Teeth sensitivity after whitening:
If you are considering undergoing whitening or have recently undergone one and are concerned about how to relieve tooth sensitivity after whitening, you are in the right place.
Throughout this article, we will explore the causes of tooth sensitivity after using a teeth whitening treatment, as well as the strategies and tips to calm or prevent this very common discomfort. We will tell you.
What is teeth sensitivity?
Tooth sensitivity is a feeling of discomfort or even pain, when we bite or rub something cold with our teeth or molars. Although the most common cause is cold, it is also caused by heat.
Sensitive teeth are the result of worn-out tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. However, on other occasions it is also due to other factors:
*Brushing your teeth aggressively.
*Eat acidic foods.
*Use certain types of mouthwash.
*Grinding your teeth due to stress or anxiety.
*Certain pathologies such as cavities or gingivitis.
*Age. As we age, tooth enamel wears down.
*Some dental treatments, such as teeth whitening.
How to stop teeth sensitivity after whitening
Discover the secrets to enjoying teeth whitening without worrying about sensitivity. Your smile deserves to stand out, but not at the cost of unnecessary discomfort. We tell you how you can avoid sensitivity due to whitening below:
Choosing the appropriate whitening
To avoid tooth sensitivity after undergoing teeth whitening, opt for gentle whitening techniques that minimize the risk of sensitivity, such as using gels with a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
Additionally, choose to undergo teeth whitening supervised by a professional, who can customize the treatment to your specific needs. Make decisions verified by a professional and enjoy effective whitening without compromising your dental comfort.
Correct use of bleach
Correct use of teeth whitener is the main practice to avoid tooth sensitivity due to whitening. These would be some of the good use practices:
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
Carefully read and follow the instructions provided by the teeth whitener manufacturer. Each product may have specific recommendations regarding the amount of gel to use, the application time, and the frequency of treatment. Following these instructions will help you avoid possible side effects, such as tooth sensitivity.
Preparation before whitening
First, it is essential to schedule a consultation with a trusted dental professional, who will evaluate your oral health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for whitening.
Additionally, you should consider the benefits of using products designed to strengthen your teeth and minimize sensitivity, thus strengthening your smile from the inside out.
Limit the exposure time of the whitener
It is important not to exceed the recommended time of use of the teeth whitener. While you want quick results, unnecessarily prolonging exposure time can increase tooth sensitivity. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and remove the product within the established time.
Avoid contact with gums and soft tissues
While applying teeth whitener, make sure to avoid direct contact with the gums and soft tissues of the mouth. If the product comes into contact with these sensitive areas, it may cause irritation and sensitivity. Use dental applicators or splints that fit properly and protect your gums.
How to relieve teeth sensitivity after whitening?
Below, we leave you a series of tips to relieve tooth sensitivity after whitening :
*Clean your mouth and teeth properly: Brush your teeth 3 times a day and make gentle circular movements from the tooth to the gum.
*Use special products to care for your teeth: For example, soft-bristled brushes, desensitizing toothpaste or gel, rinse for sensitive gums, and soft dental floss, among others.
*Avoid very hot or cold food or drinks: especially during the 24 and 48 hours after treatment. An example is ice cream, coffee, or infusions.
*Avoid acidic foods: such as lemon or orange, as they can irritate gums and recover nerve endings.
*Chew sugarless gum.
*Avoid biting objects or eating foods that are very hard, such as nuts.
*Avoid sudden movements, toothpicks, and teeth to cut or open packages.
*Under the recommendation of the dentist, the use of products with fluoride is also appropriate, since one of its main functions is the remineralization of the teeth.
*If the pain is very severe, ask your dentist if you can take some pain-relieving medication during the first days of treatment.
Why do teeth sensitivity after whitening
It is common to experience some tooth sensitivity after whitening, as whitening products can penetrate the tooth enamel and temporarily affect the nerves. In this article, we tell you the most important points that cause this effect on your teeth so that later you will know how to relieve tooth sensitivity after whitening:
Factors that contribute to dental sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity after whitening is a common problem that affects many people. Although it can have various causes, several factors contribute to its appearance. Among the factors that can trigger tooth sensitivity, we find:
Worn tooth enamel
Enamel is the outermost and most protective layer of the teeth. When it wears down due to excessive abrasion, aggressive brushing, or frequent consumption of acidic foods and drinks, the dental nerves become more exposed, causing sensitivity.
*Gum recession: Receding gums can expose the root of the tooth, which is not covered by enamel, and have less protection against external stimuli. This can cause sensitivity to cold, heat, and sweet foods.
Dental cavities
Cavities can weaken tooth structure and expose dental nerves, causing sensitivity to contact with hot, cold, or sweet foods or drinks.
Teeth whitening treatments
Although teeth whitening can provide a brighter smile, some products or procedures may cause temporary sensitivity. This is because whitening agents can penetrate the enamel and reach the dental nerves, generating uncomfortable sensations.
Tooth wear
The natural wear and tear of teeth over time can expose the inner layers of the tooth, including dentin, which is more sensitive to external stimuli. Additionally, bruxism (teeth grinding) and excessive consumption of acidic foods can accelerate tooth wear.
Poor oral hygiene
Lack of proper oral hygiene can lead to the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can damage tooth enamel and cause sensitivity.
It is important to note that tooth sensitivity can vary in intensity and duration depending on each person and the underlying cause. If you experience persistent or severe tooth sensitivity, it is advisable to consult a dentist to receive a proper diagnosis and determine the best treatment for your specific situation.
Home remedies for tooth sensitivity after whitening
Factors that can change tooth color: The passage of time establishes variations in the color of the teeth that tend to darken and lose shine depending on different factors:
Poor dental hygiene: there is no doubt that it contributes to darkening the color and making it less uniform.
Fluoride: excess fluoride causes enamel wear and also the appearance of white spots on the tooth surface, which are proportional to the excess of this mineral.
Toothpaste and mouthwashes with chlorhexidine: continued use of this type of product ends up causing black spots to appear.
Systemic diseases: there are many diseases that to a greater or lesser extent alter tooth pain.
Diet: many foods and drinks, such as certain fruits, some spices, coffee, tea, etc. They contain pigments and therefore contribute to a change in color. Also, those that are abrasive (acidic) damage the tooth enamel and cause the teeth to lose shine and appear darker in color.
The habit of smoking: tobacco darkens the teeth when nicotine and tar are deposited on them.
Medications: some of them induce staining of the teeth through chemical mechanisms. Thus, for example, it is believed that antibiotics do so by binding to minerals such as zinc, nickel, or magnesium, among others.
Tooth sensitivity can be extremely painful and annoying. Here is a list of foods that can help:
Saltwater for tooth sensitivity after whitening
Saltwater is one of the most common solutions for tooth sensitivity or any dental problem, as it helps maintain the pH balance of your mouth to create a more alkaline environment in which harmful bacteria cannot survive for long. It is also a natural antiseptic that provides instant relief to sensitive teeth. All you need to do is add two teaspoons of salt to warm water and mix well. Rinse your mouth with this solution twice a day to reduce sensitivity and pain.
Guava leaves
Guava has innumerable health benefits, but not many may know that its leaves have too many medicinal properties. It is known to contain flavonoids such as quercetin, kaempferol, and rutin which have anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve tooth sensitivity and toothache. Simply chew a few leaves for 2-3 minutes and spit them out before rinsing your mouth. If you don’t want to chew them, place four to five leaves in a pan with a cup of water and boil. Add a pinch of salt and use it as a mouthwash.
Onion helps sensitive teeth after whitening
Onion has flavonoids such as quercetin, which is known to offer anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve pain. Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties also help kill harmful bacteria in the mouth that can cause oral infections. All you need to do is cut an onion so that the piece fits in your mouth. Place the piece on the affected area and leave it for about five minutes. After taking it out, rinse your mouth thoroughly with salt water which will help relieve pain and improve breathing.
Garlic helps sensitive teeth after whitening
We can’t promise an improvement in breath, but we can tell you that it has some compounds to offer that are extremely beneficial for oral health. It is known to be an antibacterial agent and a natural anesthetic that can relieve the pain of tooth sensitivity and other problems. To desensitize and relieve pain, you should make a paste with two or three cloves of garlic, two or three drops of water, and about half a teaspoon of salt. Apply the paste to the affected tooth and allow it to sit for a few minutes before rinsing with warm salt water.
Clove oil
Clove oil carries effective germicidal houses and additionally helps numb aches whilst maintaining tooth and gums health. Cloves have long been used for their anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and antibacterial houses that decrease aches and battle oral infections.
Recommendations for teeth sensitivity after whitening
After performing teeth whitening, it is important to properly care for your teeth to maintain the results and calm dental sensitivity if it exists. Here we offer you some recommendations on how to calm tooth sensitivity after whitening:
Avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth:
To keep your teeth white and shiny, it is advisable to avoid or limit the consumption of foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine, ketchup, and carbonated drinks. If you consume them, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize their impact on the color of your teeth.
Floss daily:
Flossing is essential to remove food debris and plaque that accumulate between teeth and in areas that are difficult for the toothbrush to reach. Use gentle zigzag movements as you floss between each tooth. Regular flossing will help keep your teeth clean and prevent stains from appearing.
Rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash:
After brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free mouthwash. This will help eliminate bacteria and freshen your breath. Additionally, some mouthwashes contain additional whitening ingredients that can help keep your teeth bright.
Schedule regular dental visits:
It is essential to continue visiting your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and dental checkups. Your dentist will be able to evaluate the status of your teeth whitening, make adjustments if necessary, and offer you personalized advice for caring for your teeth.
Avoid tobacco consumption:
Tobacco is one of the main causes of stains on teeth. If you want to maintain the results of your teeth whitening and take care of your oral health in general, it is important to avoid tobacco consumption in any of its forms.
Remember that taking proper care of your teeth after teeth whitening will help prolong the results and maintain a radiant smile. If you experience persistent tooth sensitivity or any other problem, do not hesitate to consult your dentist for appropriate care.
Brush your teeth properly:
Continue to brush your teeth twice a day with a whitening toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use gentle, circular movements to remove dental plaque and surface stains. Don’t forget to also brush your tongue to keep your breath fresh.
What types of teeth whitening are safe?
Those that are done in a dental clinic under the supervision of a dentist. Professional teeth whitening is done with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, products that do not damage the enamel and whiten the tooth from the inside without eroding it. Depending on each case, the dentist can choose whether the whitening is done in the clinic or at home.
*In-clinic whitening is performed by applying a gel to the teeth and subsequently activating it with a lamp or laser. Sessions usually last 1 hour and the results are immediate. With this treatment you can achieve up to 8 shades of improvement in the whiteness of your teeth and the best thing is that this treatment does not injure the tooth.
*The application at home is carried out using plates tailored to the teeth (splints), which are filled with the whitening agent and which are subsequently placed on the teeth in periods of 4-6 hours/day, for 7-10 days. The most common side effect is usually tooth sensitivity, which appears in 30-40% of cases, but only lasts between 24 and 48 hours.
Tooth sensitivity can occur due to several reasons. Worn tooth enamel or tooth erosion can lead to exposing your dentin, which is what the inside of your teeth is made of. Therefore, any intake of hot, cold, or sour foods can cause numbness in the tooth with exposed dentin.
Here are some reasons why tooth sensitivity is a common problem:
Worn tooth enamel due to excessive use of a hard toothbrush or aggressive brushing.
Tooth erosion due to consumption of highly acidic foods and drinks.
Read more: Tooth sensitivity to cold: cause, symptoms, remedy & more
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