What to do if blood pressure is too low in older people, emergency, pregnancy, elderly, symptoms, causes, values, and more information.
There are several common causes of low blood pressure. These include poor diet, fluid loss, hormonal imbalances, medications, and heart problems. Older age, stress, and physical inactivity can also contribute to low blood pressure.
Symptoms of low blood pressure in older people include dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, and headache, among others. If these symptoms are experienced, it is important to see a doctor immediately.
Older people must receive proper monitoring and treatment for low blood pressure. If underlying health problems are not addressed, potentially serious complications can occur. This includes imbalances.
Below we will show you the possible health problems related to low blood pressure in older people, as well as some solutions to help improve quality of life, symptoms, causes, and recommendations for hypotension or low blood pressure in older adults.
Although it may seem contradictory, hypotension is also common in older people. As the body ages, processes begin to fail and tension can easily rise and fall too much. Furthermore, as we will see below, there are medications that older people usually take that cause a constant drop in blood pressure. It should be noted that depending on the location of the arteries in which there is high pressure, we find several types of hypertension. The most common are:
*High blood pressure: Chronic disease characterized by a continuous increase in blood pressure in the arteries.
*Intracranial hypertension: This is an increase in pressure inside the skull.
*Ocular hypertension: Increase in the pressure exerted by the fluids in the eye.
*Pulmonary hypertension: Increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries.
Low blood pressure idea
To determine that blood pressure is low, its values should be less than 90/60. This condition is also called arterial hypotension, which can cause fainting, a faint, weak, and dizzy body.
This tension, from a medical point of view, is linked to not drinking enough fluids, which is known as dehydration, due to loss of white blood cells or excess medications in the body.
How Is blood pressure recorded?
When you visit the doctor, he or she will measure your blood pressure by recording the results of two measurements, which are called systole and diastole, the first is the pressure when the heart contraction occurs and pushes the blood, and the second is the pressure by relaxation of the cardiac muscle.
This measure is expressed as; Systole, over diastole, would generally be 120/70, establishing the generally accepted values depend only on a visit to the specialist since factors such as age, race, weight, and even geographical location influence it.
Even so, it is estimated that for an adult it should be 120, as systole, and a diastole of 80 or less, would be 120/80.
What to do if blood pressure is too low
Yeah you frequently experience symptoms of low blood pressure, such as dizziness or fainting, you should see a doctor. While low levels, in and of themselves, are generally not fatal, there are serious medical situations in which it is considered an emergency and you should go to the hospital.
“The chance of dying from low blood pressure is minimal unless it is related to another disease process,” Weinberg points out.
For example, a blood infection or sepsis can cause low blood pressure. Sepsis occurs when chemicals released by the body to fight an infection trigger widespread inflammation, causing blood clotting that reduces blood flow to vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and brain.
This can progress to septic shock and very low blood pressure, which can be fatal and must be treated immediately.
Low blood pressure may also be related to Addison’s disease, a disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol, a hormone that helps the body respond to stress. Lack of cortisol production can cause an Addisonian crisis, which is characterized by low blood pressure and can be fatal without proper treatment.
Treatment for low blood pressure varies build on the cause.
In severe cases, someone may need intravenous therapy to deliver fluids into the veins and increase blood pressure. In critical situations, such as septic shock, doctors can use drug therapies either orally or intravenously to rapidly raise blood pressure.
Low blood pressure emergency treatment at home
Among older people, it is common to have low blood pressure at times. If the hypotension is severe, you must call the emergency room from the first moment. If the tension is slightly low, actions can be taken to raise it. The patient must be cared for delicately, encouraged to drink water or take sugars to elevate it, lie down so that he does not get dizzy, and raise his legs.
To raise blood pressure, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise, and managing any medical conditions that may be causing your blood pressure to be higher than normal. Additionally, you may consider taking dietary and/or pharmaceutical supplements that have been shown to affect blood pressure. For example, some studies have shown that supplements such as fish oil or magnesium can help lower blood pressure.
The key to controlling blood pressure lies in creating a balanced lifestyle that incorporates healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and necessary medications or supplements.
How do you know if you have high or low blood pressure?
*Low blood pressure: Systolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or less and diastolic pressure of 60 mm Hg or less.
*Normal blood pressure: Systolic pressure of 91 to 119 mm Hg and diastolic pressure of 61 to 79 mm Hg.
*High blood pressure: Systolic pressure between 120 and 129 mm Hg and diastolic pressure less than 80 mm Hg.
*High blood pressure ( Level 1 Hypertension ): Systolic pressure between 130 and 139 mm Hg and diastolic pressure between 80 and 89 mm Hg.
*Level 2 hypertension: Systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg or greater and diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or greater.
*Hypertensive crisis: Systolic pressure greater than 180 mm Hg and diastolic pressure greater than 120 mm Hg.
Dangers of low blood pressure in older people
Suffering from low blood pressure can often be a quite serious problem for older people. Symptoms such as dizziness and fainting are dangerous, especially in cases where the elderly person is alone. On the other hand, the elderly do not have the agility that they used to have, so their reflexes are less active, which would allow them to hold on or lie down somewhere before falling.
It is important to take these dangers into account to find solutions and avoid accidents. Stairs are usually a key factor when it comes to accidents, so adapting homes to improve the lifestyle of the elderly is essential.
If the elderly person is self-employed but does not have a company, telecare devices are another of the most practical solutions. With just the push of a button, our family members will be able to count on the professional assistance they need in these cases.
What does low blood pressure mean?
Hypotension is the medical term for low blood pressure, usually defined by a blood pressure reading of 90/60 mm Hg or less. For reference, a normal blood pressure range is around 100/60 mm Hg to 120/80 mm Hg.
Low blood pressure without symptoms is rarely a cause for concern, says Nicole Weinberg, a cardiologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. Some people have chronic low blood pressure, but they feel fine and don’t need treatment.
18 sudden symptoms that you didn’t know can warn you of a very serious illness
However, if low blood pressure is combined with symptoms of dizziness, fainting, difficulty breathing, or lightheadedness, it could be a sign that you need medical attention.
Risk factors for low blood pressure
Age: Older people suffer a process called sarcopenia, through which they lose muscle mass and strength, reducing their cardiac output and causing hypotension.
Pregnancy: During pregnancy the circulatory system expands rapidly, causing a drop in the person’s blood pressure. This situation ceases when childbirth occurs.
Heart problems: Some heart problems can cause low blood pressure, such as when there are problems with one of the valves, heart failure, etc.
Endocrine problems: Thyroid problems, adrenal insufficiency, low blood sugar, or diabetes can cause low blood pressure.
Loss of blood: Blood loss from internal or external bleeding causes a drop in blood pressure as there is less blood to pump.
Serious infection: Serious infections can reach the bloodstream, lowering blood pressure and potentially causing “septic shock.”
Allergic reaction: More serious allergic reactions that cause anaphylaxis, among other symptoms, can cause a serious drop in blood pressure.
Anemia: Lack of iron and other elements such as vitamin B12 can also cause a drop in blood pressure.
What to do if your blood pressure is too low
Several self-help measures can help if you have postprandial or postural hypotension.
If you have postural hypotension, your family doctor may recommend the following measures to raise low blood pressure naturally:
*Stand up slowly, especially when you first wake up
*Be careful when getting out of bathtubs or showers
*Make sure you drink enough fluids and, if you drink alcohol, do not drink too much
*Wear compression stockings
Some foods help raise blood pressure. Your GP will recommend that you modify your diet to include more salt. However, do not do it unless your doctor recommends it, because it must be done in a controlled manner.
If you have postprandial hypotension, your doctor will recommend that you:
*Eat small meals with lower levels of carbohydrates, instead of large meals with a lot of carbohydrates
*you lie down after a meal
These measures may not be suitable for all cases of low pressure. Consult your doctor about what is appropriate for your specific case of low blood pressure.
What to do if blood pressure is too low in elderly
We speak of arterial hypotension, commonly called low blood pressure, when blood pressure values fall below reference values (120/80 mmHg).
However, there is no firm consensus on the figure that should be considered abnormally low. In some cases, only the systolic pressure is taken as a reference and we speak of low blood pressure when the value is below 90 mmHg.
Other professionals take into account both systolic and diastolic pressure, considering that low pressure exists from 60-90/40-70 mmHg.
Hypotension is a common condition and a person can go their entire life with low blood pressure without experiencing any discomfort.
It is common to hear that “it is better to have low blood pressure than to have high blood pressure.” This is due, above all, to the central role that high blood pressure plays as a risk factor for coronary heart disease.
However, low blood pressure also has consequences and can lead to complications that can affect the health of the person suffering from hypotension.
Many people with low blood pressure experience symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo, blurred vision, rapid pulse, nausea, and fainting.
Furthermore, these symptoms can lead, for example, to falls, which in the elderly can have dire consequences.
It is worth mentioning that different types of low blood pressure are distinguished. This is important because, in the case of older people, there are two that stand out especially: orthostatic hypotension and postprandial hypotension.
What is considered low blood pressure
or What happens when blood pressure is lowered?
If your blood pressure drops more than normal for you, blood flow to some vital organs, such as the brain and lungs, may be restricted. In these cases, low pressure gives symptoms that can cause fainting, dizziness, headache, etc.
There is no recognized parameter for low blood pressure. If the first number ( systolic blood pressure ) is less than 100, your doctor may consider it low. Low blood pressure values that are less than 100 may be completely normal for some people, while others may experience symptoms of low blood pressure at a much higher level. It also depends on individual factors: low blood pressure is more common in young women and, especially, in pregnant women.
Low blood pressure is not a disease, but a physical condition that many people, especially women and young people, have by nature and is idiopathic (that is, of unknown origin). Low blood pressure is only considered a problem if symptoms occur in extreme cases.
Postprandial hypotension in the elderly
While postural hypotension can occur at almost any age, postprandial hypotension is very rare in young people.
This form of hypotension occurs when systolic blood pressure drops 20 mmHg or more 60 minutes after eating.
Therefore, to diagnose postprandial hypotension, blood pressure is measured before and after food intake.
A study of institutionalized elderly people with chronic diseases detected that between 24 and 36% of them presented postprandial hypotension.
Additionally, this type of hypotension is more common in people who suffer from high blood pressure or certain diseases, such as Parkinson’s or diabetes.
Complications of low blood pressure in the elderly
Both orthostatic hypotension and postprandial hypotension are two quite common forms of low blood pressure in the elderly.
As with low blood pressure at other times in life, in most cases the drop in blood pressure is asymptomatic.
However, the nature of the symptoms that a drop in blood pressure can cause makes it especially important to detect the problem in older people.
Instability, dizziness, vertigo, and syncope or fainting can lead to falls of varying severity which, taking into account the greater fragility of the elderly, could have important consequences for both their physical health and their autonomy.
Furthermore, both forms of hypotension can sometimes have important implications for cardiovascular mortality.
We hope we have helped you better understand low blood pressure in the elderly and conveyed to you the importance of consulting with a specialist when this problem occurs.
Orthostatic hypotension in the elderly
Orthostatic or postural hypotension is one in which a drop in blood pressure occurs with a change in posture (generally due to standing, standing, or in an upright position).
This type of hypotension is considered to occur when, from the change in posture and up to 3 minutes later, there is a drop in systolic blood pressure values of 20 mmHg or 10 mmHg in the case of diastolic.
This form of hypotension is common in the elderly due to the aging of the arterial autonomic nervous system and the loss of sensitivity of the baroreceptors.
In addition, certain medications can contribute to a decrease in blood pressure, and the consumption of multiple drugs is common in the elderly population, which could aggravate its incidence.
Studies estimate that between 20 and 50% of people over 65 years of age experience orthostatic hypotension. Furthermore, its prevalence is known to increase with age.
What to do if blood pressure is too low exercises are recommended to reduce tension.
Progressive training is important to improve health in this aspect. You have to be constant in the practice of physical exercise so that the cardiovascular system adapts.
The most advisable thing is to walk 45 minutes a day if you are a sedentary person. If you find it difficult, you can divide that time into two or three sessions of at least 10 minutes each until you achieve the goal.
It is good to combine it with strength exercises. When the person is already at the point of walking about 10,000 steps per day, which is equivalent to about 7 km, they can be included based on lifting a little weight with many repetitions and advancing to more intense exercises.
Recommendations for low blood pressure in the elderly
As we age, our bodies change and we experience a variety of transformations, including low blood pressure. Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is a common concern for many older people. While some older people have low blood pressure, this does not necessarily mean they are sick. However, low blood pressure can be an indicator that your health may need some changes.
First, it’s important to note that low blood pressure can be a sign of underlying health problems, such as medication overuse, heart disease, or an infection. If your blood pressure continues to be low, it is important to talk to your doctor to find out the cause.
Once you’ve discovered the cause of your low blood pressure, there are some strategies you can try to help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range. These strategies include:
*Stay active: Regular activity helps improve blood flow and improve blood pressure. Moderate exercise, such as walking, can be a great way to improve your cardiovascular health.
*Drink enough fluids: Mild dehydration can contribute to low blood pressure. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day can help keep your body hydrated.
*Eat rich foods and respect the times of each meal
*Always keep a blood pressure monitor on hand, so you can check that everything is fine in time.
If you have low blood pressure, it is important to avoid certain activities, such as strenuous exercise, extreme temperatures, and caffeine, to keep your blood pressure at a safe level. It is also important to follow a healthy, balanced diet and get plenty of rest. Without forgetting the importance of seeing a doctor regularly to ensure that blood pressure remains at a safe level.
Diagnosis of low blood pressure
Your GP will ask you about low blood pressure symptoms and when you have them to find out what is causing your low blood pressure. She will examine you and also ask questions about your medical history and whether there is a family history of low blood pressure. Your physician will measure your blood stress with the use of a machine known as a sphygmomanometer. This is generally a digital, automatic device, consisting of a monitor attached to a band, which wraps around your upper arm.
The doctor will press a button to inflate the band, and it will slowly deflate automatically. A sensor on the cuff detects your blood pressure and the result is displayed on the monitor where you can see if it is low pressure.
If you have symptoms of postural hypotension, your doctor may also measure the change in your blood pressure while you stand up from sitting or lying down. You may also be referred for a tilt test. This is done in a hospital and involves slowly leaning up on a table while your blood pressure and heart rate are monitored.
If you have symptoms of postprandial hypotension, your blood pressure will be measured before and after eating food. You may also need to have other tests depending on what low blood pressure symptoms you have and what your doctor suspects may be causing your low blood pressure.
Causes of low blood pressure
Low blood pressure can be caused by several reasons. These are the main causes of voltage drop :
*By drinking too much alcohol.
*As a side effect of antidepressant medications, anxiolytics, diuretics, and heart medications, among others.
*Due to dehydration.
*Due to infections.
*Due to lack of nutrients.
Causes of low blood pressure in the elderly
There are many possible causes of low blood pressure in the elderly. Among them, medications are the most common cause of low blood pressure. More than 80% of people who experience low blood pressure are taking medication.
Some health problems, such as anemia, diabetes, kidney disease, and Parkinson’s disease, can cause low blood pressure, as can other health problems, such as extreme stress, dehydration, and heat exhaustion.
In people diagnosed with depression, excess tranquilizers or narcotics to fall asleep, such as clonazepam, can cause sudden drops in blood pressure in older people and adults.
Other causes of low blood pressure are nutritional deficiencies and certain diseases. Lifestyle can also cause low blood pressure. Some of them are stress, lack of sleep, and dehydration.
What to do if blood pressure is too low during pregnancy
It happens when the heart, brain, and other parts of the body do not get enough blood. Low blood pressure is considered when it is below 90/60 mmHg (90 systolic pressure and 60 diastolic pressure).
Among pregnant women, the most common cause is pregnancy itself. Blood also circulates to the baby, so the mother’s circulatory system is forced to work faster. This is what causes blood pressure to drop.
Other causes of hypotension during pregnancy are the pressure that the uterus exerts on the aorta and vena cava, as well as other endocrine problems before pregnancy.
Pregnant women with low blood pressure
The best way to control hypotension is to maintain proper hydration and nutrition. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, in small quantities but at intervals, which prevents heartburn and nausea. Water provides the mineral salts necessary to control tension. In addition, it promotes the elimination of fluids, which prevents the appearance of edema.
On the other hand, it is advisable to take care of your diet. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, eating 5 meals a day and including hydrating foods such as fruit. Also, remember to incorporate foods rich in glucose, they will help you raise your blood pressure.
Don’t forget to do your sports routine in moderation and take special care when changing positions to avoid dizziness.
From Forty Weeks we hope that your pregnancy is perfect and you have a great summer.
Symptoms of low blood pressure
Low blood pressure usually has symptoms related to weakness. We usually feel lazy and unstable. Among the most common symptoms of hypotension are:
- *Blurry vision.
- *Vertigo.
- *Cold.
- *Dizziness and even fainting.
- *Lack of strength.
- *Rapid and shallow breathing.
- *Thirst.
How to increase low blood pressure?
If we have low blood pressure, it is important to raise it and stabilize it. If the cause is a specific medication, we should talk to the doctor who prescribed it to see alternative drugs. By doing this we can solve the problem. If it persists, there are pill treatments to raise it. Regardless of whether the doctor prescribes them, it is advisable to make lifestyle changes to help the body rise to normal tension:
*Drink more water.
*Add a little more salt to your meals, always within healthy limits.
*Do not drink alcohol.
*Instead of eating three large meals a day, eat more frequently and in smaller quantities.
These tips on how to raise blood pressure in the elderly apply to all ages. It should be noted that there are several risk groups for coronavirus among the population, including hypertensive patients.
It is estimated that around 30-40% of the population are hypertensive people. For this reason, it is important to keep the symptoms of high blood pressure in mind and go to the doctor if you think you may have it.
Low blood pressure treatment
You are unlikely to need treatment if your blood pressure is naturally low and you have no symptoms of hypotension.
If you have symptoms, your treatment will depend on the cause of your low blood pressure. For example, if you are taking high blood pressure medications and they cause your blood pressure to drop too low, your doctor may change your low blood pressure medication. Similarly, your GP will check that you are receiving appropriate treatment for any other underlying illnesses, such as diabetes or Parkinson’s. If necessary, you may be referred to a specialist, particularly if you have symptoms such as fainting.
Read more: what to drink to lower blood pressure quickly
What to do if blood pressure is too low alert?
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute indicates that while there are people who may have low blood pressure most of the time, there are others who experience sudden drops, which can be dangerous since they can mean that they have another problem. Of health.
In this way, the institution explains that this could be related to serious issues such as that the “ heart, brain or other vital organs are not receiving enough blood flow and there is a risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.”
For this reason, it is important to go to the doctor and know what the patient’s normal blood pressure is, as well as rule out the possibility of suffering from other diseases.
Natural home remedy for low blood pressure?
First of all, people with low blood pressure should take care of their hydration, consuming an adequate amount of fluids throughout the day, both during and between meals.
Salt: Salt can help increase blood pressure, but we should not take it in excess either as it can end up causing the opposite: high blood pressure.
Salted: Foods such as cod, anchovies, mojama, or roe can be a different way of consuming salt.
Serrano ham: Sausages are also a source of salt, but they usually contain a high amount of fat, except serrano ham, even better if it is Iberian.
Whole grain cereals: Like bread, pasta, or brown rice
Vegetables: They must be present daily in our diet and be as varied as possible.
Nuts: There is no need to add salt since its sodium content is already a good addition to our diet.
Caffeine: Foods with caffeine or theine, such as tea and coffee, are recommended if you have low blood pressure, but always in small quantities.
Cocoa: Pure chocolate contains theobromine which works as a stimulant. However, it should be as pure a chocolate as possible to avoid the consumption of fat and sugar.
How to prevent low blood pressure
If you tend to be hypotensive, acquiring certain habits can help you keep your blood pressure at safe levels:
Eat less and more frequently: Eating large amounts can lower blood pressure as the body works harder to digest them. It is better to eat a small amount five times a day.
Sit up carefully: When you get up from a chair or bed, do it slowly, without sudden changes. This way, you will avoid possible dizziness.
Keep hydrated: Especially when you exercise outdoors and rest frequently. Sparkling water is a good option to raise blood pressure since it contains sodium.
Be careful with diuretics and drainers: Do not abuse these products, because they enhance the elimination of liquids and contribute to lowering blood pressure.
As you can see, acquiring certain habits and eating some foods can help raise blood pressure. Remember to follow a diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and legumes, play sports regularly, and get enough rest.
What can you eat to raise blood pressure?
Drinking water: Dehydration decreases blood volume, which causes blood pressure to drop. Therefore, drinking enough water is essential to avoid hypotension.
B12 vitamin: It is essential for preventing certain types of anemia, which can cause low blood pressure and fatigue. It is present in salmon, eggs, dairy products, and cereals.
Folic acid: A deficiency of this B vitamin can cause anemia. To prevent it, eat green leafy vegetables, asparagus, nuts, peas, sunflower seeds, and citrus.
Vitamin C: Foods rich in vitamin C help temporarily raise blood pressure. Red pepper, tangerines, kiwis, and blueberries share these properties.
Caffeine: Drinks such as coffee and tea can increase blood pressure by stimulating the cardiovascular system and increasing heart rate. Of course, take them in moderate quantities.
Licorice: This sweet root plant contains glycyrrhizin, a substance with hypertensive effects. Taken as a root or infusion, licorice is very useful for increasing tension.
Dark chocolate: Thanks to its theobromine and caffeine content, it can contribute to increasing blood pressure. A few ounces as a snack can help you control tension.
Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds are good options to raise blood pressure. In addition, these foods are very nutritious and beneficial for cardiovascular health.
Cod: It contains about 90 mg of salt per 100 g, which favors an increase in blood pressure. This amount is multiplied by salted cod. Consume it in moderation.
Read more: Vitamins complete list
Top tips for low blood pressure?
*Drink plenty of water: Drinking water is one of the best things you can do to stabilize your blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, it is best to drink plenty of water to compensate for fluid loss.
*Avoid stimulants: If you have low blood pressure, it is best to avoid caffeine, nicotine, and other stimulants, as they can cause your blood pressure to drop even further.
*Raise your feet while lying down: this will help the blood circulate better and thus help the pressure return to normal.
*If you do not suffer from any disease linked to sugar, you can have candy, the stimulation of sugar in the brain will make your body work better and restore blood pressure to normal.
*Stay calm: If you feel stressed, it is best to try to relax. Stress can affect your blood pressure, so if you are stressed, your blood pressure can drop even more.
*Avoid extreme temperatures: If you have low blood pressure, try to avoid extreme temperatures, especially extreme heat or cold, as they can cause your blood pressure to drop even further.
*Follow a healthy and balanced diet: If you have low blood pressure, you must follow a healthy and balanced diet, and avoid foods that can lower your blood pressure even further.
*Get plenty of rest: If you have low blood pressure, it is best to rest a lot once the blood pressure values have returned to normal. On the contrary, avoid sleeping when an episode of low blood pressure occurs, as you could faint.
According to the American Heart Association, blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of blood vessels. This is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and is expressed in two numbers.
*The first or largest corresponds to the systolic pressure, which indicates when the heart beats.
*The second or smaller one, known as diastolic pressure, is the pressure when the heart rests between beats.
**Low blood pressure occurs when blood flows through blood vessels at a lower pressure than normal pressure, notes the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. In many people, low blood pressure, like high blood pressure, goes unnoticed. Others may have symptoms such as:
*Confusion *Dizziness or lightheadedness *Fainting *Feeling tired or weak *Blurry vision *Headache *Neck or back pain *Nausea *Heart palpitations or the feeling that your heart is skipping a beat, fluttering, or beating too fast or too hard.
Read more: High blood pressure disease: chart, symptoms, causes, more
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