
Syzygium jambolanum dosage for diabetes

( Its fundamental indication is in diabetes)

Syzygium jambolanum dosage for diabetes diabetes, foot ulcers, and more

Single maximum dose: 10 – 30 drops (1 horse Before or after meal)

Dosage form: powder, mother tincture (Q), dilution such as 30,200 Etc.

Dosage route: Oral water mix, (3/4 daily)

Course duration (Q,30,200): As directed by the homeo doctor

Special Instructions: As prescribed by the homeopathy doctor

Syzygium jambolanum uses

General symptoms of diabetes such as –

* Intense thirst. very dry mouth. 

* Intense weakness and thinning.

* Sensation of heat and small pinpricks in the upper body. 

* Old skin ulcers. Diabetic ulcers. Small red papules, with intense itching that does not let you rest.

** Very marked polyuria, forcing him to urinate day and night every 2 /3 hours. Glycosuria, with the urine of high specific gravity.

Benefits of Syzygium jambolanum dosage for diabetes

Main benefits of syzygium jambolanum dosage for diabetes:- The polyphenols (antioxidants) in this fruit help prevent type 2 diabetes because they help regulate the metabolic activity of the body, preventing diseases such as diabetes and other hormonal disorders or metabolic disorders.

Related other benefits of Syzygium jambolana dosage for diabetes

Malnutrition: Because Jambo is rich in nutrients, it is a good source of iron and phosphorus, protein, rich in provitamin A (beta-carotene) and B vitamins (B1 – thiamin and B2 – riboflavin). In 100 g of pulp, it has 50 calories.

immunity: being a fruit rich in antioxidants, its benefits extend to strengthening the immune system because it fights free radicals that cause disease and premature aging.

Belly pressure: Because it is rich in fiber, Jambo helps the proper functioning of intestinal transit.

Overweight: It is a very low-calorie fruit, so you can cheat your hunger and craving for sweets by eating a Jambo and avoiding other sweet, fatty, super-calorie foods.

In addition, Jambo, because it has a diuretic effect, reduces the feeling of swelling caused by water retention.

Urination: it is a fruit that is very rich in water, Jambo stimulates urination and urinary flow, helping to empty and disinfect the bladder, and preventing water retention.

Memory loss: because it is rich in antioxidants, Jambo is a fruit that helps fight cell aging, one of the causes of degenerative diseases that cause memory loss.

What is syzygium jambolanum?

The Jambo is made of 4 types of fruit, a tropical tree of the Myrtaceae family, the Syzygium Jambos. It has a yellow jamb ( Syzygium Jambos ) red jamb ( Syzygium malaccense ), and pink jamb, ( Syzygium jambolana ), and even an albino white Syzygium aquarium which is a rarity here in the world. its juicy white flesh, tasty and aromatic, with varied colors, depending on the species and the ripening time (white, green, pink, yellow, and dark red) that is eaten ” in nature”, in sweets, jellies, jams, and even as brandy, which is produced by fermentation of the pulp.

Negative sides of syzygium jambolanum

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Not enough is known about the use of syzygium jambolanum q during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Syzygium jamb mother tincture should not be consumed by patients with high blood pressure surgery should be performed within 2 hours of consuming Syzygium. High strength should not be used in diabetes.

syzygium tree information

The jambeiro sprouts from the seed, without great difficulties, since in a tropical climate (humid and hot) Its fruits are preferred by birds and various animals and this is the seed transport for reproduction.

A Jamba tree can be produced for more than 20 years and, according to some, it is a long-lived tree with more than a century ahead of it. It can reach up to 15 m in height, with a very dense conical canopy, i.e. a robust, pure green tree, with bright green leaves and large, highly fragrant flowers which, depending on the species, can vary from white to purple rose.

How does it work?

Syzygium Jambo seed and bark contain chemicals that might lower blood sugar in low, as well as chemicals that reduce leg swelling and other problems. Used to tree bark, seeds, leaves, fruit, etc are used to make homeopathy medicine.

FAQ of syzygium jambolanum dosage for diabetes

  • What is the effect of Syzygium jambolanum Q on the Kidneys? Ans = (Safe)
  • What is the effect of Syzygium jambolana Q on the Liver? Ans = (Safe)
  • Syzygium jambolana q, dilution is not harmful to the heart.= (Safe)

Now, if you’re particularly interested in this aspect of the Syzygium Jambos problem, I highly recommend reading this homeopathic article here. You may also be interested in more homeopathy and biochemic reading:

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