Or What’s in breast milk?
Breast milk is the “essential” food and is full of properties that a baby can take. Its biological properties act as a shield against diseases and infections that the little ones can suffer.
Numerous studies affirm the enormous benefits of its intake by providing biomolecules that fight inflammation and infection. The study was completed by Brigham Hospital and published in the scientific journal “Mucosal Immunology.” This study affirms the enormous biological properties that breast milk contains and that make it so beneficial for our baby. Helping to reduce inflammation and minimize the risk of infections.
As we mentioned before, breast milk is undoubtedly the best infant food that exists; especially when compared to formula which has no enzymes, antibodies, or other valuable ingredients:
*Minerals: the most relevant are calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and fluorine. These minerals are not significantly increased or decreased by the mother’s diet.
*Vitamins: among the most important are vitamins A, K, E, and D, as well as fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins.
*Carbohydrates: these are present in the lactose of breast milk and are composed of glucose and galactose. They help to generate energy and enhance the central nervous system.
*Proteins: responsible for strengthening the muscles of the newborn, helping the development of motor functions.
*Fats: main energy supply for the baby, in addition to being the macronutrient responsible for the calories that the newborn needs for its growth. You always have to think that this is a healthy fat.
*Water: with it, the child stays hydrated.
Types of breast milk
Pre-colostrum: it is produced during the third month of gestation. This milk is rich in plasma, sodium, chlorine, serum albumin…
Colostrum: produced during the days after delivery. It is thick and yellowish. Its properties are essential for feeding the baby in the first days of life. Its content of proteins, vitamins, sodium, and substances that help improve the immune system are necessary for the newborn.
Transition milk: from 4-15 days after delivery there is a progressive increase in breast milk. Levels may vary depending on each woman. Mature milk: from the transition milk, the levels increase. The pH is neutral and has a great contribution of vitamins, proteins, water, lactose, fat, and minerals…
Most important composition:
Alpha-lactalbumin: is the main protein in breast milk representing between 10-20%. It is very beneficial for many types of cancer. Antibodies (immunoglobins): especially colostrum is rich in this type of antibody. Enzymes such as Lipase: help the baby’s digestion, absorbing fats and protecting against bacteria and viruses
Lactoferrin: favors the absorption of iron in the intestine, preventing bacteria from growing in it. Vitamins: A, K, E, D, B…Research on breast milk has determined and affirmed that it is the best food that the baby can take.
Faced with an infection of the mammary gland: or mastitis, medical professionals advise breastfeeding more. Each case must be treated individually by our specialist. Casein: provides phosphorus and calcium that the baby needs.
Fats: is a component that varies. The baby absorbs fat easily, facilitating the conduction of vitamins by them. Carbohydrates: such as lactose provide energy for its development. Minerals: especially calcium, iron, zinc… that the baby needs are provided by breast milk.
Read more: What are the exclusive benefits of breastfeeding
Why is the quality of breast milk important?
Why is the quality of breast milk important for the health of your baby and how can pediatricians in Seville help you? Breast milk is the most important food for babies during the first months of life. Not only does it provide all the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop properly, but it also contains antibodies that help protect your baby against disease and infection.
However, the quality of breast milk can vary depending on different factors, such as the mother’s diet, hydration, and general health. That’s why it’s important to make sure the breast milk you’re feeding your baby is of the highest quality possible. In this sense, pediatricians in Seville can be of great help.
They can provide you with personalized information and advice to improve the quality of your breast milk and ensure that your baby receives all the nutrients she needs for proper growth and development. In addition, they can help you identify any health problems that may be affecting the quality of your breast milk.
It is also important to remember that the quality of breast milk can be related to the mother’s diet. Therefore, lactating mothers must eat a healthy and balanced diet. Pediatricians in Seville can advise you on the foods and nutrients that you should include in your diet to improve the quality of your breast milk.
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Breastfeeding is an incomparable moment between the mother and the newborn, where in addition to generating a strong emotional bond, the child receives all the nutrients it needs, not for nothing is it the ideal and recommended diet as the only source of nutrition during the first few four to six months of life.
The importance of this, motivated the WHO and Unicef to define the World Breastfeeding Week during August, aimed at promoting it and improving the bond between mother and baby.
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