The dog’s hair falls out and he scratches a lot, or summary of why is my dog losing hair? and home remedies?

One of the most common and easiest treatments to get are the specific shampoos that you have available in every one of the specialized stores or that have a section for dogs. On the other hand, it is also quite possible that the vet will prescribe some type of antibiotic, everything will depend on the clinical diagnosis since alopecia due to stress is not the same as due to a parasite. To carry out the regimen for suitable canine alopecia, a professional must make the relevant diagnosis. 

Scabies – The most common cause of alopecia is scabies, a disease caused by a mite that results in general, non-localized hair loss. Areas without hair or bald spots. The main symptom that will alert us to a viable case of alopecia will be the appearance of areas without hair or bald spots. Send comments have read and accepted the privacy policy Link To Media collects personal data for internal use only.

In most cases, the state of its coat can be a reflection of its health, which is why it is important to check that it does not shed much more than usual or has lost its shine over time. Use a suitable brush for your hair type as each coat requires specific care. 

Thanks to this habit, your dog’s blood circulation will be activated much more, favoring the growth of much stronger and healthier hair. It is essential to brush your pet frequently since it also prevents the appearance of fleas and ticks and eliminates the odor of the animal. 

Not everyone is aware that hair loss in dogs can be due to serious diseases that our animal suffers from. Bathe your dog regularly, but without overdoing it, to avoid excessive hair loss. By showering your dog regularly you will make the dead hair fall out more easily in the bathtub or the following hours. You can also use some anti-fall shampoo or conditioner to prevent it from releasing so much hair.

Grape Seed Extract contains attractive amounts of skin-friendly antioxidants. It is marketed in capsules that are also free for canines; Brushing the hair regularly is another help to prevent falls from being too abundant. As we have previously corrected, each dog has different needs. In this way, we avoid irritations and other inconveniences that can affect dogs with sensitive skin. 

The bad thing is if this happens continuously throughout the year if the dog loses a lot of hair throughout the 1 year, the situation can be much worse if the dog leads a normal life at home.

Why is my dog losing hair?

CAUSES OF HAIR LOSS IN DOGS: Or Why do dogs lose hair?

The origin of this loss is very diverse, and you must bear in mind that on many of these occasions, the opinion of a veterinarian is essential, remember that they have the necessary knowledge to notice things that are insignificant to us. Among the most common causes are:


Some dog breeds are more genetically prone to baldness than others. First, there are the hairless dogs that have been bred for it like the Chinese Crested, the Mexican Hairless (Xolo), and the American Hairless Terrier. Other dog breeds, such as the Doberman Pinscher, Dachshund, Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, and Whippet, sometimes suffer from patchy baldness on the outer ear, chest, back, thigh, or lower neck.

  • *Skin diseases: scabies and dermatitis are characterized by causing hair loss in dogs.
  • *Poor diet: an unbalanced diet or one that does not meet the nutritional needs of the dog can cause a constant loss of fur, which is only controlled by making a change in diet.
  • *Pregnancy: female dogs that are pregnant frequently suffer from hormonal changes, typical of their condition, and in many cases these can also cause hair loss.
  • *Stress: this cause, being psychological, is sometimes difficult to treat, and on many occasions, there is no solution, so the hair does not recover.
  • *Allergies: these pathologies are very common, and one of the most annoying symptoms they produce is itching.

When the dog compulsively scratches and licks itself to soothe that itch, it causes various injuries, including hair loss.

  • *Parasites: some ectoparasites such as fleas, mites, and ticks also produce a lot of itching, and therefore, the fall of the fur.
  • *Vaccines: some small dog breeds are known to be hypersensitive to some vaccines, as they infect the area where the injection was given and consequently cause hair loss. This condition is called post-vaccination alopecia.
  • *Racial predisposition: some breeds are more prone to losing hair throughout their lives, such as the German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Collie, Cocker Spaniel, Labrador, and Boxer. On the other hand, dogs like the Bulldog and the Sharpie are more likely to suffer from skin diseases such as mange.

Seasonal alopecias:

These only affect the dog’s coat when there is little sunlight, that is, during autumn and winter. In these cases where the weather influences, the problem is corrected in the spring and summer seasons, or when the sunlight intensifies. Usually, this molt occurs twice a year. As you can see, many factors influence hair loss in dogs, from skin diseases to seasonal alopecia. Whatever the case of your pet, it is important to ask for the help of a veterinarian, together with him, you will be able to determine what is the best treatment for your puppy.

Pressure ulcers:

Pressure ulcers, also called decubitus ulcers, are localized lesions on the dog’s elbows or other bony pressure points that come in contact with hard surfaces regularly. This constant pressure and friction causes the skin to become calloused, lose hair, and sometimes crack and bleed. Pressure sores are more common in older dogs, especially large or heavy breeds.

Stress from changes in your environment:

Nerves and anxiety play havoc with a dog’s health. Hair loss, for no other apparent reason, is one of the most common symptoms of stress. Dogs are very routine and, when faced with important changes such as moving, births, or deaths, they experience high levels of nervousness. It also causes them to spend a lot of time alone. In the case of breeds with a lot of energy, lack of exercise will make them very nervous. Stress can also show up in dogs that have been mistreated in the past.

What is the treatment for a dog why is my dog losing hair?

Treatment for dog hair loss will depend on the cause, so be sure to consult with your vet before treating your pet.


Your vet can prescribe antibiotics to treat any infection causing your dog to lose hair. Your vet may need to remove any associated nodules or tumors that are contributing to the hair loss and potentially treat your dog with antibiotics and other medications for the condition.

Stress or hormonal changes solution for dog:

  • Avoid any type of stress for your pet, do not mistreat your pet, feed it properly, and do not allow it to be exposed to any type of abuse.
  • For pregnant females, ask your veterinarian to prescribe a multivitamin that complements their needs.

Fungus Solution for dog

Bad nutrition solution:

  • You can solve this problem by brushing your hair twice a week to remove excess hair that could fall out during the day.
  • Feeding your pet with croquettes that complement its requirements is essential, make sure it contains protein or complement its diet with tuna (meat that is not harmful to your pets), 

Vitamins such as B6 and B12 that you find in the Liver, and give it a once a week 20g of the liver (perfectly cooked) or tuna if your pet is small, 30g if it is medium, and 50g if it is large or giant. Iron also helps a lot and you usually find it in the liver as well. With patience, you will see that the hair will stop falling out and strong and shiny fur will grow. Tuna has a component called Omega 3 and it is great for your pet’s hair.

Food supplements to prevent hair loss in dogs

The nose has a defense system that makes us sneeze when something enters it. Scabs and Swollen Areas – Some dogs not only exhibit this massive shedding but also some degree of flaking on the skin, which will lead to scabbing and inflamed areas. Alopecia can harm the various systems of the dog (immune, endocrine…), although in any case, we are talking about a case of common pathology. Simply, be attentive and aware of the symptoms that our 7-legged friend can show. 

Foods that contain this ingredient will help your loyal companion maintain much more vigilant skin and a better capital texture. Some veterinarians recommend giving the dog, once a week, food that humans eat frequently.

External parasites solution:

  • In the case of fleas and ticks, give medicated baths until the parasites are eradicated (Talk to your vet)
  • Clean and disinfect the area where you sleep and wash their blankets, beds, and patio where they play
  • In the case of mites, there are medicated baths, oral medication, and even lotions to soothe itching,
  • This is one of the causes of hair loss, since the dog or cat scratches, often so hard that it sheds its hair, 
  • Take care of your pet’s diet.

Change your dog’s diet:

If your vet thinks your dog’s hair loss is caused by food allergies, eliminate these products from his diet. The most common food allergies in dogs include wheat, corn, soy, eggs, and even meat or poultry. You can also add supplements to your dog’s food that can help regrow hair, such as melatonin.

Use hydrocortisone shampoos and sprays:

You can relieve itching by bathing your dog with a dog shampoo that contains hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone will soothe irritated skin and can promote rapid healing.

Hormone treatment: If your dog has a hormonal imbalance, supplements can stop hair loss. Veterinarians can run tests to determine if hormone treatment will help the problem.

Allergies Solution for dog:

  • Depending on the severity and progress of the allergy, the treatment for your pet options are the following
  • Baths with medicated shampoo once a week
  • Medicated ointments to remove skin irritation and soothe itching. Visit your veterinarian for a specific treatment for your pet’s problem.
  • In case of food allergy the veterinarian prescribes, these will be antihistamines and possible lotions for itching.

Tips to prevent hair loss in dogs home remedies?

I must remind you that it is impossible to stop a dog from shedding, especially if their breed is predisposed to suffering from this condition, because as I told you, it is a natural process that they must go through to renew their fur, however, if it is possible to considerably reduce the quantity that they expel daily. So, if you have already found yourself and defined what is the cause of hair loss in your pet, it is time to take action.

Adapt your diet to your nutritional needs:

One of the best ways to reduce hair loss in dogs is to provide them with a healthy, quality diet. The cheapest feeds are made mainly of corn, grains, and other filler ingredients that are difficult for dogs to digest. On the other hand, the meals that have meat in their formula are excellent for the organism of dogs, because they have high vitamin and protein content; although they cost a little more, they are better for your pet for many reasons.

The more nutrients the dog’s body assimilates and absorbs, the healthier its skin and coat will be. And even though you won’t completely prevent hair loss, you will reduce the amount and improve dry skin. If your pet suffers from allergies or hypersensitive skin, it will be a little more difficult to find a feed that meets its nutritional needs, you may have to experiment with different diets before finding the right one for your body,

I recommend that you consult your veterinarian to let him give you his opinion about it. Do not supplement their diet without professional consent. Hypervitaminosis and vitamin poisoning are more common than you might think and are caused by overconsumption of these supplements.

Add olive or flaxseed oil to your puppy’s food:

Adding a teaspoon of these oils to your pet’s food based on their body weight is highly beneficial. These oils contain omega 3, a fatty acid that eliminates skin inflammation, and dandruff and improves hair texture. You have at your disposal a wide range of supplements that also contain omega 3, so you should consult your trusted veterinarian to recommend the best one for your pet. You can add omega 3 to your dog’s diet in a more natural way with salmon, tuna, or any other type of fresh fish. Even the skin of these animals is rich in fatty acids, but remember not to give them the spines, they can splinter and suffocate the dog.

Give your dog clean, fresh water constantly:

A dog needs to have easy and continuous access to fresh, clean water, not only to improve the functioning of his body but also to improve the appearance of his skin, which could appear dry if the dog is dehydrated. When the skin is healthy, there is less chance of it being invaded by parasites or bacteria, and the hair stays in place for longer.

Give alternative food from time to time:

“Human consumption” food can provide a dog’s body with large amounts of nutrients, vitamins, and protein. Apples (without seeds), cucumbers, bananas, and cooked meats are moist and rich foods that help your pet to stay hydrated, in addition, they contain substances that leave their hair smooth and shiny.

However, you must bear in mind that an excessive intake of this alternative diet could be counterproductive, in addition, there are foods for human consumption that are prohibited for dogs. Therefore, you should offer this diet a few days a week and complement it with high-quality dog ​​food.

Brush your pet’s coat frequently:

Regular brushing of your pet’s coat will help you get rid of all those loose hairs and redistribute the oils from the skin in their coat, which allows each hair to stay longer in its place. You must make sure you use the right brush because there are different types for each type of fur. Bristles are best for brushing short, soft coats like Terriers, Pugs, and Greyhounds. Waterproof brushes are ideal for medium and curly-coated breeds such as Cocker Spaniels, Retrievers, and Saint Bernards. The rake-shaped brushes are used to brush long and thick hair, such as that of German Shepherds, Collies, and Chow Chow.

The length of the brush should be consistent with that of the dog’s hair so that it effectively removes excess dead hair. It is important to complement brushing with removal tools, especially if your pet tends to remove excessive hair during certain seasons of the year. Hair loss in thick-coated dogs can be effectively controlled with these complementary tools, you just have to put it to the best use to keep their skin and coat healthy.

Bathe your puppy regularly for hair loss

These frequent baths allow the dead hair to fall off the dog’s body, either in the bathtub or in the place where you are grooming it. Use the most suitable products for your pet’s coat, remember that there is a wide range of shampoos, liquid soaps, and lotions on the market. Also, good drying after the bath is ideal if your puppy is long-haired.

However, do not make excessive use of this resource, as bathing your partner many times can dry out his skin, which causes the fur to fall out more than it should. Grooming dogs once a week is ideal.

Controls parasites:

As I told you before, these terrible animals cause itching, when the affected dog scratches incessantly to calm this symptom, it irritates itself causing its hair to fall out. Keeping their skin and the spaces in your home free of these critters will protect their skin and coat, keeping them free from irritation, dander, and excessive shedding.

With these suggestions you will surely solve the hairy problem that exists in your home, we cannot deny that these stray hairs on furniture, floors, and clothes irritate anyone. In some cases, these solutions may not be entirely effective, so make an appointment with your vet, as it may be an undiagnosed skin condition, such as an allergy, infection, or mange.

And if it is due to stress? What can be done?

Hair loss in dogs can also be due to stress or nervousness, caused by abandonment, loneliness, excessive physical activity, drastic changes in daily routine, etc. Whatever the case, it is essential to locate the cause of stress to eliminate it.

For example, some dogs suffer when their owners leave the house; the nervousness they feel causes compulsive behaviors, such as licking their paws repeatedly, which ends up causing their fur to fall in these areas. If you notice any strange attitude similar to this, you must visit the vet as soon as possible, because in most cases, when stress is not treated in time, dogs end up with no chance of recovery.

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