vicious circle.”

Given this, the kinesiologist calls on the population to make an early consultation with the doctor and timely treatment with the service. In addition, physical activity helps prevent these cases.

Best plantar fasciitis disease product Link

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1) Men’s Slide Sandal with Arch Support, Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief…

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2) Arch Support Orthotic for Women and Men…

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3) Dr. Scholl’s® Custom Fit® Comfort Insoles, Fit Men & Womens Shoes…

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4) Procare ProWedge Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint…

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5) HARENCE Sandals for Women Summer Flats

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6) PROFOOT Plantar Fasciitis Slippers with Orthotic Arch Support Insoles for Women…

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7) Dr. Scholl’s Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Orthotics…

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8) Powerstep Women’s ArchWear Slipper, House Shoes…

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(10) Best Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief Massager

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