Summary: Why do my teeth hurt | Emergency toothache relief or kill tooth pain nerve in 3 seconds permanently, symptoms, causes, and more information.

It is possibly one of the strongest and most intense pain you can have, and something that can increase it is hot foods, cold drinks, or chewing.

When you have a toothache, it is best to immediately go to the dentist’s office so that he can locate the cause and provide the most suitable treatment for that case.

Depending on the cause, the dentist will give one treatment or another. Sometimes the cause is directly in the tooth, although on other occasions the pain may come from other reasons that the dentist has to recognize.

Most of the time it takes a long time to go to the dentist, so it is usually necessary to perform a root canal to save the tooth.

On other occasions, the pain may be caused by various reasons, so the dentist will have to examine the mouth and take an x-ray to see what is causing the pain and what treatment should be applied.

Table of Contents

Why do my teeth hurt?

The molars, teeth, or mouth do not hurt “just because”: toothache is just a symptom that there is something wrong.

This pain can be the result of various conditions in the molars, teeth, or gums. 

Sometimes it may be a cavity or an old root canal that was poorly performed, a small wound in the gums, or a gum disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

Your dentist will examine to determine the cause of the pain and be able to proceed appropriately.

What causes toothache?

Toothache can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including cavities, tooth infections, gum problems, tooth wear, and jaw problems.

Cavities are one of the most common causes; this occurs when bacterial plaque accumulates on the teeth and creates a hole in the tooth enamel.

On the other hand, another cause of toothache is dental infections, they occur when there is an infection in a tooth or gums, causing swelling, redness, and pain.

Gum problems, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, could also cause toothache due to swelling and inflammation in the gums.

Another cause is tooth wear, which can be caused by overuse of the teeth, which causes toothache by exposing the dental pulp and root.

Finally, jaw problems, such as temporomandibular arthritis, can also cause toothache due to inflammation in the jaw joint.

In any case, we recommend that you consult a dentist to determine the exact cause and receive the appropriate treatment. This is the best way to prevent future pain and maintain good oral health.

Dental cavities:

One of the most common causes of toothache is the presence of dental cavities. Cavities are damaged areas of tooth enamel that can progress into the inner tissue of the tooth, known as the dental pulp. When cavities reach the pulp, this can cause inflammation and an intense sensation of pain. Treatment at this stage often involves a root canal to remove the infected pulp and restore the tooth.

Dental Infections:

Dental infections, such as pulpitis or dental abscesses, can be a serious cause of toothache. These infections occur when bacteria enter the inside of the tooth or surrounding tissues. Pulpitis, in particular, involves inflammation of the dental pulp and can cause sharp, throbbing pain. Treatment will require removal of the affected pulp, followed by dental restoration.

Gum Problems:

Toothache does not always originate from the tooth itself. Gum diseases, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, can cause discomfort in the teeth. Gum inflammation can cause surrounding tissues to recede, exposing tooth roots and causing tooth sensitivity and pain. A dental expert can treat these conditions through professional cleaning, scaling root planing, and education on proper oral hygiene.

Wisdom Teeth Problems:

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often cause pain and discomfort. These teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25 and may not have enough space in the mouth, leading to impaction. The pressure exerted by wisdom teeth on other teeth and surrounding tissues can cause pain. In many cases, wisdom teeth removal is recommended to relieve discomfort.

Dental Trauma:

Dental trauma, such as a fracture or injury to a tooth, can be an obvious cause of toothache. The physical impact can damage tooth enamel, expose the pulp, or even cause a fragment of the tooth to break off. Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the damage, but in many cases, dental restoration, such as a filling or crown, can resolve the problem.


Bruxism, the act of unconscious clenching and grinding of your teeth, can wear away tooth enamel and cause pain in your teeth and jaw. Often this occurs during the night, so patients may not be aware of their habit. A dental expert may recommend the use of a dental splint or bruxism control therapy.

In conclusion, toothache can be the result of a variety of dental and oral problems. As dental experts, our job is to identify the underlying cause and provide the appropriate treatment to relieve pain and maintain our patients’ oral health. Prevention, through good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, is the key to avoiding many of these potential causes of toothache.

Causes of tooth pain without cavities

Tooth sensitivity or dentinal hyperesthesia: It is one of the most common and occurs when in contact with cold, heat, or sweets, as a result of the enamel and dentin of the tooth having been worn down in such a way that pores form that open the way to the pulp, in where the nerves of the tooth are located. Contact with cold, hot, or sweet drinks or foods with the dental nerves is what causes pain. The dentist must investigate the cause that caused the wear of the enamel and dentin, in addition to checking the brushing technique and correcting it. Likewise, he will prescribe oral hygiene products that seal the pores and prevent further wear.

Wisdom teeth: They usually emerge during adolescence, but they need adequate space to do so and be well positioned. When this is not the case, it can cause intense pain that can even affect other teeth. The dentist must assess the need to extract them.

Gums: Inflammation of the gum or gingivitis can cause a painful sensation in the teeth. Also periodontitis and gum recession. Any gum disorder needs treatment as early as possible so that it does not worsen and cause tooth loss.

Abscesses: Abscesses that can form in the periodontal tissue due to a bacterial infection can lead to loss of bone material and also cause tooth pain.

Bruxism: Muscle tension can cause pain in the temporomandibular joint that can sometimes even radiate to one or both dental arches.

Temporomandibular joint problems: The pain in some cases can be very intense and focused along the entire length of the trigeminal nerve.

Diseases of the facial area: Some diseases, such as sinusitis, can cause pain that radiates to the teeth.

There are many possible causes of tooth pain: We must not forget that in general pain is a way for the body to warn that something is not right and that it needs to be repaired. In the case of teeth, self-medication is not the best solution, but you should immediately go to the dentist’s office so that he or she can identify the cause and determine the most appropriate treatment in each case. Of course, the pain can go away on its own, but a major problem will surely arise in the medium term that could lead to tooth loss. Better to avoid this possibility.

Main types of toothache

However, the causes of tooth pain can be very diverse:

Tooth sensitivity:

Pain occurs when eating or drinking something hot, cold, sour, or sweet. It is caused by the loss of thickness of the tooth enamel or the receding of the gums, which exposes the dentin. In this, there are a series of pores that connect with the tubules, in which small nerve endings are inserted, which react to changes in temperature, acidity, or sugar. The pain is intense, very localized, and of short duration. Incorrect tooth brushing, lack of dental hygiene, bruxism, periodontal disease, tooth breakage, or some treatments such as orthodontic placement or filling can cause tooth sensitivity.

Pulp pain:

can be acute or chronic, depending on the cause; intense or mild; and momentary (when chewing or pressure) or continuous. It is highly variable since the response of the pulp to an external stimulus will depend on its intensity and the state of the pulp itself since it changes with age. Cavities and periodontal disease, in addition to tooth fracture, can be the cause of pain. If the problem is not adequately treated (self-medication or not going to the dentist), the progression of the pathological process can make the pain chronic, in addition to ending with the final loss of the tooth.

Why do my teeth hurt all of a sudden

Common toothache is mainly caused by pulpitis, which is inflammation of the pulp tissue.

This pain is due to the involvement of the dental nerve, and the most common reason is very advanced dental caries.

Caries lesions make it possible for bacteria to access the inside of the teeth until they reach the nerve, where the bacterial infection is created.

In addition, pulpitis can be caused by trauma or by other reasons such as tooth wear or endoperiodontal injuries, although they are not very common.

When the pulp becomes inflamed, there is pressure on the dental nerve and the tissues surrounding it. Being surrounded by dentin, the pulp cavity cannot release pressure and the increased blood flow due to inflammation generates pain.

Sometimes the pain is so intense that it is difficult to locate which tooth is causing it.

The most common causes of pain are:

*Dental caries

*Crack, trauma, or fracture of the tooth

*Gum diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis)

*Dental or periodontal abscess

*Diseases of the mandibular joint

As you can see below,  Why do my teeth hurt all of a sudden, depending on the type of toothache and its possible causes, the treatment will vary.

Pain in the gum of a tooth

Pain in the gum surrounding a tooth can arise unexpectedly and is truly uncomfortable. This discomfort, which sometimes manifests itself with a characteristic pain in the gum above a tooth, is something to take into account.

Why does this happen? This can happen for different reasons such as:

If the cause is gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums due to poor oral hygiene, the solution lies in professional cleaning.

When the origin is periodontitis, a disease that compromises both the gums and the bone structure that supports the teeth, dental treatment is essential. In advanced cases, surgery may be necessary.

If it is simply trapped food debris, a good brushing and flossing is usually enough to relieve the discomfort.

Toothache after dental cleaning

It is not uncommon to feel a toothache after a dental cleaning. This discomfort may be due to temporary inflammation, since by removing tartar and plaque from corners that the brush and dental floss commonly cannot reach, the gums can become inflamed. Saline rinses are effective in relieving this inflammation.

In addition, it is possible to notice sensitivity in the areas of the tooth that were covered by tartar. This type of sensitivity, especially at extreme temperatures, can be treated with specific toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

And if the pain persists for more days, it is crucial to return to the dentist to rule out major problems.

Tooth and jaw pain

Tooth and jaw pain is often a sign of problems related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), or could indicate that an infection is developing.

But why does this happen? The TMJ is a complex joint that connects our jaw to the skull and allows us to speak and chew. When there are problems in this area, symptoms may arise that are reflected in the teeth and jaw.

If you feel this type of pain, it is essential to see a dentist or a TMJ specialist. They will be able to determine the root of the problem and recommend everything from specific medications to relieve pain and inflammation to physical therapy sessions to improve joint function. Early attention will always be key to an effective solution.

Tooth nerve pain

Tooth nerve pain is an intense sensation, often compared to an “electric stab.” The main cause is inflammation or exposure of the dental nerve, usually due to advanced cavities.

Is it a common pain? Yes, especially when cavities are not treated in time. The best thing to do in this situation is to visit the dentist. In most cases, the most effective treatment is endodontics, which focuses on relieving pain by treating the affected nerve.

Toothache with endodontics

A situation that may surprise some patients is tooth pain with a root canal. Although endodontics is a treatment aimed at eliminating pain, in some cases the discomfort can reappear, even if years have passed since the procedure.

Is it normal to feel pain in a tooth with a root canal? It shouldn’t be. If you feel discomfort or pain in a tooth treated years ago, this could be a warning sign. The causes can vary but often indicate a secondary infection or problems with initial treatment.

In this situation, what should be done? Do not expect or assume that the pain will disappear on its own, for this it is essential to visit the dentist again. In some cases, it may be necessary to revise the root canal or apply additional treatment to resolve the problem.

Pain from a chipped tooth

A common dental problem that often causes considerable discomfort is having a chipped tooth. The term “chipping” refers to a tooth affected by cavities, which can trigger persistent and intense pain.

How does this problem arise? The answer is simple: a chipped tooth and the subsequent pain are the result of tooth decay that has not been treated in time. Cavities progress progressively, and if they are not attended to, they affect deeper areas of the tooth (such as the pulp), causing discomfort.

If you suspect that you have a chipped tooth, you must go to the dentist. Depending on the damage, the specialist will assess the different dental solutions available, which can range from a simple filling to stop cavities and restore the tooth, to the extraction of the affected tooth in severe cases.

Aching tooth pain

Broken fractured, or holey with aching tooth pain: Pain from a broken tooth is one of the most common oral ailments. When you say: “I have a broken tooth and it hurts,” it means that something is not right with your oral health. A fractured, hole or broken tooth can cause sharp pain, which intensifies when eating or drinking.

Why do these breaks or holes occur? 

The causes can be diverse: from physical trauma, such as a blow or biting something very hard, to advanced cavities that weaken the tooth structure. The natural wear and tear of our teeth over the years can also lead to tooth fractures.

If you suspect you have a broken or fractured tooth, see your dentist for a check-up. Depending on the severity of the damage, the professional could recommend everything from fillings, and placement of crowns, to extraction in more extreme cases.

Toothache during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stage full of emotions and hormonal changes in the body, which can trigger tooth and gum pain during pregnancy, due to the greater tooth and gum sensitivity that occurs in the mouth.

When it happens, it is common for doubts to arise about whether toothache during pregnancy affects the baby, but with professional care and advice, safe and appropriate treatment can be guaranteed for both.

Toothache when biting or chewing

Another dental symptom that may cause concern is toothache when biting. The simple action of chewing, which is so essential in our daily lives, can become a painful and annoying experience.

If you feel pain when you put pressure on your teeth, this may be indicative of various problems.

Sometimes, if you think “All my teeth hurt,” it could be cavities that are affecting the tooth structure, a hidden fracture, or even problems related to the temporomandibular joint, also known as TMJ.

In the presence of this type of pain, it is essential to go to the dentist to make a proper diagnosis and guide you on the treatment to follow. Depending on the origin of the pain, the solutions can be varied: from fillings to treat cavities to relief splints for TMJ problems.

Toothache without visible cavities

At some point, you may have experienced a toothache without visible cavities.

This situation can confuse the absence of apparent cavities can make you think that everything is in order. However, it is not always so. Tooth pain without cavities may be indicative of underlying problems that are not easily visible to the naked eye.

There are various causes for this type of discomfort; it may be the result of an undetected fracture, problems with the root of the tooth, or conditions related to the TMJ, among others.

Toothache and clogged ear

When you have a toothache, you expect to feel it only in your mouth. However, some people also report having a “clogged ear” feeling along with dental pain. But what is the relationship between toothache and clogged ears?

The anatomical proximity between the mouth and the ear means that on some occasions, a dental infection also manifests itself in nearby areas such as the ear. This situation can generate not only intense pain in the affected tooth but also that annoying feeling of having a clogged ear.

In some cases, it may be necessary to treat not only the dental problem but also have a check-up with an ENT specialist to ensure that the ear does not have additional complications. Going on time is crucial to avoid complications and relieve discomfort effectively.

Toothache at night

Nothing interrupts a good rest more than the acute toothache that, curiously, seems to intensify when we try to fall asleep. You may be wondering, why toothache seems more intense at night.

The reason behind this phenomenon can be varied. In some cases it may simply be the sleeping posture, which generates additional pressure in the affected area, in other cases it is usually the cause of bruxism.

Toothache and headache

It is common for toothache and headache to occur simultaneously. The nerves found inside the tooth have a connection with those that innervate the head, and this response appears when faced with a toothache.

Additionally, there are times when an impacted wisdom tooth or an erupting tooth can cause a headache. That is to say, it is not unusual to think: “My tooth and my head hurt” when we are in the process of growing or having complications with these teeth.

Toothache in children

Toothache in children is a very worrying situation. Although we usually associate dental problems with adults, the little ones are not exempt from experiencing discomfort in their teeth and molars.

Is it common for children to feel pain in their teeth? Yes, it can happen and the reasons are diverse.

In some cases, especially in children ages 4 to 6, the pain may be due to the eruption of new teeth. Other times, the cause may be cavities, despite their young age. Furthermore, we must not forget that children have the habit of biting objects, toys, or other hard elements that can affect the integrity of their teeth.

If you notice that your child complains of dental pain or avoids chewing with a certain part of his mouth, it is essential to take him to a check-up with a pediatric dentist to treat it.

Filled toothache

The filling is a common procedure in dentistry that seeks to restore an affected tooth, usually due to cavities. However, some patients may experience pain from a filled tooth after the procedure.

Is it normal to feel discomfort after a filling? In some cases yes.

After having a filling, it is possible to feel some sensitivity or discomfort in the area, especially when consuming very cold or very hot foods. However, if toothache after filling persists or is especially intense, it could be indicative of a complication, such as a defective filling, cavities that have reappeared under the filling, or a post-treatment reaction.

If you have experienced pain in a tooth that has been previously treated, it is essential to return to the dentist for a check-up. Depending on the diagnosis, it may be necessary to replace the filling or carry out additional treatment.

Sore throat and toothache

Yes, it is also common, the relationship between a sore throat and a tooth may be closer than you think.

Sometimes the problem starts in the mouth. For example, if you have pain in the area where your wisdom teeth are located and in your throat, you are likely experiencing the eruption of these teeth, which can cause discomfort not only in the mouth but also in the nearby area of ​​​​the throat. 

In other cases, dental infections if not treated in time can spread to other areas such as the throat, causing a painful and uncomfortable sensation.

What should be done when faced with these symptoms? 

A visit to the dentist is essential to determine the exact cause of the pain. If it is a dental infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat it, and if necessary, specific dental treatment or even extraction may be performed, especially in the case of problematic wisdom teeth.

Last tooth pain

When we talk about dental discomfort, it is common to think of a particular tooth or molar.

But what happens when you feel pain in all your teeth and molars? Is it common to feel generalized pain in the mouth?

Yes, and the reasons behind these discomforts may vary. One of the most common causes is bruxism, which is the involuntary act of clenching or grinding the teeth, usually at night. This constant action can cause pain in various parts of the mouth.

Another cause may be periodontal disease, a condition that affects the gums and can cause discomfort in teeth and molars. Additionally, the presence of multiple cavities in different parts of the mouth can be another reason for this generalized pain.

Pain relief from toothache

When faced with tooth pain, the most important thing is to establish its cause and carry out the most appropriate treatment (filling, root canal, etc.), something that only the dentist is trained to do.

Therefore, tooth pain, regardless of its intensity and duration, should always be a reason for immediate consultation with the dentist.

What medicine can I take for a toothache?

The most commonly used medications to control toothache are analgesics, such as paracetamol and metamizole, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and diclofenac. NSAIDs should not be given for more than 10 days without consulting your doctor.

In some cases, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics when the toothache is caused by an infection. Antibiotics should never be taken without a doctor’s prescription and the treatment should be followed exactly.

There are also topical anesthetics, which temporarily relieve pain in the treated area, but they should not be used in children under 2 years of age.

kill tooth pain nerve in 3 seconds permanently

If you have a toothache, it is best to consult a doctor. However, over-the-counter medications are sold at the pharmacy that can help relieve pain, such as the following:

*Local anesthetics kill tooth pain nerve in 3 seconds permanently: the way to apply it is to place the recommended dose on a clean gauze and pass it over the tooth that is causing pain.

*Paracetamol: as we indicated above, it is the safest treatment for toothache.

*Ibuprofen: it is an anti-inflammatory that acts as an analgesic, but you must be aware of contraindications.

*Naproxen: like ibuprofen, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic and even has the same contraindications.

*Aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory with analgesic action and can be purchased without a prescription, but it is better to consult with your doctor. It cannot be used for toothache in pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, or people who use it as an anticoagulant.

How much paracetamol for toothache?

Paracetamol comes in different presentations, so the dose to take will depend on which one you purchase. In this sense, the main presentations in which you will find paracetamol for toothache and their corresponding doses are the following:

*500mg tablets: 1 or 2 tablets every 6 or 8 hours, before or after meals. No more than 8 tablets a day.

*750mg tablets: 1 tablet every 5 or 8 hours, before or after meals. No more than 5 tablets a day.

*Solution in drops: 35 to 55 drops every 4 or 6 hours. No more than 275 drops per day; that is, up to five doses of 55 drops.

Paracetamol vs ibuprofen better for emergency toothache relief

In addition to paracetamol, ibuprofen is also recommended to relieve toothache, so you are probably wondering which tooth medication is better.

Unlike paracetamol, which is a pain reliever, ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory found in 200 mg tablets. The latter reduces the production of substances that cause inflammation and at the same time reduces toothache.

Although we cannot say that one is better than the other for relieving toothache, not everyone can take ibuprofen. Paracetamol is the safest option for patients with the following conditions:

*Allergy to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

*Cases of gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, asthma, or rhinitis.

*Heart failure.

*Pregnant or lactating women.

*Children under 6 years old.

Best antibiotic for emergency toothache relief

This depends on the cause of the pain, however, painkillers and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can help you relieve the discomfort for a while, while you go to the doctor.

When the pain is due to infections or diseases, it can be permanent and you should see a specialist. Self-medication will never be an option, so do not do it without a doctor’s prescription.

*Among the most recommended antibiotics in dental hygiene are: amoxicillin, Azithromycin, erythromycin, cephradin, clindamycin, and metronidazole. 

All are administered orally according to the indications, dosage, and duration considered by your dentist.

There are other intravenous and intramuscular antibiotics that only your trusted doctor will prescribe if necessary.

Don’t forget that going to the dental clinic every six months can prevent many problems in your mouth.

When using antibiotics for toothache

The guidelines recommend against using antibiotics for most pulpal or periapical conditions and instead only recommend analgesics if necessary and the treatment of choice to treat that condition.

Dentists must prioritize dental treatments such as pulpotomy, pulpectomy, endodontics, or even drainage in cases of abscesses among others, that is when there is infection (accumulation of pus).

*But if the patient presents fever or discomfort, that is, we see that the patient’s condition progresses to a systemic compromise, or the patient is immunosuppressed (AIDS, autoimmune diseases…) then we will give antibiotics.

*We also give antibiotics just before and after surgeries or after an extraction, for example, because they reduce the risk of infection, pain, and alveolitis (infection of the alveolus where the tooth is housed).

Do antibiotics cause side effects on oral health?

Few doubt at this point the effects that antibiotics cause on oral health. Numerous studies support this issue and it is recognized by major medical associations.

Of course, these types of medications are very useful for treating different health problems, including some related to your mouth, but it is no less true that their use can have consequences.

What side effects do antibiotics have on oral health?

We are going to analyze the effects that antibiotics have on oral health. We will start by focusing on tetracyclines, perhaps the best-known drug. It has indeed been widely used for decades, but that does not make its importance any less.

These antibiotics mainly cause different kinds of stains on the teeth and damage the enamel. Although these effects have been known for a long time, the truth is that, as we said, they continue to be used. As a curious fact, it must be taken into account that this medication is capable of crossing the placenta and affecting the future teeth of the fetus. Of course, it also affects children, especially in their first years of life.

In the case of adults, damage to tooth enamel is mainly observed in patients who have received prolonged treatment with these medications. Additionally, different classes of tetracycline cause different stains:

*Chlortetracycline. Gray, violet, or brown spots.

*Dimethihylchlortetracycline. Yellow spots.

*Oxytetracycline. Yellow spots.

More antibiotics cause stains on teeth, for example, minocycline. It is used for treatments to control acne. In this case, the spots acquire a tone between blue and gray, it is estimated that it affects around 5% of patients who take this drug.

Why does the use of antibiotics damage your teeth?

The truth is that not even health professionals themselves are very clear about why teeth are so affected by the use of some types of antibiotics, although there are several theories:

*The first is that it is because it binds to iron.

*The second is that they are medications that are eliminated through gingival fluid.

*The blood carries these drugs to all the organs of the body, especially those that have collagen, such as the teeth. Then it rusts and stains the pieces.

Those who support this last theory say that it is convenient to take this treatment together with some food that is antioxidant. Doing so can prevent your teeth from becoming stained.

What can you do if your teeth have already become stained due to antibiotics?

If antibiotics have already stained your teeth, you should know that there are different solutions to correct this problem. In cases where the damage is not very serious, it is very possible that it can be solved with teeth whitening. When the stains are deeper, you will have to go for covering the teeth with crowns or veneers.

Unbearable tooth pain what to do

There are many ways to relieve toothache quickly. However, it is important to remember that these tips can provide temporary relief, but never replace professional dental care. If you suffer from severe toothache, it is best to consult a specialist before trying to treat your pain yourself.

Saltwater mouthwash

Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds. Saltwater can help reduce inflammation and eliminate bacteria since salt is a natural antibacterial, so you will feel instant relief. In this post, we show you what to eat when you have a toothache.

Ice on the cheek

Applying an ice cloth to the cheek on the affected side can reduce swelling, thereby significantly relieving pain. It is advisable to keep the ice, wrapped in a cloth or cloth, in contact with the skin for a few minutes and repeat the action from time to time.

Chewing cloves

Clove is a natural analgesic and antiseptic that can be used to relieve toothache. In addition, it can be consumed alone or soaked with water, making it an easy and homemade option to reduce pain.

Tea bags

Another way to relieve toothache is to apply a warm, infused tea bag to the sore gum or tooth. The most common thing is to use black tea, mint tea, or chamomile since thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties they can provide quick relief.

When you should consult a professional

While home remedies can provide temporary relief, it’s important to recognize when it’s time to consult a professional.

Here are some warning signs that you should seek urgent dental care:

1. Severe or Persistent Pain

*If your toothache is severe and does not subside after trying home remedies, it is time to contact a dentist. This could be indicative of a serious dental problem.

2. Severe inflammation

*If you notice significant swelling in the face, jaw, or neck, it is a sign of a deeper infection that requires immediate professional attention.

3. Fever or General Malaise

*Fever and general malaise can be signs of an infection that has spread. This is a serious problem and should be treated by a dentist.

4. Difficulty Swallowing or Breathing

*If toothache affects your ability to swallow or breathe, it is a medical emergency. You should seek immediate attention at a hospital.

5. Serious Tooth Injuries

*If you have suffered a serious injury to your teeth due to an accident or fall, a dentist should evaluate the damage and provide treatment.

6. Pain in the Jaw or Other Areas of the Mouth

*If the pain radiates to your jaw, throat, or ears, it could be a sign of a more complex dental or medical problem.

7. Problems Opening the Mouth

*If you have difficulty opening your mouth or experience jaw stiffness, this could indicate a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problem that needs professional attention.

If you experience any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to seek immediate dental care.

Dentists are trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of dental problems, and delaying care can make the situation worse.

In short, if your toothache becomes unbearable or you experience worrying symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a healthcare professional to ensure a proper evaluation so that you can receive appropriate treatment.

Some tips to keep your smile always healthy

When it comes to dental health, preventing toothache is essential. Therefore, instead of waiting for pain to appear, there are steps you can take to keep your smile healthy and prevent dental problems.

Here we offer you some tips to keep your smile always bright and free of discomfort:

1. Brushing and Flossing:

*Brush your tooth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste

*Don’t forget to floss daily to remove plaque and food debris between your teeth.

2. Regular Visits to the Dentist

*Schedule normal dental checkups, at least as soon as a year. Prevention is key to retaining a healthful mouth.

3. Healthy Diet

*Limit sugary foods and drinks that can cause cavities.

*Incorporate foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products and green leafy vegetables, to strengthen your teeth.

4. Avoid Tobacco and Excess Alcohol

*Tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption can hurt oral health. Try to avoid them or reduce your consumption.

5. Protect your Teeth

*Wear a mouthguard if you play contact sports to avoid injury to your teeth.

*Avoid using your teeth as tools to open containers or objects.

6. Drink Water:

*Water is a first-class drink for your oral health. It helps keep your mouth hydrated and rinse away meal debris.

7. Control Stress

*Bruxism, the grinding of teeth, is often caused by stress. Learn stress management techniques to avoid damaging your teeth.

8. Treat Dental Problems on Time

*If you experience any dental discomfort, don’t ignore it. Seek dental care immediately to prevent the problem from getting worse.

9. Education is the First Step

*Teach your children about the importance of good oral hygiene from an early age.

Remember that your smile is a fundamental piece of your appearance and your health in general.

By following these tips and maintaining a dental care regimen, you will be able to enjoy a healthy, radiant smile throughout your life.

Prevention is the key to keeping toothache and other dental problems always at bay.

FAQ, Why do my teeth hurt | Emergency toothache relief and more answers:

How is the procedure to kill the nerve of a tooth performed?

Endodontics is only for patients who suffer from a very advanced pulp infection, it is used only in cases where this tissue can no longer recover.

The dentist will likely first do a routine checkup and order x-rays. Then he will make a diagnosis and determine if it is necessary to do endodontics to kill the nerve of the tooth.

Endodontics is performed following a series of steps that we summarize below:

*First, you will be injected with anesthesia to numb the mouth area. The endodontist will drill the tooth to expose its pulp, which is the soft tissue in the center of the tooth.

*A cleaning is performed to remove bacteria and pulp in and around the area. This prevents future infections.

*Any trace of deep cavities or infections is removed and then proceed to extract the soft tissue or damaged pulp of the tooth (this is what is popularly known as the nerve). Removal of the infected pulp is done with small files, and the canals inside the root are cleaned.

*The space generated in the tooth is then filled with some temporarily biocompatible material. The purpose of this is that the piece does not lose its integrity and functionality.

*Finally, in a week or two you should go to your regular dentist, not the endodontist. Who will give you a permanent filling, an inlay, or a crown to seal the tooth well, taking care that there are no holes left to prevent the accumulation of bacteria?

It is important to mention that local anesthesia is used to carry out the treatment. You may feel some discomfort in the first days after the intervention, for which the specialist will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics.

How to apply ice to relieve toothache?

Applying ice is one of the home remedies to eliminate toothache. Follow these steps:

*Wrap an ice pack in a clean, dry towel.

*Apply the towel with ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

*Remove the ice and wait at least 10 minutes before applying it again.

*Repeat this process until the pain has subsided.

Keep in mind that ice causes a burning sensation at first, but after a few minutes, it helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Do not apply ice directly to the skin without wrapping it in a towel, as this could cause skin injury.

Why can some foods make toothache worse?

Some foods make toothache worse due to their temperature and texture. Cold foods, such as ice cream or cold drinks, can cause a feeling of relief by reducing blood flow to the area. However, hot foods, such as soup or coffee, can dilate blood vessels and make pain worse.

Additionally, some hard or crunchy foods, such as toast or apples, can intensify pain by putting pressure on the affected area.

Eat soft, warm foods until the pain goes away.

How to relieve teeth pain?

Home remedies for toothache are not recommended, if you feel a lot of discomfort you could take the pain reliever that your dentist tells you while you can get to the office. Place warm or cold compresses on the area to help relieve discomfort.

Rinsing with salt water, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol-free mouthwash can also relieve pain. Elevating your head at night can also help relieve toothache at home.

When to see a dentist?

You should go to the dentist at least once a year for your regular consultation. But if you feel pain in a tooth or tooth you should attend as soon as possible.

Dental nerve pain can develop gradually, initially feeling mild and then becoming more uncomfortable. Going to the dentist as soon as possible will not only help relieve pain, but treatments are more likely to be easier.

The most common symptoms that indicate dental nerve damage are pain at the gum line, pain in a single tooth or radiating through the mouth, and discomfort that worsens when you eat especially hot, cold, or acidic foods.

What is a dental nerve?

The dental nerve is the nerve endings that are near the surface of the tooth and under the gums, which go into the root canal. It is what is also known as pulp, a very important body tissue that stores the cells of the tooth, is the center of the tooth, and feeds tissues such as the crown.

The pulp also has many physiological functions, containing the blood and oxygen supply to nerve cells, and even the fluid that helps dissolve dead and decaying dental matter.

The pulp is the region of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels are present and the part where the blood that circulates in our body arrives. Once there is no blood supply to the tooth, the nerve in the pulp chamber gradually dies, and consequently, so does the tooth.

The death of the pulp is also known as necrotic pulp or pulpless tooth.

How much does it cost to do a root canal?

Its cost varies depending on the severity of your case, that is, the more canals the dentist must treat, the higher the price.

Despite this, if you have a very damaged dental nerve and must undergo a root canal, do not hesitate. This treatment will help you eliminate all the discomfort that occurs in that area of ​​your mouth.

Does it hurt to kill the nerve in a tooth?

The endodontic procedure today is not painful; sedation or local anesthesia prevents discomfort during the endodontic procedure. 

What happens if the nerve in a tooth dies?

It is common for people to have doubts about whether the nerve in a tooth alone can die and the answer is yes. Many ignore the symptoms of dental nerve infection, which causes its death, also known as pulp necrosis.

The pain that the patient experiences due to the infection stops suddenly. This makes you think that your problem is solved, but it is not.

The infectious process continues to advance until it begins to deteriorate and destroy the bone irreversibly. This in a short time can cause the tooth to develop mobility and in the long term, total detachment.

If the dental nerve dies and is not removed, it can cause serious infections that may even require the patient to be admitted to a hospital.

How long does it take for the tooth nerve to die?

The time it takes for the pulp or nerves of the tooth to die varies depending on several factors. And the answer is not exact, since it depends on different conditions that the tooth faces.

For example, if the tooth is dying from infection, then the process will be slow and may take years until the nerve completely dies.

But if the process is due to a blow, this fracture leaves a direct entrance for bacteria to the pulp, which leads to a much faster death of the tooth; although it still takes some time.

How do you know if the dental nerve is damaged?

You must learn to identify if a dental nerve is damaged. Some of the symptoms that patients with this condition present are:

*Discomfort, pain, and extreme sensitivity in some areas of ​​your mouth. For some, the pain may be minimal, while others will feel very sharp pain. The pain is not only due to the death of the nerve but also to infection, which can lead to the appearance of a gum abscess.

*Sometimes the nerve can become inflamed so you will notice the area of ​​infection swollen, with a tingling or numb sensation.

*Sensitivity to cold and heat.

*Change in the color or shade of the tooth. This type of damage is one of the causes of dark teeth. The tooth goes from white or yellowish to gray, then it can become black. It is not something sudden, it can take years to change.


Tooth pain is the most common cause of consultation in dental clinics. In addition, it is one of the most annoying that can be suffered and has great variability in terms of its intensity and characteristics. Sometimes it is one of the most annoying pains that humans suffer, and it is the most frequent reason why patients go to the dental clinic.

Tooth pain originates from the nerve endings that are inserted into the pulp of the tooth from its root, since both the enamel and cementum of the tooth are completely insensitive.

Read more: How to get rid of gingivitis fast: types, causes, symptoms

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