Health Conditions

HPV Plantar wart removal: symptoms, causes, treatment, tips

Foot wart: It is important to know how to identify a plantar papilloma for HPV Plantar wart removal properly. Here are some key characteristics that can help you determine if you have this condition:

Pain and discomfort: If you experience pain or discomfort when walking or when applying pressure to a specific area on the bottom of your foot, you may have a plantar papilloma. Pressure placed on the wart can cause severe pain and tenderness.

Distinctive appearance: Plantar papillomas generally have a rough, granular appearance. They can be up to 1 centimeter in diameter and are covered with thickened skin. The small black dots that can be seen on the surface of the wart are small clotted blood vessels.

Typical location: Plantar papillomas usually appear in pressure areas on the bottom of the foot, such as the heel or ball of the foot. They often form on the bottom of the foot due to constant pressure from walking or wearing tight shoes.

If you notice any of these characteristics on your foot, you must consult us. This way we can give you a proper diagnosis (that is, identify if you have a plantar papilloma) and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Plantar warts

This type of skin lesion located on the soles of the feet is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Plantar warts are small bumps that tend to appear on the heels or pads, that is, on the points on the sole that support the weight of the body. Due to this pressure, warts may appear on the inside of the skin, which is covered by a hard layer called callus. HPV enters the body through cuts or cracks, and within a few days, these unwanted lumps appear.

Although it is not a serious ailment, having a podiatrist can effectively eliminate the problems that arise from it, allowing the patient to continue with their life comfortably and simply. Although it is not dangerous for our bodies, it is very important to recognize and diagnose the existence of these lumps as soon as possible.

This is because, as time progresses, the plantar wart can continue to grow into the skin, rooting and becoming increasingly painful. For this reason, it is advisable to go to a podiatry clinic for plantar warts at the same time that the disease is located, and, to act in this way, you must know the main symptoms of plantar warts:

*A small, dry, acrid, fleshy bump, usually found under the toes, on the foot pads, or on the heel.

*A patch of rough, hard skin covers the outside of the wart, indicating its encystment or growth toward the inside of the foot.

*Presence of tiny black dots within the affected area. These are known as wart seeds and are clotted blood vessels.

*A wound that inserts abnormally into the natural grooves of the feet.

*Pain and multiple discomforts when walking.

What are plantar warts?

Foot warts ( or papillomas) are small lesions that appear on the heels of the feet caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Sometimes black spots may appear on the wart, in the most superficial area of ​​the skin.

It is important to know that right now there are about 150 variants of (HPV), the most aggressive being subtypes 16 and 18, causing 70% of cervical cancers in women.

Warts on the sole cause discomfort and, often, pain that becomes unbearable when walking, running, dancing, or jumping. 

Warts occur in the areas of the feet that support more weight and pressure, and this factor will depend on the type of feet and the footprint.  

In some cases, it has been observed that this pressure (and pressure increases) causes plantar warts to grow inward, under a thick, hard layer of skin (forming a callus).

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What does plantar wart look like?

Its appearance is similar to the shape of a cauliflower; its proportion may vary depending on the extent and time of evolution of the lesion. Black dots can normally be seen, they correspond to the vascularization area of ​​the virus, which when delaminated, that is, when removing layers of skin, produces bleeding.

They are normally warts on the sole of the foot that can be confused with a common callus or hardness and that can appear in a large area if they are mosaic plantar warts.

Why does plantar wart HPV appear on the feet?

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for the appearance of plantar warts. There are more than 100 different types of HPV, although types 1,2 and 4 cause warts on the feet. It is a virus that usually appears in the epidermis and dermis, without reaching the deeper layers of the skin. 

Its appearance is similar to a cauliflower, with different sizes due to the extent of the lesion and its age. It is common for blackheads to appear in this lesion as a result of the vascularization of the virus, which by delaminating the skin causes slight bleeding. 

In this type of lesion, diagnosis is important to differentiate between acanthosis and silver warts. Acanthosis is fibrosis, that is, scar tissue from an inactive plantar wart.

How to prevent HPV Plantar wart?

There are four basic tips for HPV Plantar wart removal:

Be careful where you step: whenever you walk in public places, it is important to do so with flip-flops that will act as a protective barrier.

Hygiene:  always keep your feet clean and dry. The area between the toes deserves special care and avoid sharing both shoes and towels. If necessary, change socks up to twice a day.

Wounds: special caution must be taken with cracks and small lesions in the skin as they can be the main route of entry for the virus.

Self-infection: if we touch the wart we must always wash our hands, if we are not careful we can spread the virus to other parts of the body.

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How to HPV Plantar wart removal?

Treatment of HPV Plantar wart removal may vary depending on the size, location, and severity of the wart. Below are some common options for curing a plantar papilloma. It is recommended that you avoid treatment at home without medical attention.

Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy consists of freezing the wart by applying liquid nitrogen. This destroys the infected cells and allows the wart to fall off. Cryotherapy can be a bit painful and may require several sessions to get effective results.

Curettage: Curettage is a procedure in which the doctor uses a small tool to scrape and remove the wart. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is generally reserved for warts that are larger or resistant to other treatments.

Laser treatments: Laser treatments are used to destroy infected wart cells. The laser penetrates the skin and removes the wart in a precise and controlled manner. This treatment is usually quick and effective but may require several sessions.

It is important to remember that each person may respond differently to treatments and that persistence and consistency are key to curing a plantar papilloma. But it is always advisable to follow the instructions of the doctor and specialized center.

Plantar wart in children

This pathology is very common in children from 6 to 14 years old. These do not experience more than mild discomfort, but parents need to be alert to the symptoms and identify the disease as soon as it occurs, both to treat it effectively and to prevent it from spreading.

The main cause of plantar warts in children is having walked barefoot on a surface that is prone to transmitting the human papillomavirus, such as, for example, the ground surrounding a swimming pool, where humidity and constant passage create a perfect breeding ground. for fungi and other harmful bacteria.

In a case like this, the child should be taken to a plantar wart podiatrist so that, through appropriate treatment, the pathology can be cured.

In our case, we have a  children’s podiatry service to help the little ones treat any problem related to this area of ​​the body.

Risk factors plantar wart

Anyone can have plantar warts, but this type of wart most commonly affects the following groups of people:

*Children and adolescents

*People with a weakened immune system

*People who have already had plantar warts

*People who walk barefoot in places where exposure to the virus that causes the wart is common, such as locker rooms and swimming pools, etc.

Types of plantar warts

We can distinguish two types of plantar warts: solitary warts and mosaic warts.

Solitary warts: When we talk about a solitary wart we are referring to a single wart that usually increases in size and can multiply, forming additional warts.

Mosaic warts: In this case, many small warts grow very close together in the same area. They are much more difficult to treat than tapeworms, but they have a solution.

Causes of plantar wart

These warts are produced by direct transmission when the foot, through wounds or cracks, comes into contact with the virus.

Risk factor’s

Getting causes of plantar wart is very easy when these factors occur:


*Having a wound on the foot that could be the entry point for the virus.  

*Places with a lot of traffic: the most common factor is walking barefoot in public areas such as gyms, locker rooms, showers, swimming pools, etc.

Diagnosis of plantar warts

A healthcare provider can usually diagnose a plantar wart by examining it or by cutting away the top layer with a scalpel and checking for spots. The dots are small clotted blood vessels. The healthcare provider may also cut out a small section of the tumor and send it to a laboratory for testing.

Symptoms of plantar wart

The symptoms of HPV Plantar wart removal usually cause pain if pinched. Additionally, if the area is covered with hyperkeratosis or thickening of the epidermis, it may cause discomfort with pressure.

Although they can sometimes be confused with a callus, warts on the foot present their signs that make it easy to distinguish them.

These are the symptoms of plantar warts that you should pay attention to if you suspect this lesion:

Appearance of a rough lump: the wart on the foot is characterized by a small lump with a rough feel that can appear both on the heel and near the base of the toes.

Black dots inside the lump: small dark dots form inside the plantar wart, characteristic of this condition and which allow it to be differentiated from other discomforts, such as calluses.

Foot discomfort: You may feel pain or tenderness when you walk or simply when you stand. This is because the wart grows inward and the more time passes, the larger its root will be and the more discomfort it may cause.

In addition, some risk factors increase the possibility of suffering from foot warts:

Walking without shoes in public places such as swimming pools, showers, or changing rooms, increases the chances of the virus coming into contact with the skin. In addition, this habit can also promote the spread of other conditions, such as nail fungus or athlete’s foot.

Frequent environments where there is a lot of humidity and heat, as they are very conducive for HPV to thrive.

Using other people’s towels, shoes, or socks.

The main symptoms of HPV Plantar wart include

*Small, rough bump on the foot, usually at the base of the big toe, in the center of the foot, or on the heel.

*In brown and black skin, the growth may be lighter than in unaffected skin.

*Calluses and hard skin

*Warts produced by clotted blood vessels.

*Alteration of the lines and furrows of the skin.

*Pain and sensitivity in the affected areas.

Plantar wart treatment

Most plantar warts are harmless and go away without treatment, although this may take one to two years for children and even longer for adults. If you want to get rid of  HPV Plantar wart removal as soon as possible and self-care methods haven’t helped, talk to your healthcare provider. One or more of the following treatments may help:

Freezing medications (cryotherapy). Cryotherapy is performed in a clinic and involves applying liquid nitrogen to the wart, either with a spray or a cotton swab. Because this method can be painful, your healthcare provider may numb the area first.

Freezing causes a blister to form around the wart and the dead tissue falls off in about a week. Cryotherapy can also stimulate the immune system to fight viral warts. You may need to return to the clinic to repeat the treatment every 2 to 3 weeks until the wart disappears.

Possible side effects of cryotherapy are pain, blisters, and permanent changes in skin color (hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation), especially in people with dark or black skin.

Stronger medications for peeling (salicylic acid). Wart medications are similar in strength to prescription salicylic acid medicines and work by removing the wart layer by layer. They can also boost the immune system’s ability to fight warts.

Your healthcare provider will likely recommend applying the medication regularly at home, followed by occasional office visits. With this method, it can take weeks to remove the wart.

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Surgical intervention or other procedures for HPV Plantar wart removal

If salicylic acid and freezing therapy don’t work, your healthcare provider may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

Minor surgery:

The healthcare provider cuts off the wart or destroys it using an electric needle (electrodesiccation and curettage). Because this method can be painful, the doctor will first numb the skin. Because surgery may leave scarring, it is not usually performed to treat plantar warts unless other treatments have failed. A scar on the bottom of the foot can cause pain for years.

Therapy to stimulate the immune system:

This method uses medications or solutions to stimulate the immune system to fight viral warts. The healthcare provider may inject a foreign substance (antigen) into the warts or apply a solution or cream to them.

Laser treatment:

Pulsed dye laser treatment burns (cauterizes) closed small blood vessels. The infected tissue eventually dies and the wart falls off. It is necessary to repeat this method every 2 to 4 weeks. The healthcare provider will probably numb the skin first.


The human papillomavirus vaccine has been used successfully in the treatment of warts, although this vaccine does not specifically attack the viruses that cause plantar warts.

Vesicant medication:

The healthcare provider applies cantharidin, a chemical that creates a blister under the wart. You may need to return to the clinic in about a week to have the dead wart tissue removed with tweezers.

HPV Plantar wart removal other treatments

Treatment for papilloma on the sole of the foot generally focuses on removing the wart and strengthening the immune system to prevent future infections. Below, we propose some treatment options that can help you.

1. Watch and wait

In many cases, plantar warts disappear on their own over time as the body’s immune system fights them. This can take weeks or even months.

2. Curettage and cauterization

In this procedure, the doctor scrapes the wart with a special tool called a curette and then cauterizes the base to prevent it from growing back. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

3. Topical immunotherapy

In some cases, topical medications can be used to stimulate the body’s immune response against the wart. This is often reserved for warts resistant to other treatments.

4. Proper foot care for plantar wart removal

  • Keep your feet clean and dry.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public areas.
  • Don’t touch the wart, and if you do, wash your hands immediately.
  • Wear sandals in public showers and swimming pools.
  • Do not try to cut or scrape the wart yourself, as this can cause complications and spread the infection.

What treatments do doctors apply for plantar wart removal?

Liquid nitrogen for HPV plantar wart removal:

This is a liquid that cools to very low temperatures and when touching the wart freezes it and eliminates it. This procedure is called cryotherapy.

It can be somewhat annoying, but it is quick and does not usually leave a scar. Sometimes it can leave the skin a little lighter and require several applications to completely remove the wart.


has been used to treat molluscum and warts. You have to watch if blisters appear, so it should be applied by experienced personnel and in medical centers.


a cream that is used on flat warts and that causes them to peel off. The area must be protected from the sun with sunscreen to prevent irritation.

fluorouracil: used on flat warts and always with the precaution of using sun protection.

Trichloroacetic acid: used on warts on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands.

*Removal of the wart with a scalpel or instrument called a curette.

Topical immunotherapy: injection of substances into the wart that cause an allergic reaction and help eliminate the wart.


a substance that activates the body’s defenses to eliminate the virus that causes warts. It is a cream whose application does not cause pain and does not leave a scar. Indicated especially for genital warts, those located on the face or in areas where scars may be an aesthetic problem. It is recommended to use sun protection. Sometimes it can cause changes in the color of the skin where it is placed.

How long does it take for a plantar wart to disappear?

The length of time it takes for a foot tag to disappear can vary widely from person to person and depends on several factors, such as the size of the wart, the health of the immune system, and the treatment HPV Plantar wart removal used.

In some cases, warts may disappear on their own within weeks or months, while in other cases they may persist for years.

Proper treatment, which may include options such as cryotherapy, application of salicylic acid, or medical procedures, can speed up removal.

If a wart on your foot does not show improvement or causes significant discomfort, it is recommended to consult a health professional to determine the most appropriate treatment and ensure that it is not something more serious.

When to go to the doctor for an (HPV) Plantar wart removal on your foot

If you have had plantar warts in the past or you are sure that it is this type of injury, it is possible to directly apply a pharmacy treatment to eliminate it.

However, there are times when it may be necessary to visit the doctor before opting for a specific treatment. We recommend consulting a dermatologist if:

You suffer from diabetes or circulatory problems.

You are not sure if it is a wart on your foot.

After treating the wart with pharmaceutical products, it is still there and even multiplies.

The wart suddenly changes appearance or color.

You bleed constantly.

The injury is causing a lot of pain.

You feel little sensitivity in your feet.

If you have multiple warts on your foot.

If you have any of these symptoms, it is essential that you go to a health professional to find a solution to your problem with plantar warts.

How can plantar warts or papillomas be treated?

There are multiple treatments for (HPV) Plantar wart removal, such as some keratolytic master formulas, using cryotherapy or even CO2 laser. 

However, these techniques have the drawback that they may be insufficient for the dermal depth at which the wart is located and can sometimes leave scars on the soles of the feet, which are very annoying for the patient’s future walking.

The use of a V-Beam II pulsed dye laser makes it possible to treat warts and papillomas without leaving residual lesions in the treated area. An excellent treatment that offers magnificent results, always thinking about the health of our patients.

What might make a patient think they have a plantar wart?

The form of appearance is usually a callus, so a differential diagnosis with other pathologies must be established as a priority since its treatment is different. 

The clinical examination allows us to rule out other conditions that may present a similar appearance, such as calluses, some types of scars, and the presence of foreign bodies in the most superficial layers of the skin. 

Plantar warts, known as papillomas, sometimes show small black dots or vascular strands that can help us distinguish the wart from another type of lesion. If there is any doubt about whether or not you have a plantar wart or papilloma, it is essential to go to the specialist since bleeding from the area due to shaving can cause self-infection to other areas of the sole of the foot.

Home remedies for plantar wart removal

Although there are home remedies that some people have used to treat ( HPV) Plantar wart removal, it is important to note that these remedies are not backed by solid scientific evidence and may not be effective for everyone. Additionally, it is always advisable to consult a health professional before attempting to treat a plantar wart on your own, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or if the wart is painful or persistent.

Here are some home remedies that some people have used to treat plantar warts, but remember that their effectiveness may vary:

Salicylic acid:

You can find over-the-counter products that contain salicylic acid, such as patches and gels. These products can help gradually remove the wart by softening it and removing the top layers of infected skin.

Apple cider vinegar:

Some people have soaked the wart in apple cider vinegar overnight and then gently filed it with a pumice stone. It is believed that the acetic acid in vinegar can help soften the wart.

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties and has been used in some cases to treat warts. Apply a small amount of diluted tea tree oil to the wart with a cotton swab and cover it with a bandage.

Duct tape:

Some people have used duct tape to cover the wart for several days and then soaked it in warm water to soften it before attempting to remove it. This is sometimes called “duct tape therapy.”


Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Some people have applied a small amount of fresh garlic or a garlic extract to the wart and covered it with a bandage.

Changing socks and shoes:

Keeping your feet clean and dry, and regularly changing socks and shoes can help prevent the spread of plantar warts.

Remember that some remedies may not work for everyone and it may take weeks or months before seeing results so it is always better to undergo medical treatments.

HPV  Plantar wart removal on feet is not recommended

Although you may have read that there are natural or home remedies to eliminate plantar warts, the truth is that their use is not recommended.

These types of natural remedies do not have proven effectiveness and can cause damage to the skin. By using them, the wart will not be removed and, in addition, you run the risk of unintentionally spreading the virus to another area of ​​the foot.

If you have a wart on your foot, use a pharmaceutical treatment to remove it or visit your doctor for another solution.

Top 5 tips to avoid plantar wart removal or foot papillomas

To avoid HPV Plantar warts (or papillomas) on the feet, it is very important to maintain some hygiene practices:

*Try not to walk barefoot in risk areas, where other people step, especially if there is humidity in these areas (swimming pools, public showers, gyms). It is very important to use flip-flops or neoprene socks to protect ourselves from contracting the HPV virus. 

*Try to practice extreme hand hygiene after touching or treating a wart, whether it’s your own or someone else’s. It is important not to reuse foot instruments on different people, such as files or pumice stones. 

*Avoid walking barefoot in risk areas, where other people step, especially if there is humidity in these areas (swimming pools, public showers, gyms). It is very important to use flip-flops or neoprene socks to protect ourselves from contracting the HPV virus. 

*Practice extreme hand hygiene after touching or treating a wart, whether your own or someone else’s. It is important not to reuse foot instruments on different people, such as files or pumice stones.  *Avoid sharing shoes and socks for ( HPV ) Plantar wart removal.

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FAQs for HPV Plantar wart removal

How to distinguish a plantar wart?

These are small rounded bumps, although they come in different sizes, are well-defined, and are more common on the heels or, in general, points of the foot that support weight, such as the base of the toes or the front part.

When should you go to the doctor for plantar warts hpv?

The Mediitem specialists advise you to always consult with your trusted doctor, but especially when the following cases occur: if the skin lesion bleeds, is painful or changes appearance, if the wart persists, multiplies, or reappears after treatment, or if you do not sure if it is a plantar wart.

Obviously, also if you have a level of discomfort that prevents you from carrying out your daily tasks normally, if you know that you have a weakened immune system due to taking immunosuppressive medication, poor sensitivity in your feet, or diabetes.

How many types of plantar warts are there?

We find two types: solitary warts (a single wart, which can grow) and mosaic warts (smaller and closer together).

What is a plantar papilloma?

A plantar papilloma, also known as a plantar wart, is a skin bump that develops on the bottom of the foot due to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

These plantar warts are usually small, flesh-colored, or yellowish, with dark spots in the center, and can cause discomfort when walking or when applying pressure to the affected area.

Although they are not usually dangerous, they can be contagious and require treatment to eliminate them, either through medical options such as cryotherapy, salicylic acid, or surgical procedures, or using home remedies with the supervision of a specialist doctor.

How to treat warts on feet?

At Mediitem we insist that a visit to the podiatrist is essential to confirm that it is a plantar wart and thus be able to apply the appropriate treatment, the objective of which is always to penetrate until this type of lesion is completely dried.

Let’s see what the different HPV Plantar wart removal and treatments are to cure foot warts:

*Vesicant (cantharidin) or cytostatic (bleomycin) treatments: they are very effective, but much more aggressive for our skin health. In these cases, stricter treatments are needed because it can cause a small ulcer on the skin.

*Chemical treatments: foot warts are “burned off” by applying certain concentrations of acids for a stipulated time. Afterward, the doctor will carry out the necessary cures.

*Laser treatments: plantar warts are “burned” thermally thanks to the action of a laser and its different wavelengths. As in the previous foot wart treatments, the specialist will carry out the appropriate cures.

*Surgery: in the most extreme cases and when previous treatments have not given the expected results, it is possible to resort to surgery, although it is not common.

*Over-the-counter medications, that is, without a prescription, such as Mediitem Wart Plaster Wart dressings. Unlike other treatments, it is very simple and safe, suitable for the whole family (except for children under 6 years of age and pregnant women), and effective in eradicating foot warts. It is a painless solution, based on the application of dressings with salicylic acid that cover the wart, eliminating it and reducing its spread.

What is foot papillom or Plantar warts hpv?

Foot papillomas or plantar warts are responsible for generating lesions in the epidermis of the feet. Its appearance can resemble that of calluses, although its tone is darker. These bumps tend to arise after coming into contact, directly or indirectly, with individuals who already have them.

How does papillomone get stuck on the foot?

Papilloma on the foot is spread from one foot to the other and between people, if there is direct contact. If the foot with the virus touches a healthy foot with small wounds and moisture, it is likely to cause plantar warts. Places most at risk include showers, locker rooms, gyms, and pool areas, where there is a lot of foot traffic and barefoot walking.

Summary of the plantar wart removal

Plantar wart are viral infections, the causative virus is the human papillomavirus. There are many variants, which can affect different places such as the hands, feet, genitals… Clinically, they are well distinguished because you can see small black dots, they are capillaries that cause bleeding when they delaminate. Other warts can be chronic and can lodge under calluses.

They have an incubation period of 1 to 6 months and may be asymptomatic or not. They can cause pain when standing if they grow inward due to pressure on the sole, therefore they are internal injuries.

Sometimes they can be exophytic, with outward growth in a non-pressure area, and can develop due to a weakened immune system, alterations in the integrity of the skin, as well as heat, humidity, hygiene, lack of drying, poorly breathable footwear, and public lands. They are located in the first two layers of the skin, epidermis and dermis.

Read more: Homeopathic medicine

Multiple HPV Plantar wart removal

Among them, we find treatments that consist of cauterizing the injury until it causes a wound that must then be healed.

They are generally treated in consultation on a weekly basis 1 or 2 times a week with mild or moderate acids. Other stronger ones are vesicants such as cantharidin and bleomycin.

We help with homeopathic, immunomodulatory treatment to activate defenses in some cases.

Even laser and surgery under an anesthetic block depending on location can be performed in an ultrasound-guided manner.

Each treatment will be focused according to the patient’s age, activity, and type of wart.

The types of warts that we can see in consultation can be located on the dorsum of the foot, sole of the foot, fingers, interdigital, periungual, and subungual (under the nails) and can be single, multiple, and mosaic, the latter being the most resistant. treat.

Removal: Contagion is easy, both in the shower tray at home, as well as on public floors, and towels, so we recommend not walking barefoot and disinfecting surfaces well with bleach. Control sweating, since they grow faster under these conditions, as well as hygiene. Take care of the integrity of the skin, such as peeling and fissures, and discard files and instruments that have touched the lesion to prevent its spread.

We must also take into account self-infection, if we touch the wart we can spread it to another part of the body.

A person who has had contact with the virus is more susceptible to infecting it again. Each person reacts differently to the same contact with the virus. Not everyone who has been in contact with the virus will develop a plantar wart.

Recommended Product Link

1) Salicylic Gel Chemical Peel – Enhanced with Green


3) Wart Remover Alternative – Natural

4) Boiron Thuja Occidentalis 6C

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