Low milk supply:

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both the mother and the newborn. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breastfeeding reduces infant mortality and has health benefits that extend into adulthood.

Breast milk is the first natural food for infants. It provides all the energy and nutrients that the child needs in his first months of life, covers half or more of the child’s nutritional needs during the second semester of life, and up to a third of these during the second year. While this is a process that occurs naturally in the body of a woman having her newborn, it is not necessarily easy.

*You have pain when breastfeeding: this can occur due to coupling. It sounds complicated, but many times it can be solved with practice. If there are other symptoms of the pain, such as hardness and swelling of the breast and decreased milk, further analysis may be needed.

*Lack of milk: when breast milk is being given, it is important to increase fluid intake, at least two liters of water per day. This is how production is maintained and the mother stays hydrated.

*The milk comes out of consistency or has an abnormal color: breast milk tends to have more yellow tones, but if it does not have the appearance of previous lactations, it is better to consult a professional.

*Decreased baby’s appetite: different variables can influence this, however, this can affect the baby in the long term.

*The newborn does not gain weight: this can happen because the mother’s milk is not enough. If so, the pediatrician will recommend a new way to improve the situation.

*If you have any pain, concern, or doubt, it is always recommended that the mother talk to her gynecologist doctor. This team will be prepared to answer all of her questions and help her make this process as healthy as possible, both for her and for her baby.

*The important thing is that it is bearable, calm, and beneficial for both the mother and the child. It must be remembered that breastfeeding is not only a nutritional source, but also has many immunological components; It is also a moment that generates emotional attachment between the mother and her son, turning it into a bond, a source of love. In this way, what the mother offers after a year of life through breastfeeding, is taken as security, well-being, and happiness to help the baby grow.

How to improve the quality of breast milk?

Improving the quality of breast milk is essential to guarantee the best nutrition for your baby. If you are looking for ways to improve the quality of your breast milk, here are some recommendations that can help you. First of all, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. A diet rich in nutrients, especially protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, can improve the quality of breast milk.

Pediatricians in Seville can provide you with personalized recommendations on what foods and nutrients you should include in your diet to improve the quality of your breast milk. Also, staying hydrated is critical to producing high-quality breast milk. Drinking enough water and other healthy fluids can help ensure that you are producing enough, high-quality milk for your baby.

Another important factor in improving the quality of breast milk is the lactation technique. Poor breastfeeding techniques can reduce the quality of breast milk and cause problems in the baby, such as gas and colic. Pediatricians in Seville can provide you with recommendations and advice on the proper breastfeeding technique to improve the quality of your breast milk.

What factors influence the quality of breast milk?

The quality of breast milk can vary depending on different factors. It is important to know them to improve the quality of the breast milk that you are providing to your baby. One of the most important factors influencing the quality of breast milk is the mother’s diet.

A healthy and balanced diet can improve the quality of breast milk and ensure that your baby receives all the nutrients necessary for its growth and development. On the other hand, a nutrient-deficient diet can reduce the quality of breast milk.

In addition to diet, other factors that can influence the quality of breast milk are hydration, lifestyle, and the mother’s health. Diseases and hormonal disorders can affect the quality of breast milk, so it is important to consult a pediatrician in Seville if you have any concerns or suspect that something is affecting the quality of your breast milk.

Pediatricians in Seville can help you identify the factors that may be affecting the quality of your breast milk and provide you with advice and recommendations to improve it. For example, they can recommend a proper diet and hydration plan to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to produce high-quality breast milk.

What if the mother does not want to breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is the ideal food for the baby during the first months of life. However, the ultimate decision to breastfeed the baby rests with the mother. Being a personal decision, it must be respected by all. There are many reasons why you can’t or don’t want to breastfeed, but there are very few true contraindications. 

For these cases, many enriched and fortified infant formulas will give your baby the best possible nutrition. Your pediatrician will tell you which one best suits your baby’s needs.

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How is milk produced?

During pregnancy, the mammary gland develops and prepares to produce milk due to the effect of hormones (prolactin and oxytocin). Once the placenta is delivered after delivery, the mother’s brain makes prolactin when the baby suckles. Thanks to this, the breast begins to make milk (at first colostrum ). 

Then, the baby’s smell, touch, and sucking cause oxytocin to be produced in the mother’s brain. This hormone is also known as the love hormone because it encourages the mother to fall in love with her baby. 

Its effect is to squeeze and push the milk toward the nipple. The more the breast empties and the more feedings the baby does, the more milk is produced. So, the amount is adapted to what the baby needs from the first drops of colostrum.

If there is no suction, nor is the breast emptied, milk production ceases and the breast returns to the “sleeping” state before pregnancy. But if there is frequent suckling again, the breasts can “wake up” and start making milk again.

How long does it take for your milk to dry up?

The suppression of lactation depends on a few factors, such as the age of your baby, how long your body has been producing milk, and what week you gave birth to the baby. 

For some, it may take days or weeks for their milk to completely disappear. It will probably be a different experience for each woman, but it is common to have leaks, and delayed milk flow even months later. Learn more about the suppression of lactation concerning the loss of a baby here.

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Do I give you both breasts?

In this first stage, at each feeding, the child must be given both breasts, is necessary to empty one breast before offering the second so that he obtains the milk at the end of the feed, which, having a higher fat content, makes the child grow and gain weight. It is much more important to let the child finish taking the first side before offering the second, even if it means refusing the second side during that feeding. 

You should not limit the time in shots. It is best to allow the child to nurse until he shows signs of satisfaction, such as letting go on his own or having his arms and hands relaxed. If it takes a long time, you should insert your little finger pressing the palate to avoid damaging the nipple. It is not necessary to wash the breast before or after each feed, nor should soap be used on the nipples as it dries them out.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that you breastfeed exclusively at the breast until 6 months of age and, after this, solid foods should be incorporated to supplement breast milk. As of one year of age, it is recommended to continue with this lactation process and it can be up to two years or more.

WHO and UNICEF recommend that children start breastfeeding within the first hour of birth and be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life, which means that they are not provided with other food or liquids, not even water.

Recommended product

Most Popular products for increased breast milk

No breast milk after delivery what to do

1) Infants 6-12 months, Made with Non-GMO Organic Milk

2) Similac Advance Infant Formula with Iron, Baby Formula Powder

3) NeuroPro: Baby Formula, MFGM, Expert-Recommended Brain

4) Aptamil Stage 1: Baby Formula, Milk-Based Powder, DHA

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