Homeopathis medicine online, doses, side effects, and more information. Homeopathic vs conventional treatment, a list with the disease, alternative medicine, first aid kit, etc. (DR.SHAOKAT ALI )

Name and function of homeopathic medicine

Disease with Medicine


Glonine,iris vers
BelladonnaCocculus Indica,
Ferrum met,Ammonium Picric,
Arsenic metallicumSpigelia antha
Sanguinaria CanAsclepias t, 
Homarus, Lachesis
Lac DefloCannabis indica

Piles / Hemorrhoids / Fistula

  • Acid nit, (Aesculus hip – There is severe pain in the hip )
  • Sulp, Ratanhia, Cymex, Thuja, Carbo Animalis, Indogo,
  • Paeonia offi, Silicea, Cal -floor, Myristica sefi,
  • Nux vom—  Q,06,30,200,1M:- Constipation or prolonged retention of stool. Does not want to go out easily. For various problems due to excessive night waking, this medicine works like magic.
  • Collinsonia – Bleeding but no hip pain.
  • Podophy
  • Aloe Socotrina – If itchy 
  • Silicea, Hepar Sulph,

Homeopathis medicine online

Skin disease

(Itching, herpes, scabies, eczema)

Echinacea angustifolia, Viola Tricolor, Urtica Urince, Astacus Fluvitius, Hygrophila sp, Chloral Hydrate, Hydrastis can, Anthrokokali, Dolicush, Mezeoronium, Petroleum, Graffitis, Comocladia,


Drosera RPertussin,
Justice AdhotaDrasera R, 
Coccus Cacti,Rumex Crispus
Corallium Rub,


Aralia RacemesSpongia
SenegaAntrim Tart
Aralia RacemesBlatta Oriental
Cassia SophoraSambucus.
Solidago,Cannabis indica

Male sexual problems

Yohimbinum, Hippomenes, Acid Phos, Agnus-Castus, Salix Nigra, Sabul Saru, Nuffur lut, Ashwagandha, Conium, Avana sat, Lyco ( Sul +Cal Carbo + Lyc ), Titanum, N.m, Caladium Seguinum, Argi nit, Ginseng, Selenium, Arum Met, Agaricus Muse, Trubul-tes, Muira  puama, Bufo Rana, Damiana, Kali. p, N.p, N.

Increase the sexual energy of women

  • Onosmodium,

Leukorrhea  / Period problems

  • Caulophyllum, 
  • Lilium Tig 
  • Mitchela Rep,  
  • Jonosia Asoka-Q  
  • Polygonum pun, 
  • Thyrodoinum,
  • Ova Tosta-3x , 
  • Viburnum pruni
  • Arum m nit-, 
  • Puls  
  • Sabaina 
  • Kali Sulp
  • Borax, 
  • Alumina, 
  • Kali Carb 
  • Veseceria Com – Q

Pain in small areas

  • Kali Bichrom
  • Acid Oxalic 

Loose Motion 

  • Ricinus
  • China 
  • Podo,

Low milk supply Or increased breast milk

  • Planceanta,

Puerperal Fever

  • Pyrogen –

Name and function of homeopathic medicine for diabetes

  • Sezium Jambo,
  • Cephalandra indica,
  • Equisetum hyemale,
  • Hydrocotyle As, 
  • Acid Phos,
  • insulin,
  • Gymnemasylb.
  • Uranium Nit, 
  • Taraxacum,
  • Helonias, 
  • Damiana
  • Abroma Augusta 
  • Argi met, 
  • Abroma Augusta,

Children urinate in bed

  • Cina
  • Rhus Aromatica,
  • Biochemic Tab.Kali Phosphoricum 
  • Natrum Phos, 
  • Ferrum met 
  • Calcarea Carb, 
  • Sepia, 
  • Plantago major 
  • Causticum 

Body vibration disease or shaking

  • Agaricus musc 
  • Medo 
  • Acid Sulph
  • mingle,
  • Gelsemium 
  • Cimicifuga 

kidney stone / Carcinoma or Cancer

  • Cadmium Sulph 
  • Carcinosinum 
  • Phyto – 
  • Cholesterinum
  • Hydris
  • Condurango  
  • Cholesterinum   
  • Caltha Palustris 

Abdominal /Stomach Pain

  • Chamomilla 
  • ipecac  
  • Aethusa  
  • Jalapa  
  • Psorinum 
  • Lyco


  • Artista indica 
  • Streptococci 
  • Holarrhena antidysenterica 
  • Dysentery Com 
  • Trombidium 
  • Merc cor /sol 
  • Chaparro Amora

Eye diseases

  • Cineraria maritima Succus, 
  • Euphrasia off,

 Night fever

  •  Cedron 
  •  Chirata 

Testicles Disease

  • Arum met  
  • Conium 
  • Arum Mur 
  • Rhododendron 
  • Acid Flour
  • Clematis Erecta

Thyroid / Goitre Symptoms

  • Cistus Can
  • Cal iod
  • Iodium 
  • Arsenic iod  
  • Lepis alba
  • Baryta iod /carb

Infections/mouth sores

  • N.p / Natrum Phosphorica  
  • Ferrum Phos –
  • kali mur

Sore Throat

  • Guaiacum,
  • Ammon Causticum  
  • Diphtheria
  • Wyethia h,
  • Argi met,
  • X-ray,
  • Chenopodium 
  • Wyethia h 

 kidney problems

  • Benzoic Acid 
  • Juniperus
  •  Kali Citricum  
  • Ocimum Can 
  • C.p
  • N.p
  • k .p
  • N.s

High blood pressure

  • Pituitary,
  • Phaseolus 
  • Cactus Grandi,
  • Pituitary,
  • Aurum met,
  • Convallaria majalis 
  • Lyco
  • thuja
  • Brayta
  • Rauwolfia,
  • Lycopus virgin cut
  • Terminalia Arjuna 
  • Crataegus Oxy
  • Strophanthus,
  • Adonis Vernalis
  • Asparagus
  • Passiflora
  • Glonnie

Low Pressure

  • Viscum album
  • Tab. 5 phos
  • kali phos
  • Physostigma
  • Adrenalin

Nose Disease

Nose Disease – Cold – Polyps – Bleeding from the nose

  • Sanguinaria nit 
  • Lamna mynor 
  • Natrum nit 
  • phosphorus,
  • Cadmium Sulph
  • Allium Cepa
  • Turcurium m .v 
  • c.carbo 


  • Baryta Carbo,
  • c.sulp,
  • Cubeba  
  • Tellurium, 
  • Thiosinaminum 
  • K.m 
  • Verbascum  
  • Plantago major 
  • baryta mur  

Arthritis pain

Brayonia – Rhus tox ,, Leadum pul ,,Cyclamen ,, Hypericum ,, Cimicifuga , Kalmia lat  ,, n.m ,,  manganum  Ruta ,,, Macrotin Tri ,,,,    Gaultheria  ,, Colchicum ,, ,  medorrhinum ,,  Osteoarthritis

Homeopathis medicine online for Injury pain

  • Helleborus ,,  
  • Ignatia Amara  
  • Bellis parennis, 
  • Arnica mont 
  • Castoreum 
  • Symphytum 

 Liver disease

  • Berberis val  –  
  • Cardush marre  Chionanthus Virg 
  • Chelidonium m 
  • Magnesia Muir 


  • Ceanothus am 

Weight Loss

  • Natrum Phosphoricum
  • Phytolacca berry tab 0r mother
  • Fucus Vesiculosus
  • Natrum Muriaticum
  • Lycopodium
  • Calcarea Carbonicum

Weight gain

  • Alfalfa
  • Oleum jecoris    
  • Alstonia 

Gastric problem or peptic ulcer solution homeopathy

Plumbum met, Staphysagria, Bismuth, N.V, Colocynth, Abis nigr, Cal-sulp, Robinia, Asafoetida, Carbo veg,

*Gastric ulcer = pain relief by eating something — Aneradium – (Petroleum – Petroleum) — Chelidonium,, Silicea , Iodium,  Medorrhinum , Hypersulph,, Graphite,,Natrum Sulph,,,

* Stomach gas increases after eating something. —  Lyco,, n.m,,, Abis Niagara.


  • Granatum 
  • K .p   
  • Phosphorus 

Swelling- Swelling in different parts of the body

  • Boerhavia Diffusa
  • Aegle Folia 

  Gangrene:-perishable infected sores

  • Secale Cor 
  • Arsenic 
  • Laccus  
  • Sulp 

Mental Problems

  • Lysin ,,,    
  • Stramonium,
  • Hyoscyamus Nigra  

Increased Memory

  • Anacardium Orient 
  • K.p 
  • Centella asiatica

Urinary problems

Uva Argi   ,, Asai  ,,,  Equisetum Hym ,,, Sarsaparilla  ,, Epigaea Repens  Cantheries     Sabal Serrulata   Apis mal  Cannabis sativa (Hemiplegia: paralysis in the upper part) If speak is stopped due to stroke or heart attack or if any 1 site is paralyzed –

  • Bothrops lan 
  • N.V
  • Phosphorus 
  • Sulfonal   
  • Causticum – Causticum is very effective in paralysis of the right side of the face.
  • Sulp — Sulfur works well when bent to the left side of the mouth.
  • Anhalonium – Mother Tincture.

Stop talking by stroke

  • Chenopodium
  • Opium 
  • Baryta Carb
  • Gels  
  • N.v 
  • Baryta carb 

 Paraplegia (Paralysis)

  • Bryonia
  • Rhus tox 
  • k.s  
  • Causticum 

Hair problems

  • Jaborandi  
  • Amoloki  
  • Arnica  

Cold problems 

Dulcamara   ,,,,,  Myrica  ,,  k.m ,,   B.p-5

 If the umbilical cord does not dry after cutting the baby’s umbilical cord –  

  • Abrotanum  
  • Silicea 
  • Cal phos  

 Stiff hands and feet  

  • Ranunculus belas  
  • Thuja 
  • Hydrastis can 
  • Antim Tart  
  • Salicylic acid   
  • Ferrum picric 
  • Silicea,,  

If there is excessive sex, various harms are done so there are some medicines in homeo. Controlling sex is possible

  • Palladium met 
  • Plantina  
  • Staphisagria  
  • Bufo Rana  

 Osteophyte (bone spur) or bone problems

  • Halcalaba  
  • C.Floor
  • Acid Flour   

 If bone loss

  • Mag Phos 

Heart problems/ attack

  • Arnica 
  • opium 
  • Glonoine 

 Pain in ankle

  • Phyto,
  • Lydem, 
  • Thuja,medo
  • Causti  
  • Cyclemn 

 If the flower does not fall after delivery

  • Cantharis

 If the urine/stool stops after the delivery of the child

  • Aconit,
  • Apis,

 Lack of breast milk after having a baby-

  • Phyto ,,,  
  • Asafetida 
  • Urtica urine  
  • Agnas Castas 
  • Lac can 
  • Rrcanis 
  • placenta ,,

Women’s uterus comes out actually homeopathic medicine

  • Lilium Tig     
  • N.m 
  • Sepia  
  • Arum m.n


If there is continuous bleeding after the miscarriage

  • Sulp,  
  • Sabina
  • Secale 
  • Sornum

Nail diseases

  • Grafitis, 
  • Hepar Sulph,
  • Silicea, 


  • Stannum met 
  • Tucuric m v 

Women’s vaginas are so sensitive that intercourse or conjugal intercourse cannot be tolerated.

  • Kreosot 
  • N.m   
  • Thuja
  • Platina
  • Stapyshargira

If the testicles are swollen and hard

  • Stapesigria   
  • Baryta Carb,  
  • Calcarea Carb  
  • Carb Ani 
  • Argent nit
  • Argent met
  • Arum met
  • Cinabris 
  • Conium  
  • Grafitis   
  • iodium  
  • n.v  
  • puls  
  • Rododen
  • silicea   
  • Spongia  
  • Kali iodium 
  • medo  
  • murc  
  • Acid nit  
  • Sulfur
  • Thuja

Small breasts solutions for girls

  • Lace Deflo, 
  • Iodium 

 Inflammation/pain in tonsils 

  • Baryta carb  

 A cold is constantly accumulating in the throat

  • Medo –

Hysteria treatment 

  • ignatia amara 
  • N.v 
  • Belladonna  
  • Cannabis indica  
  • Chamomilla  
  • Mascus 


  • medo
  • Cactus  
  • Calcarea Carb 
  • Arum met  
  • Bryonia  
  • Rhus Tox  
  • Ledium
  • Kali Bicrum 
  • Kalima L 
  • Tuberculum 
  • Radium  
  • abrotanum  

Nail Problems

Shrinking testicles in children

  • iodium ,,, Conium ,,

The penis dries up and becomes smaller

  • Argent met ,,,

Chronic night fever 

  • Acid Floure  ,,


  • hyoscyamus ,,,,  
  • Bella ,,, 
  • Nux  
  • Sulp  
  • ignatia amara  
  • Bufo  
  • Causticum   
  • Cocculus,


  • Lyco ( Right side  
  • Nux vom-( left side )
  • Calcarea Carb (all )

 Mouth & Tongue Problems (sores)

  • Acid nitric  ,,  Borx ,,, R-tox ,,  Sulp ,,,,, k.m ,,,, F.p — n.m,,,,,,  n .p  

Rickets (vitamin-D deficiency)

  • Cal-carb  , Acid phos, ,  C.p ,, k.p ,,  Silicea ,,,   Baryta carb  ,, kali iodi  , Lyco ,,,  turibuls , ,,,,  iodium ,,,,,, Nit acid,


  • Hepper sulph  ,,  Phyto ,,,  Belladonna ,,, merc sol ,,,  Aconit ,,,,puls ,,,,  murc bin iod ,,,,,  lyco ,,,Lacasis  ,,,  Carbo veg   ,,,  Rhus Tox  ,,,  Hayosimus nig,, 

 Ear pain 

  • Camomilla , 
  • Puls, 

Pus in the ear

  • Hepar sulph 
  • Psorinum 
  • merc sol 
  • Verbascam  ,,,  
  • planta Maj,  
  • Tellurium 
  • Elaps corallinus 
  • Silic 

Warts treatment

  • N .M – Warts on palms

More homeopathis medicine online


Homeopathy is an experience-based therapeutic method that has been in development for more than 200 years.

Homeopathic medicine acts on the body by stimulating its defenses and generating a self-healing reaction at the cellular level that will restore health naturally and permanently. In this sense,

homeopathy understands the human being as an inseparable unit in its components: the human being is one in body and mind,

in the matter and in the energy that animates matter Thus, health is conceived as the state of harmony between the body, the mind, and the world that surrounds it, being characterized the disease as the energy imbalance between them.

Historically, medicine has been torn between two problems: how to remove the disease when it is installed (therapeutic) and how to prevent it from appearing when it is not (prevention).

Conventional medicine posits that man is healthy and that he gets sick from something that comes from outside and invades him.

For this reason, its therapeutics are of expulsive action, where it will try to neutralize the external agent with the medicinal force.

If health is thought of as an unstable balance, which can be altered by internal and external triggers, where the constitutional disposition is fundamental, the therapy will be one of stimulation and not expulsion.

For example, a person with allergic disease is not characterized as a healthy person who reacts to an external agent triggering the disease, but as a diseased organism that, for this reason, reacts to said, agent.

While conventional medicine seeks to mitigate the effect (the allergic reaction), homeopathy will seek to eliminate the cause, restoring the energy balance that predisposes us to reaction.

In this way, homeopathy is presented not only as an effective therapeutic method but also as preventive medicine.

signs homeopathic remedy is working

Two types of patients are seen in a doctor’s office, chronic and acute. The former have long-lasting symptoms or problems (weeks, months, or years). The latter has been sick for hours or days. When a patient comes for chronic problems, the first part of a homeopathic consultation is similar to that of a conventional clinical consultation.

The doctor asks the patient about the reasons for the consultation, the detailed characteristics of their problems, their history, and their possible triggers. He also inquires about the treatments performed, the medications the patient receives, and all pertinent personal and family health history.

The main difference lies here in the importance that the homeopath gives to details about what factors aggravate or alleviate the symptoms, semiological elements called modalities, sensations, and accessory symptoms that accompany the main ones.

Thus, for example, pain may be stabbing, aggravated by movement, relieved by pressure and cold applications, and accompanied by nausea, flushed face, and irritability.

Another pain is burning and paradoxically relieved by warm applications, appears at midnight, and is accompanied by a restlessness that gets the patient out of bed. All this information is decisive for choosing an appropriate treatment.

In the second part, properly homeopathic, the doctor asks about a series of personal characteristics, both general and psychological. Among other things, details of sleep, perspiration, sensitivity to weather, temperatures, and other external factors are carefully investigated; digestive function, desire, aversion, and intolerance to various foods; hourly aggravations; general and mood changes related to menstruation.

Finally, the homeopath will ask the patient about their current state of mind, how they are and their character or personality, and about past traumatic events that could have triggered or been related to the current illness and conditions. Next, the homeopath examines the patient in the same way as any other doctor and evaluates the laboratory and imaging studies that the patient has done.

With all this information she will try to make a clinical diagnosis and suggest a treatment. If she considers it necessary, she will request new studies or enter consultations. It is common for the first consultation with a homeopathic doctor to take between 40 and 60 minutes.

When it comes to an acute health problem, homeopathic consultation is shorter. The questioning is limited to the current problem and its immediate history. Physical examination is essential for correct diagnosis and treatment. From the homeopathic point of view, what the doctor looks for are indicators of the most appropriate treatment. For the most precise investigation of these indicators, today we resort to the tools provided by a special type of statistics, called Bayesian.

Information from this research is more useful to the homeopath than information from traditional clinical trials The homeopath needs clinical diagnosis in the same way as any other doctor. This is the main reason why homeopathy should only be used by doctors, dentists, and veterinarians.

A good diagnosis allows for establishing a prognosis and deciding which are the most appropriate approaches for each case: changes in lifestyle, diet, exercise, conventional drugs, surgery, psychological treatment, etc. including homeopathy, which is compatible and can complement the above.

Homeopathic vs conventional treatment

homeopathic medicine online some conventional treatments seek, the use of chemical action drugs, to alleviate or suppress the symptoms and pathological manifestations of the patient directly, correcting the pathophysiological anomalies present. Hence, for example, the use of laxatives in constipation and anti-inflammatories in inflammation.

But, in the same way, that living beings react by opposing all the stimuli they receive from the outside, they also resist the action of these medicinal substances, giving rise to tolerance phenomena, consisting of a decrease in the pharmacological effect of drugs. medications over time, and the rebound effect, a more or less rapid and sometimes intense return of symptoms after discontinuation of treatment.

Interestingly, this rebound effect is believed to be indirect evidence in favor of the similarity phenomenon used by homeopathy. For the same reason that inflammation can return with greater force after discontinuation of a conventional anti-inflammatory ( rebound effect ), inflammation subsides after the administration of small doses of a substance capable of producing inflammation ( homeopathic similarity phenomenon ). 

Other forms of conventional treatment, such as antibiotics, antivirals, or antiparasitics, are aimed at destroying or inhibiting the development of infectious agents. Antineoplastics are intended for the destruction of malignant cells.

In other cases of conventional treatment, the aim is to replace an endogenous deficit in the patient (for example, thyroid hormone in hypothyroid patients or insulin in diabetics), or repair a nutritional deficiency.

Vaccines seek to immunize people to prevent certain infectious diseases and their complications. For its part, homeopathic treatment does not suppress the pathological manifestations directly but rather stimulates the patient’s healing reaction.

All living beings have the capacity for self-repair and homeopathy seeks to encourage it. It does this using the same opposition that living beings have to external stimuli. It is the reaction of the sick patient, triggered or intensified by homeopathic medication, which leads to the restoration of order and the consequent relief or cure.

There is no artificial improvement of symptoms with homeopathic treatment. This explains the lack of rebound effect after abandoning homeopathic treatment. It is because it uses the healing capacity of living beings, and for no other reason, that homeopathic treatment can be considered more natural.

Another difference between conventional and homeopathic treatments lies in the way of approaching the patient. The first, by its very nature, tends to fragment the sick individual into organs and systems. This is because the choice of treatment is based almost exclusively on the clinical and pathophysiological diagnosis.

One consequence, especially in adult clinics, is an excessively biological vision that makes the patient feel little understood as such and pulled between specialists. This should not be attributed in any way to a lesser interest of the doctor for the patient, but rather to characteristics of medicine that are difficult to avoid.

Instead, homeopathic treatment primarily considers the patient as a whole and individuality, without neglecting the biological aspects. Although the old aphorism that there are no diseases in sick people is only partially true, observation shows that the same disease appears in different subjects in very varied ways, according to their characteristics, their physical and mental constitution, and the environment in which it develops.

Deep conflicts or emotionally traumatic situations are also important since they are capable of triggering diseases that are sometimes serious.

The investigation of all the individual characteristics of the pathological manifestations, of all the features of the constitution and personality of the patient, and of the possible emotional triggers of his current illness form an essential part of the homeopathic method. It is the set of all this information that leads to the choice of homeopathic medicine in patients with chronic health problems.

It is typical of homeopathic treatment to seek not only the relief of the specific pathological manifestations of the patient but also to promote a feeling of general well-being and improvement of mood. These accompany the relief of physical symptoms and sometimes precede them in time.

Homeopathic toxicity and side effects

In addition to the Principle of Similarity, the other great discovery of the homeopathic method is that these originally toxic substances, when administered in infinitesimally small doses, lose all their potential toxicity, although paradoxically they retain their pharmacological power and biological action.

This phenomenon, known as homeopathic aggravation, when occurs, manifests itself within the first 7 days of treatment. It is usually mild and brief. It indicates that the medication is correct and is followed by clinical and symptomatic improvement of the patient. The frequency of this transient aggravation of symptoms is variable and depends on the way the homeopathic medicines are prescribed.

Medications are prepared according to an extensive and particular dilution and succussion procedure that ensures the absence of molecules of the original substance (for example, phosphorus) in the doses usually used. For this reason, one of the enormous advantages of treatment with homeopathic medicines is that they completely lack toxicity. which allows them to be used safely by children, the elderly, or pregnant women. Read more homeo side effects details

Summary of homeopathis

Homeopathy was created by Samuel Hahnemann, one of the great geniuses of medicine, born in Prussia on April 10, 1755. Hahnemann was a doctor devoted to study and meditation, with deep knowledge of chemistry, pharmacy, and toxicology. He was a prestigious doctor who was disappointed in the therapeutics of his time and abandoned the practice of medicine. To live and support his large family, he dedicates himself to doing translations given his status as a polyglot.

Discover the key to homeopathy by translating a book that described quinine poisoning in workers who handled that substance. Hahnemann knew that quinine improved malaria. Then he relates both things, that is to say, that quinine, which is capable of fighting malaria, produces in cases of intoxication a clinical picture that precisely mimics malaria. In other words, the healing capacity of quinine is expressed in the toxic picture that it produces.

Hahnemann then thinks that this observation could be extended to other substances, and launches to experiment on himself, on friends and relatives, drugs such as belladonna, mercury, sulfur, etc.

He notes that belladonna produces a clinically similar picture to scarlet fever; and that pulsatilla produces a picture similar to measles, and he begins to see the possibility of curing diseases with substances capable of reproducing the natural disease. Thus begins for the first time in the history of medicine, experimentation on human beings.

After six years of investigating these facts, Hahnemann enunciates the Law of Similars: “Similia similibus curentur”, a law hinted at in antiquity by Hippocrates and Paracelsus. This law expresses the basic concept of Homeopathy, which is healing by the similar.

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