Top homeopathic books materia medical such as

*Samuel hahnemann = materia medica pura.

*Hering’s repertory of guiding symptoms of our ( mm)

*Dr.Carroll Dunham = (1828-1877)

* Dr. William boericke = (hmm) pocket manual.

*James Tyler kent =(Lectures on homeopathic materia medica)

*Allen’s =   Keynotes rearranged and classified with nosodes)

* John Henry Clarke = (A Dictionary of Practical mm ) 

* (Cyrus Maxwell Boger)= A synoptic key

* E A Farrington = lectures on clinical mm in family order.

* E. B. Nash = Leaders In H.Therapeutics.

* Adolph Lippe = Textbook of mm

*Portable Edition Dan Bensky = Chinese herbal medicine materia Medica.

*Schuessler = the twelve tissue remedies

*Homoeopathic Medicine

*Organon of the medical art

*Homoeopathic Drug Pictures

*A Practical Guide To Vibrational Medicine

*Repertory Of The Homeopathic materia medica And A Word Index

*The Patient’s Guide To homeopathic medicine

*The complete book of homeopathy

* Everybody’s Guide To homeopathic medicines

*Healing complex children with homeopathy

*Impossible cure

*The family homeopath

*The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

*Medicine moms

*The Homeopathic treatment of children

*Homeopathic medicine at home

*Homeopathic psychology

*Facial diagnosis of cell salt deficiencies

*Freedom from infectious disease

*Homeopathic care for cats and dogs

Best homeopathy anatomy book

  • best veterinary anatomy book
  • best human anatomy book


  • In the practice of veterinary medicine, homeopathy is becoming increasingly important due to the absence of residues in meat or milk, and the permissiveness of its use in organic farms where the use of conventional drugs is not allowed.
  • If you are interested in acquiring books on veterinary homeopathy,  

Types of homeopathic books materia medica

The best types of homeopathic books materia medica important since allopathic medicine or conventional medicine can greatly benefit from the use of homeopathy, in treatments, both in its use as a complement, and in its use as an exclusive treatment. It would be a great advance for health if no professional closed the door to homeopathy,

since there would be a much broader spectrum of possibilities to help heal using methods that are completely harmless to the organism, which is allowed to heal itself.

Main 2 type of Materia medicas

  • (1)Unmodified mm
  • *directly drug prover materia medica writer -Hahnemann, Hering, Clarks,

(2) Modified mm such as:

  • *indirectly drug prover. Such as materia medica: Clinical therapeutic, pharmaco dynamic type, comparative, combined, Picture method, psychoanalysis, etc.

Materia medica pura by samuel hahnemann

Materia medica pura by samuel hahnemann
Materia medica pura by samuel hahnemann

Start Hahnemann’s homeopathic books materia medica:- Working as a chemist and translator of scientific books, he came into contact with a text of the time where the use of cinchona bark (quinine) for the treatment of malaria was discussed. The author insisted that it was the markedly bitter taste of quinine that helped in the treatment.

Dr. Samuel, always skeptical, showed that with even more bitter substances no results were obtained, in addition, the ingestion of quinine in healthy individuals reproduced the same symptoms suffered by malaria patients.

Therefore, he established the first homeopathic treatment of it: if quinine is capable of curing malaria, it was because if it was administered to healthy individuals, it was capable of reproducing the same symptoms. After this first step, he tested compounds and noted their effects on healthy organisms, to later apply them to patients who presented these symptoms, achieving a cure.

In his professional career, he reached 100 elements. His disciples continued this work and tested more than 2000 substances that were collected in the so-called Materia Medica; In addition, the increasing number of his followers took this new medical science to the whole world where it has been finding more and more followers.

Hahnemann history of homeopathic books materia medica

Although the first known approach to the concept of homeopathy comes from the Hippocratic era in ancient Greece, it was not until the 18th century that it was truly born as a medical science.

Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann (1755-1843) was born in the middle. He studied and practiced medicine at a time when the disease was thought to be linked to the amount of one of the “bodily humors.” His restless and scientific spirit rebelled against thinking that bloodletting would lead to the cure of the patient.

Bleeding was practiced until no more blood flowed, this practice was also accompanied by the application of purgatives and emetics, which left the individual completely dehydrated. The use of poisons such as Mercury and Arsenic, so commonly used at the time, intoxicated patients with high risk to their lives.

Hahnemann was a man with a privileged mind, he was a doctor, chemist, and pharmacist, he also spoke 5 languages; with this scientific background he questioned all the principles of contemporary medicine, creating a current of professionals who opposed conventional medical practices,

such was his opposition that he abandoned the practice of medicine and worked as a chemist and translator of scientific texts, It was this activity that precisely led to the development of the beginning of homeopathic science. Hahnemann died at the age of 88, in Paris, on July 2, 1843. His studies were quickly disseminated and served as an inspiration for new generations of clinicians.

Hahnemann and his disciples developed 100 healing substances. Today there are about 3,000 of them. Over the years, homeopathic methods have evolved a lot, but their basic principles, unveiled by Hahnemann, persist after more than two centuries.

Hering repertory of homeopathic books

Hering repertory of  homeopathic books
Hering repertory of homeopathic books

Hering repertory of homeopathic books Dr. Hering (1800-1880) = “Father of Homeopathy” in  America.His conversion to homeopathy is very interesting, at the age of 17, he entered.

He wrote many articles, monographs, and books. He was editor-in-chief of ‘The North American Homoeopathic Journal, ‘The Homeopathic News’, ‘The American Journal of Homoeo M M’ and the Journal of the Allentown Academy. It is in the realm of pure experimentation that Hering’s effort shines at its best.

Nash and others have pointed out that if Hering had done nothing more for medicine than the pathogenesis of Lachesis, the world would owe him an eternal debt of gratitude, it alone would have immortalized him.

At this time, Hahnemann was a nuisance to the stalwarts of orthodox medicine, because the ‘Organon of the Art of Healing’ was a challenge for your system of medicine. Dr. Robbi was a critic of Hahnemann, and like that other doctors ridiculed homeopathy and Hahnemann.

Baumgartner, the founder of a publishing house in Leipzig, wanted a book written against homeopathy, a book is written that would end the system. Robbi was asked to write it, but he turned it down for lack of time and recommended his young assistant Hering who began the work and nearly finished it in the winter of 1822.

But in reviewing Hahnemann’s works for citations, he came across the famous ‘nota bene for my reviewers’ in the preface to the third volume of ‘Materia Medica Pura’, which read among things, the doctrine confirmed at every step’, doing what no medical doctrine, no physical system, no so-called therapies did or could do, Hahnemann insisted on being judged by the result.”

Hering decided to accept the challenge, the first step was to repeat the Cinchona officinalis experiment and the result was what Hahnemann had predicted, Hering began to see the truth in homeopathy. A later study of the homeopathic ‘Materia Medica’ convinced him of Hahnemann’s conclusions. The book against homeopathy never saw the light of day.

In the winter of 1824, Hering severed his right index finger while dissecting a cadaver. The wound quickly became gangrenous, in those days such wounds were mostly fatal. Orthodox routine medications had no effect. Fortunately for Hering and for homeopathy, a disciple of Hahnemann named Kummer persuaded him to receive homeopathic treatment and administered the Arsenicum album.

After a few doses, he felt better and the gangrene was completely cured. Hering was surprised and his interest in homeopathy had no limits, so he contacted Hahnemann to receive his teachings. He received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Wuerzburg with the highest honors. The topic of his thesis was “De Medicine Future” (The medicine of the future).

He arrived in Philadelphia in January 1833. He established a homeopathic school in Allentown, Pennsylvania (Allentown Academy). He became a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences which introduced him to his large and valuable zoological collections, including the original Lachesis mutus from South America, the snake with whose venom he had first performed Lachesis experiments.

He enunciated the “Law of Direction of Healing” popularly known as Hering’s Law. This describes how “The cure is carried out, from the center to the periphery, from the head to the extremities, and in the reverse order of the development of symptoms.” Thus, Hering picked up the work left behind by his teacher, Hahnemann, and upheld the banner of homeopathy until the last breath of his life.

Dr. Hering experimented with 72 medicines, of which the following are the most important: Apis, Cantharis,  Iodum, Colchicum, Mezereum, Sabina, Psorinum, Nux moschata, Sabadilla, Crotalus,  Hydrophobinum, Phytolacca, Platina, Glonoinum, Gelsemium, Kalmia, Ferrum-met, Fluoric Acidum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Lachesis etc.

Carroll Dunham homeopathic books

*Dr. Carroll Dunham = (1828-1877) H.pathy the Science of Therapeutics Dr. Dunham graduated from Columbia University with honors in 1847. He was a prolific writer. For twenty-five years, he regularly contributed articles.

His works include ‘Lectures on Materia Medica and ‘Homeopathy-Science of Therapeutics. Whatever subject he touched on, he treated it to the best of his ability and revealed his deep understanding of the fundamental principles of homeopathy.

The old-school specialists gave up, but once again homeopathy saved him. His friend Dr. Hering prescribed Lithium carbonicum. and he healed him. He then set out to organize the “World Homoeopathic Convention”, which had been his dream for many years. The convention was a resounding success, but it sold him out. He went to bed in December 1876 and died on February 18, 1877, at the age of 49.

William boericke’s homeopathic books

William boericke's homeopathic books
William boericke’s homeopathic books

William boericke homeopathic books materia medica (1849-1929) William Boericke, homeopathy, healing, health, doctor’s office, homeopathy office, homeopathy consultations, homeopathic treatment, immunity, vitality.

William Boericke is a reference name in the American School of Homeopathy, but his contribution to this field is not limited to the area where he lived and practiced homeopathy. His reputation and work are known throughout the world. In 1876 he finished his studies at the Medical College of Philadelphia and in 1880 he graduated from Hahnemann College (from the same city). In 1882 he returned to San Francisco where he practiced homeopathy for almost 50 years.

*As the founding editor of the magazine “The California Homeopath” which appeared in 1882, he collaborated with Willis Alonzo Dewey, Charles Lewis Tisdale, and Hugo Emil Rudolph Arndt. The magazine was printed until 1940. He was a co-founder of the “Pacific Homeopathic Medical College” and the “Hahnemann Hospital” in 1881.

He was a founding member of the “Hahnemann Medical College” in San Francisco in 1883; later the college was incorporated into the “University of California San Francisco” (UCSF). Boericke became the first professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, a position he held for 30 years, first at it and then at UCSF. Homeopathy was taught at UCSF until 1939.

In 1888, together with Willis Alonzo Dewey, he published the work “The 12 Schuessler Tissue Salts”. In 1901 he published “Materia Medica Boericke ”, and his brother, Oscar Eugene (himself a homeopath), added the repertory part to the book in 1906. Over time, the book became a classic work in homeopathy, present on the desk of any homeopath, a concise guide but explicitly for hundreds of remedies.

In the years 1880-1920, Boericke was one of the most appreciated doctors in San Francisco. Patients from all over the world turn to his expertise in the field of homeopathy. He passed away in 1929 on April 1 at the venerable age of 80 following a myocardial infarction. Two months later his house burns down but all his homeopathy books survive the fire.

Thus, his legacy in homeopathy was transmitted unaltered throughout the generations and W. Boericke remains a classic in the world of authors and practitioners in the field of homeopathy.

In 1922 he published the translation of the Organon of Medicine, the 6th edition written by Hahnemann, which remained unknown until 1921 when it was published by Richard Haehl. Boericke’s English and German versions are based on Hahnemann’s original manuscript.

James tyler kent homeopathic books

James Tyler kent homeopathic books
James Tyler kent homeopathic books

James Tyler Kent doctor was born in Woodhull, New York, on 31/03/1849. He was a man of integrity, austere, sincere, with a great capacity for work.

*From 1900 until his death, which occurred on June 6, 1916, Kent continued to teach, leaving the third edition of his Repertoire in the manuscript.

*In 1868 he graduated from Madison University with a Bachelor of Philosophy degree. In 1870, at the age of 21, he obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree from Bellevue College of Medicine.

*He was appointed in 1877 Professor of Anatomy. Later, his conversion to Homeopathy takes place as a result of the cure of his second wife’s ailments, by a practical homeopath. Lucy became ill with symptoms of “nervous weakness, insomnia, and anemia”. Kent’s medicine could do nothing, and his condition worsened from day to day, with the confinement to bed. At his behest, and somewhat without his consent and with opposition from Kent, a homeopathic physician, Richard Phelan, spectacularly restored him to health. Then, Kent’s conversion to Homeopathy took place, starting by meticulously studying Hahnemann’s organon.

*In 1882, he was appointed professor of surgery at the Missouri Homeopathic Medical College in São Luís, and from 1883 to 1888, professor of materia medica.

*Beginning in 1888 and for 11 years, he taught Repertoire Analysis and Homeopathic theory and tactics at the Philadelphia post-graduate School of homeopathy.

*we highlight the following works by Kent: Kent’s repertory is still a reference work today, and it can be said that it forms the basis of all or almost all current works. Repertory of the homeopath materia medica (1877) – this repertoire was initially compiled for Kent’s personal use. It was corrected and revised until 1961, either by his widow or by some of his disciples and followers;

What the doctor needs to know to make a successful prescription (1900); Lectures on homeopathic philosophy (1900); Lectures on homoeo materia medica (1904) – notes from his courses, structured in Hering’s “guiding symptoms of our materia medica”.

Homeopathy books summary

Homeopathy is a very old science that treats the cure of sick organisms by stimulating their organic defenses against those causing their illness. Elements are administered at a very low concentration (infinitesimal) that under normal conditions would produce the same symptoms in the healthy individual that their illness is producing.

It is very similar to the action of a vaccine but with curative effects, not preventive. -The naturalistic basis of medieval medicine and pharmacy has its geographical reason in the Mediterranean basin, a field of research in which John M. Riddle has excelled, to whom the bundled essays in the header book are dedicated. A field is full of prejudices that still endure.

In the ancient world as well as in the medieval world, much of the international trade was devoted to medicinal substances. According to some, the fall of the Roman Empire had to do with the trade imbalance between imports from the East and the meager exports from the West.

The reason for Columbus’ voyages was trade with the East, with the spice islands, synonymous with pharmaceuticals. Drugs prescribed before the advent of chemistry were assumed to be either placebos or merely random in their healing function. In no more than twenty, Harry F.

Dowling encrypted effective drugs until the modern era. In a process of inverse comparison, Riddle began with drugs of natural origin, derived from resins and combinations of resins in use today, some 18 named in the Pharmacognosy of Tyler, Brady, and Robbers. 

**All those now mined in the Mediterranean basin also appeared in the Corpus Hippocraticum and similar writings from the same period. The same could be said of plant alkaloids. Of the 34 found in the modern guide, all those derived from Mediterranean plants were found in plants collected by authors of classical antiquity.

Let us cite, for example, laxatives: Hippocratic physicians used two species of Cassia (marketed at the same time as Senokol, Laxagel, and Per Diem), rhubarb (sold as Grandel’s Liver and Gallbladder Tablets), aloe, flax, psyllium, castor, and so on. It is not surprising, then, that efforts to recover plants from the classical pharmacopeias have intensified after their therapeutic efficacy was certified.

A paradigmatic case is that of the hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L), celebrated a few years ago for its recently discovered properties against depression. St John’s wort has been a part of Western materia medica for millennia. It was collected by Dioscórides, Plinio, and Pablo de Aegina, to which the medieval and Renaissance herbariums were added.

It was recommended for a wide range of medical problems: internally, to induce urination and menstruation, to lower tertian and quartan fevers, to relieve sciatic pain and expel bilious humor; externally, to heal wounds and burns.

It was also attributed to abortifacient properties. In the Middle Ages, it was known as a fugue daemon, which already suggested its function against melancholy. St. John’s wort, as it is also called, grows throughout Europe and was introduced to America.

*Alexandria, where he learned the common doctrine of Hippocratism and the Aristotelian notions of opposites. Pharmacology was an important section of medical education in Alexandria, which governed the Ptolemaic court.

Pharmaceutical preparations that could be applied to soldiers and gladiators, remedies compiled in the cephalon, a drug record, and plasters for skull fractures and broken bones were procured. Philo’s cephalon included the expected ingredients (beeswax, myrrh, frankincense, Eritrean earth, gummy Aristolochia exudate, alum, rose oil, olive oil, etc). Galen wrote that the compound of Philotas was good for wounds that were stubborn or difficult to treat and heal. Philotas also composed recipes in verse.

His cosmetic dermatology mirrored Cleopatra’s ointments and powders. To the court of Cleopatra also belonged Dioscorides “Facts”, a late member of the sect of Herophilus and the author of 24 books on medical matters. With the development of cities, many simple vegetables (pharmaceuticals), recognized and perfectly identified by a peasant society, ceased to be accessible.

Then a literary genre of extraordinary success proliferated in the Middle Ages: the «quid pro quo»; That was the name given to the lists of substitution of some drugs for others that were supposed to have the same healing virtues.

They came up against a common error, potentially dangerous: mistaking a plant for the shape of its leaves or other morphological similarities. They were also called substitutes and even synonyms. Examples of accepted substitutions included, among thousands, artemisia for oregano and St John’s wort for stinking fennel.

*Medical knowledge, scientific in general, was reduced to classical remains that had been preserved in monasteries. In sixth-century Ostrogothic Italy, the activity of Cassiodorus stood out.

In Ravenna, the capital, translations, and Latin reworkings of classic Greek works, including Hippocratic medical texts, Galen and Oribasius, were made with very little resonance. The company did not catch on. Cassiodorus, in his retirement, founded a monastic school, endowed with a good library. He recommended the adaptation of Dioscorides’s treatise on homeopathic books Materia Medica.

*In the north, the Anglo-Saxon glossaries did not have it easy when they were faced with Latin names of medicinal plants that were of Mediterranean origin, not British, and that had not yet been introduced into native medicine.

His sources were the Pseudo-Apuleius and other herbaria of Late Antiquity. The problem was aggravated when the translator came across the name of a plant for the first time without a context that would facilitate its identification.

Despite everything, the Anglo-Saxons translated the Latin and Greek names of the simple ones with an efficiency that lasted for centuries. Let’s look at the Old English Herbarium, written towards the end of the 10th century. Let’s quote the term electric.

What was he referring to? Traditionally it was considered to be the lupine. However, a more rigorous analysis has called it into question and it seems more appropriate to associate it with plants with tuberous roots or rounded fruits.

Now, although our knowledge of medical practice in Anglo-Saxon England is scarce and scattered, it does not mean that its texts were mixed with superstitions and magical practices; they sought to give it a rational basis.

*The first medieval Latin book that dealt with the behavior of simple medicines according to the doctrine of the four fundamental qualities and the four humors was the Liber Gradual,

Which consisted of a prologue followed by a catalog of remedies (the simple ones) with explanatory annotations. of its qualities or degrees, that is, whether the substance was hot in the first degree, moist in the third degree, and so on. The ancients established that the complexion of every medicinal simple consisted of dominant qualities that could be measured on a scale of four degrees.

Each grade was divided into three sections: beginning, middle, and end. When we say that something is hot to a certain degree, we must interpret it in comparison with the complexion of the organism. The authorship of the Liber gradual is attributed to Constantine the African, the quintessential European intellectual figure of the 11th century.

He brought rationality to Europe through his translations of Greek and Arabic medical works into Latin, compiled classical treatises, and wrote original texts. Initially, the Liber gradually constituted the applied part of Constantine’s Pantani, an obligatory manual in academic training.

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