What is Homeopathic, hundred of year old form of treatment that was taught? Yes used before the development of medicine and they are based on Hippocrates, who influenced as early as 400 BC, and even before him, the ancient Egyptians knew the basics of homeopathic thinking.

Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, developed two healing methods. One is based on antagonists, the other on substances that act in the same way.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the German researcher Samuel Hahnemann was the first to develop a theory about quinine, which was then used in the treatment of malaria. Hahnemann tried quinine in his various experiments and to his surprise found that he was getting symptoms of malaria even though he did not have malaria.

He wrote: “If a medicine is given to a healthy person causing certain symptoms describing the disease, this medicine will cure the sick person who has these symptoms”. In other words, Homeo works on this principle, we treat the same at the same time. The word Homeopathy means “a similar disease”.

How does homeopathy work

Before choosing medicines, it is necessary to remember how Homeopathy works. Backgrounds need to be clarified. something happened in the circumstances (child in the family, move, another dog, etc.) are there physical injuries, scares, etc? This information is needed as accurately as possible so that comprehensive homeopathic treatment can be effectively given.

Homeopathy is based on the body’s functioning. The treatment supports different areas of the body and gives the body “snacks” to organize defense and resistance. This means a nutritional balance that takes into account the individual’s special needs. When the body has enough nutrients at its disposal, success in the treatment becomes easier.

The homeopathic remedy then stimulates the functioning immune system so that it can begin the healing process against the disease. For this healing process to be successful, those from homeopathy play a crucial role. Medicines are chosen according to the symptoms. If the selected drug does not help, you should try another drug selected based on the list of symptoms. The basic rule must always be remembered: only one medicine at a time.

What is homeopathic remedies?

Hahnemann realized that it caused the same symptoms as malaria but at a lower level. This led him to think that small amounts of those substances that produced certain symptoms could cure diseases with similar symptoms. Consequently, he established the two basic principles of homeopathy.

(a) Patients with certain symptoms can be helped by remedies that produce the same symptoms in healthy individuals (like cures like).

(b) Homeopathic remedies retain their properties through a series of repeated dilutions that increase their potency.

Homeopathic doctors treat people with remedies that follow these two principles. After a consultation with the patients, in which their symptoms are investigated, medication is prescribed. This medication, which usually takes the name of remedies, is based on the two principles mentioned above.

What are the raw materials of homeopathic medicine?

The substances used to prepare them can be medical plants, such as aconitum or belladonna, which are poisonous plants, or dandelions; minerals, such as iron phosphate or arsenic oxide; or animal products, such as the venom of some snakes.

The idea is that these substances that produce certain symptoms can cure diseases that have the same symptoms. This idea led to the creation of the aphorism “like cures like”. These remedies are produced through repeated dissolutions in water or alcohol, in such a way that little of the initial substance remains in the “medicine”.

According to the homeopathy center, when making one of these remedies, the first step is to make a mash or tincture with the required substance. Then this tincture is diluted in water or alcohol and shaken vigorously. This means, for example, mixing one drop of the mash with 99% water, and then shaking it off (this is called succussion). This process is repeated several times, since, by the second principle, this should increase the potency of the remedy.

what is homeopathic medicine dosage?

The nature and several factors of Patients are kept in mind while prescribing medicines. Those include health conditions, age, characteristics, and lifestyle. different physicians prescribe medicines in different dosages. 

As most, homeo medicines have several indications ( Such as different treatments for different symptoms ) one medicine (Homeopath) might be used for several diseases. In some cases, they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once a week, month, or even for a longer period. The medicines must be taken as per the physician’s advice and not be treated personally.

Differences between homeopathic and allopathic treatment

These differences arise in part from what has been said above. Allopathic treatment tries, using drugs of chemical action and to a greater or lesser extent toxic, to “suppress” the symptoms and pathological manifestations using the so-called Principle of Opposites. Hence, for example, the use of laxatives in constipation and antidiarrheals in diarrhea.

For this reason, it fails in the treatment of most chronic conditions, in which relief or palliation is only achieved during the duration of treatment. On the contrary, homeopathic treatment does not seek to suppress pathological manifestations but rather has the purpose of stimulating the immune reaction and spontaneous healing. Hence, homeopathic treatment is truly natural and is truly effective in curing acute and chronic illnesses and not just relieving them.

When the disease is incurable, homeopathic treatment is also capable of relieving the patient but in a milder and somewhat healthier way. Another great difference between allopathic and homeopathic treatment lies in the fact that the former, by its nature, tends to fragment the sick individual into organs and systems, not taking into consideration the whole and especially the sick person because, in said therapeutic form, the choice of drug is based almost exclusively on clinical diagnosis. This determines that the patient often does not feel cared for and fully understood.

Although the old aphorism “there are no diseases but sick” is partial, reality shows that the same disease occurs in different subjects in various ways according to their characteristics and their physical and mental constitution.

It is also well known that deep conflicts or emotionally traumatic situations are capable of triggering illnesses, often serious and incurable. The investigation of all the individual characteristics of the pathological manifestations of all the features of the constitution and personality of the patient and the possible emotional triggers of his current illness form part of the essence of the homeopathic method.

It is the set of all this information that ultimately determines the choice of a drug. Yes, The result of this is that the patient is cared for and fully understood. In addition, homeopathic treatment, by stimulating a general healing reaction and restoring the subject’s balance, not only produces relief from specific pathological manifestations but also promotes a subjective sensation of well-being and is even capable of resolving sometimes profound emotional disturbances such as depression, children’s anxiety or fears and behavioral disorders.

What are homeopathic medicines types?

Medicines made from a single substance, called unitaries, have on their label the identifiable Latin name of the original substance from which they were prepared and the specification of the dilution. These names are universal and generic. They are not accompanied by a leaflet explaining what they are used for.

This is because the same medicine can be indicated in very diverse pathologies or situations and, in turn, each illness can be treated with different medicines, depending on how it presents itself in the patient and what the patient’s characteristics are.

The situation of the so-called compounds (or complexes ) is different, products that combine several homeopathic medicines with a specific therapeutic objective and that sometimes have fancy names. There are several presentations. You can have presentations such as tablets, and ovules, which are ingested orally. Some examples of these tablets are uranium nitricum 3x pills, subtle pills, hadron, and others. They can also come in homeopathic drop presentations.

This provides greater ease when taking them since the drops can be diluted in water or some liquid. Some examples are immune forte drops, nux drops, helped drops, and hepatoma among others. Another type of medicine is syrup. It works perfectly just like the other types of oral medicine. The crushed ones are also part of these medicines.

However, some medicines are not oral. Creams are a clear example of these medications. These are treated in allopathic medicine and work excellently.

List of diseases treated in homeopathy

Psoriasis, Heartburn, psychosis, juvenile acne, physical and nervous exhaustion, syphilis, alcoholism, Spring allergy, fever, rhinitis, Piles, Alopecia, hair loss, baldness, swollen tonsils, Anxiety, and depression,  eating and digestive disorders, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, asthma, autism, dental abscesses, Abscesses, boils, pus-filled rashes, 

Bronchitis, Bulimia, Kidney stones, yeast infection, dandruff, cold, headache, migraine, cellulitis, sciatica, negative thinking, Circulation, poor circulation, varicose veins, tired legs Cystitis, Intestinal colic, in infants, babies, and children, Conjunctivitis, Diabetes, Headache, migraine, hemicrania, infant diarrhea, abdominal pain, menstrual pain, muscle pain, back pain, Constipation, 

Stress, eczema, Lack of milk during lactation, physical and mental fatigue, fibromyalgia, intestinal gas, Gastroenteritis, digestive disorders, Pregnancy, common disorders, Cracked nipples during breastfeeding, Flu, Halitosis, bad breath, Hemorrhoids, Herpes labialis, hyperactivity,  hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating,, high blood pressure, impotence, erectile dysfunction, Sexual inappetence in women, Insomnia, Food poisoning, Irritability, moodiness, lactation, usual disorders, lactation, lack of milk, Peyronie’s disease, Laryngitis, low back pain, Bad breath, halitosis, Bad smell, smelly (sweat, body odor), Mastitis, Menopause, common disorders

Fears (darkness, animals, water, death, disease, etc.)Birth, preparation for childbirth, Nymphomania, Children, behavioral disorders, Eyes, irritation, and itching, dry eye syndrome, foul body odor, Onychophagia, nail-biting, Otitis, Insect bites, itching, pruritus, Lice, Pyorrhea, periodontitis, Prostate, inflammation, prostatitis, female sexuality disorders, Dry Eye Syndrome, Sinusitis, Excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis

Foul-smelling sweats, bromhidrosis, Milk suppression during lactation, stuttering, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD, nervous tics, Thyroid, Cough, Nails, onychophagia, Urticaria, Old age, memory loss, dizziness, vitiligo, etc. and read more orthopedic, weight loss, GYN, equipment

Top 100 homeopathic remedies

Aconitum NapellusAvena sativa
Arnica montanaAesculus hippo
Argentum nitricumApis mellifica,
Arsenicum albumAntimonium crudum
Agnus CastusAnacardium Orientale
 Alumina.Aloe socotrina
Allium cepaAshwagandha
BoraxBerberis aquifolium
Bufo RanaBryonia alba
Blatta orientalisBerberis vulgaris
BelladonnaBaryta muriaticum
Berberis aquifoliumCarbo vegetabilis
Calcarea fluoricaCondurango
Conium maculatumCollinsonia canadensis
Colchicum autumnaleCocculus indicus
Cina.Calcarea carbonica
China officinalisChelidonium majus
ChamomillaCalcarea sulphurica
CausticumCardus marianus
Calendula officinaliCalcarea phosphoricum
DulcamaraEuphrasia Officinalis
Echinacea angustifoliaGraphite
GlonoinHamamelis virginica
kali muriaticumHydrastis canadensis
Hepar sulphuris Ipecacuanha
Ferrum phosIgnatia amara
Janosia ashokaJusticia adhatoda
Kali phosphoricumkali bichromicum
KreosotumKali sulphuricum
MezereumMercurius solubilis
Mercurius corrosivusMedorrhinum
Magnesium phosNux vomica
Natrum sulphuricumNatrum phos
Natrum muriaticumPulsatilla nigricans
PsorinumPlantago major,
Passiflora incarnataRuta graveolens
Nuphar luteumRobinia
Rhus toxicodendronRauwolfia
Syzygium jambolanumSyphilinum
Silicea Sepia
Secale cornutumSabina,
Sabal serrulataTuberculinum
ThyroidinumThuja occidentalis
Teucrium marum vTerminalia arjuna
 Urtica urensUranium nitricum.

Homeopathy side effects

Homeo medicines lack side effects because the amount of substance they have is low enough that this is not possible. This allows its safe administration at all ages of life from birth and during pregnancy. To ensure this absence of toxicity, the Homeopathic Medicinal Products Working Group, part of the network of European drug agencies, establishes the minimum dilutions that are safe for human use.

What are homeopathic advantages and disadvantages? 

This alternative to traditional medicine is based on the “like cures like” principle, which means that a disease can be cured with a low dose of substances that produce similar symptoms. The advantages of homeopathy are often questioned, but although some distrust its effectiveness, it is very effective. Here are the points for and against this practice, a list that can serve as a guide to know if it suits your needs.

Negative sides of homeopathic medicine

The right homeopathic medicine can take time since there is no single remedy for a given condition and the time to find it will be longer than in traditional medicine. For example, for some pain, a homeopathic doctor analyzes the reason why it occurs and what kinds of factors make it worse.

*Although there are many homeopathic doctors, only a few are experts in the field and research is scant. Although this is becoming less and less.

*Homeopathic medicines are more accessible compared to conventional ones, the drawback is that they are not covered by insurance.

*It is possible that we go to our trusted pharmacy and they do not have the homeopathic medicine we need available. This is one of the great disadvantages, although it must also be added that it is a minimal problem since in most pharmacies you can request it from your usual distributor and have it on the same day or in a very short period. If its use is not very common, it may be somewhat more complicated to obtain it.

*An important aspect that must be considered is that it is not recommended to use homeopathic medicine to treat diseases such as TB, heart disease, cancer, or important or emergency infections. A curious fact is that homeopathy has been used in a notorious way in England, India, and in other countries of the European continent.

The positive side of homeopathic medicine

*The treatments and medicines applied in homeopathy are holistic since they also treat the mind.

*it’s safe:-There are no side effects. It is so safe that even pregnant women and babies can take it. This is because homeopathic remedies are prepared only with natural substances.

* It helps the human body to stimulate its natural homeo defense system since the main objective of the drug is to help the body treat the symptoms of diseases. Therefore the body improves its ability to heal.

*Once you have improved, you can stop taking the medication. If you do not feel any improvement, you are probably not taking the right remedy.

*The interest in studying and learning about homeopathy is increasing among doctors, pharmacists, and veterinarians. In the case of veterinarians, it has been shown that homeopathy is also effective in animals.

*Immune system: This is one of the great advantages of homeopathy since most of the medicines that are consumed regularly suppress the immune system. For example, when you take cough medicine, what you are doing is suppressing your cough reflex, which is what your body uses to clean your lungs.

*Easy to take:- The granules dissolve easily in the mouth and do not need to be taken with water. Most medications are available as small tablets, powders, or sweet drops.

*His action is effective. It is effective in curing various diseases.

*Security:- The first advantage that can be recognized of homeopathy is that it is 100% safe since it does not cause any type of side effect. In fact, babies and pregnant women can take these types of remedies without fear of harming their health.

*Many of the people who have followed homeopathic treatments perceive an improvement not only in their physical health but also in their mental and emotional health.

*What is the homeopathic origin, medicines have a natural, animal, or chemical product origin, but like any other drug, they are for sale only and exclusively in pharmacies. They can be consumed exclusively, within a homeopathic treatment; or jointly, with other types of drugs or therapies.

*Its use is widespread. Homeopathic products are used in all continents and countries of the world, which is why there are different international organizations related to homeopathy.

*Homoeo treatments are considered non-invasive, so they do not alter the natural homeo processes of the human body. They do not affect the digestive system as is often the case with some traditional drug treatments and do not cause allergies.

*The treatments are personalized, and the specialists are based on the symptoms of each person and not on the disease itself.

*All types of patients regardless of their age, state, or condition can be treated by homeopathy. This includes infants, children, the elderly, or the chronically ill.

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