Leucorrhoea in pregnancy: what does pregnancy discharge look like pictures- causes, remedies, tips, and more information. Leucorrhea is the period used to describe the vaginal discharge that is generated for the duration of being pregnant and which, when normal, has a whitish or barely yellowish color, is odorless, and has a viscous texture.
Its function is to ensure the cleanliness of the vagina, avoiding the passage of bacteria into the uterus, as well as maintaining the degree of acidity that it should have. It can also appear after childbirth and in the moments before it changes its texture and color characteristics with the expulsion of cervical mucus that announces the imminence of childbirth.
In a way, this secretion of vaginal discharge is like a thermometer to measure the health of the vagina, since changes in the amount of discharge and its color and smell can determine the existence of inflammation or an infection.
Thus, an abnormal leucorrhea will have a yellowish color, it will give off a bad smell, and traces of blood could be detected in it. At times it can also be more abundant than normal.
Hence the importance of a woman regularly checking her vaginal discharge and seeing a doctor when she detects changes in it, especially if she also feels itching or burning in the vagina.
What is leukorrhea in pregnancy?
Leucorrhea is the medical term for the normal vaginal discharge generated during pregnancy. This presents a whitish or slightly yellowish color. While in the first months, it is more discreet, leucorrhea becomes more evident around the 19th week of pregnancy.
The main function of this flow is to keep the vagina protected and free of bacteria that can pass into the uterus, where the baby is being formed. During its output, the flow drags possible dirt and microorganisms, thanks to its sticky texture.
Throughout the pregnancy, the consistency and color of the discharge may change. Sometimes it could even contain a small amount of blood or a slightly darker color.
Until the expulsion of cervical mucus when the woman goes into labor, all fluids are called leucorrhea in pregnancy. Although it is normal to expel this substance, it is necessary to pay attention to its characteristics at all times. Some details indicate a health problem, and that is when we should act quickly.
Milky white discharge pregnancy
The flow that is secreted in pregnancy is milky in color, fine in texture, and with a certain odor, but not unpleasant. Its expulsion should not be accompanied by pain, itching, or strong aromas.
It is normal to expel the amount of discharge corresponding to a teaspoon of coffee per day. Thanks to leucorrhoea, the pH of the vagina remains stable, preventing infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms at a stage in which the future mother’s immune system is compromised.
Leucorrhea in pregnancy is related to hormonal changes. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for increasing the amount of secretion, which remains more or less stable throughout the pregnancy.
It is normal for pregnant women’s underwear to get wet at times, so some people prefer to use panty liners or cotton clothes to avoid this. What should never be used are tampons or the menstrual cup, since it is beneficial for the flow to be expelled.
When to go to the doctor?
The vast majority of vaginal problems in pregnancy are easily detected during gynecological check-ups. This is why it is so important not to skip any session to have good control of the entire process.
However, if you notice symptoms such as a change in color, consistency, bad smell, itching or stinging in the vulva, and other discomforts, do not hesitate to make an appointment with your doctor for an emergency check-up.
Although leucorrhea in pregnancy is absolutely normal, you should never let your guard down. It is important to pay attention to all the details in order to act quickly if necessary.
Do not forget that leukorrhea in pregnancy is part of the protection that the woman’s body develops to keep the baby growing inside the uterus safe. But if there is any type of infection, it must be diagnosed and treated by the doctor to prevent it from affecting the fetus at any stage of pregnancy.
Yellow discharge during pregnancy
Although we shouldn’t worry about most changes in vaginal discharge during pregnancy, if the discharge turns yellow or greenish, and especially if it is accompanied by redness or irritation, a culture should be performed to rule out a sexually transmitted infection.
This type of test is already carried out as part of the usual pregnancy controls, but you can expressly ask for an analysis if you think you have had a risky activity.
Get ready for the tests and analyses that are carried out during pregnancy with the Online Seminar “Medical Tests in Pregnancy” STIs during pregnancy can cause complications that affect both the mother and the fetus.
The baby can be infected during pregnancy or at the time of delivery, so it is important to receive the appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Most of these infections can be cured with pregnancy-compatible antibiotics.
What does lumpy white discharge mean in pregnancy?
The consistency will also vary. And it is that leucorrhea can be from very liquid to mucous. If it looks lumpy, you will depend on the color and smell to tell if there is an infection. Fungi and infections are very common during pregnancy, although they are generally not serious.
Only in some rare cases can they affect the development of the fetus. Generally, if there is no discomfort such as itching or pain and the odor is not unpleasant, it is not necessary to treat the infection.
But if the discharge is thick, like cream cheese, and there is also itching in the vaginal area, burning and/or urination, or painful intercourse, it is probably a yeast infection.
This type of fungus is common during pregnancy and should be treated with an antifungal cream or suppositories. If it is repeated frequently, a probiotic treatment could be indicated,
in addition to the usual prevention measures: correct hygiene, keeping the area dry, wearing cotton underwear, and avoiding tight clothing.
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Pink vaginal discharge during pregnancy
If there is something that causes a lot of fear during pregnancy, it is finding blood on underwear or paper after cleaning. The fear of something not going well, of an abortion, is difficult to control.
That’s why if the vaginal discharge turns pink (more or less dark) all the alarms go off. In reality, this color can be due to various reasons, and almost none of them are worrisome if they are not associated with abdominal pain.
During pregnancy, the cervix may flake or bleed a little due to increased sensitivity. The effort when going to the bathroom in the case of constipation, sexual relations, or infections can favor this slight bleeding.
The same can happen after a vaginal ultrasound. This blood is mixed with the usual flow, giving the appearance of a greater quantity. In addition, the intensity of the color can vary, depending on the time that the bleeding has passed.
Since instead of pink it can be similar to a brown tone when the blood stays in the vagina oxidizing and when the flow comes out it turns brown. If you are in the last weeks of pregnancy and the discharge, in addition to being brown, has a gelatinous texture, you may be expelling the mucous plug.
This does not necessarily imply that labor will start immediately, although it sometimes occurs with the first labor contractions. However, intense red vaginal discharge, even with blood clots, and especially together with episodes of pain, require medical attention.
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Abnormal leucorrhoea
Although they should be followed throughout the life of the woman, at the time of pregnancy it is advisable to follow a series of important hygienic measures for the care of vaginal health.
Wear breathable cotton underwear, keep the area dry and clean daily, and do not use soaps, perfumed products, douches, or cleaning wipes, these are just some of the indications to avoid vaginal infections so frequent during pregnancy.
But sometimes, even taking all possible precautions, a pregnant woman can catch a vaginal infection without realizing it. It is then that the release of a flow different from what is considered healthy occurs.
Abnormal leukorrhea presents a series of characteristics that help us to easily differentiate it from infectious pathologies:
- *increased secretion
- *itching or burning
- *Unpleasant fishy odor
- *Viscosity increase
*Coloration changes
When you go to the bathroom, and especially when you change your underwear, always pay attention to the possible remains that may be in the panties. Depending on the characteristics of the leucorrhoea, you will be able to tell if it is abnormal or not:
Flow quantity:
An abnormal increase in the amount of discharge during pregnancy is a sign of a possible infection. Especially if the flow is more liquid, or if it becomes highly viscous and changes its consistency and smell, it is important to see a doctor.
Around week 37, the sudden appearance of a gelatinous discharge with traces of blood may be a sign of labor. This flow comes from the mucous plug, which begins to be expelled before the water breaks and the woman goes into labor.
Color and smell:
A white color with a pungent odor is a symptom of candidiasis or fungal infection. If, on the other hand, the color is yellow, greenish, or gray, and the smell is very strong, the infection could be bacterial or some type of sexually transmitted disease.
If infections in pregnancy are not properly controlled and treated, they pose a great risk to the baby. They are related to fetal death, premature births, brain damage, or low birth weight of the baby.
Blood loss in pregnancy
Blood loss is very scary for pregnant women. Although blood is highly conspicuous in vaginal discharge, it is more frequent than you can imagine.
During the first trimester, it is common to find small brown spots on underwear. These are known as implantation bleeding or leakage. They may also be due to the rupture of a blood capillary in the uterus,
which will close quickly. When the blood loss is bright red, especially in the first phase of pregnancy, it is indeed worrisome.
These could be a sign of a natural miscarriage, a placental abruption, or an ectopic pregnancy. If they occur later, in the second or third trimester, they would be related to premature birth.
In all cases, it is important to have a medical check-up in case there is any small blood leakage once the fertilized egg has been successfully implanted. Beyond implantation bleeding, as we have already seen in this blog post, other bleeding during pregnancy should not be normal.
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Egg white discharge
Pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotions. You will feel happy, tearful, excited, and anxious all at the same time. But emotions are not all that pregnancy entails. Your body will go through huge variances of physical changes, and as a mother-to-be, these changes can be disconcerting at times.
One of them, which can raise suspicions, is white discharge during pregnancy, a frequent sign in almost 43% of pregnant women.
With or without pregnancy, vaginal discharge is a common phenomenon. Before we go into speakme about milky white discharge throughout pregnancy, let’s apprehend the thinking of regular discharge, additionally regarded as leucorrhea. Leucorrhea is the scientific period for vaginal discharge.
Vaginal discharge is the fluid produced through the vagina and cervix that helps preserve the vagina moist and clean. It additionally helps shield you from infections. You can also have greater vaginal discharge than regular when you get pregnant.
But an exchange in your vaginal discharge ought to be a signal of something that desires treatment. It is important to know what is normal and when to seek medical help.
Is it okay to have a small white discharge during pregnancy?
When you are pregnant, it is normal for you to have more discharge than before. Healthy vaginal discharge is usually fine, clear, or milky white, and should not smell bad.
When should I worry about white discharge during pregnancy?
In early pregnancy, you may notice an increase in creamy white discharge, due to the higher levels of estrogen. White vaginal discharge (called leucorrhea) is nothing to worry about: This discharge in early pregnancy is normal and can be clear to milky white, thin or thick, and have a mild or odorless odor.
What is the difference between normal white discharge and pregnancy white discharge?
Healthy vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called leucorrhea. It is similar to the daily flow, that is, it is thin, transparent, or milky white, and it smells little or not at all. However, pregnancy can cause the amount of discharge to increase.
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Thick white discharge
When you are trying to conceive, you may experience several emotions as you wait to find out if you are pregnant.
You may feel anxious, scared, excited, and nervous.
You may also feel confused, as some of the symptoms of early pregnancy are often similar to those of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Other symptoms may be frequent urination, constipation, mood swings, dizziness, and fainting.
Since the symptoms of early pregnancy vary greatly from person to person, you may only experience one or two, or you may experience several.
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Even immediately after conception, the consistency, color, and odor of pregnancy discharge are likely to change due to hormonal fluctuations.
And if you’re not aware of those changes, sometimes everything can look weird or feel pretty wet down there.
From the outset, you may have questions about discharge at the beginning of pregnancy,
such as, should it have this color? Is it normal for it to smell like this? And when should I worry?
Read more: Tips for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery
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