Medical treatment for varicose veins in the legs: Varicose veins and Spider veins for some people are simply a cosmetic problem, and yet for others, varicose veins can cause significant pain and discomfort. So, is there a treatment for varicose veins?
Chronic venous insufficiency:
Chronic venous insufficiency affects 25-30% of the adult population, mostly in its primary form and less frequently in its secondary form (previous deep vein thrombosis).
It is a pathology that is sometimes asymptomatic. However, it generally presents in the form of pain or heaviness in the legs. Sometimes it evolves with complications such as varicose veins, superficial thrombophlebitis, or venous ulcers.
Any superficial vein can become varicose. However, the most frequently affected veins are those in the legs. This is often due to standing for many hours and walking little, increasing pressure on the veins in the lower part of the body. Varicose veins and spider veins are, for some people, simply a cosmetic problem. And yet, for others, varicose veins can cause significant pain and discomfort.
Superficial venous insufficiency occurs when there is an increase in pressure between the superficial and deep systems, or within the superficial system itself, followed by failure of the valves of the superficial veins. The two main branches of the superficial system are the internal saphenous veins and the external saphenous vein.
Minimally invasive non-surgical treatment:
Sclerotherapy is the best option for spider veins. These are small varicose veins. It can be chemical sclerotherapy, injecting salt water (a saline solution), or a chemical solution into the varicose vein (polidocanol). The vein will harden and then disappear.
Physical sclerotherapy has two methods: one uses radiofrequency energy and the other uses laser energy. A few small bursts of light will make the small varicose veins disappear.
Surgical medical treatment of varicose veins
Initially, the medical treatment for varicose veins in the legs focuses on the objective of relieving symptoms, avoiding possible complications, and to the extent possible, improving its visual appearance. For this, changes in lifestyle and the use of compression stockings are recommended.
However, there may come a time when the pain is intense, the varicose veins become too large and present a risk of complications, or their appearance is unsightly and causes self-esteem problems in the patient.
This is when the possibility of carrying out a surgical intervention to eliminate varicose veins arises. And for this, there are different techniques:
Phlebectomy or stripping:
it is the oldest technique, although it is currently falling into disuse as other less invasive techniques have been developed and have lower risks of complications.
It is performed under anesthesia (local, epidural, or general, depending on its size) and consists of pulling out and extracting the varicose veins using needles through incisions.
The saphenous veins (internal and external) may have to be removed and generally require two to three days of hospitalization, 5-10 days of complete rest, and between 15 days and one month of sick leave. In 20% of cases, varicose veins recur.
This technique consists of injecting a special foam inside the varicose vein to occlude it through an irritation process, causing thrombosis and a spasm that causes the walls to contract and dry, leaving them sealed and without function.
The intervention does not require anesthesia and the treatment can be completed in different sessions, after which the patient must wear compression stockings for a few weeks.
Endolaser or radiofrequency:
after making a small incision, a catheter is inserted into the varicose vein, at the end of which is a laser light or radiofrequency device whose release of energy burns the inside of the vein, causing blood clotting and subsequently the retraction of the walls, thus causing their occlusion or fibrosis.
Drugs with medical treatment for varicose veins
Best medicine group list with medical treatment for varicose veins. There is the possibility that, in less serious cases (grades 1 and 2), some type of medication can be used to improve the tone of the veins and the strength and firmness of their walls.
Among the drugs found for this purpose, mentionable are flavonoids, escin, Centella asiatica extract, horse chestnut extract, troxerutin, and ginkgo biloba extract. All this reduces the possibility of edema occurring.
On the other hand, we also find anticoagulants for topical use in addition to other drugs whose function is to treat complications and their associated symptoms, reducing the possibility of thrombus formation and improving circulation:
(Top Dr. recommended)
Analgesics: They allow you to relieve the pain associated with varicose veins.
Antibiotics: They are used when an infection occurs, especially with the formation of ulcers.
Anticoagulants: They are used topically, but in severe cases, they can be administered by other means.
Anti-inflammatories: As their name indicates, they serve to reduce inflammation caused by edema and other complications.
Healing agents: In this case, they are used to treat ulcers, which are what mainly cause the wound.
Corticosteroids: This is required if there are skin disorders or eczema.
Diuretic medications: These are used to reduce swelling and remove fluid.
Despite everything mentioned, in severe cases of varicose veins, the most recommended option is usually varicose vein surgery, the conventional operation being splenectomy.
Take care of your medical treatment for varicose veins
There are measures within your reach to prevent the appearance of varicose veins in your legs or ankles, such as maintaining a healthy weight, doing physical activity, not wearing tight clothing, or remaining static for a long time, standing, or with your legs crossed.
However, you should know that this condition can be treated successfully and that there are very effective treatments today to restore the aesthetic appearance of your legs and to avoid major medical complications in the future.
Read more: Varicose veins behind knee treatment
Main causes of varicose veins
It has been proven that there are various factors that predispose a person to suffer the appearance of this symptomatology related to insufficient venous return.
Risk factors for varicose veins can be classified as 1 :
1. Family history
A family history of varicose veins or blood clots in the legs would be among the most common causes.
2. Hormonal changes and contraceptives
Progesterone levels favor the appearance of varicose veins, which would explain the increase in this condition in women.
In addition, the use of contraceptives or hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, or menopause are other risk factors.
3. Associated with lifestyle
Smoking is an important risk factor for the appearance of varicose veins because nicotine and tar cause vascular alterations. 2
Leading a sedentary lifestyle can also cause venous hypertension or varicose veins. The total absence of physical exercise can cause the veins to not function correctly and we can witness the appearance of these inflammations.
People who spend most of the day in the same position can also suffer from varicose veins. For example, standing for many hours or sitting in the same position, especially with legs crossed.
4. Other risk factors
An important risk factor is being overweight or obese. The appearance of varicose veins is common in these people due to increased vascular pressure.
In addition, this disease is also associated with age. Varicose veins can frequently appear in people over 50 years of age, simply due to the body’s normal aging process. As we get older, veins lose elasticity and, therefore, the ability to function properly.
Other risk factors are pregnancy and other circulatory pathologies such as deep vein thrombosis.
Why do varicose veins form?
Everything is generated when the valves of the veins fail to function properly. That is when they cannot bring blood back to the heart (in essence, they are responsible for preventing blood from flowing back towards the legs).
Consequently, blood accumulates in the veins, increases their pressure, and dilates and lengthens them, forming knots. During this process, the wall of the veins also suffers, which can alter the tissues in that area considerably.
However, there are some risk factors that can accelerate the formation of varicose veins, such as those listed below:
Sedentary lifestyle:
Lack of physical exercise can also cause varicose veins in the legs since their muscles remain at rest most of the time, and that is why it is more difficult for them to push blood toward the heart.
Standing still for a long time:
When you stand for a long time, the pressure in the venous column increases, and this makes it difficult for blood to rise correctly toward the heart.
The Heritage:
Without a doubt, those individuals who have a family history of varicose veins are more likely to suffer from them at some point. Therefore, they should be alert to the first warning signs or symptoms of this condition.
Studies have shown that obesity and overweight double the chances of people developing varicose veins at some point in their lives.
This is because the amount of blood that reaches the legs of people who suffer from these diseases is greater, so it must be evacuated through the veins, generating varicose veins that usually cause pain, heaviness, and swelling.
What types of varicose veins?
Depending on the severity of varicose veins, we can differentiate 4 types, based mainly on their symptoms. Below we explain the different degrees of varicose veins:
Varicose veins grade 1: In the early stages of the pathology, what we call varicose veins or spider veins appear, which are mainly an aesthetic problem although they can sometimes cause heaviness and fatigue in the legs. They do not require surgical treatment, but it would be interesting to start treatment to change habits to prevent it from getting worse.
Grade 2 varicose veins: This type of varicose veins is more serious than grade 1 and, although surgical treatment is not recommended, it is important that treatment be started to prevent them from getting worse. In this case, the symptoms are very common and their visibility is greater, as well as the derivation of the aforementioned complications.
Grade 3 varicose veins: This is the next step and occurs when grade 1 and 2 varicose veins have remained untreated for a long time. In this case, the veins are much more dilated, and little by little problems such as swelling, changes in skin color, and edema appear. In these cases, varicose vein surgery may be considered as the only solution.
Grade 4 varicose veins: It is the most serious stage of varicose veins and its solution is practically mandatory surgically. It is in these cases that the most serious complications appear, such as ulcers, which are difficult to treat and become easily infected. It is important to prevent the pathology from reaching these extremes since its treatment will have to be more aggressive.
The diagnosis of varicose veins and their level of severity must be made by a specialist doctor.
What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
Although each person may experience the symptoms of varicose veins or varicose veins differently, the most common symptoms are the following:
Dermal signs:
Skin changes caused by poor circulation: dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, etc.
Cramps are another warning sign. In essence, they are painful and involuntary contractions that affect the lower extremities most frequently, and which tend to occur mostly at night.
Heaviness in the legs:
If your legs feel tired, especially from spending a lot of time sitting or standing, it’s likely that blood is pooling in your veins, instead of flowing to your heart.
Keep in mind that this condition can make your legs feel heavy, especially if you are a sedentary person.
Leg pain:
When the valves and vein walls begin to weaken, it is common for people to experience pain in their legs.
It should be noted that the intensity of the pain will depend on how affected the circulatory system is, or how impaired its venous return is.
Paraesthesia is another signal that your body could emit if the veins in your feet or legs are preventing proper blood flow to the heart.
Therefore, you are likely to experience a tingling or numb sensation in your legs when you are in the same position for a long time: whether sitting or standing.
Pain, heaviness, tingling, and tiredness usually in the legs:
These discomforts are exacerbated when at rest and in the heat. On the contrary, they decrease when raising the legs and with cold.
Swelling of the lower legs and ankles: Especially after prolonged periods of standing.
Edema,- When blood does not circulate to the heart, but instead flows to the legs, the venous valves begin to be damaged, and it is only a matter of time before varicose veins appear.
The cause of edema or swelling in the legs is the retention and accumulation of fluids in them, which in this case would correspond to blood fluid.
If you frequently experience some of these symptoms, it is recommended that you go to a specialist to determine whether or not you are in the presence of varicose disease.
If so, you should be prescribed a treatment to help counteract the symptoms, discomfort, and ailments caused by varicose veins.
Remember that if you do not treat this condition in time you could suffer significant health complications, such as the formation of ulcers on your feet or legs.
In short, you should be alert to the signs that appear before varicose veins develop, so that your quality of life is not dramatically affected.
Night cramps: It can make it difficult to fall asleep and rest.
Redness, dryness, constant itching of the skin, or a feeling of heat:
It is because the excess of retained blood causes an increase in temperature, so the skin becomes dehydrated and causes these effects.
Spider veins or telangiectasias:
They are dilations of the capillaries, at a superficial level, which result in small reddish or violet lines that look like a spider web. They are unsightly but painless and harmless.
These symptoms may resemble other medical problems, so it is best to consult with your doctor so that he or she can offer you a proper diagnosis.
The evolution of varicose veins can lead to complications such as infections, ulcers, and the appearance of thrombi.
Summer medical treatment for varicose veins
Beyond the mere aesthetic concept, varicose veins are a health problem that requires special care and greater attention during the hot time of year. The sun and heat have a negative effect on the veins, making venous return difficult and thus causing an increase in discomfort, swelling, fatigue, etc.
As you know, veins have a system of valves that, when closed, compress the blood vessels and make the blood flow upward. Well, high temperatures and heat cause vasodilation of the veins or an increase in their caliber, which makes it difficult for the valves to close completely, preventing the correct arrival of blood to the heart. If we add to these circumstances that our muscles push blood downwards, the veins will become even more deformed and the problems related to venous return will worsen.
So what can I do about varicose veins in summer? How can I prevent its appearance or relieve its symptoms?
Tips to prevent or treat varicose veins in summer
Several tips should be taken into account during the summer and that will undoubtedly help you improve the symptoms of varicose veins, such as itching, swelling, heaviness, and pain.
In short, these simple tips will help you prevent and improve the appearance of varicose veins in summer.
Without medical treatment for varicose veins
Home remedies for varicose veins:
As mentioned in previous installments, varicose veins or varicose veins are superficial veins that have become inflamed and twisted due to damage to the internal valves that generally allow correct blood flow from the legs and feet to the heart. Being a common problem, they are There are many home remedies for varicose veins, we will teach you some.
The ailments of spider veins, phlebitis, and thrombosis can be treated to reduce the discomfort caused by these inflamed veins through outpatient methods such as infiltrations or surgical methods for more serious cases such as the extraction of varicose veins.
At any age, this pathology can be present in our lives, regardless of whether we are young or old. The appearance of varicose veins is inevitable due to hereditary factors. If you are a woman who additionally takes contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, with a high degree of a sedentary lifestyle, smokes, and eats poorly, among other factors, you run the risk of suffering from varicose veins.
15 Natural medical treatment for varicose veins
Next, we will explain how each of these natural remedies helps eliminate varicose veins.
1. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a very effective natural medical treatment for varicose veins in the legs. Being a natural body cleansing product, it improves blood flow and circulation.
When blood begins to flow naturally, the heaviness and swelling of varicose veins will greatly decrease. Apply the undiluted apple cider vinegar to the skin of the varicose veins and massage gently.
Do this every day before bed and again the next morning. Follow this remedy for a few months and you will notice that it is good for varicose veins in the legs.
2. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper is considered a miracle-working natural treatment for varicose veins. It is a rich source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Increases blood circulation and relieves pain from congested and swollen veins.
Follow these instructions to consume cayenne pepper:
Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to a cup of hot water.
Stir well with a spoon until the pepper dissolves.
Drink this mixture three times a day for one or two months.
3. Olive oil
Increasing blood circulation is essential to eliminate varicose veins forever. Massaging the pores and skin with olive oil can assist in amplifying circulation and decrease aches and inflammation.
Mix equal quantities of olive oil and diet oil.
Heat the mixture slightly.
Massage the veins with the warm oil for a few minutes
Repeat this process twice a day for one to two months.
Essential oils with the medical treatment for varicose veins
These are very good for reducing inflammation medical treatment for varicose veins and promoting good circulation. It is best to use them to massage the affected areas. For example, it is best to start with the feet and ankles and gradually move up to the thighs. Messages should be given gently, from bottom to top, or in a circular manner. They should be done mainly at night so that the properties of the essential oils act while you sleep.
I hope this post about home remedies for varicose veins has been helpful to you.
4. Garlic
Garlic is excellent for reducing inflammation and symptoms of internal natural medical treatment for varicose veins in the legs. It also helps remove harmful toxins from blood vessels and improve circulation.
Eliminate varicose veins with garlic in the following way:
Cut six cloves of garlic and put them in a clean glass jar.
Extract the juice of three oranges and add it to the jar.
Wrap the area with a cotton cloth and leave it on overnight.
Repeat the operation daily for several months.
Add two tablespoons of olive oil.
Let the mixture sit for about 12 hours.
Shake the bottle and then put a few drops of the solution on your fingers.
Massage the swollen veins with the solution in a circular motion for 15 minutes
5. Rusco
Ruscus is excellent for relieving the pain and discomfort of varicose veins. This herb contains a compound known as ruscogenin and helps reduce inflammation while constricting the veins.
Take 100 mg of butcher’s broom supplements three times a day.
Created from the roots and seeds of the plant, butcher’s broom dietary supplements have nutritional vitamins B and C alongside calcium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, silicon, and zinc.
These nutrients will help tighten, strengthen, and decrease inflammation of the veins, as well as improve blood flow in the legs.
Note: If you have high blood pressure or benign prostatic hyperplasia, you should not take butcher’s broom without consulting a doctor.
6. Witch hazel
Witch hazel is excellent for strengthening blood vessels and reducing the symptoms of varicose veins.
In addition to being an astringent, it additionally includes gallic acid and fundamental oils that assist in decreasing the swelling and aches related to varicose veins.
Do the following with witch hazel to treat varicose veins:
Soak a washcloth in witch hazel and place it on the affected area.
Do it two or three times a day for one or two months.
You can also fill a bathtub with warm water and add 10 to 20 drops of distilled witch hazel.
Soak your legs in the solution for at least 15 minutes. Next, wash your legs with clean water and pat them dry.
Repeat this process once a day for a month or two.
7. Horse chestnut
Horse chestnut seeds have long been used in the treatment of varicose veins. Horse chestnut seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect that can reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
Horse chestnut seed extract has a compound called escin that improves the elastic resistance of veins and prevents the release of enzymes that damage capillary walls.
8. Relaxing and calming creams:
In conjunction with home remedies against varicose veins, creams can be the perfect combination to improve the symptoms of these inflamed veins. The market offers us a wide spectrum of formulas such as Goicochea cream which – according to its promoters – promises to improve circulation, reduce varicose veins, and therefore swelling.
The Pro-K emulsion is a cream of essential oils and vitamin K indicated to reduce veins and improve their appearance.
Venastat gel is made with natural products such as horse chestnut and other ingredients that help with circulation and relaxation of the legs. Thrombocid forte is the most recognized for eliminating pain caused by varicose veins.
Among those that we can make at home are apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, and carrot cream, as well as a mixture of dried calendula flowers, with beeswax and olive oil.
9. Parsley
Parsley is rich in vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant and promotes collagen production. It also helps repair and reproduce cells.
Parsley contains a component called rutin, which plays a vital role in strengthening capillaries and is therefore useful in reducing the symptoms of varicose veins.
Do the following to combat varicose veins with parsley:
Put the solution in the refrigerator for several minutes.
Using a cotton ball, apply the solution to the affected area.
Boil a handful of chopped fresh parsley in a cup of water for five minutes.
Remove from heat, cover, and let the solution cool until lukewarm. Then strain the solution.
Add a drop of each of the rose and calendula essential oils.
Do this daily for several months to see positive results.
10. Physical activity
Physical activity is a great first step in the home treatment of varicose veins. The more exercise you practice, the better your blood will circulate. The idea is to help blood that builds up in damaged veins return to the heart.
Low-impact exercise improves blood flow and can help reverse varicose veins. These are some exercises for varicose veins that you can practice:
(Read more: Best commercial gym equipment list)
These exercises are beneficial as they circulate the blood and exercise the calf muscles without the risk of physical injury.
11. Immersion baths:
It is a very easy remedy to perform and allows you to obtain a lot of improvement in your legs. It involves submerging your legs for 20-30 minutes in cold water with a cup of apple cider vinegar. Our legs will notice improvement, both in the heaviness, as well as in the cramps and swelling.
12. Leaf Solution:
Among the home remedies for medical treatment for varicose veins, this is the one that requires the most preparation but its effectiveness is very good.
This is a remedy that requires a little more preparation. However, its effectiveness is very good, so it is well worth it. It consists of boiling two liters of water and then adding a handful of mint, one of chamomile, and one of bay leaf. Let this solution sit for five minutes and then apply it, submerging your feet in a tub or bucket, mixing it beforehand with a pinch of baking soda. It is important to mention that this remedy can cause hives in some people, so it should be done carefully.
13. Catano bark tea:
This remedy consists of boiling, for approximately ten minutes, 50 grams of horse chestnut bark in a liter of water. After that time you have to strain the tea and drink it immediately. Due to its properties, horse chestnut is perfect for good circulation, reducing inflammation of varicose veins.
14. Tea for varicose veins
Another home remedy without medical treatment for varicose veins we can recommend is that with oak bark, oregano, and walnut leaves, ¾ parts of olive oil are placed in a container in a bain-marie over low heat and for two hours until the Reduce, once warm, drain and filter. With it, massages are performed from the bottom up every night.
Dandelion root, three tablespoons exactly, is boiled in half a liter of water with a teaspoon of yarrow. This infusion is strained and taken throughout the day. You can also take Indian chestnut as an infusion in a proportion of one cup of water for each tablespoon of chestnut. Two cups are drunk daily for three months. This formula improves the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens venous valves.
Ginkgo biloba is prepared into tea. One tablespoon in a cup of boiled water, drinking one cup a day. This home remedy improves blood circulation, especially in the lower extremities.
Boil two tablespoons of red vine in ½ liter of water for ten minutes. Let it cool and drink it throughout the day. It allows the walls of the veins to be strengthened, this prevents excessive dilation and promotes return circulation.
Drink three times a day a cup of infusion of 15 grams of chamomile, 10 of lemon balm, 10 of horsetail, and 5 grams of walnut, in a liter of water that boils for 10 minutes.
15. Changes in diet
The change in diet directly influences weight. If you eat better and exercise regularly, you will begin to lose weight, which helps eliminate varicose veins and spider veins in your legs and feet.
In addition, there are 3 components that help fight varicose veins: fiber, potassium, and flavonoids.
Fiber foods are the best natural medical treatment for varicose veins
Fiber helps the proper functioning of the intestine. It is especially important to consume fiber if you are prone to constipation. The physical effort to pass stool can create strong internal abdominal pressure, which can aggravate damaged venous valves.
Eat these foods rich in fiber to avoid aggravating your varicose veins:
Palta (avocados) | Tomatoes | Broccoli |
Artichokes | Carrots | Broccoli |
Cauliflower | Onions | Sweet potato |
Wheat | Oatmeal | Nuts |
Flax seeds | Peas | Beans (beans) |
Read more: Foods with the highest fiber
Foods rich in potassium
Potassium deficiency can cause fluid retention. This increases the volume of blood in the body and creates extra pressure on the valves of the veins.
Eat these foods rich in potassium to avoid making your varicose veins worse:
Salmon | Tuna | Chicken |
White beans | Lentils | Dates |
Oranges | Pumpkins | Almonds |
Pistachios | Potatoes | Cabbage (beet) |
Foods rich in flavonoids
Flavonoids can help treat cardiovascular problems. They improve blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, and relax blood vessels.
Eat these foods high in bioflavonoids to treat your varicose veins:
Spinach | Broccoli | Cocoa |
Grapes | Blueberries | Strawberries |
Cherries | Onions | Garlic |
Peppers | Apples | Citrus |
Read more: Foods that are highest in fiber
Know varicose veins and their risk factors
But let’s focus now on the question we ask ourselves when reading the title of this article: Why do varicose veins appear? What are the factors that favor its formation? Therefore, we are going to focus on varicose veins and their risk factors.
There are a series of factors associated with the appearance of varicose veins, which we cannot influence:
The first is genetics. There is a family predisposition so that if the parents suffer from chronic venous insufficiency, it is more likely that their descendants will also suffer from it.
Age also influences, because, like other tissues in the body, they lose tone, and so do the venous walls, which is why the probability of suffering from varicose veins increases as the years go by.
And finally, in the chapter on non-avoidable factors, we will mention sex. As we have already mentioned before, venous insufficiency is more common in women.
Avoidable factors:
But there are also other avoidable factors that, therefore, are very important to know to reduce them as much as possible and avoid or at least slow down the appearance of varicose veins and the rest of the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency:
Obesity: Accumulated fat can hinder venous return and increase intravascular pressure, which favors the appearance of varicose veins.
Sedentary lifestyle: Skeletal muscles, with their contractions, promote the tone and contraction of the venous walls themselves, facilitating circulation.
Lack of exercise eliminates this mechanism.
Prolonged orthostatism: The standing position makes it difficult to return due to the effect of gravity.
Pregnancy: Due to a mechanical effect, since the contents of the uterus can compress the large abdominal veins, making it difficult for blood to return to the heart.
Consumption of oral contraceptives: They can alter circulation for hormonal reasons.
Chronic constipation: Yes, surely many patients do not relate it, but the fact of exerting effort with increased intra-abdominal pressure makes venous return difficult.
Read more: Nux vomica homeopathy for constipation
Use of clothing that compresses any point along the veins: Stockings with tight elastic, girdles, garters, very tight pants…
Ambient or workplace heat: Heat distends the veins and decreases the tone of the walls, producing an increase in intravascular pressure: habitually staying close to a source of heat, especially if it is close to the lower limbs, is a predisposing factor to the appearance of varicose veins. .
How to act:
Whenever possible, action must be taken by modifying avoidable factors. Exercise is essential, understanding that exercise can be something as simple and as useful as simply walking.
The use of certain plant extracts with phlebotonic action is the basis of the treatment. We can mention some such as the red vine (Vitis vinifera), the Rusco, the horse chestnut, or the Centella Asiatica.
There are medications whose composition contains some of these extracts (perhaps one of the most used is the dry extract of red vine leaf) and there are also topical gels that contain these extracts and that provide a quick sensation of relief and freshness.
Chronic venous disease
Chronic venous disease affects approximately 30% of the population, being more common in women than in men.
At first, increased local pressure can produce symptoms such as pain, stinging, or tightness. But if the alteration continues to progress, varicose veins will end up appearing, which is nothing more than the visualization of tortuous veins, increased in thickness.
Depending on the manifestations that occur, chronic venous disease can be classified into the following stages:
Stage 1. Increased relief of the veins. The patient usually has no discomfort.
Stage 2. Symptoms such as pain, heaviness, itching, or tingling appear, which worsen after prolonged orthostatism and improve when raising the legs. It is common for the manifestations to be aggravated by heat.
We move on to stage 3. There are manifestations in the skin, with dark brown pigmentation and loss of elasticity.
Stage 4. Where varicose ulcers appear.
FAQs with the medical treatment for varicose veins
Some treatments for spider veins:
We will mention below the possible medical treatment for varicose veins in the case of spider veins. But without going into the joint treatment in the case of chronic venous insufficiency:
Sclerotherapy: It consists of the introduction of a chemical agent into the lumen of the affected vessel, by injection. The introduced substance causes damage to the endothelium. Thus, fibrosis of the area is promoted, so that the vessel becomes occluded and blood can no longer circulate through it, heading toward the other veins in the environment. The collapsed vein no longer contains blood and is therefore no longer visible through the skin.
Thermal sclerotherapy: The objective is the same as that of classic chemical sclerotherapy. But in this case, damage to the endothelium is done using a laser. The laser manages to “burn” the vessel so that the blood cannot circulate through this route and is redirected toward the adjacent healthy vessels. Pulsed light, short pulse, and long pulse lasers are used for this technique.
Microsurgery: This is the removal of the vessel. It is a valid technique for larger telangiectasias. In the small ones, its usefulness must be valued. The technique always leaves a small scar that can sometimes be more unsightly than the telangiectasia itself.
None of these techniques is considered elective. And it depends on the specific case whether one or the other of the aforementioned is chosen.
Adverse effects caused by these techniques are not common, but hyperpigmentation of the skin, new telangiectasias in the treated area in the form of a lattice, allergy to the agent used in the case of chemical sclerotherapy, and even pain or discomfort in the area could appear.
Spider veins can often come back. But, above all, if there is already underlying venous insufficiency.
Therefore, in all cases, preventive measures must be taken even when the telangiectasias have disappeared after the chosen treatment.
Who diagnoses varicose veins?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions.
At first, if the degree of involvement is mild, you can be diagnosed and treated by your family doctor.
However, more serious symptoms should be diagnosed and treated by specialists in the circulatory system (angiologists) or specialists in vascular surgery, if the disease requires it.
How to treat spider veins?
Telangiectasias or spider veins are small blood vessels that are transparent through the skin with medical treatment for varicose veins. They measure between 1 and 4 mm in diameter and are bluish-red.
The name spider veins refers to their shape. They usually have a central point from which small vessels radiate.
If pressure is exerted on the center of the lesion, it disappears as the veins remain empty, due to interruption of blood flow.
They can appear anywhere on the body, but they are very common on the lower limbs and also on the face. They may also be present in the mucous membranes or sclera.
Generally, they are injuries that do not cause significant health problems, except if we are referring to entities such as Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia.
This is a genetic disease that is characterized by the appearance of arteriovenous malformations that are accompanied by hemorrhages in the digestive system, lungs, eyes, etc.
Factors that cause spider veins
The factors that determine the appearance of spider veins are mainly:
Age (increases in frequency with aging).
Certain hormonal conditions (pregnancy is often the time when these lesions appear).
The use of oral contraceptives (due to their hormonal and circulatory action).
The obesity.
Family history.
And sex (they are more common in women than in men).
Regarding its prevalence, it is difficult to determine because almost all epidemiological studies refer to the joint appearance of varicose veins and telangiectasias. However, it seems that more than 40% of women over 50 years of age may have spider veins somewhere on their bodies.
Sometimes they can cause itching or a burning sensation, but generally, they do not present symptoms and are more of an aesthetic problem than a health problem.
When can they be a medical problem?
Yes, they must be considered a medical problem when they appear in the context of chronic venous disease.
They then coexist with varicose veins or varicose veins and the patient experiences, especially in the lower limbs, pain, a feeling of heaviness, cramps, or stinging.
In advanced stages, there may be changes in skin pigmentation and the appearance of varicose ulcers.
Since, in many cases, the etiology is unknown, prevention is difficult.
Although there are some general measures that can be useful, especially those related to avoiding or slowing down chronic venous disease, which, as previously mentioned, often coexists with telangiectasias.
Preventive measures to avoid spider veins
Among the preventive measures we can mention:
Perform physical exercise. Walking, running or swimming are ideal in this case, since exercise improves circulation in the lower limbs, which reduces venous stasis.
Control weight. Being overweight and obese negatively influences return circulation. Therefore, the appearance of telangiectasias and varicose veins is favored. To control weight, an adequate diet and a physical exercise program adapted to the patient’s characteristics must be established.
Do not wear tight clothing: so as not to hinder venous return. Special attention must be paid to stockings, socks, and pants; The patient’s footwear must also be taken into account since shoes with narrow toes and high heels modify posture and can hinder blood return.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Both act negatively on the normal functioning of the circulatory system. And, therefore, they favor the appearance of telangiectasias or spider veins.
Treatment of chronic venous disease does exist. Of course, if other signs or symptoms of venous disease have already appeared, we must try to improve return circulation in the lower limbs. Treatments with the red vine (Vitis vinifera) have been shown to improve symptoms such as leg heaviness, pain, or cramps. And, in addition, delay the appearance of varicose veins and other associated injuries.
Where can varicose veins appear?
Generally, varicose veins appear in the legs, but there are cases in which they can also manifest in other areas of the human body such as the feet, ankles, or stomach, being known as esophageal varicose veins.
The first two are the most common and their causes are the same as those that cause this condition in other sectors of the venous system.
However, it should be noted that many times people may have “congenitally defective” valves.
This means that there is a hereditary factor involved that can cause weakness of the veins, causing them to become inflamed and more easily noticeable.
Where can varicose veins appear and why?
Varicose veins are nothing more than veins that swell when an abnormal accumulation of blood occurs due to weaknesses in the walls and valves of the superficial veins.
This condition causes the veins to widen and dilate frequently, which causes blood to accumulate very easily if people stand for a long time.
In essence, if the veins are dilated, the flow of blood that should go from the foot to the heart reverses its process, and therefore, swelling in the legs is generated, as well as edema or thrombosis – in the most serious cases.
Without a doubt, the natural route is an alternative that has ample possibility of mitigating the impact of varicose veins on our health. without medical treatment for varicose veins. Therefore in this segment, we summarize some of these practices such as the use of green clay.
Four tablespoons of this clay are diluted in a cup of water and mixed until a paste is obtained, applied in compresses to the affected area, allowed to dry, and removed with neutral soap and warm water.
The garlic recipe is old and consists of crushing five heads of garlic that are then added to a recommended amount of alcohol. This is rubbed on the legs and feet twice a day.
If you like chili or sweet pepper, recommend eating it as it helps combat varicose veins because the blood becomes more liquid and facilitates circulation.
Apple cider vinegar is a liquid that is placed directly on the legs and feet, massaging from the bottom up. Let it sit for about three hours and then remove it.
You can obtain the beloved arnica cloths by making an infusion or with arnica tincture, impregnating a clean cloth that you can use to wrap your legs.
The varicose vein bath is also popular. Its ingredients are chamomile, bay leaf, baking soda, and two liters of water. First, bring the water to a boil and when you take it down from the stove, add the herbs and baking soda. When it is warm, place your feet in this infusion.
Read more – Can varicose veins disappear with exercise?
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