Dental infections and pyorrhea disease the very common throughout the world; It is estimated that 90% of people have dental problems or toothache due to cavities at some point in their lives. Although dental cavities are more common in developing countries, these problems can also be observed in countries with well-developed health systems.

A very important factor in the development of dental infections worldwide is the patient’s ability to access adequate dental treatment and antibiotics, such as tetracyclines, among others. The patients most likely to suffer from these infections are those who belong to lower socioeconomic groups, which have poor access to the dentist.

Immunocompromised patients also have a higher risk of suffering from these types of infections, as is the case with patients with poorly controlled diabetes, and those of advanced age, who will also have a greater probability of suffering from more serious infections.

In a study carried out in Finland, it was concluded that patients with an underlying pathology who subsequently suffer a dental infection will have a significantly higher risk of suffering systemic complications compared to patients with dental infections who do not have any previous disease.

What is pyorrhea disease?

It is one of the most widespread pyorrhea diseases worldwide. It is more prevalent in adults and is a direct consequence of the action of oral bacteria. Therefore, pyorrhea occurs when dental hygiene is poor. Hence the importance of following good dental cleaning practices and visiting the dentist for a periodic tartarectomy.

This pathology originates in the gums, causing deterioration in the area and allowing the alveolar bone to be compromised. When dental bone begins to deteriorate, tooth loss is a serious consequence.

In our periodontics department, we are experts in gum diseases. We work together with the rest of the dental disciplines, to design personalized and tailored treatments. When there is tooth loss, the placement of dental implants is the most aesthetic and functional solution. We can also opt for restorations such as a dental crown or dental bridge, depending on the degree of involvement of the pathology.

The great concern hidden behind pyorrhea and this type of oral pathology lies in the possibility of bacteria accessing other areas of the body through the blood. Recent studies show that periodontitis is related to systemic diseases and cardiovascular pathologies, among others.

How pyorrhea appears

If good dental hygiene is maintained, most of it can be eliminated with brushing and flossing, but even so, it is usually not eliminated even when brushing and flossing techniques are correctly applied. cleaning of interdental spaces. This causes that, over time, this initially soft and sticky plaque hardens, forming tartar, and is deposited preferably at the gum line, that is, at the point where the gum begins to cover the tooth.

When this happens, only a professional cleaning by a dental hygienist can remove the tartar. That is why cleaning of this type is recommended at least once or twice a year, depending on each person and their habits. If this recommendation is not followed, there is a high probability that this type of bacterial plaque will cause gingivitis, which manifests itself with inflammation and redness of the gums, which can bleed easily when brushing the teeth.

It must also be taken into account that other factors can favor the appearance of both gingivitis and periodontitis, such as smoking, hormonal changes typical of women, diseases such as diabetes, and the use of any medication that reduces saliva production, essential to control the amount of bacteria that resides in the mouth. In addition, there are also genetic factors that make some people more likely than others to develop periodontal disease.

Differences between gingivitis and periodontitis

The before and after of gingivitis can be seen in that our gums normally have a light pink color and, when the disease appears, they become dark, red, or purplish. This trait can also be confused with other conditions such as periodontitis.

Let’s see how to differentiate if it is gingivitis or periodontitis:

*Gingivitis is reversible but this is not the case with periodontitis.

*Gingivitis usually affects the gums while periodontitis also affects the alveolar bone and periodontium tissues.

*Gingivitis is mild if treated early, but periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.

Visiting the dentist on time to avoid periodontitis or pyorrhea is essential so that gingivitis does not become something more serious and irreversible.

What are the causes of pyorrhea?

This disease develops in the periodontium as a result of the negative action of bacteria in the mouth. Conventionally, more than 300 different types of bacteria live in your oral cavity. Typically, they are removed correctly through dental hygiene. But if this does not happen, the bacterial plaque will calcify, giving way to dental tartar.

Tartar can only be removed by professional dental cleaning, with the tools we have in the dental clinic. Hence the importance of going to the dentist periodically. If we do not successfully remove tartar from the teeth, the calcified bacteria will gain access to compromised areas, such as under the gum line.

At this point, the well-known periodontal pockets are formed. They are an accumulation of bacteria at the subgingival level. Its action generates damage to the dental structures, causing the deterioration of the bone that supports your teeth.

Diagnosis of pyorrhea disease

The diagnosis can be determined by a dentist or periodontist through several methods. One of the first signs that may indicate the presence of this disease is bleeding gums during brushing or flossing. This is due to inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis, which can be the first step towards periodontitis.

Another method is measuring the depth of the periodontal pockets. These pockets are spaces that form between the tooth and gums due to the destruction of bone and other supporting tissues. The dentist uses a special probe to measure the depth of these pockets to determine if pyorrhea is present.

Additionally, dental x-rays may be performed to assess the degree of damage to the supporting tissues. These X-rays can show bone loss around the teeth, which is a characteristic sign of this condition.

It is also important to evaluate other risk factors that may contribute to its development, such as smoking, diabetes, and poor oral hygiene. Likewise, genetic testing can be performed to determine if there is a genetic predisposition.

It is essential to carry out an early diagnosis, as this allows for more effective treatment and can prevent the progression of the disease.

Types of dental pyorrhea

There are different types of pyorrhea disease or periodontitis. The most common types are:

Chronic dental pyorrhea

It is the most common type of disease and mainly affects adults. Although children can also be affected. This type is caused by plaque buildup and involves slow disorientation that can get better and worse over time but cause gum and bone destruction and tooth loss if left untreated.

Aggressive dental pyorrhea

It occurs during adolescence and affects some people. It tends to affect the family and leads to rapid progression in the gums and bones. Tooth loss occurs if left untreated.

Necrotizing periodontal disease

It is characterized by necrosis of gum tissue, ligaments, and supporting bone due to lack of blood supply, resulting in serious infection. This type mainly occurs in immunocompromised people, such as HIV infection, cancer treatment, or other causes, malnutrition.

Symptoms of pyorrhea disease

If this mild form of periodontal disease is not properly treated, plaque will continue to grow below the gum line, forming pockets that slowly extend toward the root of the tooth. This is what causes periodontitis or pyorrhea, which in its most advanced stage (when the appropriate treatment has not been carried out) causes the loss of connective tissue and even the bone in which the tooth sits, which becomes mobile. and may fall.

But in its initial phases, other clear symptoms make pyorrhea easily identifiable:

*Inflammation and redness of the gums.

*Bleeding gums, especially when brushing your teeth.

*Discomfort and even pain when chewing food.

*Bad breath that is permanently noticeable

*Tooth sensitivity to temperature changes.

*Receding of the gums, which is noted by a retreat in their position, leaving a greater surface of the tooth exposed.

*Mobility of one or more teeth.

In addition to all these symptoms, the diagnostic means used in the dentist’s office, such as dental X-rays, can determine the depth reached by the periodontal pockets and whether or not the alveolar tissue and bone have been affected, which can determine the loss.

How to cure pyorrhea disease

In the initial phase of pyorrhea disease, a deep cleaning may be sufficient, which consists of cleaning and scraping the roots of the tooth, removing accumulated tartar, and smoothing any roughness that may have formed on the root. Currently, this technique can also be performed through the use of a laser.

In addition to this deep cleaning, it is possible to use different types of medications, depending on the degree of progression of the pyorrhea. However, it is important to note that this type of treatment may mean that it is not necessary to resort to surgery to eliminate periodontal pockets.

Among them, it is worth highlighting the use of antibiotics orally or in the form of gels, microspheres, and antiseptic chips, which are placed in the aforementioned bags after scraping and straightening the teeth. The use of mouthwashes with antibiotic action will also be recommended to cure pyorrhea.

Treatment for pyorrhea disease

The periodontitis specialist will carry out a complete periodontal study of the patient’s teeth, studying possible periodontal pockets and the resorption of the bone that supports the teeth. If deemed appropriate, an intraoral scan will also be performed to obtain all the information about the internal state of the gums and bones.

Once all the relevant information has been collected, the professional will be able to make a diagnosis and subsequently design a personalized treatment in case pyorrhea has been detected. Depending on the degree of the condition, the specialist may prescribe the following treatments:

*Drugs: since it is a bacterial infection, the prescription of antibiotics attempts to stop it in the shortest time possible.

*Dental curettage: also called scaling or root planing, it consists of a deep dental cleaning to eliminate periodontal pockets below the gum line

*Selective curettage: if the infection is widespread, periodontal treatment could consist of selective curettage on some specific teeth.

*Periodontal surgery: it is a treatment that we try to avoid whenever possible, but there are cases where the gums and bone are very affected and it is necessary to intervene with surgery.

In case of losing a piece, dental implants are also a treatment to resort to to restore the functionality and dental aesthetics of the patient.

Tetracycline: use of antibiotics in severe acute dental infections:

Teeth are made up of a visible crown, which is made up of dentin and enamel, and a root, which is made up of dentin. Inside they contain a soft fibrous tissue called dental pulp.

In the case of acute dental abscesses, these are generated by bacterial invasion of the pulp space. Generally, these conditions occur in patients who suffer from advanced cavities, inadequate root canal or endodontic treatment, an advanced chronic infection capable of affecting the supporting structures of the tooth (periodontitis), or even some trauma.

It is important to note that the infection may be localized only in the pulp or extend to the periapical area of ​​the affected tooth, or even, in the most severe cases, extend to the dentoalveolar bone and surrounding soft tissues. The clinical picture can worsen if cellulitis appears that affects the airway.

In any of these cases, the ideal is to go to a professional and start antibiotic therapy, such as the administration of tetracyclines. These dental abscesses (pericoronitis) can also occur when a tooth appears. The latter happens most frequently in the third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth.

Tetracycline: the most used antibiotic in dentistry:

One of the most used antibiotics in dental practice is tetracyclines. These constitute a group of antibiotics, some natural and others obtained by semi-synthesis, which cover a wide spectrum of bacteria due to their extensive antimicrobial activity.

Surgery to cure pyorrhea

If the treatment to cure the exposed pyorrhea is not completely effective and the inflammation of the gums continues due to the existence of periodontal pockets at deep levels, there is the option of resorting to surgery to lift the gums and proceed to completely remove them. tartar and reduce or eliminate periodontal pockets.

In the more advanced stages of periodontitis or pyorrhea, a more complex surgical procedure may also be necessary to regenerate the connective and bone tissues, which may involve performing a bone graft or placing a mesh between the gum and the bone, so that it cannot grow in the part where bone was lost and that both one and the other can grow back normally. Soft tissue grafts obtained from other parts of the mouth can also be made to regenerate the gums.

How to prevent pyorrhea disease?

This is a serious infection that affects the supporting tissue of the teeth. If not diagnosed and treated in time, it could lead to tooth loss.

Therefore, prevention is essential. Although there is a genetic component that makes some people more likely than others to suffer from periodontal disease, the truth is that you can try to avoid it by following a series of behaviors. Do you want to know them? Then keep reading this post.

Goodbye to tobacco

As you already know, nicotine seriously affects health, both general and oral. In addition to causing cardiovascular and respiratory problems, tobacco is the great enemy of your mouth. It generates stains on the teeth, promotes the accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar, and increases the probability of suffering from halitosis, cavities, and gingivitis.

For all these reasons, our advice is that you stop smoking as soon as possible and this way you will have much less chance of suffering from periodontal disease.

Control of sugary foods

Our second recommendation is related to food. Diet directly influences the health of our mouth. Certain foods promote the proliferation of bacteria, which considerably increases the probability of developing periodontitis. Above all, this is the case for those that are rich in sugars. Therefore, minimize the consumption of sugary foods and excess carbohydrates to avoid the formation of bacterial plaque. On the contrary, fruits, vegetables, oily fish, eggs, or milk are good options.

Thorough oral hygiene

Oral cleaning is another key to preventing any type of oral disease. When we talk about hygiene we are not only referring to brushing but also to the use of other complementary elements such as dental floss, interproximal brushes, oral irrigators, tongue scrapers, or mouthwash. Above all, it is essential to floss daily to prevent debris from getting between your teeth. So, if you have not yet included it in your hygiene routines, do not forget to do so from now on.

Regular visits to the dentist

Last but not least, it is essential to visit your trusted dental clinic frequently. Whether for periodic check-ups or professional cleanings, visits to the dentist are essential. At least one a year. In this way, you ensure that you prevent and, if necessary, treat any oral pathology in time.

Bleeding gums due to lack of vitamins

Deficiencies of vitamins C and K can also cause gums to bleed easily. If you suffer from bleeding gums and your trusted dentist considers that your dental hygiene is good, then it is highly recommended to review your diet.

Vitamin C is very important for our body since, among many other things, it benefits the good condition and repair of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Adults are the patients most likely to have a lack of vitamin K, often because they are following another health treatment that involves taking anticoagulant medications to reduce blood clotting or drugs to treat liver damage.

It is highly recommended if your gums bleed that you follow a diet that contains these vitamins. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. Foods rich in vitamin K include watercress, kale, spinach, chard, lettuce, mustard greens, soybeans, rapeseed oil, and olive oil.

Periodontal treatment for pyorrhea

Before beginning the remedy it is vital to lift out an entire periodontal study. By probing the gums we study the depth of the periodontal pockets and the resorption of the bone that supports the teeth. In addition, we perform a complete series of imaging tests that provide us with quality information about your periodontium.

With all this, it is time to issue a quality clinical diagnosis. After meeting as a scientific committee with the rest of the AM Dentistry specialists, we proceed to design a personalized treatment for pyorrhea:

*Drug prescription: Periodontitis is a bacterial infection. To successfully stop the infection, it is common to plan a treatment with antibiotics, such as Rhodogil.

*Dental curettage: dental curettage or scaling and root planing is a deep dental cleaning, that allows us to clean under the gum line, eliminating periodontal pockets.

*Selective curettage: periodontal treatment could involve some selective curettage on specific teeth.

*Periodontal surgery: it is not always necessary to perform a surgical intervention, but there are cases in which we must access very deep areas of the periodontium.

Home remedies for dental pyorrhea disease

You may have heard about gingivitis and pyorrhea disease. The connection between these two dental problems is that if left untreated, gum inflammation will lead to gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

Gingivitis is caused by the buildup of bacteria (plaque) in the tissues surrounding the teeth. The gums will become swollen and begin to bleed during brushing. The teeth are still planted in their sockets and no tissue damage has occurred at this stage.

Some symptoms include red, swollen, and bleeding gums as well as bad breath.  When gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, the gums begin to separate from the teeth, creating small pockets. The pockets deepen and extra gum tissue and bone are destroyed. The bacteria will get there and you will eventually lose your tooth.
There are many ways to treat dental pyorrhea, among the main ones are home remedies, which are the ones that provide excellent help, especially for those people who do not want to take medication. These treatments can be the following:

Mustard oil

Massaging the gums with mustard oil is also effective in treating pyorrhea. After brushing your teeth, you can take some mustard oil and add a pinch of salt to it. Massage your gums with this mixture with the tip of your index finger. In case of excessive gum pain, you can soak a cotton ball in this mixture and gently massage the gums.

Guava for pyorrhea disease

Being a rich source of vitamin C, guava is considered an excellent teeth tonic. Chewing unripe guava sprinkled with a pinch of salt is also a great home remedy for pyorrhea. You can also chew the tender leaves of the guava fruit. This will keep your teeth healthy and stop bleeding gums.

Carrot and spinach

Carrots and spinach are excellent for oral hygiene. You can make carrot and spinach soup and have it as part of your diet. Alternatively, you can mix equal amounts of carrot and spinach juice and drink this mixture every day for better results.

Sesame oil for pyorrhea disease

Gargling with sesame oil is also beneficial in the treatment of pyorrhea. Fill your mouth with sesame oil and wait about 10 minutes. Swish the oil around in your mouth for a few seconds and then spit it out. This will soothe your gums and stop bleeding gums. This is one of the best home remedies for pyorrhea and is also effective in treating other dental problems.

Castor oil, camphor, and honey

Prepare a paste by mixing 200 ml of castor oil, 100 ml of honey, and 5 grams of camphor. Dip a twig of Neem in this paste and rub this mixture on your teeth and gums. This should be done daily for best results.

Banyan bark for pyorrhea disease

Boil some pieces of Banyan bark in a bowl filled with water for about half an hour. Let it cool for a while. Strain and filter this water and gargle with it. This is extremely effective in curing pyorrhea.

Onion for pyorrhea disease

Onion is also ideal for the treatment of pyorrhea. All you want to do is maintain a piece of onion or onion seed, kalonji, in your mouth, below your teeth. Leave it until saliva starts dripping from your mouth. This will help reduce gum inflammation.

Take these tips into account so that you can naturally treat the problems caused by Dental Pyorrhea and thus completely prevent this disease from becoming something worse that can affect not only your health but also your appearance.

Natural mouthwash

Aloe Vera Mouthwash: Rinse your mouth as usual, but always use aloe vera from a trusted source.

Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash: You need to add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in a cup with warm water and rinse as usual. Tea tree oil may interact with some medications, so tell your dentist if you are receiving any treatment.

In conclusion, gingivitis can be prevented and treated at home. Don’t forget to go to your trusted dentist and treat the first signs of gum inflammation.

FAQ for pyorrhea disease

How to cure gingivitis?

The causes that cause gingivitis can be cured thanks to several treatments that control this type of bacteria and keep them inactive.

Home treatments for gingivitis

One of the most effective home treatments to get rid of gingivitis is to brush your teeth several times a day (especially before going to sleep, after each meal, and when you wake up) to prevent bacteria from accumulating in the mouth.

In addition, some dentists recommend rinsing with a saltwater solution or using specific products such as mouthwashes with fluoride.

How long does it take to get rid of gingivitis?

The length of time gingivitis lasts can vary between patients. If proper treatment is followed, the disease can disappear in several weeks.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease attacks the gums and can cause serious problems, including periodontal abscesses, dental pain, profuse gum bleeding, and complications that ultimately lead to tooth loss.

How is periodontitis treated?

If you suffer or think you may have suffered one of these symptoms, you must go quickly to a quality dental clinic that can solve your problem.

We are specialists in curing periodontitis thanks to our periodontics system. Firstly, we carry out a prior study of the patient’s oral health as well as a specific study of bone regeneration.

Afterward, we protocolize regular check-ups and ensure your teeth thanks to our periodic check-ups, which ensure that periodontal disease does not reappear, thus guaranteeing the results.

The danger of home treatments for gingivitis

In no case is it recommended to seek home treatments that have not proven effective against this pathology. The only treatment that works against periodontal disease is prevention, through correct oral hygiene and, if the disease has already appeared, a visit to the dental clinic will be necessary.

What diseases cause swollen gums?

Gingivitis is a common, mild form of gum disease (periodontal disease), which causes irritation, redness, and swelling (inflammation) of the part of the gums around the base of the teeth.

What antibiotic is good for gingivitis?

Amoxicillin and metronidazole are the ideal antibiotic combinations to complete the treatment of aggressive periodontitis, in addition to scaling and root planing, according to international expert doctors.

What is good for reducing gum inflammation in adults?

10 home remedies to reduce gum inflammation

*Ginger and salt. Ginger has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties that can relieve inflammation…

*Blueberry infusion…


*Tea with honey…

*Water with salt…

*Clove. …

*Aloe vera. …

*Lemon juice.

What is the best antibiotic for gum infection?

The most common antibiotics prescribed for dental infections are penicillin and amoxicillin. Clindamycin is an alternative that is frequently prescribed for patients with a penicillin allergy.

How to eliminate gingivitis fast?

Brush your tooth twice a day or, higher yet, after each meal or snack. Use a smooth bristle brush and change it at least every three to four months. Consider the use of an electric-powered toothbrush, which might also be greater advantageous for getting rid of plaque and tartar.

How to take amoxicillin for gingivitis?

Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid is effective in the treatment of Refractory Periodontitis, associated with a predominantly Gram-positive subgingival flora. The usual dose at which it is administered to treat said entity is 250 mg. every 8 hours for 14 days.

How long does it take to cure periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a disease that generally requires treatment with antibiotics and a deep cleaning performed by a dentist. For this reason, it is difficult to establish a recovery period.

Periodontal surgery

In very severe cases, periodontitis requires periodontal surgery, a procedure in which an incision is made in the gums to remove accumulated dirt and damaged tissue.

When is periodontics necessary?

This treatment is indicated both in patients who are beginning to notice the first symptoms of the disease and in patients who already have advanced periodontal disease. The most appropriate answer is that once the periodontal disease has appeared, the sooner the better.

Periodontics is a treatment that varies between a deep cleaning (in the case of mild gingivitis) to surgery to clean and reconstruct the periodontal tissue, in the most serious cases of periodontitis.

For this reason, it is important to make a prior appointment with our specialists for correct periodontics, who will be able to offer you a first assessment of your case free of charge and propose a treatment tailored to you.

The influence of dental tartar on gingivitis:

Tartar is one of the most obvious symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis. This condition affects the gums, where dirt and a kind of white layer accumulate that disfigure and stain the teeth.

Remove dental tartar:

Removing tartar is a quick process that is carried out through periodontics. In our dental clinic in Barcelona, we work with a complete team of dentists willing to solve problems of gingivitis, periodontitis, tartar accumulation, and any other derivative of periodontal disease.

What antibiotics do dentists prescribe?

Among the specific antibiotics for dental infections, we highlight the following 4.

*Amoxicillin for dental infection…

*Erythromycin for dental infection…

*Cephalosporins for dental infection…

*Metronidazole for dental infection…

Conclusions about pyorrhea

In summary, pyorrhea is a periodontal disease that can have serious health consequences. The accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar on the teeth is the main cause of pyorrhea, but other factors can contribute to the development of this disease.

It is important to prevent pyorrhea by practicing good oral hygiene, visiting the dentist regularly, and practicing a healthy lifestyle. In any case, if you experience symptoms of the disease, it is important to go to a dentist specializing in periodontics to receive adequate treatment and prevent possible future complications.

Read more: Top 15 home remedies for toothache instantly

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